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November 18, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-18

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_ -r- s , -2
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University yeareand Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
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Robert D. Mitchell.
Albert PMay1o
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S. R. Kleiman
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S William Elvin
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. Dorothea Staebler
. Bud Benjamin

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. Philip W. Buchen
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*Marian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Hitler's Marehe
Militaire ..,
eral of the Communist Internation-
ale, has arranged a gloomy program for Europe
in his schedule of the moves he thinks Hitler
will make in his Marche Militaire.
After- the Anschluss Overture of Austria and
the First Movement in Czechoslovakia, Dimi-.
troff's program continues as follows: Hungary
to be attacked in the spring of 1939; Poland in
the fall, 1939; Yugoslavia in 1940; Rumania and
Bulgaria in the autumn of 1940; France, Bel-
gium, Holland, Denmark and Switzerland in
the spring of 1941; completing the repertoire
will be an attack on Russia in the autumn of
1941. Yet recent news dispatches seem to indi-
cate that Germany will not rely entirely on force
to expand to the Mediterranean. The Nazis-will
use more subtle means to dominate many of the
terrified states of central Europe.
The remainder of Czechoslovakia will not be
added to the Reich by force; it will be absorbed.
Already the Nazis have established a customs
union tying Czechoslovakia into the German
economny. A railway pact between the two coun-
tries permits passengers and freight from Aus-
trian Germany to move across Czech territory
without customs barriers. Slovak laws, at the
insistence of the Nazis, have outlawed the Com-
munist party. And a direct corridor to Rumania's
oil fields has been opened by the grant of per-
mission to Germany allowing troops to cross
Czech lands. Czechoslovakia, turning from the
Democratic allies who betrayed her, has become
a vassal state to Germany.
Other nations are flocking to climb aboard
the Nazi Leviathan. Turkey, minus the guidance
of Kamal Ataturk, hopes Hitler will prevent its
again becoming the "sick man of Europe." The
Turks have received extensive loans from Hitler
and have recently placed a big order for rail-
way equipment in the Reih. Lithuania has
granted much greater autonomy to the German
population of the city of Memel. Switzerland and
Denmark have brought pressure to bear on anti-
Nazi newspapers within their boundaries, Switz-
erland suppressing the paper that has served as
the spokesman of the League of Nations, Yugo-
slavia has signed a new trade treaty with Berlin.
Hitler will not have to conquer these states; they
are already submissive.
And still there is no end in sight to Nazi
expansion. The stress at present is on expansion
overseas, on the return of German colonies. Con-
tinuing their "appeasement" policies, France
and Great Britain are making plans to toss the
colonies of Portugal to Hitler. The European
democracies are no less frightened than Hitler's
satellite states.
Dimitroff paints a gloomy picture for Europe's
future, but his views seem well-grounded in pres-
ent facts.
-Hervie Haufler
The Woman Pays
Mussolini's wife is said to be almost violent in
her hatred of war. Her sons have been militarized
over her outraged protest; the youngest boy, 11,
is drilling and looking forward to a career in

