T MI-CII-IG-AN- -DAI-Y AN DAILY I U" against Germany, Italy and Japan; and, more important than this, an embargo can be placed by the government on shipment of war materials to these nations. This embargo should include steel, minerals and oil, without which, it is safe to say, fascism cannot continue. The embargo against Republican Spain can be lifted and mor- al encouragement given that nation in its struggle. An important factor to consider is that by the example of these measures and by diplomatic representation, the immense pressure of Ameri- can prestige and sentiment can be brought to bear on events in those nations, particularly France and Great Britain, whose governments have become abettors of fascism, and whose people are themselves in danger of being over- whelmed by it. Fascism will not be more easily checked when ithas spread over China and Spain, nor yet when it has engulfed Britain and France. It would have been better, of course, if resistance to it had been begun earlier; that fact does not alter the necessity of resist- ance now, nor reduce its importance. -Joseph Gies I, -- 4 i WIM 7RI I N~''Iwa OV511D #IW ~t~/LfwAIHta , Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively 'entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise -credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subescriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY l4ational Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representawive 420 MADISoNAvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON Los ANGELES .SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39 Board of Editors ART Managing, Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Assoclate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor . Robert D. Mitchell. Albert P. May10 Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry t . S. R. Kleiman Robert Perlian . . . Earl Gilman . . William Elvin . . Joseph Freedman * . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager Credit Manager Advertising Manager. . Women's Business Manager Women's Service Manager S. . Philip W. Buchen . Leonard P. Siegelman * .William L. Newnan . . Helen Jean Dean . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JUNE HARRIS The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. iY The Pogrom: An Integral Part Of Fascism... ON CONSIDERING the recent shock- ing decrees of the Hitler govern- ment against Jews, the important thing to bear in mind is that the pogrom is not an isolated incident; it is vitally connected with the entire structure, form, nature and policy of the Hitler government and with all the various manifesta- tions of that policy during the past five years. The institution of the pogrom is not a sudden inescapable regression of civilization to medie- val times; nor is fascism a mere passing whim upon which the German people happen to have seized. Fascism has made its appearance, ac- companied everywhere by the same general symp- toms, in country after country throughout the world in the past 20 years. It is neither a mere ideological concept, nor a national neurosis, al- though both mass philosophy and mass psy- chology must be considered in examining it. From the evidence available, fascism appears to be primarily an economic phenomenon. Some of the countries which have fallen victim to it were on the defeated side in the World War; some were among the victors. Some of them belong to one ethnic or cultural classification, some to another, some to several. Some of them had a tradition of absolutist government, others a growing tradition of democratic government. All, however, have been alike in one respect; all have found themselves in critical economic dif- ficulties, marked by mass suffering and unrest. Anti-semitism first appeared in the fascist movement in Germany; it is only of compatra- tively recent and mild development in Italy. One brief wave of it occurred -in Japan but was terminated by the discovery that there are no Jews in that country. It has also made its appear- ance in various other countries which have turned fascist, or are in the process of doing so, and in the incipient fascist movements in all other countries. Unquestionably, anti-semitism is, or has become, an integral part of fascism. The connection between the economic nature of fascism and its anti-semitic facet is easy to establish. Fascism has not succeeded in finding a solution to the problem of a dislocated nation- al economy, and in order to prevent the people from learning this fact, various ruses have been devised: one of these consists of making the Jews a scapegoat and diverting popular feeling, sup- pressed in other directions, into the channel of race hatred. The Jews are a racial minority present in all European countries, and therefore -serve the purpose peculiarly well. Of course Jewish persecution is only one of many means employed by fascism to blind the people to their economic plight. There are a number of others, all well-known, ranging from foreign war to attacks on the church. The press and radio censorships, the annihilation of poli- tical opposition, the dissolution of trade unions, the concentration camps and the close surveil- lance of the populace by secret police all aid in insulating the people against knowledge and critical thought. For this reason it is evident that opposition to the pogroms, like opposition to bombings of women and children, cannot be limited to the mere acts themselves, but must be, in effect, opposition to the entire principle of fascism,' whether it manifest itself in Germany