t Weathewr Rising itemperature toda y; tomorrow rain and warmer. Y 3k14an jiaitj, Pensions Plans Need Sound Financing . Threat To An Independent Church VOL. XLIXI No. 45 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 1938 PRICE, FIVE ( 1 CIO Is Termed Permanent As Plan For Peace Is Voted Down 'Congress Of Industrial Organization' Selected As New Group Name Delegates Debate Over Constitution PITTSBURGH, Nov. 15-(PA)-The CIO set itself up tonight as a per- manent Congress of Industrial Or- ganizations after answering President Roosevelt's plea for labor peace with the declaration that it would abcept "no compromise" with the AFL in negotiations regarding industrial un- ionism. , Delegates to the Union's first con- vention adopted two articles of a pro- posed constitution. The first gave the organization its new name and the second set forth the objects of the Congress. Action on the remaining articles was halted abruptly 45 minutes be- fore scheduled adjournment, by re- newal of debate on the second article. Joseph Curran, head of the Na- tional Maritime Union, and Harry Bridges, CIO director on the West Coast, said they believed the article should be reconsidered after copies of the constitution had been distribut- ed to the 500 delegates. Their motion was not acted upon but the meeting was adjourned until tomorrow. The proposed constitution, which will be given first consideration to- morrow, resembles in many respects that of the AFL-but gives the cen- tral organization more power in some respects and more dues per member. A per capita tax assessment of five cents a month on the membership of national and international union was proposed, compared with the present two cents per member assess- ment of similar units of the AFL, which includes a special assessment of one cent. Members of local industrial unions, with charters resembling the "feder- al" charters issued by the AFL, would be taxed 50 cents a month, compared with 35 cents by the Federation. Danish Library HeadT o Give Dr. Van Zeeland Deplores' Apathy In Peace Efforts Former Premier Of Belgium Outlines The Essentials For Comprehending International Problems In Second Of Oratorical Lectures Quits Cabinet Post Nazi Denounced By Rooseve War alone can be the outcome .of present economic and political diffi- culties, unless the nations of the world make a sincere and determined effort to re-establish some measure of economic equilibrium, re-affirm the dignity of international law and adopt a mutual policy of disarma- ment, Dr. Paul Van Zeeland, former Prime Minister of Belgium, said here yesterday in the second Oratorical Series lecture. Confronted by the fundamental problems of social life, men today can no longer afford to hesitate and vacil- late, Dr. Van Zeeland said, but must strike deeply into the nature of these problems and help evolve a solution. Proceeding on this basis, Dr. Van Zeeland outlined a series of general J-HOp Petitions Will Be Taken' All This Week 13 Positions To Be Filled By General Elections; Deadline Is Wednesday Petitions for thee13 positions on the J-Hop committee will be received all this week at the Union student offices and the League undrgraduate offices, it was announced yesterday by Fred Luebke, '39E, president of the Men's Council. This call for ap- plications was issued insaccordance with the newly-revised student gov- ernment system.. This junior class dance committee, to be constituted by means of a gen- eral class election, will be composed as follows: three men and two wom- en from the literary college, three from the engineering college and one each from the architecture, music, nursing, education and the combined pharmacy and forestry schools. Petitions of literary students should contain signatures of 35 literary juniors (male or female), those of engineers should include signatures of 25 engineering juniors, and those of candidates in the five other schools should include 20 signatures of jun- iors in their respective schools. Each junior may endorse one prospective candidate in his schools Luebke ex- plained. Petitions containing a vio- lation of this ruling will be disquali- fied. Applcations should be accompanied (Continued on Page 2) Rabbi Relates Nazi Atrocities Goldberg Holds No Hope For Jews In Germany Liquidation or evacuation are the only possible solutions to the Ger- man-Jewish problem, according to" Rabbi Joshua L. Goldberg, from As- toria, Long Island, who spoke at 4 p.m. yesterday at the Hillel Founda- tion. Dr. Goldberg, who