r-s i THE M IICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, 150 F reshmnen I SRA Guests At Annual Camp Yost, Smith And Bursley Among Speakers At The 1938 Rendezvous Camp More than 150 freshlmen men re- turned to Ann Arbor yesterday af- ternoon after a weekend at the Freshmen Rendezvous Camp spon- sored by the Student Religious As- sociation at the University Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake. A cross section of prospective freshman men was selected to at- tend the camp, according to Ralph Erlewine, '39, director. Men from all sections of the country, of scho- lastic or athletic bent, were invited to attend, he said, so that the camp would represent a true cross section of the class. Erlewine was assisted at the camp, by Theodore Balgooyan, '40, who acted as steward and by 20 upper- classmen, each of whom led a group. f freshmen. Faculty members of the committee were Kenneth Mor- gan, director of the SRA, Ira M. smith, registrar, Prof. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious edu- cation, Prof. F. N. Menefee of° the Fresh Air Camp committee, and Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English department. Activities of the camp were opened Saturday morning with addresses of welcome by Registrar Smith and Prof. Philip E. Bursley, director oft Freshman Orientation, Shirley Smith, vice-president of the University, gave an impromptu speech Saturday eve- ning, and Fielding H. Yost, athletic director, spoke of football in "the good old days." A program of organized athletics including baseball, touch football and swimming was organized under the direction of John Harris, '39. Sail- boats of the Sailing Club were used at the camp and, Erlewine said, sail- ing activities were topped with a race on Sunday. Prof. Howard Y. Mc- lusky of the psychology department and Head Football Coach Fritz Cris- ler spoke briefly to the campers Sun- day. Lit School Sets "C' Requirement Record Is Prerequisite For Concentration Students whose scholastic average after 60 hours of work is below a C will, except under exceptional cir- cumstances, be asked to withdraw from the University immediately, ac- cording to Prof. Arthur Van Duren, academic counselor of the literary college Prior to June, 1938, when the new ruling went into effect, those with less than 60 credits were allowed one semester to make them up. The new plan, Professor Van Duren said, ought to serve as an indication to those students who are without apti- tude or are not fitted for academic pursuits that they should get into something else, while allowing suf- ficient leeway for those having a good excuse for their low grades. Exceptional circumstances, ac- cording to Professor Van Duren, con- sist of such things as being in the Health Service for a few weeks the semester before, or trouble at hgme, as a death. in the family. But all credits that are lacking in these ex- ceptional cases must be made up in the-"next semester, he continued. Complete discretionary power over the new ruling has been put in the hands of Professor Van Duren who states that the plan was not estab- lished to set an academic ideal but. an absolute minimum. When the concentration program was devised in 1931, no exceptions were made under any circumstances according to Professor Van Duren. However, when it was found that this plan did not work, students were given ,one semester and a summer session to make up their credits. T his Building H ouses T he Student Publications at Michigan Extension Study Li Newly-For med Student Senate Is Mirror Of Campus Opinion tourses xaerv 33 Cities Today G r ives Education Chances To Those Who Can't Five Student Publications Afford Outlets For Campus Writers FAC Is Host To 300 Boysl Freshmen Eligible Second Semester To Compete For Numerous Positions' By ETHEL Q. NORBERG Excellent opportunity is afforded to those students who are literarily or journalistically bent in the five cam- pus publications: The Michigan Daily, Perspectives, Gargoyle, Michi- ganensian and the Technic. All freshmen who have attained a scho- lastic average of at least three C's and one B during their first semes- ter on campus are eligible to try out for any of these during their second semester. The Daily, largest of the five, is published every morning except Mon- day and University holidays during the regular school year and Summer Session. Perspectives, the campus literary magazine, is issued four times a year free to Daily subscribers. Gargoyle, monthly humor magazine, contains cartoons, articles and jokes. The Technic, which is edited and published by undergraduates in the engineering college, appears monthly and contains articles and illustrations on new developments in the engineer- ing field, written both by under- graduates and outstanding experts in the different branches of science ad- ministration. The Michiganensian, the annual yearbook, includes the activities of all the classes and many organiza- tions in the University with a special emphasis on the senior class. In ad- dition to the yearbook the 'Ensian publishes the student directory, which contains names, addresses, telephone numbers and home towns of all University