Weather Unsettled today and tomorrow; slightly warmer. L lA6irit~cau *ait6b Editorial The Pogrom: An Integral Part Of Fascism VOL. XLIX. No. 46 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 'PRICE, FIVE - i Student Heads PlanAProtest To Reich Acts Petition University To Call Classes Off At 11 A.M. Tomorrow For Meeting Ruthven Is Asked To Be Chairman Plans for a campus meeting tomor- row to'protest the persecution of Jews and Catholics in Germany were made yesterday by the Committee on Hu- man Rights, a temporary coalition group formed to handle arrangements for the meeting. The time and place of the meeting will be decided, pend- ing decision of University authorities on dismissal of eleven o'clock classes, Robert Emerine, '39, chairman of the committee, said. Definite word on de- tails of the meeting will be sought to- day. Petitions in support of the meet- ing have been signed by leaders of more than 50 campus organizations, and by several members of the facul- ty. An outside speaker will probably be engaged to address the meeting, as well as a student speaker, Emerie said. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, chair- man of the political science depart- ment, and Dr. Edward Blakeman, Hitler And Fascism Denounced In Speech By Lillian Mowrer Writer Claims World War be composed of "Asia, Germaliy and Inevitable Due To Stand the two Americas." Tracing the rise of Hitler, who was Maintained By Dictator brought into power on "the fulcrum of German self-pity," Mrs. Mowrer, Predicting that continued fascistic author of "Journalists Wife," de- aggression will lead inevitably to war, clared that propertied classes in Mrs. Lillian Mowrer, writer and wife France and England, afraid of the of foreign correspondent Edgar An- bogey of Soviet Russia, saw in the sel Mowrer, bitterly denounced the Nazis a movement of "the better Munich settlement in a speech which people." Too, the British believed climaxed an InternationalhRelations France had become too powerful and, dinner held yesterday in the League. in an attempt to reduce this power,, Stigmatizing Hitler as a dictator aided Hitler. This policy weakened whose chief weapon is a "fundamen- ( France and continually strengthened tal contempt for human nature," Mrs. Germany and Italy. Mowrer, whose husband became one "Even in Parisian drawing rooms I of the best known of American jour- heard the phrase 'Better Hitler than nalists after his graduation from Leon Blum,"' Mrs. Mowrer related. Michigan, prophesied that democracy 'Dictatorship was preferred-it would will only survive if the peoples of safeguard the rights of property." France and England throw off their America's withdrawal from Euro- present leaders. pean affairs after the war kept the The foreign situation today re- continent in a state of unbalance, she minds her, she said, of the day in said. This was intensified by the de- 1924 when a high German official pression, which left people interested told her that the world someday will in their own affairs and made them -- disregard the violations of interna- W il ,gtional law by the fascists. U s W ill 1$ i . Always using the technique of creat- ing internal unrest and then going B i'iish I rade in to "remedy the siutation," the to- British Trade talitarian leaders continued their ad- .u vance. Finally they prepared to win Accord Today Czechoslovakia, home of 3 milliont Germans and 11 million Slays. "Whether they wanted it or not, the Gerinan-American Trade Nordic peoples were going to be combined in one Reich," Mrs. Mowrer Declne Is Looked For declared. Because Of New Treaty . Czechoslovakia contained its Ger- man minority because Bohemia was WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-(-- (Continued on Page 2) The United States and Great Britain,' drew closer together today by an-i J-Hop Petition lnouncing the conclusion of their re- ciprocal trade agreement, while the D eadline United States and Germany driftedn farther apart. For Tuesday The State Department said the Or _ J Danish Public LibraryHead SpeaksToday The Associated Press reported yesterday that some 3,000 faul-- ty members and students of Co-. lumbia University signed a letter to President Roosevelt written by Nobel prize winner Harold C. Urey, urging him to follow Theo- dore Roosevelt's precedent in protesting the Kishkinev pogroms i1 Russia and severe trade rela- tions with Germany. The Detroit Free Press this morning reported city - wide preparations are being made to protest the treatment of suf- fering minorities in;Europe and in. particuilar on \behlf of the Jews in Germany. A Christian mass meeting Friday night will open the series of