is vice- president of the Reform Rabbi As- sociation, spoke from first hand in- formation, having recently returned from a five month's trip through Central Europe. He emphasized the utter hopeless- ness of the future of the Jew in Ger- many, pointing out that a definite system is being employed to break the morale of the Jewish community. considerations which he deemed es- sential to an understanding of the present specific aspects of the inter- national problem. Most important of these considerations, in Dr. Van Zee- land's opinion, is the search on the part of modern men to find a true point of equilibrium between auth- ority and liberty Other important considerations are the relationships between the individual and the group, the distinctions which must be made between permanent principles and applications adapted to structural changes. From these general considerations Dr. Van Zeeland advanced to a de- tailed study of the immediate aspects of the international scene, nominat- ing for the most important of these very definite risks of approaching war. The nature of the present crisis is at the same time political, econ- omic and social, and the three levels should not be confused. Dr. Van Zee- land stressed that politics and econ- omics are not identical, but added that one cannot provoke any change either for good or for evil in one of these spheres, without leading to re- actions to the other. The cause of war in the world today is not all primarily economic; however, the in- surance against the risks of war can be found in definite economic solu- tions that have been prepared and offered to the statesmen of nearly all the major nations, Dr Van Zee- land said, indicating that the solu- tion of the problem is now the respon- sibility of politicians. The former Belgian Prime Minister (Continued on Page 8) Social Security Topic Of Talky By Prof. Haber Economics Head Stresses The Firm Establishment Of SecurityLegislation Since the passage of the Social Security Act,its basic principles have become so firmly established in Amer- ican public opinion that controversy has been primarily concerned withs methods of financing, not with the philosophy }underlying the act, Prof. William Haber of the economics de- partment stated yesterday at a meet-1 ing of the Social Service Seminar of the Annl Arbor Council of Social Agencies. Objection has beenraised to the old age insurance reserve on the grounds that it has led to high taxes, Pro- fessor Haber explained. If recoi- mendatios of a pay-as-you-go basis are adopted, he said, the result will lead to a liberalizing of the act, en- tailing increased expenditures rather than any drastic reduction of taxes. The Social Service Act is still in its experimental stages, Professor Ha- ber stated, and it is likely that the next Congress will be concerned with modifying the financing of the old age insurance and simplifying the administration of unemployment in- (Continued on Page 8) Foreign Trade In Autos Seen To Be On Upgrade. NEW YORK, Nov. 15--()-Pyke Johnson, vice president of the Auto-; mobile Manufacturers Association, predicted today that, barring unfore- seen developments abroad, the road to foreim trade would be unobstruct- ed for American motor car exporters for at least two years. Violence Angers \ Lecture Here Dr. Dossing Will Discuss Relation Of High School To A Library System Dr. Thomas Marius Dossing, direc-, tor of the Public Library Administra- tion of Denmark, will discuss the work of the Danish libraries in conjunction with the folk high schools for adult education in a University lectpre at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. Dossing who has, according to Dr. W. W. Bishop, director of the General Library, done more toward bringing about the close cooperation between Danish libraries and high schools than any other man, has been engaged in library work since his un- dergraduate days. He began his career in the Royal Library at Copenhagen, later becoming sub-librarian at the State Library in Aarhus. He has been in charge of the Public Library Ad- ministration since 1912. His lecture tour in the United States is being made under the aus- pices of the American-Scandinavian Foundation, an organization dedicat- ed to the furtherance of cultural re- lationships bewteen the United States and the Scandinavian countries. His appearance here is being sponsored by the General Library and the de- partment of library science. Dr. Dossing will give three addi- tional lectures here for