1938 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,i PRESS Reserves Run hrough PASSES -By BUD BENJAMIN Back In Motion ... ALL PLAYERS of the team in po session of the ball must be sta tionery in their positions, witho movement of the feet or swaying the body, head or arms at the instar the ball is put in play, except that on player of tnis team may be in mo tion (either directly or clearly in a oblique direction) toward his own en line." (Rule 7, article 4). The above rule has been quoted du to the widespread comment in regard to the backfield-in-motion penalt which cost Michigan a probabl touchdown in the Northwestern gam Saturday. It was the fourth quarter first down on the Wildcat eleven, anm a little more than six minutes to play Tom Harmon with a terrific driv slashed to the three on the next play The officials ruled, however, that thi Michigan backfield was in motion the play was called back, and thi Wolverines were penalized to the 16 That's a loss of 13 yards, a likely touchdown, and a slice, perhaps, o the Big Ten title. Mighty importan decision I should say. Backfield-in-motion is a diffi- cult penalty to call. One back may move parallel to the line of scrimmage or bakwqrds but the others must wait for the ball to be snapped. Football is a split-sec- ond business today with timing of plays essential. The quicker the blockers and ball carrier move out after the ball has been snapped, the better chance a play has of succeeding. Thus the offensive team craves the fastest possible break. Since the back usually moves as soon as the ball is snapped, you can see how easily he might start a split second early, and how difficult it would be to decfde whether he had jumped the gun or not. A backfield- in-motion penalty is more a matter of individual interpretation than it is a positive call. In the case of the Saturday penalty, the officials could never be certain, given normal eye- sight and reflexes, that a back had led the play. It is unfortunate that their interpretation took on such a crucial twist. THE MOST flagrant example of backfield-in-motion that I saw Saturday also came in the fourth quarter. Bernie Jefferson, in the wan- ing minutes of the game, stood in deep punt formation. Instead of punt- ing, he ran with the ball. Standing deep as he was, he had to get moving fast. By the time the ball had been snapped he had moved almost a yard closer to the scrimmage line. There is a general unanimity among those that have seen the movies of the game that Michi- gan's backfield was not in motion. The players insist that there was no motion, and that comes not only from those present in the backfield but from numerous squad members, who have seen the play run over several times. The coaches are non-conmnital, but so are the officials of the American government in re. Herr Hitler's treatment of minorities. If you get the analogy, it's the ethical procedure no matter how difficult a position may be. Gerald Hoag, manager of the Michigan theater, may have the answer to the entire question. Hoag talked to the newsreel photographer who shot the game. Sensing a touch- down, this camera man used a very powerful telescopic lens in shooting the play. It brings you practically next to the Wolverine backs and should definitely indicate whether there was motion or not. After the game, Hoag asked the photographer, whom he claims is an ace, to rush the films to New York for develop- ment. e He has wired the New York office, repeatedly this week asking for pic- tures of the game, especially the con- troversial section. As yet, he has re- ceived no reply. I hope Mr. Hoag gets those films. Among other things, they may indicate something of the calibre of the officiating in the Con- ference this year. So far, it has prov- en unusually mediocre. Cold Weather Postpones All Bodily Contact Janke Still Nurses Injured Ankle But Should Start In Saturday's Game The last week of actual practice for the 1938 Michigan football team got under way yesterday afternoon with an extended drill on wind-swept Ferry Field. Forgoing scrimmage and contact work because of the cold weather and hard ground which increase the pos- sibilities of injuries, Coach Fritz COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 15.-UP, -Grid Coach Francis Schmidt strove for additional drive in the line bucking of Ohio State's big backs today in preparation for the invasion of Michigan Sat- urday. Frank Zadworney, J i m m y Langhurst and Don Scott were sent crashing into a stubborn freshman line repeatedly during a strenuous practice The Buck r coaching staff also devoted con- siderable time to blocking tactics in an effort to improve timing. Crisler spent most of the time in pre- paring his team to stop the Buckeye offensive. Bennie Oosterbaan, who has scou- ted the Buckeyes, showed the reserves the Ohio plays and they ran through them time and again so that thevar- sity could become acquainted with the formations and deceptive ele- ments the Bucks employ. Oosterbaan indicated that Satur- day's tilt would be among the hardest and toughest that Michigan has played this year. Coach Francis Schmidt's forces got pff to a slow start, losing to Southern California and then being whitewashed by Pur- due later. However they have im- proved considerably with each game and aptly illustrated their strength by overwhelming Illinois last Satur- day, 34-12. I A win for either team Saturday plus a Minnesota-Wisconsin tie at Madison Saturday will give the win- ning team a slice of the conference crown. The Buckeye offense, according to Oosterbaan, is extremely varied. The team uses numerous laterals on ] kcik-offs and punt returns as well a as regular plays. They have several t powerful runners in Jim Langhurst,- Jim Strausbaugh and Mike Kabaelo. j Langhurst is a sophomore and at f present Iead the conference scorers s with six touchdowns to his credit. w Wally Hook, the hard-running enior full-back, worked out with the d irst team today, taking his place in a he backfield alongside of Tom Har- t non, Paul Kromer and Forest Eva- w hevski. Hook's