THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, Wf) 15, 1938 Delegates Mimes To Entertain I German Address Morrison Discovers Age Ratio For Coffee Hour Will Be Featured . In Ty s Of Traf i+ Fatalities Entertainment by a group of Mimes eA t erEin Meeting players, dancing, and refreshments__ w f H to T(Edtor's Note: This is the second of rectly, perhaps by means of bicycle wil fatreth UionCofe Hurto The Deutscher Verein,_student Ger-! three articles on studies of modern clb be held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today lttraffic problems conducted by faculty clubs. in the Union, according to James man club, will meet at 8:15 P.M. to- members.) The value of automobile-driving Halligan, '40, Union social chairman. day at the Michigan, League, accord- BHcourses in high schools cannot be Dean Russell W. Bunting of the ing to Dr. Werner F. Striedieck of unde-esimaedaccodin toPrR dentistry school will speak at Thurs- the German department. This meet- A study of fatal automobile acci- u estio rding toPro.s day's Coffee Hour, as the fourth ing is a week in advance of the previ- dents has revealed that there , is a should emphasize not only proper speaker in the Coffee Hour series by ously planned date. definite relationship between the driving technique, but the proper at- the University. He will discuss the A feature of the meeting will be ages of victims and the types of fatal titude. Too many youthful drivers, various aspects of the field of dentis- } a short informal talk entitled "Deut- accidents, Prof. R. L. Morrison of s t he said, think it is smart to be reck ~ ~ vaiess rather than careful. try. Refreshments will be served. sche Studenten und Sport," by Heinz the highway engineermg repsrtment J xMaesunr Gr said yesterday. Many older persons who have never . Jander, exchange student from Ger- si ysedy drven an auto believe that drivers can ~.-v n~~lri m cir n nl e' Hillel Players To Discuss many. A general discusSion anct songs will follow the talk and plans for a The vast majority of deaths to children up to five years. for instance, -Daily Photo by Freedman Midwestern delegates of Omega Psi Thi held their convention here last Saturday and made some important changes in their by-laws. Among those at the business meeting.Saturday morning are (left to right): O. J. Brooks, Jr., Chicago; R. F. Harper, Jr., Indianapolis; Cary D. Jacobs, Indianapolis; George R. Hoagland, Jr., Detroit; Bill Boyd, '39, Ann Arbor, '40, president of the l Grad., Ann Arbor; Felix Wilson, Chi Indianapolis; and Corneff Taylor, S ocal chapter; Richard L. Jeffreys, icago; Charles E. Harry, chairman, Torthwestern, to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at currentt rates. Apply investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: All members wishing to make the trip to Chicago for the Air Trans- port meeting, to be held Nov. 18 and 19, should sign their names on the list on the Aeronautical Engineering Siiture Flay ProduIctionls permanent Corus i will be taken u Spscar Bixby, Grad, president of the come as a result of their darting out Osca Biby, rad prsidet o thinto the street during. play. 'More The Hillel Players will hold an organization, announced that tickets than half the victims between the open meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in for a lecture series to begin Tuesday, othan h alte i i bewen th the Foundation at which highlights in Nov. 29, will be available at the meet- ages of 11 and 15 are killed on bi- dramatic literature will be presented ing. Members who have paid their cycles. People over 50 are most often and future play productions dis- dues will receive tickets without cost. killed crossing intersections in the cussed, it was announced yesterday. -dark. by Madalyn Betty Myers, 41. presi- The final day for removal of incom- Professor Morrison classifies auto dent of the Players. pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 19. fatalities into three major divisions. 1 -------------- A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Under the age of 15, a very large pro- ments has received notice of the portion of victims are struck down following United States Civil Service Graduate Students: Diploma ap- as pedestrians-at play, roller-skat- examinations :plications are due not later than Nov. ing, hitching on trucks. More than Senior Biological Aid, Salary: $2,- 18. Any graduate student who is two-thirds of the youth up to the 000. Last date for filing application reasonably certain of completing de- age of 35 who are killed are occupants Dec. 12. gree requirements by the end of the of motor vehicles. Above 35, how- Junior Medical 'Officer, (rotating first semester, should file applica- ever, the vast majority of victims nternship) Salary: $2,000. Last date tion for the degree in the office of are pedestrians, until at 50 only for filing application Dec. 13. the Graduate School. 