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November 18, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-18

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Cloudy today, cooler;
fair tomorrow.


5k igau


Hitler's Marche

VOL. XLIX. No. 47




Britain Backs Plan
For Jewish Refuge;,
Nazis Hail 'Martyr'I

CIO Supports
UAW In Fordj
Boycott Plan

Haber Decries
For Pensions


Action Climaxes
Of Securityp
At Pittsburgh



Says Visionary. Sche
Exert Liberalizing

s-- I

Colonies May Open Doors
To Aid Kennedy's Pla.n;
American Help' Sought
Funeral Orators
Hint AtReprisal
LONDON, Nov. 17.-(IP)-Britain
called on her vast colonial empire
today to support United States Am-
bassador Joseph P. Kennedy's inter-
national plan to find refuge for Ger-
man Jews.
Prime Minister Chamberlain asked
the Governors of British Guiana,
Tanganyika, Kenya and other col-
onies to report immediately how
many Jews their territories could ac-
At the same time Britain asked
the British Dominions and the Unit-
ed States and other major powers
what they were prepared to do,
Chamberlain announced in the House
of Commons that he hoped to make
a full statement on his Government's
plans early next week.
George Rublee, American executive
director of the 31-nation Intergov-
ernmental Committee for Refugees,
conferred with Malcolm MacDonald,
Secretary for Colonies and Domin-
ions, and Earl Winterton, chairman
of the committee.
Later Rublee estimated it would
cost $600,000,000 to attain "final so-
lution" of the German Jews' prob-
lem. It is es'itmated there are 600,-
000 Jews In Germany, now subject
to one of the greatest campaigns of
In addition to humanitarian mo-
tives, Britain was said to support im-
migration of Jews into her colonial
Empire for two reasons:
1. Less tlian one-thousandth of the
colonial population is white.
2. The addition of German Jews
to the colonial population' might
strengthen opposition to Germany's
agitation for return of war-lost col-
Jews Live In Suspense
During Envoy's Funeral
BERLIN, No. 17.-(P)-Jews lived
in dire suspense today as the Nazis
solemnly buried as a martyr the
young diplomat whose assassination
occasioned the latest outburst of
The Government withheld further
restrictive decrees that Jews had ex-
pected after the services for Ernst
Vom Rath, fatally wounded by a
Jewish youth, Herschel Grynszpan,
in the German Embassy in Paris last
But two officials in funeral ora-
tions for Vom Rath in Duseldorf
warned that "we understand the
challenge (of Jewry), and accept it,"
.nd "No measure of terror can, bring
Germany back to slavery." Reichs-
fuehrer Adolf Hitler attended the
services, but did not speak.
Though there were no new de-
crees, there were new prohibitions,
such as a hotelmen's ban on Jewish
guests, and new hints that thousands
of Jews might be evicted from homes
overnight. Jews hoped for the frui-
tion of an Anglo-American plan to
help them emigrate.
U.S. Attache Recalled
Douglas Miller, United States com-.
mercial attache here, was called to
Washington today, less than 24 hours
after the departure of Ambassador
# Hugh R. Wilson for Washington. Va-
rious interpretations were placed on
each action.
Before 1,500 mourners, including
Hitler and other prominent Nazis in
Duesseldorf's large, swastika-draped
Rhineland Hall, State Secretary
Ernst Wilhelm Bohle declared:
"The shots fired at Davos, Bar-
celona and Paris (where assassina-
tions of Nazis have occurred) had
but one aim-Germany, the Third

"Germans living abroad are every-
where attending to their callings ar.d
work as loyal guests of the states in
which they live,
Targets For Hatred
"Yet they are targets for hatred,
persecution and the calumnies of in-
ternational sub-humanity, which con-
centrates all its strength upon the
destruction of the resurrected Reich.
"The Jew (Grynszpan), by his own
adcmissinn wanter tn trike at Ger-

Anti-Nazi Meeting
Slated For Today
Moved To Tuesday
The demonstration against racial
and religious persecution in Ger-
many planned for today was 'post-
poned till Tuesday on advice from
President Ruthven that dismissal of
eleven o'clock classes could not be
arranged in the time available, Robert
Emerine, '39, chairman of the Coin-
mittee on Human Rights, announced
A meeting of the Committee will
be held at 2 p.m. today in the Union
to continue work on arrangements for
the demonstration. General campus
support has been evinced by signa-
tures of heads of organizations on
petitions for the rally which were
handed to President Ruthven yester-
All representatives of fraternities,
sororities, dormitories and student
organizations as well as faculty mem-
bers and officers of town groups
were urged by Emerine last night to
attend the organizational meeting
The Deans' Committee, which has
jurisdiction over dismissal of classes,
is expected to meet in the intervening
time and consider the question
Danes Stress,
Adult Schools,

