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November 20, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-20

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, .:



ted and managed by students of the University of
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blished every morning except Monday during the
ersity year and Summer Session.
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e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
-College Publishers Representative
nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

ing Editor
a1 Director .
te Editor
te Editor
te Editor
te Editor. .
te Editor
Ite Editor!
s Editor

of Edits

Robert D. Mitchell.
Albert P. Maylo
Horace W. ilmnore
Robert I. Fitshenry
. S. R. Kleiman
* Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
. William Elvin
. Joseph Freedman
* . Joseph Gies
. Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

Business Department
nsiness Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
edit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
[vertising Manager . . . . William L. Newnan
'men's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
Omen's Service Manager' . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daly
staff and represent the views of the writers
he Reciprocal
rade Treaties ...
L AST THURSDAY, Cordell Hull af-
fixed his signatpre to the reciprocal
ade agreements between Great Britain and the
S. and Canada and the U. S. This event was
>t a mere trivial nor ordinary happening; for
iese trade agreements will undoubtedly have
,r-reaching consequences in the sphere of in-
rnational relations.
The signing of separate treaties oy Canada
6d Great Britain with the same country is,
om the standpoint of world politics, a signifi-
.nt event: it emphasized the gradual separa-
on between the Dominions and the mother
Mntry that through past years has progressed
ainly in the realm of political independence
ith an increasing apount of self-government
'ing vested in the Dominions. Despite political
dependence, however, and the growing cultural
anges between England and the Dominions,
ie strongest link of all,t economic trade, con-
aued to bind the two tightly together. Even
iough the two nations signed the treaties at
.e same time, the very fact that Canada signed
e pact separately portrays the gradual slack-
ing of economic ties; and this slackening will
further emphasized at the coming Lima Con-
rence, dealing with both economic and political
lations in the Americas, when, for the first
ne , Canada will participate in a Pan-Ameri-
n congress.
Another important ramification of the treaties
that German-American trade will be further
duced. Germany is now surrounded by a solid
onomic wall erected by the 21 states, including
e U. S., who have to date accepted the principle
tariff reciprocity. The pacts with Britain and
Wnada alone cover one-third of the total amount
world trade and significantly restrict the field
which German products can continue to com-
te. Added to Germany's insistence upon bi-
:eral "barter" dealings, that is the direct trad-
g of the goods, these pacts will make it in-
easingly difficult for Germany to obtain the
w materials she needs in return for the manu-
:tured articles she wants to exchange and may
rce her to alter her plans for autarchy.
The treaties, however, will necessitate cer-
in re-adjustments in American economic life.
e State Department has taken "great care to
oid injury" to American industry, but it is
ite probable that there will be some who will
adversely affected by some of the provisions
the pacts. Possibly, in such trades as intricate
xtile work, there will be some unemployment.
2 the other hand, there will be many industries,
3h as those manufacturing heavy iron and
el products, which will benefit greatly by the
cts, and it is expected that these industries
l take up the slack of the depressed trades
d even employ more, thus reducing the total
tional unemployment and insecurity. In that
spect and in many others, reciprocal trade
reements in our opinion will, in the long run,
ng the advantages of international specializa-
n, and a firmer and more lasting prosperity,
ilt upon international amity, rather than in-
national competition.
-Laurie Mascott
olitical Aspects Of