the Library staff and library science students. He will speak at 4 p.m. today and Friday and at 10 a.m. Saturday in Room 110 of the Library, Ford's Aluminum Bids Are Probed NEW YORK, Nov. 15-(P)-Efforts by Henry Ford to obtain important holdings in the budding aluminum industry nearly 20 years ago were described today in the Government's anti-trust suit against the Alumin- un Company of America and 62 co- HOMER S. CUMMINGS Cummings Asks To Quit Cabinet Post In January Attorney General Resumes Law Practice; Successor Has Not Been Named WASHINGTON, Nov. 15 --Q)- Homer S. Cummings, 69-year-old At- torney General, will leave President Roosevelt's Cabinet in January to resume the private practice of law. The President disclosed at his press conference today that Cummings had asked to be relieved and said the resignation-which has not yet been formally presented--would be effec- tive early in the new year. The date has not been determined. At the same time, Mr. Roosevelt said his 30-year-old son, James, had resigned from the White House Secre- tariat pending his complete recovery from an operation he had last Sep- tember. James, now recuperating on a California ranch, is expected to re- turn to his post in the spring. The President said he had not con- sidered, so-far, a tintment of a suc- cessor to Cummiings. James' post probably will not be filled during the interim. In announcing Cummings' inten- tion to resign, the Chief Executive took cognizance for the first time of persistent reports of possible Cabinet changes. He left the door open for other Cabinet replacements when he told inquirers there were no other resignations as yet. There have been reports that Secre- tary of Commerce Daniel C. Roper might leave the Cabinet, as well as Secretary of War Harry H. Wood- ring, Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swanson, Postmaster General James A. Farley and Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins. Beethoven Quiz Won B ySenior Music Contest Conducted By Art Cinema League To Introduce Movie, Names made news when Ralph Mendelson, '39E (no relation to Felix) was awarded first prize, a book of recordings, in the Beethoven Quiz last night in the Ethel Fountain Hus- sey Room of the League. Robert A. Reid, '40, won the second prize of two season tickets to the Art Cinema League Series, while Nathan Brenowitz, '39 Dent., Sigmund By- chinsky, '39E, and Edwin A. Hibbard, '41, were each given two complimen- tary tickets to "The Life and Loves of Beethoven." Norman Reid acted as master of ceremonies for the quiz, which was conducted in connection with "The Life and Loves of Beethoven," an Art Cinema League presentation star- ring Harry Bauer. The picture will be shown at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. Many of the themes which puzzled contenders last night will be heard in the movie. Entrants were quizzed on themes from several of Beethoven's sym- phonies, string quartets, sonatas, con- certos and overtures. Insurgents Make Gains Along Ebro E[ Four-Year Economic Plan He Directs Suffers Bad Jolt In Property Raids Goebbels Approves Plundering Of Jews BERLIN, Nov. 15--(P)-Gen. Her- mann Wilhelm Goering was reported in reliable quarters tonight to have been in an angry mood when he learned of the new wave of Nazi anti- Semitic violence, on the grounds that it severely jolted the four-year econ- omic plan he directs.. The Field Marshal, whose dozen positions include the Premiership of Prussia and supreme dictatorship over foreign exchange and raw materials, was reported to have given strict or-; ders to cease property destruction, like that of last Thursday when Jew- ish stores and "synagogues throughout, Germany were damaged and burned. He was said also to have berated those responsible for damages costing millions of dollars, but the smahing of a laundry and a grocery near Tempelhof airdrome in Berlin last night indicated disregard for his orders. Goering's views differed in prin- ciple with those of Propaganda Minis- ter Paul Joseph Goebbels, who said he approved "inwardly," as he put it. the wholesale demolition begin- ning, last Thursday. It was taken for granted in in- formed quarters that the change of plans of United States Ambassador Hugh R. Wilson, who prepared to re- turn to the United States on the liner Manhattan Thursday, was to report on the entire German situation as a result of that anti-Jewish wave. He cancelled an earlier plan to leave Sunday with a .stopover in London, and called on Foreign