and By K. CONRAD AUGUST Jane Stanley There was a charming lady obligingly answer- ing questions about the water colors hung in Alumni Memorial Hall. The lady was no longer young, but her enthusiasm and spirit seemed without bound. The lady was Jane Stanley. She spoke of the settings of her various paintings, of their interesting historical background, and the circumstances under which they were painted. Each picture held a story of its own for her, and a memory. Her subjects are market places overshadowed by towering ruins, impressive churches, build- ings, and gaily clad Guatemalans. Her love for trees is reflected in the compositions which are dependent upon the twistings of-a gnarled trunk, or the dense patterns of leaves. Her interpreta- tion of crowds has a charming quality; they are not of the type that shout lustily at the tops of their voices, but rather the kind that just drone in ithe sunshine of a lazy afternoon. The majority of the"painting- appear more or less architectural. Buildings, masses of mason- ry, and ruins certainly play an important part in her hangings. At first glance these appear to have rather a tight and finished handling. Closer study, however, reveals a very interesting tech- nique of freedom in underpainting that is then followed= by careful overwashes and grey color which has been allowed to stand. Without ques tion she understands her medium and has mastered her method well. Certainly there is nothing hesitant about the way she applies her principles. Unfortunately, it is probably the neutralizing of color that fails to give the impact of "an ef- fective first impression. She leaves very few sparkling white spaces, and is greatly restrained in her use of pure color. It is interesting to note that in some of her smaller paintings she does an entire about face. Here she uses both vibrating whites and brilliant color to great advantage. For instance, her very small paintings of the Church at Vera Cruz is is done in bits of bright color interestingly woven together to form a sparkling effect. The treat- ment of tile in the kitchen of the secret convent shows the same treatment. Here pure blues and whites are employed to make up one of the most striking and most lovable things in the show.- A word may be said of her Seascape at Monhe- gan. Here she has something different than most of the other work in that she uses large areas with power and freedom. It hardly seems that the same person was responsible for the aban- don of the roaring sea that patiently worked out the intricate structures of some of the archi- tectural subjects. In conjunction with her show of water colors, Jane Stanley has brought with her a beautiful collection of Guatemalan textiles. Here is almost unheard of skill in thef art of weaving. Work that looks like needlework on ,finishedcloth is- actually executed on theFloom. The colors are of great variety, yet so closely matched in barsor pattern as to produce refreshing harmony. Her only regret is that the Guatemalans of the present day are becoming more and more con- tent with inferior machine-made articles, and as a consequence neglect the ancient art for which their country is justly famous. TOAY WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- WASHINGTON, Nov 16-Nazi Germany may not understand the first announcement at the press conference of President Roosevelt-his denunciation of the barbaric attacks on helpless minorities in Germany-but there need be little doubt that the second announcement to the press, a few minutes later, about America's plan to build armaments big enough to protect the western hemisphere will make a real impression in Berlin. It is most unfortunate that only the language of force makes itself comprehensible to the Nazi Imind, but the language of bigger and better air- craft, bigger and better naval warships and big- ger and better army reserve units is being spoken here with a unanimity on the part of American public opinion that has scarcely been equalled since the last episode in German stupidity in 1917, when merciless attacks without warning on merchant ships bearing innocent men, women and children shackea the whole world and led to American participation in the European con- flict. The military and naval minds in Berlin at .that time ridiculed the idea of an American army transportfed overseas, but nevertheless 2,000,000 men went across in less than two years. America Seen Pacifistic Today, Germany doubtless is resting on the il- lusory premise that America is a pacifist country and will never go to war. But any historian will tell the rulers of the German people that war did not come with the Lusitania disaster, when more than 1;000 innocent persons were murdered at sea, but later on, when, in the face of repeated protests, the barbaric attacks on American citi- zens continued, At the moment, it is the desire of the Ameri- can people to avoid etanglement in any war, but it is apparent also that the surest way to stay out of war is to show the Nazi government America is prepared for any eventuality. The American policy just announced by Presi- dent Roosevelt is of transcendent significance. because it means the welding together of the 21 republics as well as Canada in a unit of strength which never has been created before n world history. A united front against any mili- tary or naval or aerial attack from Nazi Ger-' many, Fascist Italy and their ally, Japan, will not stop with mere preparation for war. It will in- tensify world opinion against the three outlaw nations-Germany, Japan. and Italy-and make known