its worthy objective, namely, the determination
of ways and means whereby greater economy and
effilency in the conduct of public affairs might
be procured,
This cooperation is not only important, but
indispensable for the achievement of reform in
the patchwork system of government currently
existent in the State. The realization of these
reforms is not to be considered a matter of mere
party policy. Rather the inherent worth of the
project is of such proportions that it should
transcend a consideration of purely political
issues. It is the obligation of any administration
and, for that matter, the duty of every citizen' to
assist in-the attempt to better the common gov-
Governor-Elect Fitzgerald, in a previous ad-
ministration, evinced an interest in governmental
reform through the appointment of a similar
committee. It is to be hoped that his interest has
not waned and that his assistance will be forth-
coming in the preliminary studies to be made by
the commission which is headed by Prof. Joseph
R. Hayden, chairman of the University political
science department. With this cooperation "mak-
ing the government more responsive to the public
will, and improving the quality of public service"
will become a reality rather than an idealistic
phrase in the minds of the 88 commission mem-
-Ben Marino
Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl director. 11:30-
12:00, WLW.
Radio City Music Hall in tabloid version of
Verdi's Rigoletto. Brancato, Peerce, Weede, Al-
vari, Erno Rapee conductor. 12-1, KOKA, WOWO.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra, John Bar-
birolli conductor. All-Wagner program of excerpts
from Rienzi, Tannhauser, Tristan, Die Walkuere,
and Die Meistersinger, plus the Siegfried Idyll.
3-5, WBBM, WADC.
New Friends of Music, Kolisch String Quartet.
Beethoven Quartet cycle, Op. 18 No. 2 in G, Op.
18 No. 3 in D, Ap. 131 in C-sharp minor. 6-7,
Bach Cantata Series, Alfred. Wallenstein con-
ductor. Cantata No. 139, "Wohl dem, der sich
auf seiner Gott". 8-8:30, CKLW.
Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Beniamino Gigli
tenor, Jose Iturbi conductor. Rienzi Overture
(Wagner), Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rustlcana
(Mascagni), Liszt's Les Preludes, songs and arias.
9-10, WJR.
Curtis Institute of Music. Schubert Quintet in
A major, La Oracion del Tarero for String Quar-
tet (Tdrina), Beethoven Piano Trio, Op. 1 No. 1.
1-4, WADC, WBNS.
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Har-
rison conductor. 3-3:45, WXYZ.
Chicago Civic Opera in (first act of) Wagner's
Lohengrin. Flagstad, Maison, List. 9-10, WXYZ,
WOR Symphony, Eric Delamarter conductor.
9:30-10, CKLW.
Choral Union Concerts, Jose Iturbi pianist.
Sonata in D major (Haydn), Sonata in A major,
Op. 120 (Schubert), Grahms' Variations on a
Theme of Paganini, pieces by Lazar, Poulenc,
Rauel, Granados, de Falla. 8:30, Hill Auditorium.
Toronto Symphony, Reginald Stewart conduc-
tor. 9:30-10, CKLW.
Indianapolis Symphony, Fabian Sevitzky con-
ductor. 3-4, WADC, (WJR at 3:30).
Columbia Symphony, Howard Barlow con-
ductor, Schuber'ts Fifth Symphony in B-flat.
9-9:30, WJR.
Eastman School of Music Little Symphony,
Frederick Fennell conductor. 8:30-9, WOWO,
WOR sinfonietta, Alfred Wallenstein conduc-
tor. 8:30-9, WOR.
Columbia Workshop in premiere of special
radio opera "Beauty and the Beast," book by
Robert A. Simon, music by Vittorio Giannini.

10-10:30, WABC, WBBM.
Italian Broadcasting Orchestra, Ormando Par-
odi conductor. 3-3:30, WXYZ.
Columbia Chamber Orchestra, Bernard Her-
mann conductor. 3:30-4, WJR.
Cincinnati Conservatory, Alexander von Kreis-
ler conductor. 11-12 a.m., WJR.
Metropolitan Opera in Gluck's Orpheus aid
Eurydice, Kerstin Thorberg, Vinra Bovy, Marisa
Morel, Artur Bodansky conductor. 2 p.m., WWJ.
NBC Symphony, Arturo Toscanini conductor.
Beethoven's Third Symphony in E-flat ("Eroi-
ca"), Funeral March from Goeterdammerung
(Wagner), Overture to Rienzi (Wagner). 10-
11:30, KDKA, WXYZ.
--W. L.
The Editor-
"Gets Tld.
. t
To Aid The Refugees
To the Editor:
Without a doubt, you, as we, have been made,
sharply aware of a daily mounting sympathy
for the victims-both Christian and Jewish-of
Nazi vengeance. The local officers of the Ameri-
can League for Peace and Democracy have re-
crived a numhr nf inaiiries as tn where and tn

