Weather Generally fair, slightly colder today; tomorrow unsettled. LI e 3k 1 g an, VOL. XLIX. No. 48 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 1938 Michigan Favored To Beat Buckeyes In Gridiron Finale Nine Michigan Men Play Last College Contest; 70,000_To See Game Rain May Hamper Wolverine Backs By BUD BENJAMIN COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 18.-(Special to The Daily)-This town was agog tonight as the local citizenry and a huge influx of visiting fans excitedly anticipated the 35th conflict between those two arch rivals of the gridiron, Michigan and Ohio State, in the Ohio Stadium tomorrow. Approximately 70,000 spectators will jam the Buckeyes' spacious double 'deck stands to witness the Ohio homecoming day special.sOf question- able titlar significance, the impending battle has nevertheless provoked tre- mendous interest here and wild cele- brations featured the pre-game fes- tivities. Crowds Jam Streets Broad and High streets were jam- fried with wearers of the Scarlet and Grey and the Maize and Blue. Hotels cleared their lobbies of everything but the bare necessities. Bars were mobbed. Traffic was at a standstill. Columbus was a town bedecked with the colorful symbols of the old college rah-rah tonight on the eve of the big game. Betting was brisk with ample tak- ers for both Sides. Michigan was a slight favorite before game time al- though odds were even and no points were given. Far removed from this hotbet of football exuberance, the Michigan squad encamped at Toledo tonight after an afternoon bus ride from Ann Arbor. They will entrain for Columbus at 9 a.m. on a special train which will take them directly to the Stadium, arriving just bfore noon. Ohio's squad also rested at some hinterland camp. All day rains in Columbus caused some worry in the Wolverine camp tonight as it was feared Michigan's speedy set of backs might not be able to get going on a soggy field. Michigan Should Win On paper Michiga holds a con- siderable edge, but this 1938 Ohio squad has proven as unpredictable as the weather and their ability to rise to surprising heights adds a spice and1 zest to the game. To date Michigan has a better rec- ord although the Conference books give little edge to either team.- The Wolverines have tied North-a western; so has Ohio. They whipped Chicago 45-7; Ohio massacred the Maroons 42-7. The Buckeyes slam- med Illinois 32-14; Michigan's best effort resulted in a 14-0 victory. Ohio State has lost to Purdue and South- ern California, Michigan's 'lone de- feat came at the hands of Minnesota. The battle takes on a revenge angle for Michigan. The Wolverines havec failed to. score a point against Ohiol State since 1933 when the admin- istration of Coach Francis "Close The Gates of Mercy" Schmidt began. n the line, Michigan holds a de- cided advantage, although State will outweigh their opponents some 10 pounds to the man. Ohio's flankers are Bill Lohr and Esco Sarkinnen, who is probably as good an end as Michigan will put on the field, but they have no reserve strength at this position while the Wolverines do. Michigan's big four of John Nicholson, Vince Valek, Dan Smick and Ed Frutig give the visitors the nod in end strength. Ohio has two gargantuan tackles (Continued on Page 3) Examinations Are Available Congress' Files In Library QPen To Students Examination files for all major lit-1 erary courses are again available at the reference desk of the main li- brary, it was announced by Ed Page, recording secretary of Congress, in- dependent men's organization. Engineering examinations are on file in the West Engineering Library. Initiated last year by Congress as Deans Rejeet Holiday Plea For 10 Years It will be useless for students to petition for a Thanksgiving vaca- tion to include Friday and Saturday, for the next ten years, a letter from Dr. Frank E. Robbins,; assistant to the President, revealed yesterday. The University calendar up until 1948 has already been prepared and approved by the University Council and by the Board of Regents, Dr. Robbins explained. Dr. Robbins' reply to the petition of the Student Senate Thanksgiving Committtee was: "The Conference of the President and Deans has already 'given consideration to the subject of the petition and feels that in view of the study of this matter which was made by the Committee on Revi- sion of the Calendar and by the Uni- versity Council to which the Com- mittee reported no further action is needed at this time. The calendar for the next ten years has been approved both by the University Council and the Board of