Weather Considerable cloudiness and cooler today; tomorrow fair. Y Ink' igau it Editorial Peace Te . . Dlemocratic Q1uest ... A VOLA. LX.-No. 2 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1938 f FRICE,, F'TVE h ., .. R PJUCE, FIVE Enrollment Mark Nears New Record As 10,649 Register Present Figures Reveal 501 Gain Over Same School Period Last Year Loss Of 178 Shown In Literary College. Virtual assurance of an all-time high- in University enrollment was given yesterday when figures re- leased by Miss Marian -Williams, Uni- versity statistican, showed a total enrollment to date of 10,649. At the corresponding date last year, 10,148 students had enrolled, with the final figure hItting 10,964 for a University record., 0 the total number enrolled to date, 7,714 are men and 2,935 are women, corresponding closely to last year's ratio of 7,286 men to 2,862 women. Most noteworthy, according to offi- cials in the Registrar's Office, is the decrease of 178 students in the literary college with a corresponding gain in- dicated in the professional schools and colleges. The total enrollment to date in schools and colleges is as folows: the iterary college, 4,408 as against 4,586 ast year; the engineering college, 2,033 as against 1856; the Medical School, 457 as against 459; the Law School, 606 as against 533; the pharmacy col- lege, 72 as against 71; thedental col- lege, 170as against 154; the architec- ture college, 306 as against 310; the forestry school, 167 as against 159; the business administration sdhool, 164 as agaist 134; the education school, 378 as against 331; the nursing school, X254 as against 196; the music school,231 as against 223 and the Graduate School, 1504 as against 1255. Tie :figures given above, Miss Wil- liams said, do not add up to the total giveni, since many of the enrollments are in combined curriculum and thus are indicated more than once. A, total gain of 4.9 per cent over the coresponding date lst year ism d- cated by the increase of 501 students. Mden's - enrollments increased 428 to mark up a gain of 5.9 per cent, while women's, ' with an increase of 73, gained 2.6 per cent aver last year's figures The greatest gain in schools and colleges was noted in the engineering college with an increase of 177 stu- dents over last year at the coes- ponding date. Other colleges which marked up increases in enrollment are: Law with 73; the Graduate School with 249; and the nursing' school with 58. * New UniverSity Lecture Series T O pen Soon Dean Diehl Of Minnesota Medical School To Speak Here October Twelfth Dean H. S. Dieh of the University of Minnesota Medical School will in- augurate the 1938-39 University lec- ture series Oct. 12 when he will speak in celebration of the 25th anniversary. of the Health Service.- All lectures in the series, which is sponsored by the schools, colleges and departments of the University will; be given at 4:15 p.m. Thursdays in I either the Natural Science Auditorium1 or the auditorium of the Graduate] School. Definite announcement of the place of the lectures will be made] in the -Daily before each lecture. ; At present, lectures are only tenta-I tively scheduled. Roland D. Craig, ,chief of the Division of Forest Ec- onomics of the Dominion of .Canada will speak on Oct. 20. Theodore Dors- *sing, librarian at the University of1 Copenhagen, Denmark, will speak on Nov. 8 and 9. Other lecturers, whose times andr subjects have not yet been announced are: Prof. B. Sargent Florence of the Department of Economics at the University of Birmingham; Prof. A. J.1 B. Wace of Cambridge University;' (Continued on Page 6) Hygiene Required .For All Frosh Men ROTC Boys Fight; Just Watch Their Cheering Section Two card displays will be present- ed Saturday at the Michigan State football game by the newly organized cheering section, Ted Spangler, '40, chairman of the organization com- mitte , announced yesterday. The center seats ih sections 22, 23 and 24, including 900 seats, will be occupied by the new cheering section. About half of these seats will be oc- cupied by members of the ROTC. These were all that could be contact- ed in time for organization, Spangler said. "ROTC men will be drilled and in- structed in the operation of the card display at their regular drills this week," Spangler said. "We have asked them to take part because they are the only large group on campus who could be so organized that they could present this type of display," he explained. Don L. Nixon, '40, Union publicity director, said yesterday that "the rea- son a cheering section hasn't worked , here before is that no one organized group took part and there were dif-, ferent people in the cheering section' eajh time. Student fSenate. * , Election