to the peoples thereof that their present rulers are merely doing to them what the tyrants of the past have done-wilful exploitation. The present rulers of Nazi Germany have be- gun to loot the minority population in order to get funds to maintain the armaments. The so- called anti-Semitic outbreaks are merely an ex- cuse and camouflage for the underlying desire of the Nazis to confiscate- the property of the Jews, who, it is estimated, have about $2,000,- 000,000 in property wealth, which is a sizeable amount for the Nazis to pillage. Is Persecution Necessary? . Since the Nazis real& mean to confiscate this property, it is surprising that they feel it neces- sary to add physical tortures to those whom they have plainly intended to rob. The pretexts for confiscation evidently have not been as con-. venient as those now used. Even in Italy there is reason to believe that the anti-Jewish decrees have their origin in the plot of Fascist leadersto get their hands on key businesses and industries in which Jews- have invested their savings of centuries. Evidently the economic pressure from within is so strong that the Jews are merely the scapegoats for an internal unrest which is signi- ficantly pressing the fascist governments from within. How long can Germany, Italy and Japan face the hostility of the whole world? How long will they be able to trade with the other peoples and how long will they suffer the privations of lack of gold with which to buy necessary raw materials? And how long will the neighboring smaller countries acquiesce in trade strangulation if the whole world finally tuins against the three militaristic countries? So far as America-both the government and the people-is concerned, there is profound disappointment over the events which have followed the Munich Peace. YouofTM By Sec Terry DEAR SEC: Fat men are usually garrulous and sometimes hollow, but the gent who picked me up on the Plymouth Road the other evening advanced an argument which I think you'll agree has more than passing merit. Hitch- hikers °aren't always so fortunate as to hook a willing conversationalist. I should tell you now that his clothes were strikingly exact and his manner suggested prosperity. At any rate, we got around to the general topic of college, and he seemed overly anxious to admit he had never had the pleas- ure, "although," he readily confided, "curiosity once drove me to look into it.", "Yes," he added, "I was sched- uled a few years ago to go on a. speaking tour of my firm's branch offices, so I thought to brush up a bit on my English. I had a few months time before leaving, and together with our Detroit sales manager, whom I persuaded to attend with me, I enrolled in an extension course of the University of Michigan. "Wel, our first night there, the professor was fifteen minutes late. To salesmen, who often had to be at a buyer's door hours beL fore that worthy showed up, that proved distasteful. But the worse was yet to follow. When he did finally arrive, he was wearing an old suit of clothes which I'd swear hadn't been pressed in weeks. His shoes had the appear- ance of never having been shined. And I've seen vagrants wearing cleaner shirts than his. We were unimpressed plenty, and when he rose to remark about what an invaluable asset correct English is to a salesman, I feltlike rising and asking how the hell he could pssibly know what was good for a salesman. "Since then, I've seen other of your University teachers, and I can't understand how in sam hill they let 'em dress like that. It's beyond me. No wonder students come out with inferiority com- plexes and defeatist attitudes these days." And that, Mr. Terry, was that! -Kringel That, Mr. Kringel, seemed enougl! Maybe a tacit boycott of Sam, the Old clothes man, is afoot. We're of the opinion that a professor or in- structor need not be a debonair boule- vardier, but we concur in the opinion that he ought to press his trousers once in a while. Perhaps your letter will elicit opinions, in assent or dis- sent, from our readers. Maybe they can answer your anonymous friend. WHEN the meeting at Hill Audi- torium Tuesday night broke up, several of the lads felt that Dr. Paul Van Zeeland had contributed little more than a rhetorical poser in his lecture, "Proposed Roads to Recov- ery." They neglected to consider that Dr. Van Zeeland was only the former Prime Minister of Belgium, not a magician. If he paddled a bit aim- lessly about in a lagoon of non-com- mitments and generalities, it was be- cause the beacon ashore is obscured. Dr. Van Zeeland professed to be an optimist, and then defined one. If you filled a jar half full of wine and showed it to an optimist and a pessi- mist, the optimist would say it was half full, while the pessimist would call it half empty. The lecturer is not uch an optimist, however, that he as confidence war is avoidable. "Sooner or later, and probably rela- tively soon, war will come," he says. Some degree of organization only can avert it. And that organization cannot be obtained through the political ap- proach; only the economic approach remains, and although it is improb- able, Dr. Van Zeeland feels that it, is enough that it is possible. The rea- soning escapes us.. He asserted that Munich was not the beginning of an era, but the end- ing of the Versailles order, which is broken down forever. He pointed out that force, upon which the totalitar- ian state is built, is not an element of organization. From this generaliza- tion, we gathered that force will have to be eliminated or minimized before the desired order can be