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November 22, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-22

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Cloudy, colder today with local
light snow; tomorrow fair, cold.

Yl r e



The New CIO
And Labor Unity ..






VOJL. A.L~i.. N . 5f3o u u...,..-_

rulur', r1vr, lur,1V a 1

Police Seek
Football Pool
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp
Issues Arrest Warrant
Against John R. Peters
No Arrest Yet Made
Early This Morning
A warrant for the arrest of John R.
Peters, charged with the operation
of a "football pool," has been issued
on the complaint of a student, it was
announced early this morning by
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp.
An unofficial source last night esti-.
mated that students invested from
$1,000 to $3,000 each week in this
and similar footbail. pools. Legal
action by this student was precipitat-
ed whensPeters did not meet his
Peters, who had not yet been taken
into custody early this morning, has
been running this "pool" throughout
the season, the student who swore
out the warrant stated yesterday.
Progressive odds were offered for
choosing winners in a number of
football games each week, he ex-

Receives New Honors

Ralph Heikkinen, Wolverine "Vest
Pocket Guard" of Ramsay, Michi-
gan, whose brilliant football career
was recognized with All-American
rating by Harry Grayson, sports
editor of the N.E.A. Heikkinen had'
previously been selected as All-Big
Ten, for the second consecutive
year, both by the N.E.A. and the'
board of coaches of the Big Ten.
Pension Plan
Asked For All
State Workers

Local authorities, according to
Prosecutor Rapp, have been constant-
ly driving against similar illegal 'Retirement Of Employes
gambling ventures in Ann Arbor. Would Conform To New
They have been thwarted at all times
by their inability to secure witnesses Civil Service Statutes
willing to testify against the alleged
bookmakers, he said. The inssuance LANSING, Mich., Nov. 21-(AP)-
of this warrant by the student is the Governor Murphy's Pension Study
first that has beep drawn in this Commission undertook today the task
drive. of developing a retirement plan for
Slips of paper, or pool tickets, were state employes that 'will be compat-
issued centrally at a downtown cigar ible with the new Michigan Civil
store and were then circulated among Service Law.I
students and townspeople through 1 Murphy asked the Commission to
agents and campus eating places. submit a preliminary report and an
Students' participation in these ven- estimate of its required budget as
tures was especially heavy this past "soon as possible. He said he would
week, a student explained, since make the same request of another
book akers' odds on games were so commission charged with preparing
attractive. legislation for the modernization and
The warrant issued at the Prose- reform of the governmental struc-
cutor's office has been turned over ture.
to the Police Department for enforce- Chairm' James W. Glover, Un-.
ment. versity of Michigan actuarian, said
the pension study group had decided
adequate reserves would be the first
Two Victories essential of a successful retirement
plan. Lack of such reserves has been
1H J pthe principal handicap in programs
H alt . for the retirement of teachers, he
Chinese Claim Other members of the Commission,

Architects Name
Student Council
Names of students recently elected
to the Architectural School Student
Council were announced yesterday.
Richard V. Chadwick, '39A, is chair-
man. Ann Vedder was elected secre-
tary, and Ann Dredge, '40A, treasurer.
Other members are Frank White,
'39A; K. Conrad August, '39A, Flor-
ence Brotherton, '40A, William Ly-
man, '39A, Marietta Killian, 39, Nor-
man Nagel, '40A and Cliff James.
The Council functions in coopera-
tion with the faculty for the benefit
of the Architectural Society, which
is composed of all students regularly
enrolled in the architectural school
who have paid their dues.
Murphy Unabley
To Be Presenta
At Rally Today,f
Demonstration Protestingn
Persecution Of The Jews
Temporarily Postponedn
Word last night from Governort
Murphy that because of ill health n
and pressing duties he would be un-
able to address the meeting, called
for 4 p.m. today in Hill Auditoriumf
to protest Naxi persecutions of Jews,t
forced the Committee on Humans
Rights to postpone the demonstra-
tion until another prominent speakerc
could be secured, Earle B. Luby, '39,c
chairman of the committee an-f
nounced late last night.
Last minute attempts to have col-s
umnist Heywood Broun, President9
Robert M. Hutchins of the Universitys
of Chicago and Prof. Paul H. Doug-
las of the same university speak here@
today were unsuccessful, Luby said.,
Broun could not be reached directly,
but the president and professor fromt
Chicago expressed their support of
the movement here to protest the
recent Nazi persecutions.
The petition, which the committee
adopted at a meeting Sunday, will
be available today for signatures at
a table in the Main Library.
Luby requested persons who had
been circulating copies of the petition
throughout the campus yesterday to
bring them to the Library table when ,
they have been filled.
Chicago Professor
Speaks On Religion 1
Christianity began as a Jewish re-
form movement, addressed to both'
the common classes and to the in-.
tellectuals, Prof. Edwin E. Aubrey
of the University of Chicago said ast
night in an address at Lane Hall.
Christianity saved itself from be-
coming simply another of the count-
less religions of the Roman Empire
by being monotheistic, he believes.
Yet, as it preserved its monotheism
by insistence on the unity of three
persons, it preserved a separation by
insistence on the Trinity, Professor
Aubrey said.
As Christianity became more and
more popular, some tried to save it
from weakening infiltrations by ?.s-
ceticism; this became the monastic
movement he continued.