defensive play against t he Wildcats, particularly in the now a amous goal line stand, was out- J tanding w Bill Smith also seemed to havee arned a regular place with his play Is n the game Saturday. He was at t. ,he right tackle post yesterday as y ion Siegel spent most of the time C flaying left tackle while Capt Fred anke favored his injured ankle. p 'hough still limping slightly, Janke t s expected to be fully recovered for i aturday's game. C Ends Football Career Saturday 11 arming Bench Harder Than Playn Sit iue Tik rheKodros By EL FINEBERG I was little cause foi alarm. Kodros Kodros at center for the entire game Sixty-minute football players? had the matter well in hand. What -and Northwestern knew it. Pish-tush-They don't mean a thing, Kodros started, Kodros finished. And But Kodros, modest and retiring, according to one who knows. And Kodros started football games. takes no credit for playing 60 the one who knows is Archie Kodros. Michigan State came and went- minutes. "Its not very hard", he says. For those who arrived late, Archie I and Archie had played all but two "Shucks, it's a heck of a lot harder Kodros plays center on the Michigan ' to sit on the bench than to play." It football team, although, on the frosh i minutes. When Kodros finally left might be added here, however, that squad two years ago, Archie reported ' the Minnesota game, after the final this is a sentiment which Archie's as a guard. - ---- opponents do not share. But centers were scarce in the dark T..Archie's fondest and most enthu- days of 1937. The call was sounded siastic fan is his father. Mr. Kodros Lnd presto, Archie responded with the Elder has been at football prac- ypical alacrity. In fact, his response tice at Ferry Field every day since was so spontaneous that by the time the Michigan State game except the he Michigan State game rolled week between the Minnesota and %round, Archie had ousted Captain Yale games. Kodros the Elder is, Joe Rinaldi from the pivot post. Thisbuilt like Kodros the Younger. He is was quite a feat for anyone and was short and barrel chested. He watches especially remarkable for a, green practice day after day, nods or Intramnural Ice HockeyLeague To Start Soon~ By GLENN ENGLE{ As the students get their first taste of winter, their attention turns from -the Stadium to the Coliseum, where! the Intramural Ice Hockey League will inaugurate its 16th season. Here- tofore the league schedule has not begun until the first week in Jan- 1 uary, but the plans this year call for play to start shortly after the opening of the Coliseum on Saturday. The league is composed of frater- nity and independent teams and at the close of the regular season the fraternity and independent champs play off for the all-campus cham- t; c t% i s p r: a ii ophomore. But that game sounded she keynote for the remainder of the ear. Kodros was regular center and _aptain Rinaldi was the substitute.j As the year progressed (or didn't it arogress) Kodros got better and bet- er. His improvement continued on nto spring training when he won the "hicago Alumni Award, the first time -his Award was made to an upper- lassman. 1938-centers were even scarcer han in the preceding year but there A.K.L. Downied By Acacia, 8-2 Wolverines' Protest Holds In Touch Football Game . In the seconddplace playoffs in ntramural speedball. the Acacias wept to an easy 8-2 victory over Al- ha Kappa Lambda. Led by Doug Jeffrey. the victors an wild in the second half to break! 2-2 tie. Jeffrey scored four pointsI n the second half and two in the f gun, somebody told him that he had played the entire 60 minutes against the -powerful Golden Gophers, the Scourge of.the North. Archie replied, "So what" which stumped the ques- tion. On the following Saturday, Archie played the entire game against Yale. Against Illinois, the impossible hap- pened-Kodros was injured. A side injury, sustaiined in the Yale game, was aggr vatevdand for the first time in two years, Kodros wasn't ready to start a game. So he missed the Penn game. But, a week on the bench was too long for Arch. Against Northwestern, with one of the toughest lines in the country, it was pionship. Forty Freshmen Featuring the inGividual play last? season was the work of Norm Ander- Answer Cage Call son, Cougar wing, Ralph Zimmerman, Phi Kappa Psi wing and hardest shot in the league, and Dave Barnett, Phi Forty candidates answered Coach Kappa Psi's defense man. Last year's Ray Fisher's first call for freshman all star team was composed of a quar- basketball practice at Waterman tette of Cougars. Herb Raskin, Bud Gymnasium last night. Twenty or Maythem, Hugh McCormick and thirty more are expected to report Norm Anderson, plus Ralph Zimmer- later in the week, man of Phi Kappa Psi and Herb Kil- Coach Fisher does not expect to ner of Chi Psi. cut the squad until the end of the Because of the advance of the week, so that all will get a chance to opening date of the league schedule, show their stuff. The boys will work entries for hnth fraternity and ind.- first. The other points for the winning team were scored by Fred Sey fried' Coliseumil Will Be Open md Johnh Durr. To PublicBy Saturday For the losers Dick Roemer and Tom Buermann tallied once each in Workmen are putting the final the first half. touches on the renovated Coliseum in A protest entered by the Wolver- preparation for its opening to the ines, an independent touch football skating public Saturday night. team, resulted in the decision that The rink will be open daily from the fourth quarter in their game 2:30 to 5 p.m. and from 8-10 p.m. against the Senators is to be re- , There will alsc be skating Sunday played. afternoons from: -5. Tickets are avail- With the score tied at 0-0, one of able to students in blocks of 7 for $1 the Senators broke loose on a pass play. Thinking that the man had been tagged, the referee blew his whistle. However, the man escaped being tagged and the ball was downed at the spot where he was finally tagged. and. Student identification cards must be shown when these tickets are used. SPFCIA I I I