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November 22, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-22

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f1e41 CRTh( @(y.D (Thn Ls S N I' q AIIt U Y Y31 EA O
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning exceptMonday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
r ghtsof republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subnriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4,00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertsing Service, inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell.
Editorial Director . .Albert P. May1o
City Editor .' Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor .Robert I. Fitzhenry
- Associate Editor . - S. R. Kleiman
Associate Editor . . . . Robert Perlnman
Associate Editor Earl Gilman
Associate Editor William Elvin
Associate Editor Joseph Freedman
Book Editor . - Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . . . . . Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editorud . Bu Benjamin
Business Department


Business Manager -
Credit Manager
Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager

. . Philip W. Buchen
Leonard P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
. . -Helen Jean Dean
. . Marian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The New CIO
And Labor Unity..
T HURSDAY the Committee on Indus-
trial Organization became officially
tlle Congress of Industrial Organizations. The
change was not only in name. It meant that the
0IO had outgrown its position as a temporary
committee to become a permanent organization
of industrial unions.
It meant, in addition, several other things.
(1) That the principle of Industrial Union-
ism would not be comprised for unity of the
labor movement.
(2) That the AFL would have to meet the
CIO as an equal, aid that unity would have
to be more in the nature of a merger than of a
prodigal's return.
(3) That the CIO would henceforth be, if
it had not been in the past, a democratic body,
whose chief, John L. Lewis, was its duly elected
president responsible to an Eexcutive Board
truly representative of the rank-and-file of the
The move definitely has frozen the split in
labor's ranks temporarily, but we do not think it
will perpetuate that split. Movements in both
the CIO aid the AFL have become increasingly
more forceful in their demand for labor unity,
and third parties have extended themselves in
attempts to bring the two factions in agreenent,
attempts which as they are repeated must have
ultimately strong effects.
Truculent William Green, president of the
.AFL has become milder and milder in his vitu-
peration of the CIO, and this isn't, so far as we
can see, a self-initiated broadening of his view-
point so much as a concession to those of the
AFL who like Tobin, head of the Teamsters'
union, arebent on reconciliation with Lewis and
his group. Despite his tirade against the financial
report of the CIO this last week, Green has of
late been more than moderate in tone about the
possibilities of labor peace, though he and pre-
simably everybody else knew that the CIO was!
going to take this latest step.
The CIO counterpart of the Tobin group in
the AFL was until a week ago the International
Ladies Garment Workers Union which has al-
ways maintained that the CIO was only a tem-
porary body with a destiny to fulfill, namely the
organization of industry on the basis of indus-
trial unionism. That duty accomplished, the
ILGWU felt, and rightly so, that the AFL and
CO, should join forces in a solidified and united
group whose very strength would discourage re-
action. Since the breakdown last December of the
joint peace conference comprising representa-
tives from both factions, the ILGWU has worked
unceasingly for unity, even criticizing the CIO
for the failure of the peace negotiations. We do
not know the inner story, if there is any, for the
basis to this charge, but on the surface at least,
Dubinsky's criticism seems much too severe.
The breakdown in December hinged mainly on
the question of whether the AFL should take in
the whole membership of the CIO first and then
work out the jurisdictional problems involved
i4 the twenty dual unions or whether, as the
AFt wished, the jurisdictional problems should
be worked out first and the membership of the
CT then taken in.
The question is important, for it refracts the