students, every fall and at the beginning of the Summer Session. In the freshman year, tryouts for The Daily are given experience in handling minor "beats," reading proof and working on night desk one night a week. Sophomores are given more important beats in addition to night desk work. About 12 of these are retained for salaried posi- tions as night editors in the junior year, also covering major stories. In the senior year, the Board in Control of Student Publications, composed of four faculty and three student members, selects a managing editor, city editor and editorial di- rector in addition to an editorial board usually consisting of six or sev- en seniors. The same promotion pro- cess is applied to the business staff of The Daily, six juniors being paid salaries with two or three senior sal- aried positions on the staff. The other publications follow a similar promotion system except the Technic which is not under the juris- diction of the Board in Control of Student Publications but of a senior board and a Faculty Advisory Board in the engineering college. Both The Daily and the Technic have received special awards for be- ing outstanding publications in their respective fields. For several con- secutive years The Daily has received the Associated Collegiate P r e s s "Pacemaker" award, the highest award given a collegiate newspaper. It also was the only college newspa- pare to receive honorable mention for excellence in typography and make- up in the 10,000 and under circula- tion class of the N.W. Ayers compe- tition. The Technic holds both the En- gineering Colleges Magazine Asso- ciation award for the best all-around engineering college magazine and the award presented by the Massachus- setts Institute of Technology News for the outstanding undergraduate scientific or engineering publication. Free Admissions Included. Included in the tuition for each full-time student of the University is an athletic coupon book providing free admission to all University ath- letic events 'with the exception of hockey games played in the Coliseum and swimming meets. Foobtall tickets for the five home games may be secured with the cou- pon book in the registration line or at the Athletic Administration Build- ing. Underprivileged Given Summer Children Outing More than 300 underprivileged boys forsook hot city streets for the wood- ed shores of Patterson Lake this sum- mer as guests' of the University Fresh Air Camp. Chosen from the slum areas of nearby cities. their tuition paid by charitable agencies and private do- nations, their recreation supervised by 50 picked University students and graduates, each of these boys spent four weeks in swimming, hiking, na- ture study, handicraft and training1 for good citizenship. Under the direction of George G< Alder, the camp, now in its 18th sea- son, provided such modern camp ac- tivities as complete driving training for all boys under 14, a complete program in amateur radio work, and a comprehensive course in remedial reading. Besides,these regular activi- ties, the boys took trips to such pbints of interest as a baseball game at Briggs Stadium in Detroit, a tour of the General Motors Proving Grounds, and excursions to Greenfield Village, the state capitol, police bar- racks, and the University. Attend Universities The University Extension Service, which had its beginning in 1913 in Detroit offering only three subjects has grown today to a state-wide ser- vice with courses in 33 cities. Inaugurated for the purpose of en- abling persons, who are unable for I some reason or other to take advan- tage of the facilities of the Univer- sity, to receive University instruction. the service under the direction of Dr. Charles A. Fisher offers both credit and noncredit courses, al- lowing students to earn as much as 30 hours (one year) towards a de- gree. 5,600 Take Courses Last year 5,600 students took classes in the various cities of the' state to which University professors are sent. Groups usually meet for a two-hour period each week. In addition to the extension classes, the Extension Service offers a cor- respondence study department. Or- ganized in January, 1936, in co- operation with the Division of Edu- cation of the Michigan WPA, the service offers both credit and non- credit courses to those who cannot attend classes regularly because of ill health, work or other reasons. Other Features Offered Many other educational features are offered by the Extension Service to keep the University in touch with every community in the state. Among these are the Michigan High School 1 Forensic Association, the Library Ex- 'tension Service, the Bureau of Visual Education, the Joint Committee on Health Education, the broadcasting service, institutes and lectures. From 550 to 600 lectures were given throughout the state by Univer- sity faculty members last year. Prac- tically every county in Michigan is ;visited at least once a year by Univer- sity lecturers through the aid of the Bureau o Lectures. Institutes, ex- tending from one day to two weeks, are conducted yearly in Ann Arbor in cooperation with various organiza- tions throughout the state. Included among these are the