Min-1 ister Joachim von Ribbentrop pre- paratory to making the more urgent trip. German Club Hears Student From Reich Heinz Jander Discussesa Difference in Sports In The Two Countries At a meeting of the Deutscher Ver- ein last night, Heinz Jander, exchange, student from Germany, addressed the members on the subject, "German Students and Sports." Mr. Jander is from the University of Frankfurt-am- Main and is studying medicine here. The chief difference between Ger- man and American college life, Mr. Jander pointed out, is the lack of in- ter-collegiate sport participation in Germany. German students find their recreation chiefly in long hikes. Ger- man youth, both students and those out-of-school, do participate in many of the sports that we do here, but riot on so large a scale. One of the most interesting of their pastimes is gliding. They also play football but merely as amateur groups unaffiliat- ed with any university. Tickets for the regular 'lecture series of the Verein which begins Nov. 29, are now available, Oscar Bixby, Grad, president of the organi- zation announced. A chorus is also being undertaken by the club with a Christmas Sing scheduled as their first public performance. German students, either members of the Ver- ei or not, are invited to join this chorus and Mr. Otto Graf of the German department will be in Room 300 S.W. from 3 to 4 p.m.' to sign up all those interested. Canadian Premier Backs Air Policy OTTAWA, Nov. 15.-(Canadian Press)-Prime Minister W. L. Mc- Kenzie King said tonight that Presi- dent Roosevelt's statement that the United States air program contem- plated defense of the entire Western I 4 .... - n- -. Sex will again rear its ugly head as the Gargoyle, campus humor maga- zine, rolls off the press Thursday. Intended to compete with last year's "Sexy Terror" issue, the No- vember Gargoyle will contain a True Love Story magazine within its pages, according to Max Hodge, 39, editor. Especially featured will be a short story on "I Love. a G-Man" and an article on "Passion among the Books." In addition, the Gargoyle will con- tain more cartoons than ever before in its history,, Hodge claims. The chief of these is "Preposterous Per- sons," slated to make The Daily edi- tors sit up and take notice. Included in the picture section will be a pho- tograph of the football team suitable for framing.7 Student Senate Condemns New Nazi Outrages Campus Plea For 4-Day Thanksgiving Holiday Is Submitted To Deans1 After considerable debate as tos whether or not it should concern it- self with problems of national and international significance, the Stu- dent Senate at its meeting in the Union -last night voted to send the following' telegram to Secretary ofI State Hull: "The Student Senate, representing the University of Michigan student{ body, condemns barbaric treatment of Jews and other minorities in4 Greater Germany. We urge the State Department to increase immi-C gration quotas for Greater Germany. We urge our government to secure in- ternational cooperation in resettling refugees, and to use all economic and diplomatic means to influence the German government to cease these persecutions." This resolution introduced by Martin Dworkis, '40, was opposed by several of the members only on thef grounds that it was not the function, of the body to consider matters oth- er than those directly concernig the9 campus. At its last meeting the Student Senate voted to investigate possibili- ties for an extended Thanksgiving week-end holiday, and yesterday morning the Thanksgiving commit- tee submitted the following resolu- tion for consideration by the Deans' Council: "On behalf of the student body, the Student Senate has voted to sub- mit this plea for an extension of the Thanksgiving holiday to include Fri- day and Saturday, Nov. 25 and 26. "This year, as in the past, the cam- pus-at-large has voiced strong..senti- ment in favor of such an extension which would enable a majority to spend the holiday at home. "The students believe this request (Continued on Page 2) Foreign Reporter's Wife Will Speak On Czech Crisis Mrs. Edgar Ansel Mowrer, wife of the Chicago Daily News foreign cor- respondent, will speak on her experi- ences in Paris during the recent Czechoslovakian crisis at the first International Relations Dinner of the season to be held at 6 pm. in the League. The dinner is sponsored by the American Association of Univers- ity Women, and will be open to the public Mrs. Mowrer has been with her hus- band at the scene of every