is keeping the CIO and AFL from perfect har-
mony are a 'few details of administration, and
consequently theydhave directed their appeals
recently in a strictly impartial manner to both
sides to reconcile their differences. They seem
oblivious to the fact that the one fundamental
basis for reconciliation is the recognition of the
principle of industrial unionism by the AFL.
Never once has the AFL come out explicitly
and said that it accepted this principle. The
nearest the AFL has ever come to such acdept-
ance was at the conference last year when it said
it would agree to the recognition of special indus-
tries? So far as we have been able to see they
were never mentioned.
Under the plan of the AFL, the twelve unions
which left the AFL in 1935 to form the CIO would
have been taken back by the AFL with open
arms. But the industrial unions acting as the CIO
would have been excluded until jurisdictional
conflicts between these new unions and old
AFL unions could have been resolved. From this
last fact, it is probably safe to say that the AFL
would have restricted the principle of indus-
trial organization to the twelve unions which
seceded originally. These unions were for the
most part built on vertical lines, in the first
place, even when they were in the AFL, so it
seems justified to say that the AFL would have
lost nothing by this act.
That was why the AFL refused to take in the
total membership of the CIO until jurisdictional
problems had been worked out. That the new
industrial unions, twenty in number, which had
been organized by the piotestant original twelve
would have been abolished or at least so weak-
ened that their actiVity would be nullified is
fairly certain. Consequently the jurisdictional
problems of twenty dual unions could never have
been worked out, unless the AFL unqualifiedly
accepteid industrial unionism. And this the AFL
never did.
Seen against such a context, Dubinsky's with-
drawal of his powerful union becomes more and
more inexplicable. Intelligent and thoroughly
devoted to the cause of industrial unionism, he
would never have taken such a step unless he
felt that it would help effect unity in the labor
movement. But how it is to do this is beyond us.
Withdrawal movements, if any, should have
come in the AFL, not in the ranks of the CIO.
Until some such pressure is put on the leader-
ship of the AFL to compel it to accept the in-
dustrial unions, there will never be peace with-
in labor's ranks.
-Albert Mayio
Schubert's Sonata
Schubert was, as everyone knows, pre-eminent-
ly a composer of songs. In regard to beauty and
originality as well as number it is the Lieder
which claim the place of first importance in the
catalog of his works. Yet that catalog, it shold
not be forgotten, includes much more than the
six-hundred-odd songs. It also comprises operas,
masses, symphonies, overtures, dances, chamber
music of all sorts, and piano works-representa-
tives of practically every field of composition
open to a composer in Schubert's day, and all
by a young man whose work death ended when
he was but thirty-one.
True, the majority of all but Schubert's very,
latest works in fields other than that of song
show the effect of two strong influences which
exclude them from a supreme position in music
literature. One of these influences was tendency
towards imitation of Haydn, Mozart, Rossini,
and other earlier masters. The other influence
was that of the composer's own passionately
lyrical nature, which overflowed his songs and
affectedhis works in every field that he took up.
Yet it is significant that in the works composed
just before his death-particularly the C major
Symphony, the Mass in E flat, the C majo-
String Quartet, and the three posthumous piano
sonatas-there are signs that seem to indicate
that Schubert was entering upon a new and a
more mature, period of composition. And the ex-
tremely youthful, sunny, "feninine" character
of the early Schubert begins to be replaced by a

more Beethovenish masculinity. Truly, had Schu-
bert lived to fill out his allotted four score and
ten, we might be writing, today that the prepond-
erantly lyrical period of his youth was but a
glorious prelude to even greater things to come.
And in the particular composition which Mr.
Iturbi is to play tonight, the A major Sonata,
Op. 120, there are certainly no especial promises
of future- greatness in the realm of the piano
sonata. The Op. 120 was composed in 1825, three
years before Schubert's death, and is highly
typical of his earlier, more customary style of
piano composition. The work is in three short
movements, aAllegro Moderato, Andante, and
Allegro, all of which are laid out generally ac-
cording to the traditional sonata plan, but with
the little irregularities which resulted from Schu-
bert's eternal efforts at packing his lyrical ideas
into an instrumental mold. The placid Andante,
for instance, is developed melodically out of a
single phrase, flavored here and there with Schu-
bert's harmonic delicacies. The first movement,
too, consists almost wholly of melody and ac-
companiment. In the finale the treatment is a
little more vigorous and definitely pianistic, with
more of the scales and keyboard figures from
which Schubert's own stubby and none too agile
fingers often shied him away. But for the most
part it is Schubert the melodist and harmonist
that claims our attention, and that atones for
the formalist's lack of breadth and sophistica-
--W. J. L.
The Lie Detector
A lie detector was delivered to the St. Louis
police department yesterday and will be used to
assist officials in investigations.
This modern instrument for obtaining the
tr'utfh. tliprhof tli 1_1i-i1.),tl Iil-i t hiMllfhP r~ ilfh