. .1


Strike Of CIO
Stifles Trade
In Livestolk
Farmers Told To Curtail
Fresh Shipments Until
Chicago Trouble Clears
Police Are Posted
On Guard In Yards
CHICAGO, Nov. 21.-()-A strike
of CIO unionists halted trading in
:ivestock in the huge Chicago stock
yards today.
Some 40,000 head of cattle, sheep
and hogs were corraled in pens pend-
ing a break in the stalemate.
Farmers were advised to curtail
fresh shipments until normal opera-
tions could be resumed in the big
Neither side, however, made a defi-
nite move to arrange a peace parley.'
One hundred policemen were a -
igned to guard duty inrthe yards as
the strikers left their posts this
Spokesmen for the Packing House1
Workers Union claimed 5,58 of a
force of approximately 7,000 livestockt
handlers joined in the walkout. They1
said it was called to support demandst
for a signed contract providing pay2
of 62 cents an hour, an eight hour
day, a 40 hour week, time and a half1
for overtime and vacations with pay.
They left the property after con-'
senting to the unloading, wateringt
and feeding of livestock by commis-
sion men.
O. T. Henkle, vice-president andf
general manager of the Union Stockt
Yards and Transit Company, said ne-
gotiations had been conducted since'
the CIO union won a collective bar-
gaining election about nine months1
ago. -
Rebels Advance
On Segre River
2,000 Americans Killed
Since Start Of War
HENDAYE, France, Nov. 21---)-
Spanish Insurgents reported tonight
they had opened a breach in the cen-
ter of a newly-fortified Government
line on the Segre river in northeast
The Government acknowledged the
Insurgents had advanced northwest
of Seros in three days of heavy fight-
ing in the sector occupied two weeks
ago by Government troops.
The Insurgents' attack was aimed
toward Aytona, about five miles from
BARCELONA, Nov. 21-(P)-Re-
liable sources estimated today that
2,000 Americans had been killed fight-
ing for the goveriment in the Span-
ish civil war.
Estimates of the number of Ameri-
cans who entered Government Spain
from about Dec., 1936, until last
'spring varied from 3,000 to 6,500.
Between 650 to 750 Americans still
are enlisted. American authorities al-
ready have checked 400 for demobili-
zation and repatriation and from200
to 300 more are expected to be listed
this week.
Winners Announced

In BridgeTourney
The Sigma Chi team of Jack Heil
'40, and Frank Wilkinson, '39, and the
Phi Kappa Psi tean of Jack Wilkie
'41E, and Lynn Robinson, '41E, were
announced yesterday as winners of
the first of a series of three all-
campus bridge tournaments spon
sored jointly by the Union and the
League. The former played north
south, while the latter played east
Finishing in second place among
the north-south teams were Myron
L. Goodman, '40, and Malcolm J
Williams, Grad., an independent en-
try. In third place were Ellis Wunsch
'40, and Jane Nussbaum, '40, Among
the east-west teams the Alpha DeltE
Phi entry of Horace Gilmore, '39, an(
Hal Benham, '40. placed second, whil
the Lambda Chi Alpha team of Aub-
rey Roberts, '41, and Fred Linscheic
n'40. finished third.
Senator Burke Scores
I!s _ T A _ Ti _ _