10 per cent are killed in autos.1 Junior Medical Officer, (psychiatric C. S. Yoakum. These findings may demand that resident). Salary $2,000. Last date for ;treatment, of traffic problems be filing application Dec. 13. The Medical Aptitude Test of the made specific for the varying age Autogiro Pilot. Salary, $3,200. -Last Association of American Medical Col- groups, Professor Morrison believes. date for filing application Dec. 12. leges will be given at the University Parents must find some effective way Complete announcements of the of Michigan on Dec. 2. Since the of teaching pre-school-age children above examinations may be read at t not to run out into the street. Grade- the University Bureau of Appoint- testis a normal requirement for ad- school and junior-high students ments, 201 Mason Hall. s (Continued on Page 4) 'should be taught to ride bicycles cor- University Bureau of Ap"oint- -- - ----- see them as easily as they can see a lighted car, Professor Morrison has found. Careless pedestrians are fully as much a hazard as careless driv- ers. Safety demands the training of both. Drunkenness plays its part. It is significant that one of the most dan- gerous drivipg hours of the day is be- tween two and three a.m., after the dance halls and cafes have closed. .YMICH IGAN Today & Wed. Made for PUgPOSES ONEL Special Employment Time Reports Bulletin Board immediately. must be in the Business Office on Tuesday, Nov. 22, to be included in Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- MATS. 25c EVES. 35e the roll for Nov. 30. ences: Members desiring the Stu- -a O til- Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk. dent Emblem of the Society will mensond Occuasonal nfor- 'please sign the list in the office of ination. 201 MasonHall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. To Members of the Faculty, Staff the Department of Aeronautical En- __:- _n_4 and Student Body: Attention of gineering. The price of the emblem everyone is called to the Lost and is 50 cents. Academic Notices Found department of the Business Bowling: The Board of the Women's Freshmen, College of Literature, office, Room 1, University Hall. In- Athletic Association has created a Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may quiry concerning lost articles should n sports manager's position-that not drop courses without E grade af- be made promptly at the above men- of Bowling Manager. This girl will ter Saturday, Nov. 19. In adminis- tioned office. Articles found on the have charge of the bowling tourna- tering this rule, students with less campus and in University buildings ments, and will become a member of than 24 hours of credit are consid- should be turned over immediately. the W.A.A. Board. Any undergradered freshmen. Exceptions may be Those articles not called for within 60 uate interested should fill out a pe- , made in extraordinary circumstances, days will be surrendered to the find- tition, which may be obtained at the such as severe or long continued ill- er. Shirley W. Smith desk at the W.A.B., by Wednesday, ness. Nov. 16. E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds The University Bureau of Appoint- Students, College of Engineering: T . > .# Last Times Today ERROL FLYNN BETTE DAVIS ... in . .. "THE SISTERS" I -I r' DAILY 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 STARTING WEDNESDAY! reTZ ROTHERS v~ * RICHARDARK E MERMAN PHYI.LIS BROOKS - GEORGE BARBIER - EXTRA- CARTOON BREVITY IN COLOR- PETE SMITH "CANDY THE GOOSE" DDECLARATION OTONCE" "GNYTE OS" OFINDEPENDENCE f WORLD NEWS . I II Thursday EA MAN TO REMEMBER". .._. . .t CLEANLINESSimdA hMACP Washing consists of more than just taking out the surface dirt and leav- ing the clothes looking white. It should be a process where the clothes are cleaned all the way through. Ann Arbor's big four in the laundry field have striven for years to give you really clean clothes. At a price which is but a few cents more than it would cost you to send your laundry home, you can obtain real laundry service. Have your laundry done the LAUNDRY way. I Sample Bundle 3 Suits of Underwear 3 Shirts 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pairs of Socks 3 Bath Towels 1 Pair Pajamas Approximate Cost .. $1.10 1 KYER LAUNDRY VARSITY LAUNDRY PHONE 4185 PHONE 23-1-23 WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY TAK lK. i3i""r":<":>:h,: t ? }r y%? ' Y :ii:.. : _ ' :