Regents." Conservatives .. Are Set Back Broad Plans Made In Last CIO Meeting Elect Lewis As President; Murray, Hillman, Carey Will Be New Officers Lewis Sees Peace With AFL Possible PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 18-(P)- The New CIO emerged from the cheering and celebration of its first Constitutional Convention t o d a y carrying a broad program for politi- cal and economic action under the leadership of its militant champion, John 'L. Lewis, 58-year-old one-time coal miner. Winding up the five-day gathering, the 519 delegates who set up the CIO on a permanent basis as the Congress of Industrial Organizations, swept Lewis into the first presidency by thunderous acclamation. Elect Other Officers Then with bands, horns and whistles blaring the convention rolled on to complete the new CIO by elect- ing Philip Murray, another former miner, and Sidney Hillman, ex-cloth- ing worker, as vice-presidents, James B. Carey as secretary, and 38 union officials to sit with the officers of CIO's executive board. Sweeping through a mass of policy committments, the delegates reaf- firmed their stand for the organiza- tion of the unskilled workers in the mass production industries and called on CIO leadership for an "unremit- ting campaign throughout every i-- dustry." Peace This coordination and the Consti- tutional Convention, Lewis predicted earlier, would be "the greatest step possible" for peace with the A.F.L. by placing the CIO on an equal footing. Shifting its interest quickly from domestic to international affairs, the convention approved a resolution'call- ing on the United States to strength- en "democratic forces" in South and Central American countries against economic and political penetration there of "the fascist empires, Ger- many, Italy and Japan." Responding to the acclaim that carried him into the presidency, Lew- is, who also heads the United Mine Workers, largest of the 34 affiliated unions, declared: "This election marks my transition from the role of an unscrupulous and tyrannical dictator to the role of a servant of a constitutional democ- racy, a constitutional labor move- ment-some change for a dictator!" Ohio Dispute Settled; Davey Gets His Salary COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 18-oP)m Gov. Martin L. Davey's complaint that he 'hadn't received his Nov. 1 and Nov. 15 salary checks was satis- fied today. State Auditor Joseph T. Ferguson's office staff said the Nov. 1 check was certified Nov. 12-only after Davey gave orders for payment of old-age pensions-and the second went out on schedule. In Elections English Voters Indicate Eden's Policy Favored Over Prime Minister's LONDON, Nov. 18-VP)---Britain found evidence today in a by-election and in addresses by two cabinet mem- bers that Prime Minister Chamber- lain's policy of appeasing Germany had been set back by the German campaign against Jews. The Marquess of Zetlar. d, Secre- tary of State for India, and Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer, indicated that the appeasement plan had been impaired. Chamberlain's adherents w e r e startled by the smashing "Popular Front" defeat of a Government candi- date for the House of Commons in the Bridgewater constituency, tra- ditionally a Conservative stronghold. Some ascribed it to resentment of the man-in-the-street over Ger- many's anti-British press campaign and the outburst of anti-Semitism. The winner, Vernon Bartlett, an In- dependent Progressive, had opposed "the dangers of Prime Minister Chamberlain's foreign policy." Bartlett, 44-year-old foreign af-' fairs wiiter and radio commentator, defeated a Conservative, P. G. Heath- coat-Amory. This was the third Government defeat in five by-elections since the Four-Power accord at Munich. Japan Scorns 'Open Door' In East Asia U.S. Powers Are Denied; Term Nine Power Treaty Of 1922 As Obsolete China To Be Fused With Manchukuo TOKYO, Nov. ,18.--)-Japan de- nied today point by point every charge in an American note demand- ing maintenance of the "Open Door" in China and asserted that "ideas and principles of the ,past" no longer apply in China's "new situation." This "new situation" results from Japan's aim of an "Asia for Asiatics" in which she would forge China into a solid bloc with Manchoukuo and the Japanese Empire for the political and economic domination of East Asia. Obsrvers interpreted the note as an open declaration of Japan's inten- tion to dictate the conditions under which foreign business may continue and foreigners may live henceforth in China. It was taken as a sweeping state- ment of policy not only to the United States, but to the world generally that: 1. A new order, which Japan in- tends to control entirely, exists in China and pre-war conditions can- not apply. 