Plans" Are Prepared Regular Meeting Today _ Will complete Rules; Scholarship Cup Is Won By Kappa Nu D ' Dean's office Announces Phi Epsilon.Pi Is Next, Phi KappaSigma Third Alpha Delta Pi First Among Sororities Top scholarship rating among Michigan's 41 general fraternities this year was won by Kappa Nu with an average of 81.5 per cent out of a possible 100 per cent, the Dean of Students Office announced yesterday. Phi Epsilon Pi was second with 80.5 and Phi Kappa Sigma was third with 80.2. Sorority scholastic honoi-s were tak-1 en by Alpha Delta Pi with 82.7 per cent, Delta Gamma with 81.8 and Pi Beta Phi with 80.9. In the rating for the campus as a whole, independent women have an average of 78.5 to lead all other classi- fications. General Sororities, women's1 dormitories and league houses, general fraternities, and independent men fol- low in the order named. Grades earned by ineligible pledges in fraternitiesz and sororities have been omitted from the fraternity and sorority records, Mpiss Marian Williams, University Statistician said. New Method Planned Phi Delta Epsilon leads 12 medicalt fraternities with an average of 83.2 while Alpha Epsilon Iota, women'sr medical sorority, is second with 81.8X and Phi Lambda Kappa third with 80,7. ( The committee ai scholarship has decided that, beginning with the year 1938-39, the system of figuring aver- ages shall be changed from a percent- age to a grade point basis, and that for future scholastic reports the fol- lowing scale shall be used: A equals 1 points, B equals 3 points, C' equals 2 points, D equals 1point and E equals '0 poiints. Reports showing the grades earnedl by individual members of the various. groups are on file in Room 122 of the Re-Affirms October 1 Ultimatum Britain, France, RussiaAnnounce United Czech Defence As Hitler ° Magdol Is New Director Graduate School, the Dean's Office said. Scholarship chairmen, of the A general all-campus election to fill rvrious groups were ur der that a- the 16 vacant positions In the Stu- couragement and direction may be dent Senate will be held Friday, Oct. given to the poor students and recog- 21, it was announced yesterday by nition to those who have excelled. Edward Magdol, '39, director of elec- tions. List Given in Order, To provide the Senate with a true The list of fraternity ratings is as cross-section of student opinion' the follows: Kappa Nu, 81.5; Phi Epsilon Hare system of proportional represen- Pi, 80.5; Phi Kappa Sigma, 80.2; Zeta tation with the single transferable Beta Tau, 80.0; Phi Lambda Phi, vote will again be used in the voting, 80.0; Phi Sigma Delta, 79.2; Chi Phi, ehe said. Plans for the forthcoming 78.9; Tau Kappa Epsilon, 78.6; Zeta elections will be completed at the Psi, 78.5; Phi Sigma Kappa, 78.1; Al- first regular meeting of the Student pha Delta Phi, 78.1 Senate at 8 p. m. today in the League. The list continues with Chi Psi, Tri- Robert Rosa, '39, will act as tempor- gon, Phi Beta, Delta, Beta Theta Pi, ary chairman. Alpha Kappa Lambda, Theta Delta At the meeting today election of a Chi, Sigma Jhi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Student Senator to succeed Alfred Phi Kappa Tau, Delta Upsilon, Phi Lovell, '38, as vice-president, will be Delta Theta, Delta Kappa Epsilon, held, and reports will be given by the Kappa Delta Rho, Triangle, Sigma housing, continuations, sex education Alpha Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma and Negro education committees. Nu, Acacia, Theta Xi, Psi Upsilon, The meeting today. is open to the Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Sigma Phi, public and all students are invited to Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Phi Epri- attend, Magdol said. The exact loca- ion, Theta Chi,, Alpha Tau Oencga, tion of the meeting will be posted on Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta, Caontinued on Page 5_ Sigma Chi and Hermitage Chinese Masses Seen Winning Grin Victor Over Jap Steel Fuehrer Does Not Pledge Definitely To Fight But Crowd .Demands Action Says Sudetenland Is Last Demand BERLIN, Sept. 26.