weekend prayers. student religious counsellor, are as- sisting t o thearrangements for speakers. President Ruthven will be asked to chair the meeting. The meeting was endorsed by six local clergymen, Rev. Fr. Thomas R. Carey, of St. Mary's Chapel; Rev. David A. Blake, of African Methodist- Episcopal Church, Rev. Leonard arr, of the Congregational Curch; Rev. H. L. Pickerill, of the Church of Christ Disciples; Rabbi Isaac J. Gold- man, of the Hebrew Synagogue, and Rev. H. C. Busching, of the West Side Methodist-Episcopal. Among the organizations sponsor- ing the meeting are the American Student Union, the American Feder- ation of Teachers, the Deutscher Verein, Polonia, t h e American League for Peace and Democracy, the Chinese Student Club, and the Negro Student Club. Lawyers Name ClassOfficers Appointees To Fill Social And Executive Positions Appointments in the senior law class were announced last night by Charles Z. Thomas, president of the class. Jay H. Sikkenga and Henry L. Pitts were named to head the Crease Ball committee. Allan A. Rubin was chosen permanent class secretary, Jack K. Pedigo was named chairman of the executive council, Donald M. Swope was appointed chairman of the pro- gram committee, Louis W. Ritz and George K. Hebb were made co-editors of the Law Review, and Kennard Besse business manager, Jack F. Smith and Ward P. Allen were named co-chairman of the social committee. Bernard Weissmann was appointed chairman of the judiciary committe, William R. Studley was chosen chair- man of the picture and cap and gown committtees, L. D. Verdier was put in charge of the general affairs committee, and Walter Martin and John R. Porter were named co-chair- man of the finance committee. I British and new Canadian trade pacts would be signed at the White House at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada will come here for the signing. Secretary of State Hull, Mr. King and probably the British Ambassador, Sir Ronald Lindsay, will speak after the cere- mony.. Links Two Nations The Anglo-American agreement links two countries enjoying 40 per cent of the world's trade, makes the 19th agreement concluded by Secre- tary Hull and brings under trade agreements about 60 per cent of our total trade. At the same time it has the effect of excluding Germany further from trade with this country and deepens the abyss between the Reich and the United States. 1,000 Concessions Officials estimate that about 1,000 tariff concessions are granted by both sides in the Anglo-American agree- ment. Since Germany. is on the United States economic blacklist be- cause she discriminates against American trade, she will not be en- titled to share in the tariff reduc- tions granted Great Britain as other nations enjoying most-favored-na- tion treatment from this government will be able to do.. "Trade between Germany and the United States, which has already de- clined considerably in 1938, may ex- perience a further drop. In a sense, the new pact is considered Hull's answer to the challenge presented by Germany's trade practices, such as barter deals. 13 Positions Available; Petitions Should Include Certificate Of Eligiiblity All petitions for the J-Hop com- mittee must be submitted by 8 p.m. Tues'day to the Union student offices or the League undergraduate offices, it was announced yesterday by Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's Council. The J-Hop committee as estab- lished in the Men's Council resolu- tion of Oct. 27 will be composed of 13 members to be chosen at a gen- eral class election as follows: three men and two women from the lit- erary college, three from the en- gineering college and one each from the architecture, music, nursing, edu- cation and the combined pharmacy and forestry schools. Petitions should contain 200-word statements of the applicant's 'quali- fications and should be accompanied by University certificates of eligibili- ty. Literary students' applications, should include signatures of 35 liter- ary juniors, engineers. signatures of 25 engineering juniors and those of candidates in the five other schools, 20 signatures of juniors in their re- spective schools. Each junior may endorse only one man and one wom- an, and violation of this provision will result in disqualification, Luebke said. Petitions received by the dead- line, Tuesday, will be considered first by the judiciary committees of the Men's Council and the League. Thomas Dossing Discusses Folk High Schools Of Denmark The important part which the li- braries of Denmark play in its pro- gram of adult education will be dis- cussed by Dr. Thomas Marius Dos- sing, director of the Public Library