THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY ______________________ 1 --- . . ,,.-' r r.-,( '! 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the a'uthority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press5 The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All. rights of republication of all other matters herein also sreserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subs rlptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representatve 420 MADISON AVE. " NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO -'s oSTO LOS ANGELES -SAr FRANICISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor Sports Editor. Robert D. Mitchell. Albert P. May1o Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry . S. R. Kleiman . Robert Perman * .Earl Oilman William Elvin . Joseph Freedman . . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler * Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager Credit Manager . Advertising Aanager . Womens Business Manager Women's Service Manager . Philip W. Buchen Leonard P. Siegelman . William L. Newnan S Helen Jean Dean * Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR MORTON C. JAMPEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Movie Enters The Lists . WVITH REACTION smashing the doc- trine of human liberty and sweep- ing the debris to oblivion in great portions of the world, it is encouraging to see a movement on foot that throws a glimmer of hope into the gloomy picture of intolerance, persecution and barbaric aggression. In New York last night a conference was held of an organization founded for the non-profit-making production and dis- tribution of motion pictures designed "to safe- guard and extend American democracy." Many prominent educators, writers, political figures and well-known screen ,and stage per- sonalities are behind this new organization whic is called Films for Democracy. Its chairman is Dr. Ned H. Dearborn, dean of the Division of General Education of New York University, and among its sponsors are United States Senator Arthur Capper, Rexford G. Tugwell, Thomas Mann, Dr. Mary E. Woolley, Heywood Broun, Philip Merivale, Sherwood Anderson, Herman Shumlin, Walter Pritchard Eaton, Marc Con- nelly, Rex Ingram, George Seldes and Will Rogers, Jr. For too long a time now the battle against the savagery of fascism and the philosophy of The Leader has been fought with the negative weapons of criticism. Fascism has not hesitated to excoriate the ideals of democracy and liberal- ism; but its main appeal has been the positive one embodied in its political ideology and the prediction of material security and national glory. So, too, in fighting this new Caesarism, we must do more than point out that the Ger- man and Italian peoples are chasing mere will- o-wisps in the promises of their leaders; we must do more than indicate the declining stand- ard of living in fascist states, the slavery to which these peoples are subjected and the in- herent elements in their society that will lead them inevitably to war and self-destruction. We must revive the democratic ideal, re-inject it with the vitality it once displayed and still possesses, and, refurbished, present it to the mass of people as the only means by which they can control the direction of their own destiny and work out their own salvation. The motion picture with its wide appeal is an unequalled medium 'through which to achieve this goal. Hollywood, however, shrinks from the treatment of present-day social problems in any manner as to suggest a practical solu- tion. The American movie has sunk beneath a camouflage of tinsel and finery that hides con- temporary reality and flourishes on historical drama and the sentimentality of over-worked themes. With the cooperation of well-known actors, directors, writers and technicians who will donate their services at a low cost, Films for Democracy should be able to penetrate to the heart of the American scene and reveal the hope for humanity that lies in the expansion of the democratic tradition. We await their initial attempt with more than passing interest. S. R. Kleinan Expropriated Land Sacrifice BY Spain.. . Mr. Eden resigned his post as Foreign Secre- tary in February, the Anglo-Italian Agreement was signed in April, the Non-Intervention Com- mittee produced its plan for withdrawing "vol- unteers" from Spain in July. When the agree- ment was signed the British Government stip- ulated that there must be a "settlement of the Spanish question" before it came into force. For some time Mr. Chamberlain refused to say what "settlement" meant, but in July he committed himself to the statement that there would be no "settlement" until Spain had "ceased to be a menace to the peace of Europe." Why had Spain been a menace? Principally because Italy was waging an organized war in order to destroy the Republican Government and impose her client Franco on the whole of Spain. Germany, too, was waging war, supplying Franco with most valuable technicians. Italy bulked largest in the public eye; she furnished whole divi- sions of troops, engines of war of all kinds, and quantities of aeroplanes which have played the leading part in bombing the Republican armies, undefended towns, and British ships engaged in lawful trade. Thus two Powers threatened, by an intervention which has no parallel on the part, of any other Power, to crush the legitimate Government of Spain and by erecting a vassal State to establish themselves on the flank of British and French communications. That was why, until