--(P)-Reichs- fuehrer Adolf Hitler told the world tonight that if Czechoslovakia does not give Germany the territory he has marked as Sudetenland by Oct. 1 he will act. "The time has come to talk busi- ness," he said, and "the Sudetenland is the last territorial demand I have to make in Europe, but it is a demand from which I never will recede." Yet there was nothing in the speech -an address one hour and 13 min- utes long broadcast by radio to an anxious world which hung on every word-to indicate definitely just what the Fuehrer intended to do. Hopes For Sudetens Apparently he still hoped to get the Sudetenland-defined in maps which he attached to his "final" memorandum-by negoiation and plebiscite. He did not say outright that he was going to war to get the Sudeten areas -whichrCzechoslovakia al- ready has agreed to cede him, though she apparently disagrees with him on the definition of the Sudetenland. He did say, at well-spaced points in the address: "Mr. Benes (President Eduard Benesof Czechoslovakia) must cede this. region (the. Sudetenland) to us by Oct. 1." "We are determined, may Mr. Benes know it! "Regarding the Sudeten problem, my patience is exhusted.". Greeted With' 'er - He proudly told, amid cheers of an immediate audience of 25,000 In Ber- lin's hugh Sportpalast, about Ger- many's great military strength, her mighty air force-in short, what a great power Germany has become. This all indicated, by inference, Germany is going to fight. But Hitler did not say so. With every German ordered to hear the Fuehrer by his own radio or a public address system, Hitler be- gan speaking at 8:21 p.m. (2:21 p.m., E.S.T.), a little more than three hours after receiving Sir Horace Wilson, personal representative of British (C'Cntinued on Page 2) MV.edic Alumni To Meet Here First Reunion To Be Held In Graduate School Approximately 1,100 medical alum- ni will arrive in Ann Arbor this week to take part in their first annual re- union Thursday, Friday and Satur- day in the Graduate School, Robert O. Morgan, secretary of the Class Of- ficers' Council announced yesterday. The reunion will be in conjunction with the 89th annual convocation and opening exercises of the Medical School. President Ruthven, Dean -Albert C. Furstenberg of the Medical School, and Dr. Peyton Rous of the Rocke- feller Institute for Medical Research will take part in the opening exercises of the Medical School at 10 a.m. Sat- urday, which will highlight the re- union. A program of lectures, luncheons and round table discussions has been arranged by the committee consisting of Dr. Walter G. Maddock, chairman, Dean Furstenberg, Dr. Arthur C. Cur- 'tis and Dr. H. Marvin Pollard. A banquet for the visiting alumni will be held at 7 p.m., Thursday in the Intramural Building. Dr. Frederick G. Novy, dean-emeritus of the Medical School and President Ruthven will address the gathering and Dean Fur- stenberg will act as toastmaster. A medical party for the purpose of "Aesculapian Buffoonery" will be held at 9 p.m. Friday in the Washtenaw Country Club at which all alumni and their wives will attend. Visiting alumni will top their ac- WASHINGTON, Sept. 26 - (A') -, Great Britain, France and little Czechoslovakia hailed with enthusi- asm and gratitude tonight a dramatic appeal from President Roosevelt for the preservation of peace. But from Berlin, there came no immediate reply save Chancellor Hit- ler's declaration to the German na- tion that unless the Czechs complied with his demand for the Sudeten area, Geirmany .would seize that territory. At home, applause greeted the President's carefully-phrased appeal. Comment by the members of Con- gress who are in Washington was uni- formly laudatory. Many noted with approval that Mr. Roosevelt's mes- sage took an attitude of absolute neutrality. Informed persons said the Adminis- tration had been watching for the psychological moment to make the appeal. The time was adjudged to have arrived with the early hours of today. Correspondents were aroused from sleep and summoned to the State Department. At three a. m. the statement was handed. Addressed To Hitler It was addressed to Hitler and to President Benes of Czechoslovakia. Later the plea for peace was sent also to Poland and to Hungary. In his appeal, Mr. Roosevelt said hostilities would result in "unspeak- abe horror," would take the lives of millions of men, women and children, and shatter the social and economic structure of every nation involved. "The United States has no political' entanglements," he said. "It is caught in no mesh of hatred. Elements of all Europe ,have formed its civilization. "The supreme desire of the Ameri- can people is to live in peace. But in the event of a general war they face the fact that no nation ran escape WPAttill Aid Battered East some measure of the consequences of such a world catastrophe." Reminds Statesmen He reminded Hitler and Benes that theier nations were signatories to the Kellogg-Briand Treaty and that means were at hand for conciliating their differences. No problem was so difficult, he added, that it could not be "justly solved by the resort to reason rather than by the resort to force." Throughout the crisis, the President continued, both he and the American people had "earnestly" hoped that the controversy would yield to negotiations. "So long as these negotiations con- tinue," said the Chief Executive, "so long will there remain the hope that reason and the spirit of equity may prevail and that the world may there- by escape the madness of a new resort to war. "On behalf of the 130 millions of people in the United States of Ameri- ca and for the sake of humanity (Continued on Page 2) Country Faces - Rals' Tle - Up Over Wage Cut Roosevelt May Avert Strike By Summoning Arbitrary Commerce Commission, CHICAGO, Sept. 26.