-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON. Nov. 21-More

the business world just now than the identity of
the new Attorney General is the question of how
far he may approve or disapprove of what has
been done previously by the Department of
One program of importance is what has be-
come known as the "consent decree" method,
whereby the Department secures criminal indict-
ments against business men and then, before
there is any trial, permits so-called "voluntary"
plans to be submitted whereby the criminal in-
dictments are quashed in return for agreements
on the part of business men to refrain from do-
ing perfectly lawful things which the Department
considers not to be "in the public interest."
The tendency to take in more territory than
is covered by any law and to usurp the functions
of Congress is illustrated in the statement used
by the Department of Justice immediately after
the consent decrees were filed at South Bend in
the auto finance cases. This press release under-
took to discuss the future of advertising in a way
which was not at all covered in the consent de-
cree itself.
Now the Department of Justice has issued a
letter which, on its face, is a denial of any pur-
pose to restrict advertising, but a careful reading
of the document will disclose that there is no
withdrawal of the pronouncement made in the
press release at South Bend, on Nov. 7.
The matter was revived by a trade magazine
known as "Advertising and Selling," which
sought by letter to get a clarification of Assistant
Attorney General Arnold's press release. In reply,
Mr. Arnold said in part:
"The anti-trust laws do not vest in the De-
partment of Justice any general jurisdiction over
advertising. Nor has the Department any inten-
tion by any means to seek to regulate advertis-
But in the original statement the Department
conceded that the anti-trust laws didn't cover
advertising. Nor was anything said then either
about "seeking to regulate" advertising as such,
What the original statement did sy had refer-
ence to the use of the capital resources of a
company for selling purposes, including adver-
tising. Here was the exact language in the Nov. 7
press release:
"Monopoly is fostered when advertising is used
to put competitors at a disadvantage for the sole
reason that they do not have resources sufficient
to expend equally large sums in advertising par-
ticular products or the services of particular
'Consent Decrees'
The so-called "consent decree" obtained from
the auto companies coincident with the threat of
pressing criminal indictments does not seek to
regulate the amounts of money that may be
spent for advertising at all, but merely insists
that the auto manufacturers, in recommending
finance plans, shall advertise any or all plans
that meet a certain specified code. This is a far
cry from preventing the Ford and Chrysler
Companies from using their resources to adver-
tise their own products as against competitors,
and the Department's statement was interpolat-
ing a good deal when it said publicly that the
consent decrees at South Bend would be "future
The Department of Justice is seeking criminal
indictments in many different fields of business.
It has a large group of indictments pending now
against executives in the oil business and in the
milk business, and Mr. Arnold specifically
mentioned both those industries in his Nov. 7
press release decrying the use of advertising
money by large companies as against smaller
competitors. When the new "consent decrees" are
offered, therefore, as a means of settlement, they
may .conceivably include restrictions on advertis-
ing. But presumably this wouldn't be the De-
partment of Justice doing the restricting at all.
It would be a "voluntary" act on the part of
those seeking to escape criminal trials and pos-
sible prosecution on technicalities.
Volluntary' Conferetncei
To understand how "voluntary" all this is, one .
has 'to note that conferences were held almost
daily between those under indictment in the
Auto Finance Cases and the Department of
Justice officials. Likewise, the Department regu-
larly consulted the complainants-the small fin-
ance companies. When the negotiation was con-
cluded, the Department announced proudly that