Jifeenti t e
Heywood B rou n
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 19-I'm here on business,
and, whether it is parochial or not, a New York
newspaper man always feels forlorn at such
times as he is off base whe
things are happening. The
newspapers of America's
biggest city seem to be in
quicker touch with the af-
z: .. fis of the world. Pitts-
\ .y.x . 1 burgh, for instance, has the
same access to cables, tele-
graph lines and other ave-
n u e s of communication
which New York possesses. But the metropolis is
beyond question the journalistic capital of the
nation. Much of the most important news of our
country may stem from Washington, but ap-
praisal and digestion wait for the New York
newspaper verdict.,
Even in very small cities one may learn fast
enough what has happened, but the vital prob-
lem of "What does it mean," is not so promptly
answered. Here, for instance, President Roose-
velt's statement about Germany barely edged
out headlines concerning the capture of some-
body known locally as "the leader of the Blue
Bandana Gang." And, while there was a certain
amount of comment in hotel lobbies, the whole
incident of the President's statement was dis-
cussed as if here was an episode very far removed
from the vital concerns of the Commonwealth of
S * ,**
'New York Is Calling' -
Early in the morning it was borne in on me
that New York is many thousands of miles closer
to Europe than the rest of the country. At an un-
seeming hour the telephone rang an a New York
operator said, "Miss Dorothy Thompson is trying
to get in touch with you."
Naturally I was pleased but also puzzled be-
cause I could not possibly imagine what Mis
Thompson would want to say to me at 8 o'clock
in the morning or 8 in the evening, either.
Promptly enough I put in my return call, and
for several hours I had personal testimony of
the extraordinary position which Miss Thompson
has achieved as a leader of American public opin-
ion. I read her column every other day, but, of
course, I don't always agree with her. I kept call-
ing and calling, but the line was always busy.
Now and again between my efforts there was
the return communication 'froni New York but
it always came when I was just around the
corner. In the middle of a busy session of the
C.I.O. convention Allen Heywood, New York
regional director, came up to me and said, "Either
you've got to change your name or I'll change
mine. I just had to climb three flights of stairs
to answer a telephone call which turned out to
be for the wrong Heywood. You columnists are
a nuisance. I wish you'd keep your fans off the
back of my neck. Somebody in New York called
Dorothy Thompson wants to speak to you."
* * *
Rights Of The Defendant
I assured my spiritual uncle that this was no
fan but something of more importance, and when
I did get the message I found that this certainly
was a time in which I thoroughly agreed with
Miss Thompson and respected her capacity for
As you undoubtedly know, Dorothy Thompson
spoke over the air and urged that Herschel
Grynszpan, assassin of a German Embassy offi-
cial, should have a public trial in France and that
he, should be represented by competent counsel.
To that end she is asking the support of fellow
newspaper writers in America. It is her feeling
that the case presents a challenge to the insti-
tution of the free press all over the world.
I agree entirely. There will be criticism that
the effort to bring the case into the open and to
protect the legal rights of the defendant consti-
tutes condoning a crime. Nothing could be more
unfair or silly. In New York City a case has just
ended in which a man who admitted murder is

to be sent to prison for life. He had eminent
counsel, and I have heard no one say that this
was unfair or thwarted the orderly processes
of justice. It is an old American tradition that,
every man has a right to his day in court. It is
an old democratic tradition.
The case of Herschel Grynszpan unmistakably
is one in which the background must be studied.
Individual terrorism is tragically futile, foolish
and evil. It defeats its own purposes.
United States; Self-Help for German Refugees,
which aids German refugees to find homes in
other countries; American Christian Committee
for Christian German Refugees, which aids refu-
gees already in this country; and the Non-Sec-
tarian Committee for Political Refugees, Interna-
tional Labor Defense, which aids refugees from
the Sudeten.
The money sent to the four committees had
been held in escrow for a time since the Presi-
dent's Advisory Committee seemed about to
undertake the task of aiding refugees; and the
League had planned to turn over the funds to
that committee.
Anyone willing and able to give funds to the
sufferers at this time can send their contribu-
tions to either the American League for Peace
and Democracy, 268 4th Ave., New York, N. Y.,
or locally, to the treasurer of the Ann Arbor
branch of the League, Mr. Bert Doolittle, 213
N. Thayer St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
-Lucille Poor
Sports And Nazis
To the Editor:
TheG ran NaO z st dent's rO nnr';nn n nart