Administration of Denmark, in a University lecture, "Folk High Schools of Denmark," at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. Dossing, who has been connect- ed with the Danish Public Library system since his youth, holding posi- tions in the Royal Library at Copen- hagen and the State Library at Aarhus before becoming head of the Administration in 1912. has repre- sented the Danish Library Associa- tion on the International Library Committee for many years and is widely regarded as an authority on the library movement in the Scan- dinavian countries, where libraries play an importt part in popular education. He has taught librarianship in high technical schools at Copen- hagen and has been the editor of the "Danish Index to Periodicals" and "Book World." His lecture tour in the United States is being made under the auspices of the American Scandinavian Foundation, dedicated to the promotion of cultural and po- litical relations between the United States and Scandinavian countries. The General Library and the de- partment of library science are spon- soring his lectures here. Medical Off icers' Will Be Elected' Two Parties Will Compete In Fresh m ien Elections Two slates of officers will compete in the Freshman Medical School election to be held at 4:30 p.m. to- morrow in the Human Gross Anato-' my Lecture Room of the West Medi- cal Building it was announced by the respective campaign chairman last night. The Coalition slate, as announced by Gordon Carver and James Smith, co-chairman, nominates Neil Mc- Grath, Alpha Kappa Kappa, presi- dent; Donald Cooper, Nu Sigma Nu. vice-president; James Lyons, Alpha Kappa Kappa, secretary; Arnold Friedman, Phi Delta Epsilon, treas- urer; Milton Miller, Phi Delta Epsi- lon, first year honor man; and Hen- ry Gomolowicz, Phi Beta Pi, second year honor man. The opopsing slate, announced by Nelson Green, chairman, includes Charles Darling, Phi Chi, president; Ruth Steinke, Independent vice-presi- dent; Charles Crook, Independent, secretary; Edward MacKenzie, Phi Rho Sigma, treasurer; Green, Phi Chi, first year honor man; and Syl- vester O'Connor. Independent, sec- ond year honor man. All Medical School Freshmen are eligible to vote and must present their eligibility cards at the time of vot- ing. Areitect To speak On Landscaping Dr. A. D. Taylor, president of the American Society of Landscape CIO Adopts New Labor Constitution 1st Congress Of Industrial Organizations Outlines Polices Of The Future Martin Promises Support Of U.A.W. PITTSBURGH. Nov. 16-UP)-The new Congress of Industrial Organiza- tions, rolling at top speed, established a constitution today without dissen- sion and swung into the task of writ- ing its economic and indust:ial poli- cies for the future. The convention approved, shortly before adjournment, until tomorrow, strict observance of its contractual relations with employers as an "un- shakable policy." Homer Martin, international presi- dent of the United Auto Workers Union, supporting the resolution in- corporating that policy, pledged that his union would do its part to ob- serve contractsin the auto industry. He promised, too, to write contracts with every auto maker and parts manufacturer in the nation. The U.A.W. has contracts with all, major auto manufacturers except the Ford Motor Co. Martin voiced approval of the C.I.O.'s declaration that peace and unty in the labor movement depend- ed upon recognition of the principle of industrial unionism by the Ameri- can Federation of Labor. "We are for peace in the American labor movement," he said. "We be- lieve workers of the nation can be benefited by a united labor move- ment. But we understand also that there can be nonunited labor move- ment unless the principles of indus- trial unionism for mass production industries is made a part of that labor movement." The ten-point constitution vested broad powers in the hands of its offi- cials, and provided for the collection of a "war chest" at more than twice the rate of the rival A.F.L. John L. Lewis, chairman of the convention and apparently certain of election as president of the new labor group, demonstrated the firm grip he held on the 500 delegates during the day when he crushed a move by some delegates to change part of the constitution as drafted by a constitu- tional committee. Gargoyle Late -Hodge Won't Break Precedent Gargoyle's Love Story Magazine will not be out today. The reason, for this-Max Hodge, '39, its editor, does not feel quite up to breaking the long-established pre- cedent of never making a deadline. Instead the campus humor magazine will go on sale Tuesday, Nov. 22. This issue will contain three mag- azines in