Weather Cloudy and colder today; fair tomorrow LL I 3k6 tit Editorial The Reciprocal Trade Treaties Political Aspects Of State Reorganization 1 VOL. XLIX. No. 49 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 20, 1938 ?RICE, FIVE CEN I I Extended Nazi1 Decrees Seekr To Remove All Jewish Rights Roosevelt Renews Interest In German Jews' Plight; Confers With Brandeis French Anti-Jewish Sentiment Flares BERLIN, Nov. 19-0P)-Nazi Ger- many broadened its campaign to eradicate all possible traces of Jewry from national life today amid swift financial, religious and international cross-currents. Protestant churches in some parts of the country were ordered to elimi- nate the German word "Jehova," taken from the Hebrew for God, and Old Testament names of Jewish prophets. Wealthy Jews in Nuernberg, ac- cording to advices received in Mun- ich, were for ed to sign over 90 per' cent of their possessions to the Ger- man Labor Front and then told to leave the city within three months. A mass eviction of Jews was report- ed in Vienna. In Berlin thousands clamored in vain for permission to leave while officials debated ways and means of letting them go. Lay teachers of religion in public schools asked that pastors and priests assume such instruction. They ex- plained no German teacher could in- terest Nordic pupils in "Jew-written psalms" and Old Testament history. Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels declared :n an address at Reichenberg, Sudetenland, that Ger- many wished the world to become "so pro-Jewish that it would take our Jews off our hands." A group of thirty Jewish men were driven across the new German-Czech- oslovak boundary near Taus by a German military patrol and threat- ened with death if they returned to Germany. They were held by Czecho- slovak police. -rnmdeis And Roosevelt Confer 01 Jewish Plight WASHING'I 9N, Nov. 19.-(P)- The plight of t e Jewish population of Germany received renewed atten- tion at the White House today at the end of a week in which German- American relations suffered a severe ,strain. Justice Louis D. Brandeis, deeply stirred by the latest outburst ofdanti- Semitic measures in the Reich, called to confer with President Roosevelt on the best means of bringing relief to panic-stricken refugees. The President talked also during the day with Ambassador William Phillips, American envoy to Italy, where repressive measures against the Jews are utnder way, and with Sir Ronald Lindsay, the British Am- bassador. The Jewish resettleient problem was believed widely to have been the subject discussed during Sir Ronald's unannounced visit to the White House. French Government Silent As Anti-Semitism Grows PARIS, Nov. 19.- -(>)-An anti- Jewish current in France continues while voices are raised in protest against the Government's silence on the German Jewish issue. Anti-Semitism was brought to the surface by extreme Nationalists when Jewish Leon Blum became Premier two years ago, and has been grow- ing apace especially in regions near the German frontier. In the new attention focused on the question by the slaying of Ernst Vom Rath, German diplomat, by a young Polish Jew, certain news- papers again have attacked the So- cialist ex-Premier, calling him a "for- eigner." Blum, in reply, published a state- ment declaring his family had been French for generations. Italy's Racial Laws Prove Disastrous To 15000 Jews ROME, Nov. 19.-O)-italy's new recital laws, expected to reduce most of Italy's Jewish breadwinners to the position of small tradesmen, are said to have resulted in discharge of 15,- 000 Jews from Government and pri- vate jobs in the past few days. Since the Government has esti- mated Italy's 57,425 Jews are in ap- News At A Glance While Michigan students and Ann Arborites generally were in- terested yesterday in the goings on at Columbus and the sports situations in the nation's stadii, Adolf Hitler continued his perse- cution of the Jews much like Em- peror Nero once entertained the Romans at the Coliseum with fights between gladiators and man-eating lions. The latest act of the Nazis was to take the Jewish word for God -Jehovah-out of the church and replace itwith the Aryan phrase of G o t t. Meantime protests throughout the world continued to pile up. In Pittsburgh, the CIO wielded itself into a permanent Congress of Industrial Organizations and brought up the question of organ- izing WPA workers and the un- employed. Seven Army flyers were killed in Georgia in one of the worst trage- dies in the history of military avia- tion. Governor Murphy's commission on Reform and Modernization of StateGovernment, meeting here, decided to table proposals until Governor-Elect Fitzgerald indicat- ed his desire for the continuance of the committee. 