Mars Men To Appear
in Triple-Threat Garg


Counter-Offensives RepelA
Central And Southernr
Advances Of Enemy
SHANGHAI, Nov. 22.-(RP)-Chi-
nese reported today they had haltedn
the Japanese advance with counter-
offensives on both the central and
south China fronts. 1
Dispatches from the central front
said Japanese were beaten back by
vigorous attacks northwest and south
f Hankow and below Yochow, gate-t
way to Hunan province.
In the south, the Chinese said theirr
forces launched a general offensivee
whichforced Japanese to fall back
to the outskirts of Canton. Chinese
troops were reported within three
miles of the south China metropolis.
Japanese commanders reported one
of' their columns almost wiped out I
the village of Kuling, 80 miles north-,
east of Changsha, capital oftHunan
province an objective of the ap-
parently stalled Japanese drive.
The invaders reported a second#
victory came with the recapture oft
Tsaoshih, village 100 miles northeast1
of Hankow.
A statement by the local American
Association yesterday reflected a gen-I
eral gloom today among American I
business men and missionaries in
China as a result of Japan's stand '
on the "Open Door" policy in China.
A statement from the Association,
representative of the majority of
American interests in China, was is-
sued in comment upon Tokyo's note
of last Friday to the United States
denying American charges in a note
of Nct. 6 of "unwarranted interfer-
ence" by Japan with American rights
in China.
Four Deer Hunters
Killed In First Week
The first week of the 15-day Michi-
gan deer hunting season ended Mon-

which will meet again Monday in Ann
Arbor, are John H. Brennan, Deputy
Attorney General; William Brown-
rigg, State Personnel Director; Rod-
erick McDonald of Detroit, a repre-
sentative of the Association of State,
County and Municipal Employes,
which is an A.F.L. affiliate; Charles
M. Novak of Detroit, President of the
Michigan Teachers' Insurance and
Annuity Association.
Business Upturn Seen
DETROIT, Nov. 21-(P)-Barring
trends at present unforeseen and un-
expected, assembly line activity in the
motor-car industry will continue at
encouraging levels throughout the
winter months.

Spanish Pianist Will Play
His 3rd Local Concert
At Hill Auditorium
A concert pianist at seven; giving
lessons to pupils 10 and 15 years older
than himself; graduating from the
Paris Conservatory at 17; head of
the piano faculty of the Censervatory
at Geneva; virtuoso; conductor; radio
performer . . . this is Jose Iturbi, who
comes here at 8:30 p m. today in Hill
Auditorium 'in the third presentation
of the Choral Union Concert series.
Since Iturbi's first arrival in the
United States in 1929, he has returned
each year for the concert season and
has given more performances in this
country than any modern pianist
with the exception of Paderewski.
Having gained fame as a concert
pianist, the Spanish artist, who once
played in the cafes of Paris, has now
turned his attention to the baon. A
lifetime student of orchestral litera-
ture and stick technique, Itu1' i's
chance to step from the keyboard to
the podium came in the spring of
He was in Mexico City, playing 20
recitals in six weeks. His reception
was so great that he seized the op-
portunity to try his hand at conduct-
ing. Since that first symphonic ven-
ture, he has progressed rapidly as a
conductor until today he ranks high
in this field.
Since 1933, he has appeared as
maestro of the Philadelphia Orches-
tra; the Philharmonic-Symphony at
the New York Stadium Concerts; and
the Los Angeles Philharmonic. In
recent winters, he has conducted or-
chestras in. Detroit, Minneapolis
Cincinnati and has been heard regu-
larly on the Ford Hour.
Murphy Denies
Court Ambition
Prefers Remaining Here
'ITo Washington Post
LANSING, Nov. 21.-UP)-Governo
Murphy sought again tonight to spik
reports from Washington that a juic
Federal plum may be his for the pick
Murphy, whose defeat at the poll
stirred, up rumors of appointmet t
the Supreme Court bench or perhap
to the President's Cabinet, reiterate
earlier statements that he "woul
prefer" the role of private citizen. H
has never, however, completely close
the door upon acceptance of a Fed
eral appointment should one be of
"But I hope," he said, "to be her
e with other good citizens on watch t
f see that there is no sabotage of t
- gains we have made in state govern
- ment in the past two years."
s The governor explained that h
- feared a swing to conservatism mig
- slow up governmental progress. Hi
said he was not particularly cor
g cerned over the possibility of "part
n san sabotage" of his administration
. achievements.