Delegates Endorse
President Roosevelt
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 17-( )-The
Congress of Industrial Organizations
hurled today a threat of boycott by
its claimed membership of 3,790,000
against the Ford Motor Company un-
less that concern agrees to "bargain
collectively" with the United Automo-
bile Workers Union.
The sudden action was a climax to
an exciting day in which the 500 dele-
gates mapped a broad social security
program, stood and cheered approval
of a resolution requesting an exhibi-
tion of their unity, and endorsed the
"humanitarian and social program"
of President Roosevelt.
Early in the day a delegate, George
Bucher of Philadelphia, had endeav-
ored unsuccessfully to have the rules
suspended to enable consideration of
a resolution placing the convention
in favor of a third term for President
Roosevelt. At the request of Lee
Pressman, general counsel of the
C.I.O., the request was withdrawn.
Fiery speeches oy Van A. Bittner,
regional director of the CIO and dis-
trict president of the United Mine
Workers, Richard Frankensteen, vice-'
president of the auto workers, and
others, preceded action on the Ford
Bittner said:
"If we are going to boycott Ford,
let us boycott Ford. He will either
manufacture cars with an agreement
with auto workers or he will not sell
any cars in America."
The veteran labor leader asserted
he was speaking in behalf of 102,000
organized coal miners in West Vir-
ginia and scores of thousands of steel
and packing house workers in Chi-
"We will notify every Ford dealer
we are not going to buy any Ford
cars until Ford signs a contract with
the -UAW."
"That in event the Ford Motor Co.
persists in its refusal to bargain col-
lectively with the U.A.W. of A., the
delegates assembled on behalf of their
unions will treat Ford products as
The resolution charged the Ford
management with exercising every
means of destroying all semblance of
bona -fide labor organization within
its plants, and said Ford was an "un-
fair competitor" with other manufac-
turers who have signed union agree-
New University Choir
To. Be Formed By SRA
A meeting of faculty members and
students interested in forming a
University Choir to be sponsored by
the Student Religious Association,
will be held at 7:15 p.m. today atj
Lane Hall, Kenneth Morgan, direc-
tor of the Association announced.
The Choir will be directed by Wil-
liam Barnard, '40SM, and will be
composed of those who enjoy choral
singing and wish to know the reli-
gious music of the past, such as Bach,
Palestrina and Gregorian Chants.



Library Director Declares
Men In Dennark Study
At Government Expense
Under -a system which teaches'
"broadminded. non-dogmatic Chris-a
tianity," more than 6,000 adults to-I
day attend 60 folk high schools in
Denmark, a country which has forged
rapidly to the educational fore since
the liberation of its peasantry in 1788,
Dr. Thomas Marius Dossing, director
of the Danish public Library Admin-
istration declared in a University lec-
turre yesterday.
The figure may seem small to
Americans, Dr. Dossing pointed out,
but since primarily farming people
attend the schools and since some
million and a half of the four million
Danes live in cities, it is a sizeable
The ages of students vary from 18
to 25, he said, but the schools offer
substantially the same curriculum as
the elementary schools. Men attend
the schools for five months during
the winter, living at the school with
the government taking care of ex-
penses. Women attend mostly in the
summer when a three month session
is offered.
The high school system is the work
f the great Danish clergyman, poet
and historian, Grundtvig, who real-,
ized that farmers deserved education-
al opportunities equal to those of city