7 Fliers Killed As Army Ship Falls In ForestI Junior Dance Petitions Dne 8P."Tuesday' Men's Council Will Select 3 To 5 Candidates For Each Post As the Tuesday deadline for J-Hop peitions draws near, indications of a wide-open battle for the 13 positions were evident yesterday on campus with prospective candidates rushing about in eleventh-hour attempts to secure the required number of signa- tures. Three to five candidates to run in a class election for each post will be selected by the Men's Council at its meeting Thursday on the recommen- detions of the judiciary c'ommittees of the Council and the League and on the material contained in the appli- cations. Petitions must be submitted by 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Union stu- dent offices or the League under- graduate offices, Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's Coun- cil announced. Petitions should include statements, not to exceed 200 words, concerning the applicants' qualifications and should be accompanied by University certificates of eligibility, Luebke said. Three men and two women will be chosen to represent the literary col- lege, three from the engineering col- lege, one each from the nursing, mus- ic, education and architecture schools University Plans Foreign Students' Thanksgiving Meal International Thanksgiving Day Dinner, annual banquet given by the University for foreign students, will be held at, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the main ballroom of the Union. More than500 students have been invited to be the guests of the Uni- versity at this typically American Thanksgiving dinner. The deans of the University, assisted by the pas- tor& Uofsythe various Ann Arbor churches, will serve as hosts. After dinner President Alexander Ruthven will address the assemblage on "What I Hope the International Center May Mean to the University." Jan Erik Leander, a traveling fellow from the University of Stockholm, Sweden, will reply with a talk about "What the International Center Al- ready Means to Foreign Students of the Uiniversity." These speeches will be in keeping with the main theme of the banquet, stressing the im- portance of the new International Center, it was announced yesterday by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, director of the Center. Trophies for bridge, ping-pong and soccer tournaments will be awarded to winners. Following this an "In- ternational Night" program will be presented by a group of foreign stu- dents who belong to the Center. , wolverines Shatter Ohio State's Four-Year Winning Streak,18-0, To End Successful Gri~d Season 4 It was Michigan's sophomore' "touch- down twins," Ton Harmon and Paul Kromer, who "stole the show." Playing well over 100 minutes of yes- terday's rout of the "Scarlet Scourge," t h e s e speed-mer- chants, the sensa- tions of this year's Conference tussle, had the Buckeyes' ponderous forward wall talking to it- self before the final gun signalled the fall of the Ohio goaJ- posts.- It was especially K r omner, pictured here tossing a for- ward pass in the second quarter, who monopolized t he spotlight. Running, kicking, passing, blocking, Paul play- ed his finest game of the year. Esko Sarkkinen, fleet Ohio end, who was the best man on the field for Ohio, is shown rushing Kro- mer. . Plane To Air Crashes In Attempt Escape Rainstorm; Pocket Is Blamed Michigan Ties For Second As Minnesota Ekes Out Big Ten Title Once More Harmon, Trosko And Frutig Score By BUD BENJAMIN COLUMBUS, Ohio,. Nov. 19.- Michigan closed its most successful football season since 1933 today in the Ohio Stadium by smashing a bulky but immobile Ohio State eleven 18 to 0 before 67,554 homecoming day spec- tators. Striking twice over the ground and once through ,the air, the Wolverines outmaneuvered and outfought the big Buckeyes throughout the game to register their sixth triumph of this comeback season. Michigan's victory over Ohio State, coupled with Wisconsin's loss to Minnesota, enabled the Wolverines to finish in a second-place tie in the Big Ten with Purdue, who beat In- diana. Northwestern ended up in' fourth place, O.S.U. and Wisconsin tied for fifth, Illinois was seventh, Iowa eighth, Indiana ninth and Chi- cago tenth. Today's triumph gave Michigan its first victory over an Ohio State team in five years. It was the first time that a Michigan team had scored Against a Schmidt-coached eleven. Ohio Threatens Once Only in the opening minutes of the first quarter did Ohio threaten, but their march stalled on the Michi- gan 20, which proved to be their fur- thest pointt of aggression through- out the afternoon. A typically wild Ohio State lateral, formerly Schmidt's most potent weapon opened the way to Michigan's first score. It was Ohio's ball on their own 20 after a Michigan threat had another chance when a Buckeye gave the Wolverines another chance. On first down, Jim Langhurst at- tempted lateral behind the line to Jim Strausberg, but he was hurried and his toss went awry. Wally Hook, a truly brilliant performer today, smashed in to pounce on the loose ball on the Ohio 16. .Michigan's corps of backfield speed-merchants then got to work. Paul Kromer, who gave his home state a miserable afternoon today, circled the right end, to the 11. Hook, on the next play, smashed from his close position to inchesi short of a first down on the Buckeye seven, but on the next play, stocky Wallie plowed }to the six for the correct distance. LAGANGE, Ga., Nov. 19.