The King's Speech and the Prime
Minister's exposition of it are calcu-
lated to make the hearts of Govern-
ment candidates in the by-elections
sink. The Dartford result, following
on the Oxford poll, exhibits convin-
cingly the-untruth of the common
Conservative statement (repeated
every other day as a sort of devo-
tional incantation by the (London
Times) that the "overwhelming mass.
of British opinion' is "whole-hear-
tedly" with Mr. Chamberlain.
Such an absurd statement is, of
course, contrary to the personal ex-
perience of every one of us, but it is
useful to have it shown up in black
and white. It is useful also to see
the explosion of the legend, fostered
by fond Government hopes, that if
a stateman can be labelled "peace-
maker" the women will be certain to
follow him; they did not at Dartford.
Why women should be supposed to be
less capable of an intelligent critical
judgment than men always seem a
little obscure.
The thinness of the King's Speech
and the complete lack of enthusiasm
and force with which Mr. Chamber-
lain elaborated on it will aid the
dis-illusion that has succeeded the
emotions of September 30. The Gov-
ernment's stock will slump still
farther. It has one positive asset-
its aim to "promote the development
of good understanding" with Ger-
many, but unfortunately the same
spirit of "appeasement' is not visible
on the other side. Every speech of
Herr Hitler and Dr. Goebbels, every
truculent attack on British states-
men, makes it harder for ordinary
people to look at the problem of
co-operation in the same simple light
as Mr. Chamberlain. Nor to most of
them does the agreement with Italy
appear as more than a cynical pen-
dant, the price demanded for a dic-
tator's co-operation, and the hand-
ing over of another independent
country to Fascist protection and the
sealing of a great wrong that has
not been forgotten.
-The Manchester Guardian
Common Front
The Pan-American conference
scheduled next month at'Lima, Peru,
takes on new significance with Presi-
dent Roosevelt's discussion of a pro-
gram of "continental defense" of the
American !hemisphere from foreign
For over a century, under the Mon-
roe Doctrine, European nations have
known that extension of their rule or
their "system" to America. would be
deemed unf iendly to this country.
But Mr. Rsevelt was not speaking
Tuesday of our individual position.
He was proposing defense of, the
hemisphere, in this dangerous Fas-
cist world, by co-operative agreement
among all the American nations, each
bearing its share of the pain and
expense. He was suggesting virtually
the internationalizing of the Monroe
Doctrine, its acceptance by all Latin
western world, mutually agreed upon
America as the cornerstone of the
and mutually maintained.
The difficulties in such a program
must not be minimized by wishful
thinking. This is not the first time
the Roosevelt administration has sug-
gested closer American cooperation.
The obstacles instantly became ap-
parent yesterday with Argentina's flat
statement that "concluding pactsis
out of the question at present."
The Latin American nations are
predominantly Spanish and Portu-
guese. Their traditions and culture
differ sharply from ours. Argentina
has close economic ties with Great
Britain, many South American na-