LANSING, Nov. 17.-(P)-Prof.
William Haber of the economics de-
partment denounced the Townsend
old age pension plan and California's
"$30-every-Thursday" proposal to-
night as "a commentary on the ex-
tent of economic illiteracy among
the general population."
He predicted, however, in an ad-
dress to employes of the State Wel-
fare Department, that such "pres-
sure from the left" would force the
next Congress to consider liberaliza-
tion of existing social security legis-
lation. The trend, he said, is toward
more generous payments to a larger
group of beneficiaries.
Professor Haber, who formerly
headed emergency welfare relief op-
erations in Michigan, said the next
Congress "may very well" abolish a
vast contingency reserve which has
been the target of criticism, or reduce
it to 10 or 15 billion dollars. He ex-
pressed the belief, however, that
such a course would not have the de-
sired result of reducing taxes which
finance the Social Security program.
He said recommendations of an
advisory council to the Social Se-
curity Board for liberalization of
existing legislation "are likely to re-
ceive serious consideration by Con-
gress." They would provide:
1. Payment of benefits in 19401
rather than in 1942.
2. Allowances for dependent wives
by which monthly annuities "will be
substantially increased to a mini-a
mum of $30 a month."
3. Benefits for farm laborers, do-
mestic workers and other groups
which do not now participate in the
Federal program.
4. Monthly payments to widows
and orphans of insured workers.
5. Consideration of the desirabilityf
of disability compens tion.
Victory Gives
Rebels Control
Of Ebro River;
Leftist Militiamen Forced'
From West Bank Posts
After Four-Month Drive
HENDAYE, France, Nov. 17.-(kP)-
The battle of the Ebro River, one of
the longest and most bitterly fought
of the Spanish Civil War, ended to-
day with Spanish Insurgents once
more in complete control of the west
Insurgent dispatches hailed the
victory as one of the greatest tri-
umphs of the war, now two years
and four months old.
Government advices insisted, how-
ever, that the defending militiamen
had withdrawn to the east bank in
good order after abandoning posi-
tions they cook from the Insurgents
last July 25.
Border observers expected the In-
surgents to follow up their success in.
Northeastern Spain by launching a
new general offensive quickly. It was
believed generally such an offenve
would be pointed south toward Va-
lencia and north toward Tarragona.
An Insurgent communique assert-
ed the Government lost 75,000 men,
more than 200 airplanes and great
amounts of war supplies in the four-
month Ebro campaign. Insurgent
authorities listed nearly 20,000 men
dead and wounded in their own
The Barcelona National Defense
Ministery estimated total Insurgent
losses at 80,000 men.

Debate Team
Beats Purdue'
Rosa And Crager To Meet
Indiana Squad Tonight
After taking a decision from Pur-
due last night, Michigan negative de-
baters, Robert Rosa, '39, and Oliver
Crager, '39, are scheduled to meet the
University of Indiana at Blooming-

Contest Prom
Eleven In Literary School
Compete For Positions
On Dance Committee
Petitions For J-Hop
Jobs Due Tuesday
Election of three men and two
women to represent the literary col-
lege on the Soph Prom Committee
will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
today in Room 231 Angell Hall. Vot-
ing to select two delegates to the
committee from the engineering col-
lege has been cancelled, since only
two men, John V. Sobesky and Robert
J. Morrison, submitted petitions and
therefore win posts automatically,
Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's
Council, explained.
Five men and six women constitute
the official list of candidates an-
nounced by Luebke. They are: Neal
Seegert, Irving Botvin, William
Briggs, Douglas Gould and Robert
Crane; and Jane'Grove, Maya Gruh-
zit, Helen Barnett, Elinor Sevison,
Lila Foster and Janet Homer.
Each sophomore may vote for three
men and two women, andthe person
receiving the greatest number of
votes will be declared chairman, Ted
Spangler, '40, in charge of the elec-
tion. said. Identification cards will
be necessary to secure a ballot, Spang-
ler declared, and all names will be
checked with the Student Directory
to make certain that no one but liter-
ar' sophomores vote.
This is the first election conducted
according to the new plan adopted
by Men's Council Oct. 27. Petitions
were first submitted to the judiciary
committees of the League and Men's'
Council, who considered material in'
them and the personal interviews
held last week. These two groups then
made recommendations to the Coun-
cil to aid in the selection of candi-
Petitioning to the J-Hop commit-
tee is also being conducted this week,
with the deadline 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Thirteen positions are to be filled
in this election, which is open to stu-
dents in the music, education, nurs-
ing, architecture, pharmacy and for-
estry schools as well as the literary
and engineering colleges.
Petitions should be. accompanied
by University certificates of eligibility
and 200-word statements concerning
the applicants' qualifications.
Applications of literary students
should contain signatures of 35 liter-
(Continued on Page 2)
Initiation Held
By Tau Beta PI'
22 Inducted 'At Banquet
Of Honorary Society
Tau Beta Pi, national engineering
honorary society, last night initiated
two alumni and twenty undergradu-
ates. The initiation was followed by
a banquet at which John W. Batten,
vice-president of the Detroit City Gas
Co., spoke.
The undergraduates, all seniors,
were as follows: John W. Anderson,
HughsBaker, Raymond A. David,
Charles H. Ditz Foster R. Gaylord,
Hubert T. Graf, James R. Gros, Rob-
ert W. Hartwell, Annand M. Kelkar,
Julius A. Jaeger, Edwin C. Middleton,
Frederick C. Olds, Bronis Onuf, Ed-
ward G. Opdyke, Donald S. Peck,

Thomas W. Schroth, Richard M.
Stewart, Donald J. Vink, Robert W.
Wolfe and John H. Wurster.
The alumni who became members
of the society were John W. Batten
and Edwin F. Smellie.