recently, Mr. Chamberlain himself regarded Spain as a danger to the peace of Europe. Changes His Mind Mr. Chamberlain no longer does so. He tells the House of Commons that he proposes to bring the Italian Agreement into force at once, be- cause in the view of the Government Spain has now "cesed to be a menace to the peace of Europe." What is the evidence? He offers several reasons. Mussolini has withdrawn 10,000 infan- try. But everyone knows that the Italian infantry matters to Franco least of all; it is Italian aviation, tanks, guns, armored cars that matter, and they remain. Besides since the Government is sending home all its "volunteers-their de- parture to be verified by a league delegation- Italy, on any just basis, should do the same. Ah but, says Mr. Chamberlain, Italy has given "definite assurances" that all categories of Italians will be withdrawn when the Non-Inter- vention Plan of July 5 comes into force. But Mussolini said the same in the April agreement, so how can his saying it again diminish the "menace to peace," and what is the value of it in any case since Franco has rejected the "plan" and must go on rejecting it lest he lose the Ital- ian army without which he will quickly lose the war. Mr. Chamberlain then says that MussoliWi has promised not to send aeroplanes in place of the withdrawn infantry and not to send more troops. Why should he if there are swarms of aeroplanes already and if he can send munitions of every kind, as indeed he can,. for there is nothing to forbid him in either the agreement or the Non-Intervention Plan? Again, Mr. Chamberlain declares that Mussolini told him at Munich that Italy had no territorial ambitions in Spain. Maybe he did, but since this also was solemnly asserted in the April agreement, how does it help the Premier's argument that peace was "menaced" then but is not now. These flimsy arguments prove nothing. In substance, nothing has changed. German technicians and aeroplanes, Italian aeroplanes, tank corps, gun- ners are still there. In Italy the press repeates daily that Franco has to win. Ten thousand in- fantrymen who will not be much missed have gone, and that is all. There is no "settlement." So good a Tory as Lord Wolier summed it up in the House yesterday: "What was worrying a great many supporters of the Government was that all the condition attached to the signing of the agreement most certainly had not been fulfilled." How Heavy The Price! Mr. Chamberlain has persuaded himself that there is a real change in the situation because he is determined to complete his "working arrangement" with Mussolini. We may gain for ourselves smoother relations, for a time, with Mussolini; no one has ever denied that it is possible at a price to soothe dictators down. But how heavy is the price which we are constantly called on to pay? Thus we are now to register the final abandonment of Abyssinia (which is not even conquered) and for what? Not even to obtain fair play for Republican Spain, because there will be none, nor to bring Italian inter- vention to an end, since, by this last act of ours, we are recognizing it as something that is intend- ed to last until Franco has * on the war. We do it to make ourselves more valuable to Mussolini in the game of power-politics and to lessen our own discomforts, hoping for some consideration from him. We have done this ever since Mr., Chamberlain took control of foreign policy, with the result that in September Mussolini declared himself on Hitler' side, while Germany asked Franco for permission to use his northern aero- dromes should there be war. We are leaving Mussolini not to go on breaking the Spanish people who are struggling for their freedom; unfortunately for them not only are they "Bol- shevists" but their coasts look out on the French passage to Africa and the British seaways through the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic. But Mr. Chamberlain, who should know what Italy has done in Spain these last two years, is pre- pared to trust the future of Britigh interests to Mussolini's word. For Spain herself, the Spain that is fighting to escape from her historic pris- on into the open air, he does not care. -The Manchester Guardian amount has been liquidated. We are opposed in TODAY i WASHINGTON -by David Larence- ,op VNNk oil WASHINGTON, Nov. 18-Just as many people were beginning to despair of the triumph of sanity in a world of unrest. Great Britain and the United States have together taken the most ad- vanced step toward breaking down economic barriers to trade that the world has witnessed since'the same two nations, six years ago, turned the clock back and helped intensify the friction of present-day commerce. When the United States, over the protest, though with the signature of President Hoover, adopted in 1931 the Iawley-Smoot tariff law, the highest in our history, the British dominions met at Ottawa in 1932 and put into effect a series of reprisals which were followed by other govern- ments, so that, in 1933, the total trade of the ,Norld fell to one of the low points of all times. Today, Britain and America, as well as Canada, have joined in new reciprocal trade 'agreements, which, together with twenty other trade agree- ments previously signed, now cover about 60 per cent of the trade of the world. This is truly a remarkable achievement, for which the Secre- tary of State, Cordell Hull, deserves high praise. Without the approval of President Roosevelt, these treaties could not have been consummated, so it may well be said that the present