- (P) - Tossed by a battering rainstorm, a big army bomber smashed up in a West Georgia forest last night killing seven fliers in one of the worst tragedies in the history of military aviation. An eighth was gravely injured. The ship, anew two-motored, mid- wing Douglas, was on P_ routine flight from Mitchel Field, N.Y., to Maxwell Field, Ala. So isolated was the spot where it crashed the news did not reach the outside world until today., Major W. A. Maxwell; Maxwell" Field operations manager who hur- reed here to investigate, said from what he was able to piece together from a crew member conscious until his death in a Lagrane hospital, "bad weather was the only apparent ex- planation." "We were flying low to get under the ceiling," Major Maxwell said the soldier related. "It was raining. Sud- denly we hit a rough spot (apparently a downward air current) and bounced. Next thing I knew the plane was ploughing through the trees. no mechanical defects so far as I could tell." The plane, the investigators said, apparently was going about 200 miles an hour when it rammed into the forest seven miles northeast of here. It cut a path 150 yards long through trees, some of them as big around as a man's body. -Daily Photo by Sheeline Deans Refuse Class Dismissal ForTuesday1 Human Rights Committee Continues Effort To Get Governor Murphy Speak Efforts on the part of the Commit- tee on Human Rights to have Gov. Frank Murphy and the Rev. Edgar De Witt Jones speak before a demon- stration Tuesday afternoon protest- ing the persecution of minorities con- tinued yesterday although the Deans' committee e a r 1 i e r unanimously blocked a petition which sought dis- missal of classes at 11 a.m. Governor Murphy and Dr. Jonesof Central Woodward Christian Church and president of the Federal Coun- cil of Churches will address a simi- lar meeting at 2:30 p.m. today in the Naval Armory, Detroit. The statement by the Deans fol- lows: ti "After discussion of the petition presented it was the unanimous opinion of the Deans that favorable action could not be taken in view of their belibf that, in general, classes should not be dismissed for meetings other than University convocations." FINAL BIG TEN STANDINGS Teams W Minnesota........4 MICHIGAN.......3 Purdue3..........3 Northwestern......2 Wisconsin.........3 Ohio State. .....3 Illinois...........2 Iowag..............1 Indiana..........1 Chicago ..........0 L 1 1 I 2 3 3 4 i4 T 0 1 1 2 0 13 0 1 0 P.C. .800 .750 .750 .667 .600 _ 00, .400 .250 .200 .000 Reform Group Awaits Report Of Hayden-Fitzgerald Meeting Governor Murphy's Commission on Reform and Modernization of State Government will occupy itself with preparation of preliminary drafts of its proposed report until Chairman Joseph R. Hayden of the political science department confers with Gov.- Elect Frank D. Fitzgerald, the group's executive committee decided at its initial meeting yesterday. After the meeting between Profes- sor Hayden and Fitzgerald the execu- tive committee will again be called together to determine the Commis- mission's future course of action, it was revealed in a statement issued- after the meeting. Whether the Commission will at- tempt to finish its report before Gov- ernor Murphy leaves office Jan. 1, could not be learned. Functions of the group, which was set up by executive order on Aug. 17, are "to make a study of means and Imethods whereby changes may be Imade in the procedure and structure of the State government that will pro- vide greater efficiency and economy Dies Asks States To Invoke Laws WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 -QP)- Chairman Dies of the House Com- mittee Tnvestiaatina TTn-Ameriean in the conduct of public affairs, im- prove the quality of the public service and make the government more re- sponsive to the public needs." Yesterday's meeting at the Union was attended by 12 of the executive committee's 14 members. The entire commission is composed of 88 per- sons, including Prof. Arthur Brom- age of the political science depart- ment, who seves as secretary. Czechs Vote On Minorities Slovaks And Ruthenians May Gain Autonomy PRAGUE, Nov. 19.-(R)-The Low- er House of the Czechoslovak Parlia- ment voted autonomy for Slovakia and Carpatho-Ukraine (Ruthenia) today amid foreign reports of a "re- volt" in the latter province. The official news agency admitted trouble in Carpatho-Ukraine, stat- ing "terrorist" bands from Hungary and Poland had caused six deaths along the border and were keeping the population in turmoil. Existence of a "revolt" was denied, however. Officials said the reports, from , Tungnry and Poland. were efforts to A final organizational meeting of the representatives of fra- ternities, sororities, dormitories and other campus groups and in- terested individuals composing the Committee on Human Rights will be held at 3:30 p.m. today in Room 325 of the Union. The last time the Deans approved a student petition to dismiss classes was given a year and a half ago when a peace demonstration, at- tracting some 500 students, was held Thursday, April 22. Meanwhile three more campus leaders joined in support of the meeting and condemned racial and religious persecution in Germany. Their statements follow: Philip W. Buchen, '41L, business' manager of the Daily. "Fortunately American public op- inion seems to be of some concern to the other