THE MICHI1GAN DAtILY 'aris Says Fur Or Fur-Trimmed Coats For All Winter Wear s Shown Fur Trim Adds Pigskin, Suede Dressy Touch Are Featured New perftfines Blend With Furs Comeback Of Grandma's Curls Brings Return Of Huge Muffs I Strikes Note Practical Midway In gs, Gloves In Coat Fashions When the dramatic moment arrives There aro a good many people who ire totally unaware of the fact that By different furs require a variety of; Althoug tfferent perfumes. To be truly well I warm our d nnnlit ist pc17 to h-n h years U-h4 Fur-trimmed coats come into prom- to don the new fur coat and step outs ,Uica niei iicessy onavet t y ei rt most harmonious perfume possible comeback inence for that dressy note midway clothed in its supreme luxury, then on your fur coat. Richard Jaeckel, return eng between the untrimmed sport coat the accessory problem must be con- a prominent New York furrier has hoop skirt and the more luxurious fur coat. At sidered. The choice of purse and created perfume just for his new win- now form gloves is important to the perfection ter models. It's name is "Are-Jay" the moder least one in every wardrobe is a prac- of the ensemble. and it's clinging qualities make it a Molyneu tical gesture towards saving a fur As all faslion is varied and in- very desirable addition to any coat. combines -oat from strenuous everyday wear. dividual this season, so this decision With silver fox and skunk in the more pra A wealth of variety in trims, colors, depends very much on one's own taste 'lime-light this winter Millot has Dressy fu styles, and material is as prominent in and preference. Pigskin and suede created "Crepe de Chine" for them. occasions coats this season as in any other seem tQ be leading the field as the It is a sophisticated perfume that a roundl atsdtiseson asination's favorites. These leathers will cast an air of "savoir faire" about huge, soft wardrobe line, really are the nicest to combine with the wearer. Harriet Hubbard Ayer's pears int American fox, squirrel, beaver, a fine fur, for they compliment its new "Yu" is just the whiff for foxes ribbon. T Persian lamb, martin, and mink are simplicity and richness. and is the most exotic new odor on very sm' popular among the furs, while Vogue Suede is usually plainly cut, but the market. Other dressy perfumes to hands fro recommends camel's-hair with otter pigskin appears in more tricky de- go partying with skunk jackets or Schiapa are signs and with fancy stitching. And persian lambs are Coty's "Emeraud" ning silve collar, for "camel's hair and firethere are matching purses in both or Guerlain's "Shalimar" both of velvet bo new collaborators." these leathers in all the favorite clas- which cling and enchant. afternoon Black is by far the most popular sic shapes. One old stand-by goes with another Skunk, as color with teal blue and wine s.econd Angora mittens are enjoying great in this matching of furs with odors, for its wa in favor. For those who are not so favor on all the campuses this winter. so Caron's "Christmas Night' has ance. In soft pastel shades they add a been nominated to go forth with The mu conservative, there are some new cheery feminine touch to the glossy Alaskan Seal coats. among eve brown shades varying into a deep darkness of furs.I rust as well as some more unusual Gold metal binds a square black colors of green and even deep purple suede bag, to be carried with gold with skunk trim for the very radical. trimmed black gloves. A pouchy Tweeds are also being shown with brown suede purse with jeweled in- the longer-haired fur trims. itials is a practical and smart sugges- The pencil silhouette with the box tion. back has proved to be first choice in But if you hide a secret longing to styles. A Russian influence comes to impress your worldi, Lry carrying a light in the coat with the flare skirt rich gleaming alligator bag. Some- and full sleeves. Swaggers and prin- how a 'gator bag has long been a cess styles are also being shown. ; symbol of expensive good taste. DORIS ATKINSON ,h we have had muffs to hands for the last few ey have made a greater; this year along with the gagement of Grandmother's and high-piled curls. They a very important part of rn costume. ux's smart Persian lamb stunning style with the ctical quality of warmth. rless coats for important will be greatly enhanced by fluffy muff of red fox. A muff of pale gray fox ap- the unique form of a hair 'his tricky muff provides a1 Qrt means of protecting }m wintry winds. relli has created a stun- t fox muff with a turquoise w. This version is ideal for wear with dressy suits. well as fox, is a favorite rmth and luxurious appear- tff has also taken its place ening accessories for formal vet rolls will brighten any maiden's evening costume. The fair rare wear. A barrel muff of gay red vel- exclusive for cold nights. A novel evening muff of white chenille is fan-shaped with 4 cluster of violets to add to its attractiveness. White ermine is striking in an evening jac- ket with a matching muff. A bloused cape of baum marten makes a lovely formal wrap with a muff of the same fur. Black Persian lamb is ultra-smart with a matching swagger coat and high-cuffed turban. A dark mink muff is striking with a velvet suit trimmed on the collar and wide cuffs with the same fur. A silver Fox col- lared dress coat carries out its fur theme with a large gleaming fox muff. Ruthven Visits Ruithven President Ruthven is spending the first part of the week visiting his father, John Ruthven, at Ruthven, Ia. gam Lhi* , tee icL141 ' group of superb | ... .. i RU- ~Z~1P~.-'~.,'UUS.ft ~ d fur trinined coats $49 Regularly to $75 ! I These magnifcent frlijs: SILVER FOX CROSS FOX PERSIAN LAMB BE BLUE FOX EAVERETTE I BROWN AND GREY SQUIRREL CARACUL WOLF THINK OF r! -- with all of winter ahead, you may select a fine fur-trimmed coat now at far less than you'd expected to pay!, Every important new style is here-trimmed with truly beautiful fur. Every ,coat is a proud example of JACOBSON quality and de- ii1 ',. NOTEWORTHY VALUES in Y 'f pendability - and marvelous value! to come at once for best selection. We urge you Iinter Coats Caracul 135.00 to Coats 225.00 i CARACUL, a versatile fur that can be seen at any hour of the da. or night, looking equally handsome over daytime or evening clothes. The finest pelts the market affords, carefully worked into coats of graceful beauty. Boxy and swagger styles, full or three- quarter lengths . .. with interesting sleeve and collar treatment. SIZES 13 to 18 I I I Fur-trimmed Coats Other Winter Coats at Sharp Dteduciltions e &dntrtved an4A rf T1HIS WEEK, you may select your winter coat from our complete, regular stock - at a. remarkable reduction. Dress coats trimmed with such furs as Skunk and Persian lamb; sport coats with Mouton lamb and Wolf; untrimmed coats of war mi, fine quality woolens! Reversible Coats, reg. to $19.95. Now - $14. (No approvals, refunds or exchanges) from 39.75 WONDERFUL VALUES in luxuriously fur-trimmed coats. Fine quality woolens warmly lined and interlined, trimmed in new and interesting ways with the season's smartest furs, including silver fox, Persian lamb, skunk, squirrel. sheard beaver and raccoon. Sketched . . A belted coat of nubby wool dist inguished by a plastron front of mink-dyed fitch. In grapewine. Size 18. $65.00 I I III II