tions are affiliated with the League at
Geneva, and most of them are deeply
sympathetic with Franco's Faseist
rebels in Spain. All over the contin-
ent the emissaries of Germany carry
Nazi trade and Nazi ideas.
Further, the Latin American re-
publics have not forgotten their fear
of the United States as the "Colossus
of the North," staking out an econ-
omic empire with diplomatic power
and armed force, at the expense of
their freedom, their prosperity and
their self-respect. It is not likely that
we can escape so quickly the conse-
quences of our injudicious dollar di-
plomacy of former years.
Nevertheless President Roosevelt is
advancing the deepest interests of the
nation when he suggests a coopera-
tive American front against poten-
tial European aggression. This does
not necessarily mean a formal treaty
of alliance. It does mean at least a
joint declaration of our community of
interest in preserving American peace
and security against Europe's armed
forces and Europe's systems, with;
each nation individually improving
its defensive power. That is what we
can reasonably hope for at the Lima
-St. Louis Star Times.
Crime Investigation
Jury Is Suspended
special grand jury that has been in-
etieating crimea nd lmaw nfnrea

1 Speaker: Dr. Schmarya Kleiman, of I
the Jewish Labor Committee.
Coming Events
Choral Union Members. Members
of the Choral Union in good stand-1
ing will be issued tickets admitting
them to the Iturbi concert on Tues-
day, Nov. 22, between the hours of
10 and 12 and 1 and 4, at the School
of Music. Members are required to;
call in person. Tickets will not be,
issued after 4 o'clock.
Physics Colloquium: Dr. Eugene H.
Eyster will speak on "The Applica-
tion of Theoretical Asymuretic Rota-
tor Band Envelopes to SpectroscopicI
and Structural Problems," at the
Physics Colloquium on Monday, Nov.
21 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meetingI
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of th Michi-
ganUnion. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a briefI
informal talk by Prof. Samuelb A.
Goudsmit on "Symmetrie in dekora-
tiven Mustern."
Graduate Student Council: There
will be an important meeting of the
Council Monday, Nov. 21, at 7:30
p.m. in the East Conference Room,
third floor of the Rackham Bldg.,
The new executive committee is to
be elected and part of the activities
for the year will be determined. All
members are urged to attend..
Economics Club: The next meeting
will be held Monday, November 21, at .
7:45 p.m. in the Amphitheater of the
Graduate Building. The speaker is
Professor H. F. Taggart of the School
of Business Administration and the
subject "Gasoline Costs and Prices."
All students in economics and busi-
ness administration enrolled in the
Graduate School are invited.
The Psychological Journal Club
will meet on Wednesday, Novemberr
23, at 4:00 p.m. in the small amphi-
theatre of the Graduate School. Dr. I
M. H. Erickson, Director of Research
at Eloise Hospital, will discuss "Ex-
perimental Analysis of Obsessive,
Compulsive, Symbolical Drawing in
the Case of Acute Reactive Depres-
sion.' Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m.'
Assembly Executive Council: There
will be an important meeting Mon-
day at 4:00 p.m. in the League. Please
be present.
Quarterdeck Meeting: Members of
Quarterdeck Society, there will be a:
very important meeting Monday1
night, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the
Union. Look on the bulletin board
at the Union for the room number.;
The purpose of the meeting is to dis-
cuss a joint meeting with the Propel-
lor Club on Dec. 13.]
Biological Chemistry Seminar:1
Monday, Nov. 21, 7-9 p.m., Room 3191
West Medical Building. "Trypto- I
phane" will be discussed. All interest- I
ed are invited.
The Polonia Circle will hold a meet-
ing and a reception in the lower en-i
tertainment room of Lane Hall,;
Tuesday evening, 7:30 p.m., Nov. 22.
All members of the Polonia Circle
and their friends are cordially invit-
Philosophy Club members and
others interested in philisophical dis-
cussion are invited to a meeting Mon-
day, Nov. 21, at 4 p.m., in the West
Conference Room of the Graduate
School. Edward L. Anderson will read
a paper on "Johathan Edwards, My-
sticism vs. Puritanism".