-(/P)--A na-t tion wide railroad strike was voted to- day by organized workers-but timely intervention by President Roosevelt was expected to avert a walkout af- fecting approximately 950,00 en- ployes.7 All 19 Brotherhoods reported thei, members had voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike. ~ Chiefs of 18 xrotherhoods grouped in the Railway Labor Executives' As- sociation and having a membership o'f some 790,00 were authorized to call a strike at 6 p.m. on Sept. 30. The Independent Brotherhood of Railroad Brotherhood of Railroad; Trainmen ordered its members to quit their jobs at 12:01 a.m. on Oct. 1. Gporge M. Harrison, chairman of' the association, announced the em- ployes would walk out at the time fixed unless, in the meantime, the carriers withdraw their notice of a. 15 per cent wage cut. i The railroads have notified the workers that the pay reduction, cal- culated to total $250,000,000 a year, would go into effect at 12:01 a.m. Oct. 1-next Saturday. The strike was called in protest. However, President Roosevelt, con- cerned by prospects of a rail tieup in the United States while European na- .tions were engaged in warlike ma- neuvers, has already made known that he would delay a paralyzing walkout. He told reporters last Tuesday he would appoint a commission to study the rail pay controversy. He is au- thorized to take such action whenever Interstate Commerce is imperilled. Europe's Democracies Acclaim Roosevelt's World Peace Plea Chamberlain Reverses His Erstwhile Policy For 'Dealing With Dictators' Nazi-British Talks To Be Continued THE EUROPEAN SITUATION As Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler proclaimed to the world that Ger- many was prepared to act to take what, territories were "rightfully" iefrs in Czechoslovakia, Britain, France and Soviet Russia stood definitely committed today to fight for the preservation of the war-born republic. Europe's democracies mean- while greeted with widespread enthusiasm President Roosevelt's eleventh hour plea for European pease. At home, Congressional leaders unanimously approved the carefully-worded statement for its attitude of complete neutral- ity. LONDON, Sept. 26-(A')-In a com- plete reversal of his erstwhile policy of "dealing with dictators," Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tonight hrew the might of LGreat Britain-and consequently France and Soviet Rus- sia, between Czechoslovakia and the armed forces of'Reichsfeuhrer Hitler An authoritative announcement de- clared that if Germany attacked Czechoslovakia, France would be bound to aid the republic "and Great Britain and Russia will stand by FrJance." It remained to be determined whe- - ther France would consider a German march into Sudetenland alone cause for aid to Czechoslovakia or whether an attack on Czechoslovakia areas proper would be the only signal. Neither Hitler's impassioned speech nor the tri-power stand slammed the door on negotiations on the German- Czechoslovak issue and - trembling Europe still had some hope for peace, When Hitler mounted the rostrum in Berlin to the cheers of his follow- ers, he knew Britain had decided for the first time to show an iron hand to the welder of greater Germany. Sir Horace 'Wilson of the Foreign office rushed to Berlin by airplane in the afternoon to tell Hitler of 'the decision of the western democracies and Soviet Russia to march if tpe Nazi war machine rolled eastward. None here could say if it resulted in any eleventh-hour change in Hit- ler's speech. But Europe found hope in the fact that he did not make the announce- ment many feared was coming-that Nazi troops were marching into Czechoslovakia even as he'spoke, Tonight for the first time Britain, (Continued on Page 5) Air Crash K ill Four; Two Hurt Marines' Plane Cracks Up InVirginia QUANTICO, Va., Sept. 26.