it had done much for the small finance com-
panies andi added this formal word:
"The independent finance companies who are
not parties to this suit are not bound by these
advertising provisions of the decrees. They may
have all of the advantages without incurring any
of the burdens. No restriction is imposed on their
own advertising."
And this is done by a Department of Justice
which knows that in the making of laws, at
least, there can be no discrimination under our
constitution but there must be equal protection
to all citizens. Unfortunately, the Constitution
doesn't touch arbitrary acts of a Department of
Justice which encourages citizens to offer "vol-
untary" plans while holding the threat of crimi-
nal prosecution over their heads. There is only
one way to reach abuses of this kind and that is
by an act of Congress forbidding the Department
of Justice from ,using any of its funds for the
negotiation of "consent decrees" obtained in con-
nection with criminal indictments.
If the anti-Trust Laws are inadequate, a com-
mittee of Congress is investigating what should
be done about it, but meanwhile the Department
of Justice is, in effect. legislating whaf business
can or cannot do, 0'id ne-olOati "consent td-
r rce~'ti t lisit. '~o Jievoi lrl 1atua-l 1lca w7 vioIl fi, : atw

important to

You of M
By Sec Terry
Michigan men and women de-
scended upon Columbus. O.. Satur-
day night, encamped on the doorstep
of the Deshler-Wallick and Neil
House, and in something resembling
a Barnum and Bailey circus and a
Bacchanalian wassail, maintained ar
complete and alarming disequilibrium
for a night that seemingly never end-
ed. In other words, they raised hell
-as well as the roof. It was Ohio
State's homecoming, and many al-
umni were back to re-capture their
youth. When Michigan's insatiable1
revelers took over, the Buckeye hordel
was lucky to escape with its sanity.
Contrary to a prevailing misappre-
hension, Michigan's contingent didl
not swim en masse up High Street in1
a river of Scotch. They started, but
couldn't get past the, first bend-a
burly cop swaying like a reed in the
breeze. From the man who called
himself "Big Ed from Fostoria" and
complained that he wasn't going tor
pay taxes for the maintenance of
lights in the press box to the Michi-
gan misfit who didn't want to go'
up or down in the Deshler elevator
but insisted on going "sideways,"
downtown Columbus was drunk, lit-
erally and figuratively. And brave,
too. One of them pushed his way
through a swanky mob in the Desh-
ler ballroom, wrested the mike awayI
from some livid-faced emcee and
asked, as Stentor would: "Scnidtty,
where are you going to coach next
year?" Francis Schmidt, Ohio State'st
coach, sat unmoved by the query; in
fact, Schmidtty had apparently
reached thestage where it would
have been an effort for him to ascer-
tain where he was coaching next
year. 'f
GARGOYLE hits the street today,1
and at the risk of inviting -he
charge that imaginative Max Hodge;
and his enterprising business man-
ager, John Mitchell, have subsidied
us, we must report that this latestt
issue is first-rate. There is a cameraz
study of Ralph Heikkinen, whose
"Golden Boy" characteristics have
already made the prints, of which
Rodin himself would be justly proud.
Of course, the fellow who prepared
the accompanying vignette will be
implacably burned at the misspelling
of his name, but that is really a minor
Cartoonist K. August has done aa
Preposterous Person feature of Bob
Mitchell, H. Weldon Gilmore the 3rd,
and Al Mayio, who can forcibly pitch
from his office any recalcitrant; Al
used to be a wrestler and nothing
better qualifies him for his task of
editing Daily editorials. August's,
usually deft brush missed their chief
characteristics, but there's something
prophetic in that Mitchell resembles,
Calvin Coolidge, Gilmore, John D.
M. Hamilton and Mayio, Fiorello La-;
August's satirical cartoon of the
Campus-100 years hence is a mildt
masterpiece. That he isn't far off
in his fantasy was suggested at Co-,
lumbus Saturday. Garg further has
a magazine section incorporated in
it which is comparable to last year's
Terror number, except that it em-,
phasizes love; there isn't a lotof dif-
ference between them, you know.-
The Editor
Gets Told ..-.

SRA Explains Its Policy j
We, the Council of the StudentI
Religious Association, support a
meeting in protest of racial persecu-
tion if-
1. The purpose of the meeting shall
be to give positive aid to persecuted
Jews by encouraging the reduction'
of immigration barriers and by fur-
nishing financial assistance.
2. The meeting shall not be direct-
ed against Germany and its govern-
ment alone. We recognize the perse-
cution of the Nazi regime, but we
realize that attacking a Nazi devil
alone will not solve the problem of
persecution. We deplore the persecu-
tion in Poland, Russia, and other
countries, including our own. Point-
ing an accusing finger at Germany
will not stop anti-Semitism in the
United States.