Orson Welles will have nothing on
the Gargoyle when it comes out today
with its cartoon of the campus100
years hence being raided by the Mar-
This issue of Gargoyle will be a
three-in-one magazine according to
Max Hodge, '39, editor, containing
within its covers a Love Story Maga-
zine similar to the Sexy Terror issue
last spring, a picture magazine and
the regular Gargoyle.
In the picture section wil be a full
page photograph of Ralph Heikkinen,
39, All-American football player of
the Varsity team, similar to the Hur-
rell pictures in Esquire. In addition:
wil be a full page picture of the foot-
ball team suitable for framing. Other
features will includ? shots of Black
Friday and Homecoming.
The humor section will contain, in
addition to the regular departments,
a large stock of cartoons, Hodge said.
The chief of these is "Preposterous
Persons,' a satirical cartoon levied
at campus politics.
J-Hop Petitions
Are Due Today
'Interviews Will Be Held
EarlyNext Week
Petitioning for a place on the bal-
lot for the J-Hop Committee elections
will be closed at 8 p.m. today, Fred
Luebke, '39E, president of Men's
Council, announced yesterday. Ap-
plicationsshould be submitted to the
Union student offices or League un-
dergraduate offices by men and wo-
men, respectively.°
Personal interview, to be conducted
for all prospective candidates early
next week by the judiciary commit-
tee of Men's Council and the League
Judiciary Council, together with ma-
terial contained in the petitions, will
form a basis for the selections, Lueb-
ke said.-
The J-Hop committee, in accord
with the sweeping Men's Council reso-
lution of Oct. 27, will be composed of
113 members; three men and two Wo-
men from the literary college, three
from the engineering college, one
each from the architecture, education,
music and nursing schools and one
from the combined junior classes of
the forestry and pharmacy schools.
The chairmanship will be awarded to
the student in the literary college
who receives a plurality in the gen-
eral class election which will follow
Prospective candidates are again
reminded by Luebke that applications
B must contain signatures of junior
in the same school to be considered
Each junior may endorse one man
and one woman in his school, and
r violation of this ruling will constitut
e grounds for disqualification. Thirty
y five and 25 are the required number
- of signatures in the literary and engi
neering colleges, respectively, and 2
s for all other schools.
dFarley Probes

Choral Union
Will Present
Iturbi Tonight


New British Plans
RaiseBNazi Wrath;
May Recall Env


Jewish Leaders Acclai
Rehabilitatiob Propose
Fear German Repris
Britain Wants U.S.
To Provide Funa

(By Associated Press)
Two British thrusts at Germany's
treatment of Jews yesterday aroused
the ire of Adolf Hitler and apparent-
ly shoved into a deep pigeonhole
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's
efforts to make peace with the Ger-
man Fuehrer.
First, the British Prime Minister
announced plans to create havens for
Jewish refugees in Africa and British
Guiana. The House of Commons fol-
lowed this up by adopting with rare
unanimity a motion deploring meas-
ures against Jews in Germany.
Berlin May Recall Envoy
Unconfirmed reports in London
said Hitler might recall his Ambas-
sador to the Court of St. James's as
an expression of his anger. Chamber-
lain's plan to send Jewish refugees
to Tanganyika was regarded in Ber-
lin as a "plot" to avoid returning that
war-lost colony to Germany.
In Berlin, Germans and Jews alike
were amazed at the British coloniza-
tion plan. There was talk in the Ger-
man capital that Hitler might sum-
mon the Reichstag to protest impres-
sively against allotting former Ger-
man territory to Jews.
Jewish leaders first acclaimed as
"wonderful" Chamberlain's announce-
ment, then on second thought focused
attention on the problem of German
opposition to their going to the form-
er German colony. One leader said
the Nazis already had declared no
visas would be issued Jews seeking to
go to Tanganyika or any other former
German colonial possession.
Crowds Protest In U.S.
In the United States, a capacity
crowd of 20,000 gathered in New
York's Madison Square Garden and
wildly cheered a proposal for a boy-
cott of German goods.
,Remote Carpatho-Ukraine (Ruth-
enia), which Hungary wants to an-
nex, fast was becoming a major Euro-
pean trouble spot. Hungary strength-
ened her military forces to "forestall
border incidents" as undercover nego-
tiations for Czechoslovakia's eastern
tilx grew in intensity.
Prague Loses And Gains
This situation brought fresh com-
plications to the Prague government
which yesterday lost 106 more small,
villages with 60,000 inhabitants but
gained 37 other villages through a
final boundary fixed with Germany
by the International Commission set
up by the Munich Accord.
In France, sources close to Premier
Daladier said he had formulated
s a strongly authoritarian plan in order
. to combat a growing strike movement
and to assure success of the govern-
ment's economic program. The plan
was reported to include dissolution
- of the French Chamber of Deputies.