one according to Hodge, including within its pages the regu- lar Gargoyle "humor," the picture section and the new Love Story Mag- azine. In addition, more cartoons than ever before will be used, Africa stated bluntly they would p- pose any return of Germany's old colonies now entrusted totheir care. These three countries have almost all of Germany's old colonial em- pire - more than 1.000,000 square miles of the total of 1,130,000. Mal- colm MacDonald, British Dominions and Colonial Secretary, said his gov- ernment "did not contemplate the transfer of any territory under Brit- ish administration;." Premier Edou- ard Daladier of France said "no cession has ever been envisaged, nor could one be;" and Gen. Jan Chris- tian Smuts, veteran South African soldier and statesman, said "we are going to defend South Africa and its vital interests, including southwest Africa, to the uttermost." While Germany went ahead with' her anti-Semitic program, Jews went into seclusion in anticipation of to- day's scheduled funeral in Duessel- dorf of Ernst Vom Rath, the German Paris legation seetary who was slain by a young JeW' The Jews feared furthger mob outbursts. Germany is honoring Vom Rath as- a martyr to. the Nazi Reich. Meanwhile representatives of 31 nations composing the Evian Inter- governmental Refugee Conference were disclosed to have made over- tures to the Berlin foreign office con- cerning refugees from. Nazidom. A meeting of the five. heads of the con- ference is planned to be held within the next two weeks. German newspapers contented, themselves with suggesting President Roosevelt's Tuesday announcement of defense plans for the Western Hemisphere and denunciation of Jewish persecution was for the pur- pose of covering imperialistic ambi- tions in South America. Adolf Hitler's Voelkischer Beobach- ter said that the President was pic- turing an "imaginary menace" and that suspicions were cast on other powers "in the interest of United States armaments." Great Britain patched up relations with Italy, finally recognizing form- ally Italy's conquest of Ethiopia and putting into effect after long delay the Anglo-Italian friendship pact first signed last Easter. U.S. Aroused By Fascists' Latest Moves. NEW YORK, Nov. 16.-(A)-The mounting American wave of indig- nation over Germany's antrSeitlc campaigns today swept in newpr- posals for resettling Jewish refugees in this country and Africa as well as demands for economic and diplo- matic reprisals against the Nazi re- gime. Meanwhile, six Catholic digntarie on a nation-wide radio (NBC-CB). broadcast voiced what their master of ceremonies, the Rev. Maurice Sheehy of Washington, said was "firm indignation against the- atro- cities visited upon the Jews in Ger- many. " Smith Is Speaker Others speakers were Alfred E. Smith, Papal chamberlain and form- er Governor of New York; Arch- bishop John J. Mitty of San Fran- cisco; Bishop Peter L. Ireton of Richmond, speaking from Baltimore; Bishop John Mark Gannon of Erie, Pa., from Cleveland; and Msgr. Jo- seph Corrigan, 'rector of Catholic University, from,'Washington. More than 100 bishops, ministers and laymen of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, here for the 120th an- nual meeting of its Board of Foreign Missions, unanimously adopted a resolution condemning "unspeakable persecution" in Germany. Africa For Refugees Estelle M. Sterberger, executive director of World Peaceways, sug- gested that British areas in South Africa b set aside for refugees and that credits for'the colonies be fur- nished by England, the United States, France and the Netherlands, In support of an existing refugee program, approximately 20,000 per- sons in New York, which has the. largest Jewish population of any city in the world, bought tickets for the 5th annual "Night of Stars" benefit at Madison Square Garden. Proceeds of the benefit, with niore than 400 celebrities participating, will go to the United Palestine Appeal for the settlement in Palestine of Jews from Germany, Austria and Poland. H. S. Pricipals To, Meet Today Freshmen May Confer With Former TeachersN Freshmen representing 74. high schools and preparatory academies will have an opportunity to confer with their former teachers, principals and superintendents during the 12th Innual high school principals' meet- ing which is being held today in the Rackham Building. The meeting is sponsored by the University in order to make possible the establishment and maintenance of contacts between secondary schools and their former students who are now in college, said Ira M. Smith, registrar. These contacts are very important because of the guidance they afford the