25. It is to oe empnasizedatLU cars
brought into Ann Arbor during this
period must be taken out before 8
a.m. on Friday, Nov. 25.,
Social Directors, Sorority Chaper-t
ons, Househeads and Undergraduate
Women: The closing hour for Wed-
nesday, Nov. 23, is 1:30 a.m.; for
Thursday, Nov. 24, 11 p.m.
Panhellenic Ball: Closing hour for
women on Friday. Nov. 25, is 1:30
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing United States Civil Service
Examinations. Last date for filing
application is given in each case.
1. Principal Chemist, $5,600, Dec. 27.
2. Principal Chemical Engineer, $5,-j
600, Dec. 27.
3. Chief Engineering Draftsman.
$2,600, Dec. 19.
Optional Branches:
1. Aeronautical. 2. Architectural.
3. Civil. 4. Electrical. 5. Mechanical.
6. Structural.
4. Airways Facility Specialist, $3,-
800, Dec. 19.
5. Mechanic (Pneumatic Mail Tube
System), $1,680, Dec. 19.
Complete announcements of the
above examinations may be read in
the University Bureau of Appoint-

day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre under the auspices of the Mu-
seum of Classical Archaeology. 'The
'public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday,
7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139. November
22, 1938. Reports by:
Mr. Sherman: Two papers on the
evolution of floral parts.
Mr. Janes: Papers on embryos and
gametophytes of Tmesiptaris; ana-
tomical evidence for the Menyane-
thacae; and occurrence of Cedrus in
the Auriferous Cravels.
Miss Beardsley: Some recent liter-
ature on food plants used by Ameri-
can Indians.
Mr. Jones: Discussion of a group
of papers on the cotton of the Pueblo
Chairman: Professor C. A. Arnold.
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear-
sal at 5 p.m. today. All men are
asked to be prompt. Cuts for Sun-
day, Nov. 20, are not being excused.
Association Book Group: The A -
sociation Book Group will meet to
hear Professor Paul Henle review
George Santayana's "The Last Puri-
tan" at Lane Hall, Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.
Christian Science Organization:


- TUESDAY, NOV. 22, 1938
VOL. XLIX. No. 50
To All Faculty Members and Staff:
Special Employment Time Reports
must be in the Business Office on
Tuesday, Nov. 22, to be included ip
the roll for Nov. 30.
Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30:11:00 a.m. on Saturday.



orial Hall. Nov. 9 through 23, daily,
2-5 p.m.
Exhibit of design§, paintings, and
drawings by members of Alpha Alpha
Gamma, National Honorary 'Archi-
tectural Sorority, Horace H. Rack-
ham Building exhibition room, mez.
zanine floor, Nov. 16 to 26.

University Lecture: He-'ri ceyrig,
The Automobile Regulation will be Director of the Department of An-
tiquities in Syria, will give an il-
lifted for the Thanksgiving holiday ilustrated lecture on "The Meeting of
period from 12 noon on Wednesday, Greek and Iranian in the Civilization
Nov. 23, until 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov. of Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes-
ryF T- 4o -- ho ory~n nei7. t ha n q._ .,. . _ __ _ __

ments and Occupational information, '8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
201 Mason Hall. alumni and faculty are invited to at-
University Bureau of Appointments tend the 'services.
and Occupational Information.
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 Scabbard and Blade: There will be
and 2-4. a meeting at the Union tonight, 7:30
p.m. Report of the National Con-
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- vention at Berkeley, Calif., will be
sity has a limited amount of funds given by the Company Commander.