Phi Delta Kappa: The two pre-in-
itiation membership meetings will
be held in the East Council Room of
the Rackham Building on Mondayt
and Wednesday, November 21 and 23,I
at 7:30 p.m.
Association Book Group: The As-
sociation Book Group will meet to
hear Professor Paul Henle review
Gnrro antavana's "The T at Pui-

Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students Bible Class, 'H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Presentation of four
great personalities by members of the
Guild: Kalgawa, Ossietsky, Schweit-
zer, and Lester. This is the fourth
discussion of a series on "Building
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild, east Huron, below
State. Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Prof. John
Mason Wells, of the department of
philosophy, Hillsdale College, a form-
er pastor, will preach. His topic will
be, "The Rock of Ages."
9:30 a.m. The Church School will
meet. Dr. Logan, superintendent.
9:45 a.m. University students class
meets at Guild House. Mr. Chapman,
6:15 p.m. The Roger Willams
Guild, Baptist student organization.
will observe the fifth anniversary of
the change of name fromeformer
"Baptist Guild." Prof. Verner W
Crane, of the Department of Ameri-
can History, will be the speaker. The
subject will be, "Roger Williams on
Liberty." A social hour with re-
freshments will follow the address.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar-
ten; 11 a.m. morning prayer and ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Episcopal Student Group: The
speaker Sunday night at the student
neetingin Harris Hall at 7 o'clock
will be Rabbi Bernard Feller. His
topic will be "The Social and Ec-
onomic Philosophy of the Prophets."
Refreshments will be served. All
Episcopal students and their friends
are cordially invited.
First Presbyterian Church 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., "Heirs of God Today"
is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's
sermon at the Morning Worship Serv-
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild
supper and fellowship hour. The
Rev. Harold P. Marley of the Uni-
tarian Church will speak on the topic
"What's Wrong With The Church"
at the meeting at 6:45.
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Thanks-
giving?" At 3:30 p.m. there will be
a Ground-Breaking ceremony for the
new church and Wesley Foundation
Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45
a.m. under the leadership of Prof.
Carl. Rufus. Th subject for discus-
sion will be "Mohammedanism and
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Dr. Irvin Deer of Chicago will show
movies and lead a discussion con-
cerning them. Fellowship Hour and
supper following the meeting.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30. Subject: "Soul
and Body." Golden Text: Isaiah
26:8. Sunday School at 11:45.
First Congregational Church, corn-
er of State and E. William Streets.
Minister, Reverend Leonard A. Parr.
10:45 a.m. Service of worship. Dr.
Parr will speak on the following sub-
ject: "How Odd of God to Choose
the Jews."
6 p.m. Student Fellowship. Supper
will be served at six o'clock after
which a play will be presented by
members of the group.

Reformed and Christian Reformed
service held in the League Chapel
will be conducted this week by Dr. G.
Goris of Grand Rapids. Beside the
regular morning worship hour be-
ginning at 10:30 there will also be a
special evening service which will be-
gin at 6:30 p.m. All students are
invited to hear this inspriing preach-
er at both services.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 2) thacae; and occurrence of Cedrus in
- the Auriferou~ Cravels.
of praise and worship visit the meet- Miss Beards ey: Some recent liter-
ing of this group. ature on food plants used by Ameri-
can Indians.
Attentkn Hobbyists: There will be Mr. Jones: Discussion of a group
a meeting of all those interested in of papers on the cotton of the Pueblo
joining a hobby group today, 7 p.m., Indians.
Room 304 Union. If you are in- Chairman: Professor C. A. Arnold.
terested and cannot attend, sign one
of the sheets which are on the bulle Badminton: The badminton courts
tin boards around the campus. in Barbour Gymnasium will be open
every evening except Saturday, from
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers): 7:00 to 9:00. (concert nights ex-
The meeting will be held this evening cepted). Women students and men
at 5 p.m. at the home of Arthur Dun- I guests of women students are invited.
ham, 605 Oswego, instead of at the -- ---
Michigan League. Faculty Women's Club: The Play
Reading section will meet on Tuesday
Hillel Foundation: 6 p.m., Cost Sup- afternoon, November 22, at 2:15 in
per. All welcome. 8 p.m., Forum., the Mary B. Henderson Room of the
Subject: "Jewish Labor Committee Michigan League.
Looks at Jewish Youth Problems."

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