The Life Of Beethoven
The Art Cinema League is showing The Life
and Loves of Beethoven at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre and I am forced to say that I
think it is a very bad picture.
The most irritating thing in Beethoven is the
interpretation of his life. It would require the
most arrant philistinism to say, Well, maybe
that's not what Beethoven was like, but the pic-
ture is good entertainment. From Hollywood one
would expect to see Tyrone Power as a pretty
genius, a chorus girl on each arm, listening to
the Moonlight Sonata being played by 500, count
'em,-500 pianists. But from France we have the
great Harry Baur portraying Beethoven as a
man who went through life worrying whether
he should marry Giulietta Guicciardi or Therese
Brunswick. It seems that Beethoven was a poor
boy who became a great composer. Then he fell
in love with Giulietta (played by Jany Holt,
whom you will remember as the Rabbi's wife in
the Golem, and Who goes through this picture
looking as though someone had daubed alum
on her mouth), but this could never be. Just the
same, she inspired him to write the Moonlight
Sonata, the funeral march from the Eroica and
many other great works of music. But this
Therese, she was faithful to him and she helped
him to write other great works of art. When
Beethoven grew old, he was poor and forgotten,
but on his deathbed he heard that his Ninth
Symphony was being received with acclamation.
What a sad travesty on the life of.a genus!
I make no bones of the fact that I don't know
too much of Beethoven's life, but at least I know
that he didn't become deaf in one day, that he
wasn't in love with Giulietta all his life, that he
didn't die as his Ninth was having its premiere.
I quote from Robert Haven Schauffler's biogra-
phy: "A great deal of mythological balderdash
has been written about Beethoven's affairs of
the heart. The plain fact is that these adventures
never played any prominently important or long-
continued role in his scheme of things."
And the plain fact is that this film succeeds
in tangling up Beethoven's life so badly that
when the picture is over you are left with a
completely confused impression of the genius'
life and work.
In addition to the little item of distorting and
warping the life and philosophy of a great genius,
Beethoven is for the most part crude and in bad
taste. The inconsequential Turkish March is
played, but there is not a whisper. of the chamber
music or the two Masses. The first two bars of
the Fifth are repeated a dozen times through
the picture, and then broken off abruptly. Noth-
ing is played in its entirety, and you are left with
the feeling that someone has stuffed a handker-
chief in your mouth just as you are starting to
make a speech. The continuity is bad, and each
shot is bitten off as though the film editor had
done his job with his teeth instead of with his
hands and his head.
Still, there are enough good individual scenes
to make it almost worthwhile. The death scene
is not only faithful but magnificently cinematic.
The storm scene, in which Beethoven plays.
grinning like a madman with the return of his
hearing, is superb. The music is fairly well con-
ducted and recorded. But these immediate remin-
iscences cannot obliterate the total impression.
Tlhe rEditor
Gets Told.,,
In answer to Mr. Muehl's letter which ap-
peared in. the Daily of Nov. 17, the Daily wishes
to correct the error that was made in the report
of the two armistice day meetings.
Due to a mistake in editing, a statement that

was made by Mr. Louis Gouette was attributed
to Dr. Poole. Mr. Gouette and not Dr. Poole said,
"that the Munich Pact 'fiasco' could have been
avoided if the democracies had 'united against
Germany when she made her demands of Czecho-
slovakia.' Concerted action does not mean war,"
he declared, "but is the only effective way to pre-
vent hostility."
-The Editors
And Another
To the Editor:
Last Thursday's Daily carries a misleading re-
port of the talk I delivered at a Lane Hall Fireside
Discussion. My remarks that evening could not
possibly be construed as meaning that Judaism
itself is disintegrating. On the contrary, I tried
to show that Judaism is decidedly not distinteg-
rating; that, as has often occurred in the past,
eternal symbols and folkways are giving way be-"
fore the impact of new social, economic and
political conditions; but that, given a 'period of
comparative social stability, we shall see essential
Judaism creating new symbols, developing new
patterns, and emerging as a strengthened and
quickened spiritual force in human life. Just ash
in the past, Judaism has emerged from contact.
with other cultures more vital and more capable
of endurance, so, in my opinion, will it endure
as a living, spiritual force beyond the chaos
and confusion of the present period of transi-,
Sincerely yours,
Issac Rabinowitz,
Associate Director, Hillel Foundation
Apdlause At Oraan Recitals

Ji feeffif foc
Heywood Broun
Persons who like to indulge in the pleasant and
harmless sport of making winter book on politi-
cal futures will not find it necessary to change
the odds very much in spite
of the results of the last elec-
tion. If somebody will lay
you 2 to 1 I think you can
win a wager by offering to
bet that the Republican
nominee in 1940 will be one
of three names which you
mention. When the terms
are set say, "Dewey, Bar-
ton or Taft."
In spite of many other gains the Republicans
gained little new Presidential timber. Among
the crop of new Governors there are, of course,
several of Vice Pesidential size, but that is
about all. It is well to remember that Republican
gains were largely in agricultural regions, and
if the strategy of the next G.O.P. convention is
sound the leaders will look to a man who has
shown vote-getting appeal in the industrial
As a matter of fact, one such Republican did
show up in the State contest in Rhode Island,
which is preponderantly an industrial vote. But
the State is small and the name is Vanderbilt,
which might not be altogether an advantage.
Still, note Gov. William H. Vanderbilt as a long
shot possibility.
Only A Sapling
In Pennsylvania the Republicans gained a
Governor, but hardly a Presidential possibility.
Such comfort as the Democrats can find in the
last election lies in the fact that they held power
in three of the most populous States. It is almost
essential for the Republicans to break into that
trio of New -York, California and Illinois to
capture the election in 1940. It would seem wise
from apolitical point of view for them to center
their attention on New York and nominate a
candidate from that State.
But at the moment they do not possess a
local winner. I am omitting the name of La
Guardia, who is not spiritually a Republican in
the eyes of the party leaders, and perhaps not
technically, either, since joining the American
Labor Party. I think that La Guardia could
win easily for the Republicans in 1940. I also
think he could win for the Democrats, but he
stands in the curious position of being an enor-
mously popular leader who could capture the
popular vote but seems to have no chance to get
by the convention of either major party. He is
the only man, by the widest stretch of the imagi-
nation a Republican, with a distinct appeal to
the urban areas.
The question of a third term for Mr. Roose-
velt becomes more complicated. Until now people
have asked as to whether he would be willing to
run. At the moment it seems to me debatable as
to whether he could capture the party nomina-
tion if he desired it. Once the name of Roose-
velt is removed the Democrats are in utter con-
fusion as to a candidate with any chance of suc-
cess., Tydings won in Maryland by a big vote,
but he wouldn't get to first base in a single
Northern city. Jim Farley probably could carry
New York, but he would be badly cut by preju-
dice in the Middle West. Bennet Champ Clark's
appeal is local. The farm vote killed all chance
for Wallace, and Harry Hopkins lacks political
prestige.'Illinois and California may furnish
candidates, but the Democratic voters in the
last election lack national prominence as yet.
A Possible Third Party
Existing third-party movements have been
badly shattered, but it still would be possible to
get one together if both the major parties nomi-
nate men well to the conservative side. That is
possible. Accordingly, I am going to ask the
privilege of making my 1940 prediction a double-
barreled one. My first prediction is that the
voter will be asked to choose between-the two