powers. Andmwhenthis campus has a chance to contribute to that force for liberty and democracy, students should give their whole- hearted support to the convocation (Continued on Page 2) CIO Considering WPA Organization PTTTSRTTRGH Nov 19 -OP)-The Local Churches Present Varied Program Todaya 'Personalities' Is Subject At Guild Forum; Mexico Is Theme At Unitarian Featuring today's local church pro- gram will be the fourth in a series of discussions on "Building Personali- ties" presented by, the Disciples Guild. Members of the Guild under the leadership of Hoyt Servis, program chairman, will discuss the lives of Kagawa, a Japanese Christian who started social settlements in the slums of Kobe and Tokyo; Ossietsky, winner of the Nobel Peace Award several years ago; Albert Schweitzer, doctor to the black man of Africa, missionary, theologian, writer and world famous organist; and Muriel Lester, the Jane Addams of England. Youth Adventuring in Mexico as experienced by Robert Fliers, '39, and Lucille Poor will be told in their talks, "Mexico Maligned," at the Unitarian church tonight. Supple- mentary to the speeches is a display of Mexican posters plus an exhibit of paintings by Miss Marget H. Chap- in of the fine arts department in the social hall of the church. The special speaker at the student meeting in Harris Hall tonight will be Rabbi Bernard Heller who will' speak on "The Social and Economic (Continued on Page 2) SRA To Hear Aubrey Speak Interpretation Of Religion By HistoryIs Subject Religion interpreted in the light of history wlil be the subject matter of Prof. Edwin E. Aubrey of the Univer- sity of Chicago in a talk to be given at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall un- Choral Union Will Present IturbiTuesday Spanish Concert Pianist To Feature Schuberti Brahms In 3rd Concert' Jose Iturbi, noted Spanish concert pianist, will perform here at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Nov. 22, at Hill Auditorium in the third Choral Union presenta- tior. of the year. Starting his career at the age, of seven, Iturbi studied at the Paris Conservatory, and after four years as head of the piano faculty of the Conservatory of Geneva, embarked on his chosen career, that of a con- cert artist. He first arrived in the United, States in 1929. Within several months he had made his name famous in mu-' sical America. Since then Iturbi has come back every season and has played more concerts in this country in the past nine years than any other pianist 'except Paderewiski. In 1933 Iturbi tried his hand at conducting in Mexico City. He was acclaimed an immediate success and, upon his return to New York, was invited to conduct the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. He has also conducted the Phila- delphia Orchestra at Robin Hood Dell; the summer concerts at Silver- mine, Conn.; and the Los Angeles Philharmonic at Hollywood Bowl. In past years Iturbi has directed sym- phonies in Detroit, Minneapolis and Cincinnati and has been heard regu- larly on the Ford radio program. Graduate Group To Elec Heads. Harmon Scores Tommy Harmon, who played his usual stellar game today, picked up a yard. Hook added three more on a full/spinner that had Ohio baffled throughout the day, and Kromer made it less than a yard to go for the score on a crack at right tackle. On the crucial try, it was Harmon who carried it over, lunging over State's vulnerable right side clear into the end zone for the six points. Jack Brennan failed to convert. That ended the scoring until the fourth period, but there was never a doubt that Michigan would strikO again as the Wolverines controlled the play throughout the second and third periods. Harmon had intercepted one of Kimmy Sexton's passes with 19 sec- onds remaining in the third quarter slashing to the Ohio 41 before he was downed. Kromer added a yard before the period ended. Michigan, employing a variation of the Notre Dame shift for the first time this year much to the consterna- tion of the local contingent, hiked to the right. Instead of running, Har- mon faded and tossed to Ed Frutig, who made a beautiful spear on the Ohio 17 before he was downed. Wolverines Offside Howard Mehaffey, plowed through a tremendous gap in the Ohio for- ward wall to the five, for another first down, and on the first play Ramon circled left end and crossed the goal line. Michigan was offside, however, and was penalized to the 10. 'On second down, a low pass from center which Kromer fumbled, moved them back five more yards to the 15, but this Michigan team had visions and they kept plugging. 47 Delegates Of Council Meet Tomorrow The 47 newly-elected delegates to the graduate student council will. meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the East Lounge of the graduate school to elect officers and initiate a system of committees, it was announced last night. The Council was originally designed for the purpose of integrating the in- tellectual, social and educational functions of all graduate students, as well as to, coordinate activities of existing graduate organizations. Art exhibitions, music recitals, scientific demonstrations, book clubs, 1peture and etherar n ninterests