attained. He struck the propaganda chord atI the conclusion of his speech by re- lating how, among the statesmen of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) nary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar. Room 4, University Hall. Bacteriology 111A (Laboratory] Course) will meet Monday, Nov. 21 at 1 p.m. in Room 2552, East Medical Building. Each student should come provid-I ed with a $5 Hygienic Laboratory1 Coupon procurable at the Treasurer'sI office. Graduate Students: Diploma ap- plications are due not later than Nov. 8. Any graduate student who is reasonably certain of completing de- ree requirements by the end of the irst semester, should file applica- ion for the degree in the office of he Graduate School. C. S. Yoakum. Graduate Students. The general examination given this fall will be repeated on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Nov. 19, ground floor, Rack- ham Building, for those students reg- istering in the Graduate School for the first time this fall. This second date is to enable those students ex- cused or unable to come previously to make up the examination. Other stu- dents .in the Graduate School who would like to take the examination are invited to do so at this time. , C. S. Yoakum. Candidates for the Master's Degree in History: Please bring your own, dic- tionaries to the language examina- tion, which will be held Friday, Nov. 18, at 4 p.m., in Room B, Haven. Senior Honors. Will all members, of the class in Senior -Honors, whose names appear in the alphabet be-, tween A and M inclusively, meet with Mr. Weaver at 4 o'clock on Wednes- day, at 2218 A.H. Will all others meet on Friday at the same hour and place. Any one finding the Wed- nesday hour impossible may come on Friday; any one finding the Friday hour impossible may come on Wed-3 nesday. Bennett Weaver. Exhibitions' Ann Arbor Camera Club presents its Second Annual Salon of Photog- raphy, Room 3541, Rackham Build- ing. Open evenings 7:30-10 p.m. through Nov. 19. The public is in- Thursda-, Nov. 17. in Room 302 Michigan Union at 4:_10 p.m. Profes- sor Fred B. Wahr will give a review, University Girls' Glee Club: Regular rehearsal tonight at 7:15~ in the Bell Tower. Attendance is compul- sory and members are asked to be prompt. Men's Physical Education Club will meet tonight at 9 p.m. in Room 319 of the Michigan Union. Business will be transacted and an informal pro- gram will conclude the meeting. Kappa Phi. Regular meeting at Stalker Hall at 5:15 p.m. All members please be present. Avukah meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. Omega Upsilon. There will be a very important meeting at 7:15 p.m., at Morris Hall, all actives and new mem- bers must attend. Sigma Alpha Iota will. have a short business meeting followed by a chor- al rehearsal on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 7:15 p.m. at the League. Members please be prompt. The Decorations Committee of the Christmas Come Across will meet to- day at 4 p.m. at the League. Please bring identification cards unless they have already been checked for this committee. Ann Arbor Independent Women, the inn Arbor Group of Assembly, will old its regular meeting in the Kala- mazoo Room of the Michigan League, this afternoon at- 4:30 p.m. Plans fir the Friendship Dinner, the Dorm Dance, and future meetings will be decided upon. All those who care to participate in any of the group's activities are especially urged to at- tend this meeting. Women Interested in Speech Work: Zeta Phi Eta, National Professional Speech Arts Fraternity for Women, will hold try-outs tonight in the Por- tia Room on the fourth floor of An- gell Hall, from7:15 to 9:00. All girls interested in any phase of speech work are invited to try out. A short speech or an interpretive reading se- lection will be acceptable to the judging committee. Tryouts for the one-act play, "Sec- ond Overture" by Maxwell Ander- son today from 2-5 p.m. at the Hillel 4 vited.iFoundation. This\ play will be pre- sented at the next open Hillel'Play- Exhibition, College of Architecture: ers' meeting. All are eligible to pare- An exhibition of hand:-made Christ- ticipate except first-semester fresh- mas cards from the collections of men. Due to the abundance of male Professors J. P. Slusser and M. B. roles, all interested men are urged Chapin is now being shown in the 1to attend. corridor cases, ground floor, Archi- Musicale-Tea at 4 p.m. at thHillel tecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, Fusionetoa 4.m. at'h "Hille except Sunday, through Nov. 26. The Foundation today. Schubert's "Un- public is invited. finished Symphony No. 8 in B Minor" will be played and a commentary on The Ann Arbor Art Association pre- 1it made by a student. sents two exhibitions, water colors by I Jane Stanley, and Guatemalan tex-. Soph Cabaret. There will be a meet- tiles, in the galleries of Alumni Mem- ing of the finance committee of Soph C bla~a f nf-r : +AL. orial Hall. Nov. 9 through 23, daily,' 2-5 p.m. Exhibition, College of Architecture: Drawings made by groups of students in Architecture and LandscapeDesign at the University of Illinois, Ohio State, Cincinnati, Michigan, Armour Institute, Iowa State College, ift com- petition for the Ryerson Scholarship which is offered annually for travel abroad by the Lake Forest Founda- tion for Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Open daily except Sun-' day, 9 to 5, through Nov. 14; third floor exhibition room, Architectural Building. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Thomas Doe- sing, Director of the Public Library Administration of Denmark, will give a lecture on "Folk High Schools in Denmark" on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Audi- torium under the auspices of the General Library and the Department' of Library Sciences. The public ii cordially invited. University Lecture: Henri Seyrig, Director of the Department of An- tiquities in Syria, will give an il- lustrated lecture on "The Meeting of. Greek and Iranian in the Civilization of ,Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes- Ja areu a 6P.M. touay at the League. The Child Study Group of the Michigan Dames will have their in- itial meeting of the year tonight at 8 1o'clock in the home of Mrs. V. E. Leichty, 528 Elm St. The discus- sion will center about the program for the pre-school child as outlined in the Parents' Magazine. The Interior Decoration Group .of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at 3 o'clock todayat the WashtenAw Gas Company, 211 E. Huron Street. Ruth Bush, cookery expert will give a lecture demonstration regarding the making of "Holiday Garnishments and Dainties." Ticket Committee meeting for the Inter-Dorm dance today at 5 p.m. in the League. The room will be post- ed on the bulletin board. The First Meeting of the elementary 1 Readers Seek To Continue China Aid r Resolution Urges Jap Boycott To the Editor: We, an assembled mee ng of 150 citizens of Ann Arbor, urge that the United States continue and increase its support--in the form of funds, surplus food and medical supplies-to the Chinese victims of undeclared war. We, an assembled meeting of 150 Ann Arbor citizens, pray that the United States government- will take effective steps at once to stop the sup- ply of both primary and secondary war mater- ials and financial support to the Japanese war makers. (The above resolutions were adopted at a meeting of AnnArbor residents-both towns- people and members of the faculty of the Uni- versity of Michigan-held in the Congregational Church in Ann Arbor, Nov. 8th, 1938). (The meeting was sponsored by the American League for Peace and Democracy, Ann Arbor branch, of which the local officers are as fol- lows: Prof. Leroy Waterman, chairman; Prof. John Shepard, vice-chairman; William Rohn,? membership secretary; Lucille Poor, recording secretary, and Bert Doolittle, treasurer.) ously, and realize that a clever reporter should not be hampered by the necessity of sticking to facts. After all no one knows more about what lies behind mere words than an experienced journalist. Why should one of this distinguished profession be forced to report what a speaker actually said when he knows very well what the speaker meant to say? LET'S HAVE THE REAL MEANINGS. TO HELL WITH WORD FOR WORD QUOTATIONS. For instance take the Anti-War Committee's Armistice Day Rally. One of the speakers, Dr. Poole, spoke in a way that made many believe him to be opposed to collective security and concerted action by world democracies against Fascist aggression. As a matter of fact, the good doctor did get rather mixed up and actually say that he considered these formulas mere varia- tions of the old power politics theory of pre-war Europe. I was very pleased tQ see that the Daily's account of the talk rectified this obvious mistake. Quite rightly the doctor was quoted as being heartily in favor of united democratic front. This considerate modification of his ideas will not only save the speaker much unwarranted cen- sure, but will prevent the less mature minds on Europe, the burning appendage to day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi-; every problem is "What will the theatre under the auspices of the Mu- United States do?" They tell Ameri- seum of Classical Archaeology. The can youth that it is easy to view im- public is cordially invited. perfections from afar, that Continen- tal difficulties do not affect us. But Events Today it is the American youth who will The Observatory Journal Club wil have to answer the question that dis- turbs the inner councils of Mars. And meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday after- who will deny us a bit of rehearsal noon, Nov. 17, in the Observatory lec- before our turn to recite. ture room. Dr. H. R. Crane of the. Physics Department will speak on class in Modern Hebrew will meet today at 4:15 p.m. at the Hillel Foun- dation. All are welcome to enroll. The advanced section will organize tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. Coming Events Junior Mathematics Club will meet on Friday at 4:15 p.m. in 3201 An- gell Hall. Mr. J. S. Dusenberry will speak on "A Bit of Pi." An informal discussion and refreshments will follow. Algebra-Seminar will meet Friday from 4-6 in 3010 Angell Hall. Dr. Nesbitt will speak on "Representa- tion of Algebras." The Scandinavian Club will have a social evening of folk dances with the Danish group from Detroit, Friday evening, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. All Scandinavian members and those of Scandinavian descent are invited. I Ceramics Forum To Be Held Here Beginning today and continuing through Friday and Saturday a Con- ference on Ceramic Technology will "Nuclear Transformations as a Sourse of Stellar Energy." Tea will be served at 4 p.m. G-a stt C'n l "Ai rm ac ra Inv hot in Ra rauateounc:ii members are UniversityChir: A University ited to attend an informal social Choir is being formed for those peo- ur Thursday, Nov. 17 at 4:45 p.m. ple who wish to sing for their own the West Conference Room of the pleasure the best of the old religious ckham Building. A mimeographed h