major party candidates-Roosevelt and Dewey.
My alternate prophecy carries a little weasel-
ing. If the first prediction does not come through
I think that Dewey, the Republican, and Clark,
the Democrat, will face a third ticket, called
the Progressive party on which La Guardia will
be running for President with the active support
of Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Roosevelt with
the active support of Fiorello H. La Guardia.
Of course, 1940 is a long way off, and I could
be wrong. But I am still betting on the Progres-
sives, no matter what the label may be.
every moment of the recitals. And then, to have
the audience applaud between each number dis-
turbs me greatly, and I am sure it disturbs
many others also. My suggestion is that in future
recitals that the School of Music ask that no
applause be made during the program. I am
sure that our presence and unceasing attention
shows that we appreciate the genius of Palmer
-Harold L. Patton, 1940
In Pictures
The old magazine Life crusaded editorially
against the practice of vivisection-animal ex-
perimentation. Apparently the policy of the new
Life is exactly opposite, and it ventures to put its
opinions into pictures. That at least is one's
impression from a series of photographs of indi-
viduals and experiments in the issue of Oct. 24.
This display does not add to Life's reputation
for fair and considered presentation of current
questions. It opens with two full pages of photo-

By Roy Heath
Here's Us Again
Perhaps you have noticed, the dis-
cerning readers among you, that The
Trapeze has not been happening for
several weeks. In case anyone is in-
terested, I will explain that I 'was,
during that time, slightly at odds with
The Front Office over a little mat-
ter-of scholastic negligence which oc-
cured last year. It seems that I held
with that large school of thought
which maintains there is more edu-
cation in a Bull Session than there
is in a class room. While the Univer-
sity did not go so far as to contra-
dict me, they did point out that the
erudition which I claimed to have
acquired in those pleasant mid-night
seminars, unfortunately did not show
in my Economics 52 grades.
They were very sorry, but I would
have to obtain special permission,
a sort of a Papal Dispensation which
sometimes forgives scholastic heretics
their sins and allows them to dabble
further in whatever it is that keeps
them from being Phi Beta Kappas.
After considerable investigation of my
thoroughly wretched case, a process
which has taken the better part of
two weeks, it was decided that I had
already been living on borrowed time
and if any action should be taken
at all, it would take the form of send-
ing me back to Salina High School.
Naturally I felt that such a thing
would be unjust. I had enough
trouble getting out the last time with-
out going back again. During all
that time, I was cooling my heels in
the office of Assist. Dean Erich Wal-
ter. Not that he wanted me to wait,
in fact he even sent out some subtle
hints that I would be better off some
place else. I stayed there because
he has some good magazines in his
ante-room. I read the New Yorkers,
The Forums, The Scribners and then
started a serial in the Saturday Eve-
ning Post. Meanwhile his secretary
began opening all the windows in thei
room in the hope of driving me out.
Some days when I would come in for
an hour or so of light reading, I would
find a group of obvious ruffians look-
ing like they were going to smash me
for trying to get in ahead of my turn.
I could hear Walter asking wheth-
er I had left yet so it would be safe
for him to go to his class. Finally
he found out that he could walk right
past me and it didn't make any dif-
ference. I had forgotten what I came
for. He began to wonder if I had a
home and once even offered to put
me up at a good hotel if I was desti-
tute. However, all good things must
come to an end. Yesterday I went
in and discovered that I had read
everything in the place. When I
walked in his office and asked him if
he had any late Esquires, he turned
a dull mahogany color but managed
to keep control over his mixed emo-
tions. He reached in his drawer and,
drew out a special permission blank
filled it out and handed it to me.
''This is what you originally came
in here for isn't it?" he inquired. I
wasn't sure but I said yes. "Then take
it and get out before the authorities
force me to adopt you."
So The Trapeze comes to life again.
A movement, which started in Nor-
way, for studying "the aims, methods,
and results of modern propaganda"
has produced"a new English word to
describe the object of its research-