Long-Time Fear Of Fire
Realized At High School
A long-time fear of a serious blaze
at Ann Arbor High School almost ma-
terialized late yesterday.
A considerable stir was caused when
fire-engines screamed up to the State
St. building, only to die down when
firemen announced they had immed-
iately extinguished a minor fire in
paper bales stored on the first floor.
Damage was negligible.
Iturbi Secures
New Success
As Conductor
Concert Pianist Adds Fa1ne
As Maestro; To Be Third
In Choral Union Series
Jose Iturbi, scheduled to perform
here Nov. 22 in the third Choral
Union presentation of the year, hav-
ing gained world fame as a pianist,
has now turned his attention ed the
His rise as a maestro is compar-
able to his world-wide achievements
as a pianist virtuouso. Starting his
concert career at seven, the Spanisi
artist studied at the Paris Conserva-
tory, and after four years as head of
the piano faculty of the Conserva-
tory of Geneva, embarked on his
chosen profession, that of a concert
He first arrived in the United
States in l929, and has returned every
year for the past nine years, perform-
ing in more concerts than any other
pianist except Paderewski.
Iturbi's chance to step from the
keyboard to the podium came in the
spring of 1933. He was in Mexico
City, playing 20 recitals in six weeks.
His reception was so great that he
seized upon the opportunity to try
his hand at conducting. Since that
first symphonic venture, Iturbi has
progressed rapidly as a conductor un-
til today he ranks high in this field.
Summers find him conducting the
Philharmonic-Symphony at thp New
York Stadium Concerts or at Silver-
mine, Conn.; the Philadelphia Or-
chestra at the Robin Hood Dell; and
the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the
Hollywood Bowl. Recent winters
Iturbi has directed the Philadelphia
Orchestra en a trns-continental
tour, has been guest conductor in
Detroit, Minneapolis and Cincinnati
and has been heard regularly on the
Ford Hour.
Special Train Tickets
To Columbus OnSe
Tickets for the special train to Co-
lumbus for the Ohio State game will
be available today at the main desk
in the Union and the League and
at the Randall Travel Bureau in
Nickel's Arcade. The tickets )Vill be
priced at six dollars for the round
The train will leave the Michigan
Central depot at 7 a.m.tomorrow, ar-
riving at Columbus at 11 a.m. The
return trip will begin at 7:30 p.m.
the same day and will arrive in Ann
Arbor at 12 p.m.

Commerce Of Signatorie
Accounts For One-Thir
Of International Tot
Tariffs On Many
Products Reduce4
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-()-
Trade pacts with Great Britain ar
Canada, binding most of the Englit
speaking world in renewed ties c
friendship and commerce, wei
signed today in a ceremony at t1
White House.
While President Roosevelt watche
with pleasure, Secretary of S'ate Hu
for the United , States; Ambassad
Lindsay for England and Prime Mir
ister McKenzie King for Canada al
fixed their signatures. Then, in bri
speeches, they predicted increased It
ternational trade and a reinvigorate
spirit of amity as the products of t
Long in'the process of negotiatioi
the treaties reduce tariffs on specif
American exports to the two oth
nations, and scale down the tarifi
'mposed by the United'States upo
imports of British and Canadi
Last d Treaties
They were the latest of 20 sue,
treaties negotiated under the Reci
rocal Tariff Act. This law empowe
the President' to reduce the tari
sates of the prevailing law by a
much as 50 per cent in return fc
,ompensatory action by other n
The program is the keyston e c
Secretary Hull' efforts to remov
the barriers which he believes to b
preventing a free flow of interna
tional pommerce. The greatest c
;hese barriers he has always consid
Bred to be tariff walls. Since Eng
land and the United St.tes ha
treaties with many nations assurin
-hem that their products will be re
.eived at no greater tariff rate tha
:hose of any country, all such con
'ries will receive the benefits of t
Tariff reductions involved in the pact
signed today.
Emphaizing the importance of tb
new treaties, the State Departme
n an official analysis said that t
areas involved (several British col
nies, as well as Great Britain ah
-anada itself) produce one-third C
:he world's international commerO4
Similarly, it said, American trad
with these areas constitutes one
third of this country's total foreig
Largest Market
In most years the United Kingdo
st the largest market for America
exports, and Canada the second, a:
;hough Canada occasionally h
tanked first. Conversely, Canada,
ordinarily the largest source of in
oorts into the United States, and th
Jnited Kingdom second or third. Tt
Jnited States supplies well over ha
>f Canada's, imports and takes aboi
wo-fifths of Canada's exports; . t
Jnited States is also one of the lar
3st markets for exports from ti
United Kingdom, and the Unite
Kingdom imports more goods fro:
he United States than from at
>her country, whether within ti
British Empire or not. The trade c
;he United States with several of ti
>verseas areas of the British Empi:
ncluded within the agreement
very large.
Twenty trade agreements (inclui
ing the first agreement with Cana
which is replaced by the new agre
ment) have now been signed und
.he trade agreements act, covert
countries with which about thre
fifths of our foreign trade is carri
The State Department said of t
British Treaty that while it was
be assumed that it would result
increased imports from Engla
"great care" had been taken
"avoid injury" to American indust