Michigan Con- gress of Parents and Teachers, Michi- gan State Federation of Labor, Mich- igan Youth Association and Tradef Association Executives.1 Accurate Cross-Section Is Insured By Use Of P.R. System In Balloting For the first time in many years a representative body, the Student Sen- ate, was elected from the campus-at- large "to consider all matters having a vital bearing on students at the University." Plans for this organization to mir- ror student opinion were designed by the Student Senate sponsoring com- mittee, which had been formed by delegates of the 'League, Union, Stu- dent Religious Association and other leading campus groups. Petitioning for the 32 posts was opened to all scholastically eligible students and an unanticipated. num- ber of 64 students declared themselves in the field, with three ma or parties endorsing 34 candidates. The Daily invited all candidates to present a short platform for publica- tion, and campaigning assumed con- siderable heights as placards, hand- bills and posters were distributed by many of the prospective Student Senators. Toattain representation of every. stream of thought on campus and to provide the Senate with a true cross- section of student opinion the Hare system of proportional representation was used in the elections March 11. After the elections the infant Stu- dent Senate set out immediately to tackle the housing problem that per- ennially plagues Ann Arbor students and householders. With representa- tives of students, landladies, realtors and the University present, an open hearing was conducted by the Sen- ate's housing committee to "determine tle causes of the undesirable room- ing situation it Ann Arbor."' At the hearing it was flatly denied that rooming houses are either prof- itable to landladies and realtors, or adequate to student needs, and wit- nesses generally agreed that in state subsidized dormitories lay the only solution to this problem. The Student Senate trained its guns on investigating alleged book monopolies, the NYA aid program for students and suggested library re- forms. A committee was named to investigate the possibilities of includ- ing a marriage relations course in the University.-' Abolition of the Men's Council was voted by the Senate and the creation of a men's undergraduate body, simi- - -- ._ . lar to the one extant at the League to administer men's ;activities, was recommended. the Student Senate book prices committee proposed a cooperative book exchange to provide a barter market where students could leave their books for resale at their own price. The plan was submitted to the Board of Regents, and will not be acted upon until this fall. Many other investigating commit- tees were set up by the Senate during its first year, and it is anticipated that more permanent commissions, including Senators, faculty members and non-Senate students will be set up this year to handle such continu- ing problems as housing, general edu- cational policy and the like. The first meeting this year will be held Tuesday, Sept. 27, Martin B. Dworkis, '40, chairman of the contin- uation committee has announced. Plans for the fall elections and a general continuation of activities will be discussed, Dworkis said. New Men's Co-p Organized Here Fourth Local Cooperative To Accommodate 20 A new men's cooperative house, an extension of the Rochdale House which has been organized since 1935, will be established this fall at 922 S. State St. The house which can accommodate 20 men will be managed under the Rochdale plan whereby all work is divided among the members. Each member works an average of one hour a day thus reducing his expenses to five dollars a week for room and board. There are still several vacan- cies, according to Frank Rideout, '41, chairman of the organizing com- mittee. This new house brings the total of living cooperatives on campus to four. The Socialist House for men, the oldest of the four, and the Girls' Co- operative House which vas estab- lished last year, .are run on the same principle as the other two. In all, the control and management of the house lies entirely with its membership. Last year a cooperative council composed of representatives from each of the houses helped to work out problems common to all. ~- r- ..and wvith more smokers every day who find in Chester- field's refreshing mildness andl bet- ter taste just what they want in a cigarette. It takes good things to make a good product. That's why we use the best ingredients a cigarette can have -mild ripe tobaccos and pure cigarette paper -to make Chester- field the cigarette that smokers a STUDENT SPECIALS Michigan Stationery . .... ..49c Alarm Clocks (guarant'd) 98c and up Fountain Pens ... . .50c, $1.00 and up Bath Towels .........15c, 25c, 35c Soap Dishes ...........10c and 25c Laundry Cases ...............$1.49 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes .. 37c 40c Squibb's Tooth Paste .......33c Notebook Paper .......10c package 50c Williams Shaving Cream......39c say is milder and better -tasting. Ytf. { 'ii {.::' / ti ::". :'.'.".".: rl.': : ... f ? f: ' 1 j ... a :.': . i FOUNTAIN SPECIALS ! k A I Delicious Sodas Toasted .Sandwich