"Purpo-publicity." It is not a happy
effort. It is "jungle English"; and
one can only hope that Mr. A. P.
Herbert, that gallant "ranger sworn
to keep the king's greenwood," will
have a slash at this purpo-parasite
before it becomes firmly rooted.
It is understandable that there
should be a desire to avoid the word
"propaganda"; for this has. incurred
some suspicion as an impostor, due
to repeated failures to live up to the
promise of an open countenance. Nor
need one press the point that "purpo-
publicity" has the suggestion of a
"purple patch" in it, and hence of
methods more showy than sober and
convincing; and it may even be grant-
ed that the word is intelligible. Yet
it can only mean publicity for a pur-
pose; and what publicity is devoid of
purpose? It is not enough for words
to be intelligible. "We may under-
stand them," says Mr. Herbert, "as we
may understand an algebraical equa-
tion; but words should be something
better than an algebraical equation,
a gardener's label . . . or a drawing on
the wall."
-Christian Science Monitor.
the names of the medical authorities
who are opposed to vivisection, as,
for instance, the well-known Dr. Wil-
liam Howard Hay.,
The pictures of experiments may be
representative, and we note that this
time Life has edited out the agony.
Yet it seems that somewhere there

(Continued from Page 2)
made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long continued ill-
E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean.
Students, College of Engineering:
'he final day for removal of incom-
letes will be Saturday, Nov. 19.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.{
Students, School of Educaon:
Courses dropped after Wednesday,
Nov. 23, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordi-
nary circumstances. No course is
considered officially dropped unless
it has been reported in the office of
the Registrar, Room 4, University
Bacteriology 111A (Laboratory
Course) will meet Monday, Nov. 21
at 1 p.m. in Room 2552, East Medical
Each student should come provid-
ed with a $5 Hygienic Laboratory
Coupon procurable at the Treasurer's
Biological Chemistry 121, Section
B. The class will meet for the first
time on Monday, Nov. 21, in Room
319 West Medical Building. All stu-
dents who have been accepted for
this course should provide themselves
1 with a $5 breakage ticket (Biological
I Chemistry), obtainable at the Treas-
urer's Office, and also with the Labor-
atory Manual.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, Nov. 19. More cards if needed
can be had at my office.
These reports should name those
students, freshman -and upperclass,
whose standing at midsemester time
is D or E, not merely those who re-
ceive D or E in so-called midsemester
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University, should be re-
ported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean.
School of Education, School of Mu-
sic, College of Architecture: Midse-
mester reports indicating studentsI
enrolled in these units doing unsatis-
factory work in any unit of the
University are due in the office of the
school, Nov. 19. Report blanks for
this purpose may be secured from
the office of the school or from RoomI
4 U.H.
Robert L. Williams, Assist. Registrar.
Graduate Students: Diploma ap-
lications are due not later than Nov.
8. Any graduate student who is
reasonably certain of completing de-'
ree requirements by tl'e end of the1
irst semester, should file applica-'
ion for the degree in the office of'
he Graduate School.'
C. S. Yoakum.
Graduate Students. The general
examination given this fall will be'
repeated on Saturday afternoon at
1 o'clock, Nov. 19, ground floor, Rack-
ham Building, for those students reg-
istering in the Graduate School for
the first time this fall. This secondj
date is to eable those students ex-I
cused or unable to come previously to
make up the examination. Other stu-
dents in the Graduate School who
would like to take the examination
are invited to do so at this time.
C. S. Yoakum.
Senior Honors. Will all members ofI
the class in Senior Honors meet with
Mr. Weaver at 4 o'clock today atI
2218 A.H. who did not on Wednesday.
Bennett Weaver.
Students interested in preparing
for elementary school teaching: The
School of Education has under con-