-(IP)-- Four marines were killed and two others injured tonight when their Lockheed plane crashed into shallow water of the -Potomac River immedi- ately after the takeoff from the Ma- rine Base here. Capt. John Wehle, of West Point, N.Y., a son-in-law of Gen. Smedley Butler, was at the controls of the machine which suddenly dropped - from tree top-height after leaving the field 'here. He was thrown clear of the crash, together with Corp. Robert L. Jonasson, of Astoria. N.Y. The operations office at the field said both escaped without serious injury. The four killed were Master Serg. Benjamin F. Belcher, of Quantico, co-pilot; Staff Serg. Laurence Gran- ville of Biggs, Calif.; Corp. Raymond Kennedy of Manassas, Ga., and Priv. Frederick M. Hudson, Jr., of Drexel Hill, Pa. K iwanis Convention To Be Held Oet. 10 T 1 'C} an t0 Arntitar ~ e~f~ Unlimited Funds For Emergency Pledged Work BOSTON, Sept. 26 - P(') - The Works Progress Administration today pledged its finances unlimitedly to a hurricane-torn New England that al- most hourly added to its list of 472 identified dead. While Harry L. Hopkins, WPA ad- ministrator, worked out a rehabilita- tion plan with New England officials at Boston, workers pulled additional dead from the masses of kindling that had been homes in seacoast towns to the south. "Any funds I have to administer are yours," Hopkins said to the devas- tated areas. Storm projects would be put on an emergency basis, he said, with regula- tions waived and hours of labor un- limited. About $200,000,000 was the esti- mate of damage in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire. Drawing a picture of China too massive and too great ever to be de- stroyed and determined to fight to the very end with flesh and blood against gunpowder and steel, Lo- Shan Peng and Miss Hui-Min Yang, two members of the Chinese delega- tion to the World Youth Congress, last night pleaded for the support of the youth of the world and the people of the United States not against Japan or the Japanese people but against war and militar- ism. They spoke before a meeting of more.than 200 townspeople and stu- dents at the Congregational Church. "China is not interested in right or left but is martialing its forces to deal with this life or death situa- tion," Mr. Peng said in explaining that China today, under the leader- ship of Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-Shek is a new united en- tity, and one that is prepared for a prolonged war. The Chinese delegates have been tquring the country under the aus- pices of the American Youth Con- gress in cooperation with the Y.M.C.A. the Y.W.C.A., the American Student' Union and the American Association of University Women. While speaking of the horrors and outrages that are happening in China today Miss Yang burst into tears. "The Chinese nation can never be conquered and can never be enslaved," she said. But despite the ferocity of the fighting both Mr. Peng, who sup- ervised six refugee camps in Hangkow, and Miss Yang said they held no hard feelings for the Japanese people. The Japanese soldiers were forced to march and to kill at the point of guns, Miss Yang explained. Japanese fliers are tied to their planes so that they would not jump in parachutes to avoid their missions of horror. It is only the superior equipment of the Japanese that enables them to be victorious at all, but in hand to hand warfare they give way before the im- passioned fighting of the Chinese, she said. Women take a very important part in the fighting, the young girl scout explained. She cited the case of a 60 year old woman who was instrumen- tal in organizing one of the first guerrilla bands. Thanking the Americal people for their support and sympatihy, Mr. Peng said that the Chinese people are be- wildered and confused because this contry has contradicted itself by War Victims Find No Peace; Futures Have Gone With Homes By STANLEY M. SWINTON Driven by haunger and terrible fear of sudden death from the sky, they abandoned their bomb-shattered Spanish homes for safety in foreign lands-in France, Britain, Belgium, Denmark. And, while newspapers carried pitfiul pictures of sobbing mothers and printed stories of shell- shocked children, the world followed their tribulations with avid eyes. But soon the press lost interest and Bilbao, Guernica, Santander and Gijon became, once again, impersonal words which did not hint of tragedy. The refugees, safe in hastily prepared camps, were forgotten. But what happened to them after that What were their lives like in children built, lighting installed. Cots, complete with lumpy straw mat- resses and woolen, army blankets, were installed. Over each bed a box. covered with chicken wire was pro- vieded for "valuables." Warned by French authorities (in this case the Prefect of Loir and Cer) that "all refugees who do not con- form with.. . orders or conduct them- selves undesirably will be immediate- ly conducted to the Spanish frontier," the refugees settled down to a dull, life, routine. Their mimeographed daily pro- gram, headed by a note declaring: "So that there shall be good order, and in the interests of all, the fol- lowing rules must be observed," ran: i