"Many of the industries which m
encounter increased. British compel
tion in the domestic market as t
result of this agreement have profi
ed or will profit from concessio
obtained for their export articles
foreign markets through other tra
agreements, notably with Canada
the Department said.
"Moreover, all of them will 'sha
in the indirect benefits which co,
to every American industry from t
general expansion of agricultural al

Hull Signs Trade
Pact With Canada
And Great Britaii

One Student In Four Suffers
From Allergy, Jimenez Reveals

Thirty-seven per cent of the Uni-
versity's 10,000 students show defin-
ite symptoms of allergy, it was dis-
closed by Dr. B. Jimenez, president
of the Michigan Allergy Society, at
the groups monthly meeting last
Based on sensitization tests con-
ducted by the Health Service over a
nine year period, figures quoted by
Dr. Jiminez also reveal an additional
18 per cent of the student body with
no present signs of allergy but with
postive family histories indicating
hyper-sensitivity to pollens, foods
and bacteria. These potential future
victims of allergic disorders swell to
55 per cent the percentage of stu-
dents who should, in the opinion of
Dr. Jiminez, receive complete sensiti-
zation study at the Health Service.
This is a startling disclosure, Dr.
Jiminez declared, in view of the 14
per cent figure quoted in medical
tesa s the nprcentao nf the nonu-

unvarying percentages over the nine
years revealed 12 per cent of students
definitely sensitized. These students,
suffered from asthma, hay-fever,
rose-fever, and eczema. An additional
25 per cent complained of urticoria,
gastro-intestinal upsets, food idiosyn-
cracies, frequent colds and head-
aches. Positive family allergic his-
tories indicate that these students'
also are hyper-sensitive.
Thirteen per cent were classed as'
"doubtful" since they showed nega-
tive family histories, although they
had- checked intestinal upsets, food
poisoning, colds, and headaches on
their health examination charts.
Eighteen per cent were termed po-
tential victims of allergy due to a
positive family history, although they
lacked immediate symptoms. The bal-
ance, 31 per cent of the student total,
were definitely non-allergic, showing
neither family history nor symptoms.
Importance of allergic treatment

Catholic Church Is Potent Force
In Philippines, Hayden Declares

One of the most important in-
fluences contributing to peace and
orderliness in the Philippine Islands
today is the Catholic Church, Prof.
Joseph R. Hayden, Chairman of the
Department of Political Science and
former vice-governor of the Philip-
pines, remarked yesterday.
Of approximately 14 million in-
habitants of the archipelago, he as-
serted, about 13 million are communi-
cants of the Roman Catholic Church-
This is interesting in view of the fact
that it was antinathv to certain of

1570 when the Spanish settled Man-
ila, Arabian missionaries had arrived
on the Islands and spread their doc-
trines. Almost the entire population
of the southernmost islands was Mo-
hammedan in faith. Today the
stronghold of Mohammedanism is still
the southern end of the achipelago,
but the Catholic religion is the pre-
dominant one.
Other missions are to be found in
the islands, but their efforts are con-
fined in great measure to work among
the pagans and Mohatmnedans. It is
a noteworthy fact, he observed, that
+ho- ie lmf r -c m -lrs n 1n .re

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