sideration the organization of a newf
undergraduate correlated course to
prepare students for teaching in ele-
mentary schools. Information re-
garding this program may be securedt
from the office of the Recorder of
the School of Education, 1437 Univer-
sity Elementary School. Those in-
terested are urged to secure this in-
formation immediately.
Ann Arbor Camera Club presents
its Second Annual Salon of Photog-
raphy, Room 3541, Rackham Build-
ing. Open evenings 7:30-10 p.m.
through Nov. 19. The public is in-
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
An exhibition of hand-made Christ-
mas cards from the collections of
Professors J. P. Slusser and M. B.
Chapin is now being shown in the
corridor cases, ground floor, Archi-
tecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5,
except Sunday, through Nov. 26. The
public is invited.
The Ann Arbor Art Association pre-
sents two exhibitions, water colors by
Jane Stanley, and Guatemalan tex-

which is offered annually for travel
abroad by the Lake Forest Founda-
tion for Architecture and Landscape
Architecture. Open daily except Sun-
day, 9 to 5, through Nov. 14; third
floor exhibition room, Architectural
'Building. The public is invited.
Exhibit of designs, paintings, and
drawings by members of Alpha Alpha
Gamma, National Honorary Archi-
tectural Sorority, Horace H. Rack-
ham Building exhibition room, mez-
zanine floor, Nov. 16 to 26.
Lecture: -Dr. Edwin E. Aubrey,
Professor of Theology and Ethics, the
University of Chicago, will speak on
"History and Religion-Current Re-
ligious Issues in the Light of Their
Historical Sources" at Lane Hall,
Monday, Nov. 21, 8 p.m.
University Lecture: Henri Feyrig,
Director of the Department of An-
tiquities in Syria, will give an il-
lustrated lecture on "The Meeting of
Greek and Iranian in the Civilization
of Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes-
day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre under the auspices of the Mu-
seum of Classical Archaeology. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Junior Mathematics Club will meet
today at 4:15 p.m. in 3201 An
Sgell Hall. Mr. J. S. Dusenberry will
speak on "A Bit of Pi." An informal
discussion and refreshments will
Algebra Seminar will meet today
from 4-6 in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr.
Nesbitt will speak on "Representa-
tion of Algebras."
The Graduate duting Club will
meet at the Power House at the
Washington Street entrance at 2:30
p.m. today for a trip through
the Power House and Tunnels. The
trip will take approximately one hour
and a half.
University Choir: A University
Choir is being formed for those peo-
ple who wish to sing for their own
pleasure'the best of the old religious
music-Bach, Palestrina, Gregorian
Chants. An organization meeting
will be held at Lane Hall tonight at
7:15 to 8 p.m.
Auditions will be held for individual
acts to be presented at "A Night of
Hillelarity," to be held on Dec. 3.
These auditions will be held today
from 2:30-5:00 p.m. at the Hillel
Foundation. Anyone with any or-
iginal ideas is urged to attend.
The Scandinavian Club will have
a social evening of folk dances with
the Danish group from Detroit, this
evening, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. All Scan-
dinavian members and those of Scan-
dinavian descent are invited.
All members of Scimitar are urged
to attend a short meeting tonight at
7:30 at the Michigan Union. Plans
must be discussed concerning a
tournament coming soon.
Delta Epsilon Pi. There will be a
meeting at the Union today at 7:30
p.m. Members and pledges please'at-
Stalker Hall. Friday at 7:30 p.m.
the class in "Through the New Testa-
ment" led by Dr. Brashares. At 9
p.m. the group will leave Stalker
Hall for a Scavenger Hunt. All
Methodist students and their friends
are invited for both the Class and
party afterwards.
A Class in advanced modern He-
brew will meet today at 3:30 at the
Hillel Foundation. All are welcome
to enroll.

There will be a meeting of all who
are interested in the make-up com-
mittee of theatre-arts at 4 p.m. Fri-
day in the League.
Friday erv ces at the HillelFoun-
dation :
5:30 p.m., Orthodox services.
8 p.m., Reform Services. Sermon:
"Pity the Persecutor." Speaker: Dr.
Isaac Rabinowitz.
9 p.m., Social. Hosts: Pi Lambda
Phi Fraternity.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Prof. Samuel A.
Goudsmit on "Symmetrie in dekora-
tiven Mustern."
Freshman Round Table: Professor
Arthur Wood, of the Sociology De-
partment, will discuss "Prison Re-
form-Should the Criminal BeTreat-
ed as a Sick Person?" Lane Hall,
Sunday, 4 p.m.


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 1:00 a.m. on Saturday.


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