major European crisis for the last 20 years. She is well acquainted with the in- Sex Rears Its Head As Gargoyle Rolls Off Press Thursday Treatment Of ev Goerin British Government Ur By U.S. Envoy To f For Removal Of J President Picture 2-Continent Defe: WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-(P)- President Roosevelt denounced the German dictatorship's treatment o Jews today as almost beyond belle and then pictured a vast two-con, tinent defense system in which a the Americas would present a unite front against aggression from abroad His remarks on the Jews, give out at a press conference, w'ere w follows: "The news of the past few day from Germany has deeply shocke public opinion in the United States Such news from any part of the worl would inevitably produce a simila profound reaction among America: people in every part of the nation. "I myself could scarcely believ that such things could occur in 20th century civilization. "With a view of gaining a first hand picture of the situation inGer- many, I asked the Secretary of Stat to order our Ambassador in Berli to return at, once for report and con sultatlon." Thus Mr. Roosevelt disclosed tha he himself was back of yesterday' order calling Ambassador Hugh R. Wilson home. Mr. Roosevelt said hE could not disclose how long the Am bassador would stay here. This gay rise to speculation that the envoy might be kept at home indefinitely. London LONDON, Nov. 15.-(A)'-Urged b; United States Ambassador Joseph I Kennedy, the British Government to night considered a new scheme fo leading a mass exodus of Jews from Germany. The plan was believed to have bee] drafted by the Ambassador himsell Britain's dominions, colonies an mandate territories, together wit] the United States, South American nations, France, Belgium and th Netherlands, it was understood, woul try to move the majority of the 600, 000 Jews still in the Reich, not jus a part of them. Kennedy conferred with Prim Minister Neville Chamberlain at No 10, Downing Street and it was be- lieved both Chamberlain and For eign, Minister Viscount Halifax like( the plan and agreed to try it. To expedite a solution of the prob lem, intensified by last week's way of violence against Jewish propert in Germany and by ensuing restric ive decrees, the United States an British Colonies may be asked to tak( some refugees immediately. Debaters Meet For First Boni Ohio For State Team He Big Ten Contest ui i Chicago's First Ward Mourns Death Of John Bath Coughlin By LEONARD SCHLEIDER In Chicago's cosmopolitan district, which spreads northward from the River through the Loop to 26th Street, there will be mourning this week. And in the saloons, banks, brothels, sky- scrapers and slums which make up the Windy City's First Ward, the eyes of many loyal Democrats will be moist. For the most re-elected official in the world, John J. "The Bath" Cough- lin. Alderman of Chicago's First Ward for forty consecutive years, is dead. Invalided and 78 years old, "Bath- house .John " sucued toinnneunnis. time ago, "I might have been just another rich man's idle son. I might even have been sent to Yale." Young John became a leader among the urchins who were forced to find their own way in the hust- ling river town of the '70s. Aided by his family and his own savings, he opened a Turkish bath on Madison St. which was to become "the bath- house" for the politicos, gamblers and men about town of that day. There he met Michael "Hinky Dink" Ken- na, civic-minded saloon keeper, des- tined to become "The Bath's" life- 1_ ~--- _ Ohio State debaters will meet Prof. Arthur Secord's Michigan team at 8 p.m. today in the main ballroom of the Union in the opening Big Ten contest of the season. t' Jack Zuideveld, '40, and Louis Pop- linger, '39, will present the affirma- tive case on the proposition "Re- solved, That the United States Should Establish an Alliance with Great Britain" against Ohio State's nega- tive team composed of Joseph Grigs- by and Samuel Shapiro. The debate will be followed by a regular Union forum, an informal discussion and question period on the topic. Clifford Livingston, '40, of the Union Executive Council is in charge of arrangements. No admis- sion charge will be made. Robert Rosa, '39, Jack Shuler, '40, and Oliver Crager, '39, the Michigan affirmative team members, will leave tomorrow for Lafayette, Ind., where Rosa and Shuler will debate Purdue University tomorrow night in the only decision contest of the season. Crager and Rosa will debate the University