freshmen, aiding them in meeting the many problems which arise daily, he continued, National Schoolho u Inh Britain And Franc< Refuse To Returi ColoniesTo Reidl Roosevelt Called Scaremonger; Refugee Group Plans To Me( General Smuts Declares He Will Defend South Afri To The Vtermost'; Jews In Germany Fear Rurther Reprisals As Vona Rate Is Buried A Martyr (By Associated Press) Germany, whose subjugation of the Jews has aroused concern in ma of the world's leading nations, heard the governments of three key.countr declare their flat opposition Wednesday to return of colonies Germa had before the war. Discussion of Germany's colonial demands had proceeded behind t scenes since almost immediately after signing of the Munich Four-PoV accord in September, but yesterday suddenly and simultaneously represeni tives of the governments of Great Britain, France and the Union of Sou Guidance Institute Emphasizes Need For Delinquency Prevention Current Campus Best - Sellers Revealed In Book Store Survey By MORTON L. LINDER fer the better type of fiction for their and HARRY L. SONNEBORN leisure reading. The biggest trend After four (or more) years of col- this year, probably due to the lege, one thing the final "cultured" scrambled foreign situation, is to- product, fresh from the assembly ward reading more of the current line, has learned is that books are events books, such as 'Inside Europe,', quite a noble institution. 'The House That Hitler Built' and From the very first semester on others in the same vein. Current stu- campus. when the wide-eyed fresh- dent best-sellers are: 'And Tell of man learns that all his courses call Time,' Dynasty of Death,' 'Listen! for text books, all of which have been The Wind and 'With Malice Toward "revised" for the current campaign, Some . the student is constantly reminded that students generally prefer the that there is something to this read- ing business after all. And, from the best-sellers.' That is the current beginning, of course, he is ever-grate- books receiving the most public atten- ful to his thoughtful professors who hion. This season especially there were reluctant to entrust his reading tion.' Those books ranking high on to foreign hands and who therefore teperencelist ar T Year- wrote three or four texts "which have tie'preferenc'theYar- been placed on reserve at one of the i 'M Son ' S s Malce loca boostors."Toward Some,' 'The Horse and Buggy, local bookstores. Doctor,' and 'Listen! The Wind.' In spite of the fact that text books Three books from last year's crop have more or less of a corner on the tht hae l in f. -. _. .,.. (Editor's Note: This is the sixth in a series of articles on the various soci- ological research, training, and service groups at the University.) By MORTON JAMPEL Challenging every community in Michigan to provide facilities for cop- ing with the problem of their mal- adjusted and delinquent children, the Child Guidance Institute is further- ing a fourfold program in an effort to educate people to the need for ade- quate social work in this field. The work of the Institute, headed by Dr. Lowell J. Carr, is unique in that it combines an intensive study of the problems and the background of a community with actual handling of the cases in that area. Established by the state legislature in 1937 under the Palmer-Flynn- Martin Bill, the Institute has only begun to scratch the surface of the huge task that faces it, according to Dr. Carr, but it plans to make the state of Michigan conscious of the need for prevention and cure of crime and delinquency. The first part of its program is that of research. The Institute has been working in Clinton County, north I of Lansing the most tvnical rura1 function will necessarily enlarge with it. jIn the important field of publicifty, the Institute issues a monthly "De- linquency News-Letter." The publica- tion has a picked circulation among officials in the state, and influential persons that reaches 8,800. Few people outside the state are able to obtain{ subscriptions. In addition the Insti- tute's experts are constantly giving lectures, talks, and issuing numerous explanatory pamphlets concerning their own work and the potentialities of th6.field. Art Cinema Leagule To Show Beethoven Film HereTonight "The Life and Loves of Beethoven" starring Harry Bauer will be shown at 8:15 p.m. tonight, tomorrow and Saturday and at 3:15 p.m. Friday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the Art Cinema League. With the conposers own music as a background, the film depicts the various crises in the tragic life of Beethoven ,his nhannv enxprienc University To Give High Seniors 'Quality Street' _ f