Adminis- tration, without trying the old method of general tariff revision, has adjusted rates throughout the world directly and has affected indirectly the tariff duties between other nations. World Benefits For the concessions gianted by the United States and Great Britain to each other in tariff duties mean that other nations will receive those benefits, too, in so far as particular products are affected. But this is not so important as- the inability of Britain or Canada to grant to other nations any lower rates or better arrangements than have been granted to the United States, To make trade agreements with Canada and the United Kingdom is to arrange a new system of trade relationships with our two best custom- ers. The United States supplies well over half of Canada's pruchases and buys about 40 per cent of Canada's products. Also, the United Kingdom buys more from the United States than any other country in the world, and, likewise, England finds America one of her largest markets for her own goods. The two new treaties just signed account for more than a third of the international trade of the world and affect many of the British colonies as well as the United Kingdom and Canada. In such a background, the whole world may now see an attempt at gradual revision down- ward of tariff barriers. It involves a maintenance of the protective principle, to be sure, but Eng-. land's high protectionist policies are modified,' just are are the high tariff duties of the United States. Compromise Necessary What reciprocity aims to do is to increase the sum total of transactions between countries, recognizing, indeed, that, when there are tariff walls, goods do not flow across boundaries and there is economic stagnation and unemployment. Absolute protection for all interests on both sides of the water was obviously impossible. In a nego- tiation, lasting several months as this one did, the spirit of give and take requires mutual con- cessions. Complaints doubtless will be heard by individual industries, but a trade agreement, like a tariff law, represents a compromise and an adjustment of conflicting interests. Rarely can it be said of a tariff law that every interest was satisfied. The American farmer, of course, should bene- fit because of the enlarged market fbor agricul- ture made possible by these treaties, and this in turn should help to develop buying power at home and by the farmers. What is important is that Britain and America and Canada were able to reach an agreement after months of tedious discussion and that the example set to other nations is such as to en- courage the reciprocal principle everywhere. The official announcement from the Department of State emphasizes this point, as follows: Officitl Statement "Since the trade policies of the United States and of the countries of the British Empire have wide influence in the world, the liberal spirit shown in this trade agreement should have an important bearing on the commercial policies of many other countries, quite apart from the fact that, under the most-favored nation practice of both the United Kingdom and the United States, most, countries will benefit directly from the concessions provided in it." The experience of the United States with the first Canadian agreement was that the total volume of trade increased materially. As rates are lowered, the inducement to move goods arises. When more goods move, there is more revenue for steamship companies and for railroads, more fees for brokers and shippers and maritime in- surance companies. Likewise, as factory or farm production is stiumlated as a consequence or more demand growing out of reduced prices, employment is increased, which tends to offset losses here and there where the lowered tariff breaks down a tariff-supported factory at home and compels new methods or new machinery to meet the new competition. The trade treaties have been under fire for some time by the school of absolute protection- ism and by a large number of Republican con- servatives, but, in the East in the last few years, especially in seaport cities dependent on world trade to fill up empty office buildings and in- crease employment in shipping, quite a number Qf ! I Beethoven, By Goldwyn DURING the showing of "The Life and Loves of Beethoven," the Art Cinema Lague's current offering, the impish thought kept recurring: won- der what Sam Goldwyn would have done with a title like that? In the French version, Harry Bauer, as the composer whose life was presumably cluttered with assorted romances, had about as much sex appeal as an arti- choke; his dessicated mug was as suggestive of the boudoir as Karloff's. But in Goldwyn's manipulative hands, Beethoven would be transformed into an impetuous roue whose limpid lamps would intoxicate, not two but a dozen lovelies. Maybe Tyrone Power himself could be borrowed for the role. Ty has already shown an artis- tic disdain for the historical correct- ness of his characters, and Beethoven would certainly be within his range after such epic delineations as Lloyd's of London, de Lesseps of Suez and Alexander of ragtime fame, not to mention Axel Fersen, Marie Antoin- ette's Swedish paramour. Beethoven Ala Godwyn And when Goldwyn's Beethoven lodged himself on the pianobench to improvise a sonata, of moonlight o moonshine perhaps, can't you picture a thousand blonde elves, festooned with leis and glittering panties, traip- sing across the ivories, each of which is adorned with a flickering neon light. And it would not be unlike Sam to sneak in a bar or tow of "The Sugar Blues" just in case the neigh- borhood audiences should find them- selves a bit bored with the weightier tunes. But to return for a moment to the picture at the Lydia Mendelssohn. The photographic excellence of Holly- wood, as well as its usual sequacious continuity, has by contrast made the French film appear crude, technically imperfect and injudiciously cut. It flits about as though the director didn't know exactly what to do next and in despair decided to shoot some- thing else in a hurry. However, Holly- wood might well study the technique which produced such magnificent mo- nents as the wedding and death scenes. The funeral music of the wedding shot was so intense as to bombard the tympanum, but there was a force beyond that in Bauer's acting. Unfortunately, the organ was as dissonant as Beethoven's emotions. In the death scene, it was apparent that Bauer could convey in one wrinkle greater emotional depth than most of Goldwyn's heroes combined. 'Soprano Thunderbolt' The person who described Dorothy Thompson as a "soprano thunder-, bolt" might aptly apply the same to Mrs. Lillian Mowrer, who spoke here Wednesday. Aside from their double-; edged observations on international I affairs, the two women are married to distinguished journalists, Sinclair Lewis, novelist and playwright, and Edgar Ansel Mowrer, dean of the Chicago Daily News' foreign staff who is watching the continental con- fusion from his Paris retreat. As a' .journalist's wife, Mrs. Mowrer has had a first-hand opportunity to watch the Europeans seethe, and in her at- tack upon the Munich betrayal, she didn't neglect the opportunity to pin a haymaker upon the British, who always leave themselves wide open for the sucker punch. "The British sent Runciman to Czechoslovakia because on the minority question his mind was a blank as a white sheet of paper. That's the British idea of impar- tiality." And nothing better could describe the fevered malleable minds of a propagandized mob than Mrs. Mowrer's laconic, "The IIenlein Nazis were waiting for the order to lose their patience." * 0 , Sclhmidt's System (Continued from Page 2) terested are urged to secure this in- formation immediately. Concerts Carillon Recital. Percival Price, guest carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Sunday af- ternoon, Nov. 20, at 3 o'clock. Chamber Music Concert. A limited number of tickets for the chamber music recital to be given Monday af-, ternoon, Nov. 21, and Monday after- noon, Nov. 28, at 4:15 o'clock, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, are still available, and will be given out to those who call at the office of the School of Music so long as the supply asts., Exhibitions Ann Arbor Camera Club presents its Second Annual Salon of Photog- raphy, Room 3541, Rackham Build- ing. Open evenings 7:30-10 p.m. through Nov. 19. The public is in- vited. Exhibition, College of Architecture: An exhibition of hand-made Christ- mas cards from the collections of Professors J. P. Slusser and M. B. Chapin is now being shown in the corridor cases, ground floor, Archi- ecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday, through Nov. 26. The public is invited. The Ann Arbor Art Association pre- sents two exhibitions, water colors by, Jane Stanley, and Guatemalan tex- tiles, in the galleries of Alumni Mem-; orial Hall. Nov. 9 through 23, daily, 2-5 p.m. Exhibit of designs, paintings, and drawings by members of Alpha Alpha Gamma, National Honorary Archi- tectural Sorority, Horace H. Rack- ham Building exhibition room, mez- zanine floor, Nov. 16 to 26. Lectures Lecture: Dr. Edwin E. Aubrey, Professor of Theology and Ethics, the University of Chicago, will speak on "History and Religion-Current Re- ligious Issues in the Light of Their Historical Sources" at Lane Hall, Mondas~ Nov 21 R nm You of M By Sec Terry DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Goudsmit on "Symmetrie in dekora- tiven Mustern." Freshman Round Table: Professor Arthur Wood, of the Sociology De- partment, will discuss "Prison Re- form-Should the Criminal Be Treat- ed as a Sick Person?" Lane Hall, Sunday, 4 p.m. hurces Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, minister. 12 noon, Students Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., Presentation of four great personalities by members of the Guild: Kalgawa, Ossietsky, Schweit- zer, and Lester. This is the fourth discussion of a series on "Building Personality." First Baptist Church and Roger . Williams Guild, east Huron, below State. Sunday, 19:45 a.m. Prof. John Mason Wells, of the department of philosophy, Hillsdale College, a form- er pastor, will preach. His topic will be "The Rock of Ages." 9:30 a.m. The Church School will meet. Dr. Logan, superintendent. 9:45 a.m. Uxiiversity students class meets at Guild House. Mr. Chapman, leader. 6:15 p.m. The Roger Wililams Guild, Bapitst student organization, will observe the fifth anniversary of I the change of name from former "Baptist Guild." Prof. Verner W. Crane, of the Department of Ameri- can History, will be the speaker. The subject will be, "Roger Williams on Liberty." A social hour with re- freshments will follow the address. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar- ten: 11 a.m. morning prayer and ser- mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis. Episcopal Student Group:.The speaker Sunday night at the student meeting in Harris Hall at 7 o'clock will be Rabbi Bernard Heller. His topic will be "The Social and Ec- onomic Philosophy of the"Prophets." Refreshments will be served. All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited. rf y~d', . cv , p. 0~ Wvv. .1First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Wash tenaw Ave. University Lecture: Henri $eyrig,WA Director of the Department of An- 10:45 a.m., "Heirs of God Today" tiquities in Syria, will give an il- is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's lustrated lecture on "The Meeting of sermon at the Morning Worspip Sery- Greek and Iranian in the Civilization ice. of Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes- 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi-suppr aold fellowship hoU Tni seatreundCassicalu Acaeoogthe Mu- tarian Church will speak on the topic public is cordially invited: yT "What's Wrong With The Church" at the meeting at 6:45. oming vents First Methodist Church. Morning Physics"'Colloquiuxn: Dr. Eugene H. worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Eyster will speak on "The Applica- Brashares will preach on "Thanks- t t WHERE seems to have been a gen- erlevacuation of the campus,a with the trails leading to Columbus, O., that metropolis of curiosa ameri- cana, where 80,000 people go berserk ; as 22 sportive collegians maul one another in an attempt to determine the exact geographical location of an inflated, oblongated pigskin. They say the High street merchant there gets so rabid over football that if the Buckeyes show a persistent disinclin- ation towaidtl victory, he will person- ally escort the coach out of town on a rail, and do it with uncermonious dispatch.# Francis Schmidt, Incumbent coach, has survived for some time now, probably because he is too tough- crusted for his pool-room tormentors. An ex-Army man, Schmidt has no peer in delivering pure bombast. He is another of that little group of men who can commit verbal assault and battery. Last Spring, we were in Columbus and decided to stroll out to the Buckeye practice field to watch him drill a couple of cauliflower- pared linemen in blocking technique. He punctuated each instruction with the kind of language which is dis- guised in the comic strips thusly: tion of Theoretical Asymuretic Rota- tor Band Envelopes to Spectroscopic E and Structural Problems," at thex Physics Colloquium on Monday, Nov.1 21 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg,. Biological Chemistry Seminar: Monday, Nov. 21, 7-9 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Building. "Trypto-l phane" will be discussed. All interest- ed are invited.1 Graduate Student Council: Therec will be an important meeting of the Council Monday, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the East Conference Room, third floor of the Rackham Bldg. The new executive committee is toi be elected and part of the activities; for the year will be determined. All; members are urged to attend. Quarterdeck Meeting: Members off Quarterdeck Society, there will be al very important meeting Monday night, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at thel Union. Look on the bulletin board, at the Union for the room number. The purpose of the meeting is to dis- cuss a joint melting with the P'ropel- for Club on Dec. 13. The Graduate Outing Club will meet 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20 at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building for a short hike, returning to the club room for refreshments. The Polonia Circle will hold a meet- ing and a reception in the lower en- tertainment room of Lane Hall, Tuesday evening, 7:30 p.m., Nov. 22. All members of the Polonia Circle and their friends are cordially invit- ed. The Christian Student Prayer Group will meet as usual at 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20, inuthe Michigan League. Please consult the bulletin board for the room. For an hour of praise and worship visit the meet- ing of this group. German Table for Faculty Mem- hem-T'i-,nspcfoi lnr 1,intrbhnn merirnting giving?" At 3:30 p.m. there will be a Ground-Breaking ceremony for the new church and Wesley Foundation building. Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45 a.m. under the leadership of Prof. Carl. Rufus. The subject for discus- sion will be "Mohammedanism and'. Hinduism." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Dr. Irvin Deer of Chicago will show movies and lead a discussion con- cerning them.' Fellowship Hour and supper following the meeting. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30. Subject: "Soul and Body." Golden Text: Isaiah 26:8. Sunday School at 11:45. First Congregational Church, corn- er of State and E. William Streets. Minister, Reverend Leonard A. Parr. 10:45 a.m. Service of worship. Dr. Parr will speak on the following sub- ject: "How O0d of God to Choose the Jews." 6 p.m. Student Fellowship. Supper will be served at six o'clock after which a play will be presented by members of the group. Reformed and Christian Reformed service held in the League Chapel will be conducted this week by Dr. G. Goris of Grand Rapids. Beside the regular morning worship hour be- ginning at 10:30 there will also be a special evening service which will be- gin at 6:30 p.m. All students are invited to hear this inspriing preach- er at both services. Unitarian Church, State and Hu- ron Sts. 11 a.m. "Religion Goes for a Ride" address by H. P. Marley. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students Union, "Mexico the Maligned." Mr. Robert Friers, '39 and Miss Lucile Poor. Exhibit of Mexican paintings by Margaret Chapin and contemporary Mexican posters. 9 p.m. Coffee hour.