Similarities Of Totalitarian States
Shown By Professor Dickinson


Britain Offers Jews
South African Haven

Any united front of democratic na-
tions with Soviet Russia and the
Communist Party is based on mere;
political expediency rather than
matching ideologies, in the opinion
of Prof. Z. C. Dickinson of the econ-
omics department.
Commenting on the growing tend-
ency to lump Russia with the world's
democracies in opposition to fascism,
Professor Dickinson pointed out that
similar methods characterize all tot-
alitarian states, including Commun-
ist Russia, Nazi Germany, Fascist
Italy and Japan. These methods are
generally opposed to democracy in
spite of Soviet claims that their con-
stitution i4 the world's most demo-
cratic, he said.
Most national collective regimes
today have in practice involved an
extreme pyramid of authority with
some form of dictatorship at the top
wielding arbitrary power, he declared.
Whether this authoritarian regime is
termed fascism or Communism, its
political manifestations are much the
same. They include a uni-party set-
up, intolerance of dissenters, and a

Stalin has executed more Jews than
Hitler, as Walter Duranty is reported
to have said, it is only because he has
shot more people," Professor Dickin-
son declared. But in both cases the
resort to physical force, oppression
of civil liberties and confiscation of
property was essentially the same.
Among evidences of this similarit"
of tactics employed by Communist
and fascist nations in their fight
against democracy is the remark by
John Strachey, communist writer, in
his recent book "The Coming Struggle
for Power," Professor Dickinson said.
Strachey admits that Communist re-
sort to force inspired a similar re-
sort to force by fascist states. The
fact that Mussolini himself was a
Syndicalist before the war indicates
this, he said.
Although this cooperation "against
war and fascism," between Commun-
ists and democratic anti-Commun-
ists is uncertain as to extent and dur-
ation, Prof. Dickinson did not imply
that there are no important common
purposes among all anti-fascists at
the present time. Soviet Russia is
now a bulwark against Nazi eastward
.i. , . 4, _ 41 --- m s}}1

Party Losses
Confers With Democrats
On 1940_Prospects
NEW YORK, Nov. 21.-(,P)-The
Democratic leadership from 21 eas-
tern and southern states, looking to-
ward the 1940 presidential struggle,
took counsel today with National
Chairman James A. Farley over the
party's position in the light of its
losses in the Nov. 8 elections.
In a series of private conferences,
which he said were designed in part
to "clear up any misunderstandings
within -the Party that may exist,"
Farley spent most of the day with his
visitors, who had been called here.
He received them as state delega-
tions, one at a time. In answer to
a direct question as to whether any
effort had been made to test possible
sentiment for a third term nomina-
tion for President Roosevelt, he re-
"I have not discussed. and do not


LONDON, Nov. 21 -(AP)- Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain in-
formed an approving House of Com-
mons today that his government had
decided to offer new homelands foi
refugee German Jews of Africa anc
British Guiana, colony of the north.
east coast of South America.
Chamberlain said Britain intends
to lease "on generous terms" at leas
10,000 square miles in British Guiana
and as much land in Tanganyika
northern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, and
Kenya coloony as is economically and
climatically suitable.
It was learned on unimpeachable
authority that Britain backed th
plan with the understanding tha
private capital in the United State
would raise $100,000,000 to help th
Jews reach, settle, and lease thei
new homes.
Prof. Wood Speaks
On Prison Systen


Turkey To Give Thanks;
Vegetarians Eat Greens



DETROIT, Nov. 21.-(IP)-To the
rank and file citizen the turkey will
be the "piece de resistance" come
Thursday but for the members of the
Vegetable Society of Michigan the
kind of Thanksgiving day fowl will
h- nn nrnsment-nn nnthinge 1e.


American prisons should be revolu
tionized, Prof. Arthur E. Wood said a
the Lane Hall Freshman Rountab
4/p.m. Sunday.
Sixty to eighty ner tcnt nf tha

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