to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, 'South Wing,
University Hall.-
Academic Notices
Economics 153 meets Wednesday
and Friday as usual.
Sophomores, College of L.S. and A.:}
Second semester elections must be'
approved during the period from Nov.
28 to Jan. 28. Each sophomore ex-
cept those expecting to qualify for
concentration in February, 1938, will3
be sent a postcard giving specific in-
formation concerning the proper pro-,
cedure. It is the responsibility of each
individual to follow directions care-
fully. Cooperation in making and
keeping appointments will give each
student adequate opportunity to dis-
cuss his elections with his counselor
and will prevent confusion and delay
at the end of the semester.
Sophomores who expect to qualify
for concentration in February, 1938,
i should have their elections approved
by the adviser in their proposed de-
partment or field of concentration.
Arthur Van. Duren., Chairman
cademic Counselors.
Students interested in preparing
for elementary school teauing: Thel
School of Education has under con-
sideration the organization of a new
undergraduate correlated . coi-se to
prepare students for teaching in cle-
mentary schools. information re-
garding this program may be secured
from the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 Univer-
sity Elementary School. Those in- I
terested are urged to secure this in-
formation immediately.{
Choral Union Concert. Jose Iturbi,
Spanish piano virtuoso, will be hegrd
in recital in the Choral Union Series
Tuesday evening, Nov. 22, at 8:30
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limited
number of tickets are available at
the office of the School of Music on
Maynard Street. On the evening of
the concert, the box office.in Hill Au-

Social Service Seminar of the Ann
Arbor Community Fund will meet
at 10 a.m. today. The meeting will
be held in Room 2330. University
Hospital instead of the West Medical
Building as previously arranged.
Faculty Women's Club: The Play
Reading section will meet today at
2:15 in the Mary B. Henderson Room
of the Michigan League.
The Beginning Dancing Class will
meet tonight as usual, but the Inter-
mediate Class will not meet because
of Thanksgiving vacation.
Decorations Committee of Sopho-
more Cabaret will hold a short meet-
ing at 4:30 p.m. today in the lobby
of the League.
Ticket Committee of the Christ-
mas Come Across will meet in the
League today at 5 p.m. Every girl
on the committee is expected to be


The Psychological Joural Club
will meet on Wednesday, November
23, at 4:00 p.m. in the small amphi-
theatre of the Graduate School. Dr.
M. H. Erickson, Director of Research
at Eloise Hospital, will discuss "Ex-
perimental Analysis of Obsessive,
Compulsive, Symbolical Drawing in
the Case of Acute Reactive Depres-
sion." Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m.
The Weta Chapter of Iota Alpha will
hold its regular monthly business
meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday
evening, Nov. 23, in west conference
room on the third floor of the Horace
H. Rackham Building. The speaker
for the evening will be Preston E..
James. Professor of Geography.
Please note the change in date.
It is hoped that ever member will
make a spcial effort to be present.
La Sociedad Hispanica will not
meet this week. The next meeting
will be on Wednesday, Dec. 30. An
opportune announcement to the effect
will appear in the D.O.B.
Crop and Saddle Members: There
will be no ride this week because of
Thanksgiving. Next week new of-
ficers will be chosen. Please pay
dues at that time.

3. The purpose of the meeting shall


not be to arouse hatred towards any
country or people. We recognize the
growing war spirit in the United
States. Once again the Americans f
are beginning to feel that they must'
save the German people from its
government. We are opposed to so-,
lutions based on hatred which are
utilized by imperialist forces which
hold no good for any people.-
Clarence Kresin.
President, Student Religious
Allen Vsits GrAle R ie

ditorium will be open at 7 o'clock.
Museum of Classical Archaeology:
Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grac-


co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic periods Fencing: Starting Wednesday, Nov.
-from Selucia on the Tigris and 30, there will be conducted, under
from Roman Italy. In addition, a the auspices of Scimitar, a tourna-
special exhibit has been arranged of ment for all beginning students in
a portion of a recent acquisition of fencing. All who wish to enter are
Roman antiquities presented by Esth- requested to sign up at the office at
er Boise Van Deman. the Intramural Building before Tues-
Eiibitioni, College of Architecture: day, Nov. 29. Entries will not be re-
AE pxhbiton o legd-mad c (chriiist - (ived later Further announce-
A exardilion'ns will oll.

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