2. The "Open Door" will continue only in economic fields of minor im- portance. Although the 1922 Nine-Power Treaty for respect of China's terri- torial integrity and independence was not mentioned specifically, ob- servers also held the statement sharp- ly illuminated Japan's intention to disregard the pact. Japan's reply, answering assertions in a protest Oct. 6 against"unwar- ranted interference" with American rights in China, had ben long de- liberated despite the United States' request for a prompt answer. "In the face of the new situation any attempt to apply to the condi- tions of today and tomorrow to the inapplicable ideas and principles of the past neither would contribute to the pace of East Asia nor solve the immediate issues," the note said. It frankly asserted that Japan was engaged in establishing a new order in East Asia and declared such a project was "an indispensable condi- tion of Japan's very existence." Authoritative quarters expressed belief that Japan's note was virtual declaration that Tokyo considered in- ternational agreements reached con- cerning China after the World War, particularly the Nine-Power Treaty, obsolete. Debaters Meet Indiana Team British Alliance Is Topic Of Big Ten Match The Michigan varsity debating team niet the University of Indiana in their third Big Ten contest of the week last night in Bloomington on the Conference topic, "Resolved: That the United States Should Es- tablish An Alliance With Great Brit- an. Robert Rosa, '39, and Oliver Crag- er, '39, representing the University upheld the negative side of the ques- tion. Michigan's negative team of Jack Shuler, '40, and Rosa defeated the Purdue squad of Joe Yamamoto and Joe Rittenhouse in the only decision contest of the series at Lafayette Thursday night. Jack Zuideveld, '40, and Louis Pop- linger, '39, took the affirmative side of the question against Ohio State's team consisting of Joeph Grigsby and Samuel Shapiro Wednesday night at the Union in the first of the week's contests. University, Walkis Closed To Cyclists By Deans' Order A 33-year-old regulation prohibit- ing bicycle riding on campus walks will be enforced again, Vice-President Shirley W. Smith announced yester- day on behalf of the deans of the University. . Thedeanns' action was nromnfied Nazi Envoy Called Hom Pe rs eution Of Minoritie German Anti-Jewish Violence Deplored By Faculty Members Lack of available documents and sources of information concerning the new wave of anti-semitism in Ger- many and its underlying motivations has not prevented definite opinions on the subject from being formed among some members of the political science faculty. In the chronicling of these views, the Daily was requested to omit the names of the authors of the observations. The concensus finds the word "in- famous" the most adequate in charac- terizing the present activties, especi- ally the vitrually ignored violence to property on the part of the govern- ment and the oppressively heavy taxes recently levied on the Jewish popu- lation. The closing of universities and schools to German-Jews was called bigoted, -shortsighted and definitely uncultured. This leaves much of the Jewish youth stranded, without oc- cupation and without any education- al opportunity, even less than they had under the stringently super- vised Nazi curricula. One explanation of the heavy taxes imuosed recently is an attempt to Lists of all personal properties were demanded of Jewish residents in Ger- many and it is expected that whole- sale confiscation of the listed posses- sions will eventuate in the near fu- ture. Particularly deserving of condem- nation was the sudden imprisonment of Fritz Warburg, famous Jewish banker of Hamburg and former sup- porter of the Kaiser during the world war. The famous Warburg family advanced loan after loan to thefKais- er's armies and replenished the war- drained coffers of Germany many times in the turbulent post war per- iod. Now his imprisonment is char- acterized as "merely holding the man for ransom." Religious persecution of Catholics and Jews goes on unabat- ed and with untold cruelty. The advancement of the reason that the tax is merely a penalty im- pinged on the Jews in retaliation for the murder of a German official in France by an obscure Polish Jew, is silly and even insulting to the minds of the people of the world. It appears, said one member of the