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November 15, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-15

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Cloudy, probably local light
snows toight.

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VOL. XLIX. No. 44



Will Establish
Wage Security
Plan For Labor
150,000 Einployes To Get
60 Per Cent Of Salary
During Lay-Off Periods
Workers Will Repay
Loans Duiring Booms
DETROIT, Nov. 14.-()-General
Motors Corp. announced today two
benefit plans, effective in 1939, in-
tended to give approximately 150,000
hourly wage employes within the
United States the edonomic security
of assured weekly incomes.
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., chairman of
the corporation, said a similar plan
applicable to 37,000 salaried employes
would be announced soon.
Hourly wage workers with five
years or more of service will be el-
igible for the "General Motors In-
come Security Plan, under which the
corporation will advance to each em-
ploye in periods of curtailed employ-
ment an amount sufficient to give
him 60 per cent of his standard week-
ly earnings, including unemploy-
ment compensation and, pay for any
other regular employment. The
"standard week is to be figured at 40
Repayment Made During Booms
Hourly wage workers with two or
more years of service who are not
within the first plan will be eligible
for the "General Motors Lay-OffI
Benefit Plan under which the corpor-
ation will advance a sum sufficient
to give each worker 40 per cent of
his standard weekly earnings, with
some restrictions not included in the
play for five-year employes.
Employes who receive the benefits
will repay the corporation by work
performed when production in-
creases. Repayment can be made in
no other manner, Sloan explained.
The plad will be applicable only
to employes of the corporation and
wifly .owned us4ares_ithn the
United States. a'To be eligible for the
income security plan, an employe
must be in the employe f the corpor-
ation during December, 1938. Em-
ployes who work any time after Dec.
1, 1938, will be eligible for participa-
tion in the lay-off benefit plan,
Workers To Be Able To Plan
Explaining the "Income Security
Plan, for five-year employes. Sloan
said it would enable every eligible
employe to "make his personal ar-
rangements for a full year ahead,"
and added:;
"The weekly guaranteed income
will consist of (A) pay for the amount
of work performed for the corpora-
tion; (B) pay for any other ,regular
employment; (C) unemployment
compensation; (D) an advance to
be made by the corporation to insure
a minimum weekly income of at least
60 per dent of standard.
"The advance by the corporation is
made onthe request of the employe
and is payable only in terms of op-
portunity to work. That condition
cannot be too greatly emphasized. An
advance is not a liability in the ordi-
nary sense, is payable only through
work and bears no interest. When the
weekly earnings exceed 60 per cent of
standard, the employe will repay ad-
vances at the rate of one-half the
amount by which such earnings ex-
ceed 60 per cent of standard. Should
any employe die, his unpaid advances
will be cancelled."

Third Concert
Features Iturbi
Spanish Pianist Appears
Here November 22
At an age when most children are
shooting toy soldiers and pounding
out the scale on the piano with one
finger, Jose Iturbi, who comes here
Nov. 22 in the third Choral Union
concert of the year, was a recognized
concert pianist, giving performances
before amazed Spanish audiences. At
seven, this precocious genius was at-
tending the conservatory in Valencia
and giving lessons on the piano.
As with many of our most re-
nowned artists, it has not been as
easy task for Iturbi. Of poor paren-
tage, his early days were ones of
struggle and hardship, studying in
the daytime and playing in cafes
at night. The people of Valencia
made up a purse to send the youthful

Congress Launches Campaign
For More Student Cooperatives

Independent . Men's Plan
To Cut Living Costs Goes
Into Operation Today
A campaign designed to slash stu-
dent living costs by cooperative hous-
ing will be launched by Congress, in-
dependent men's organization, at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 306 of the Union.
Attendance of all students inter-
ested in cooperative housing was
urged by Doug Tracy, '40E, chairman
of Congress's Student Welfare Com-
mittee, who is heading the drive. 1
The cooperative movement has al-
ready gained a strong foothold on
Michigan's camnpus, Tracy said. More
than 125 students are now boarding
and rooming ir Ann Arbor's five co-
operative houses.
Rates of $2 a week for room and $3
for board were quoted as the average
per-capita expense. This amounts to
about one-third of the average fra-
ternity house bill, figured on a month-
ly basis. It totals approximately one-
half the cost suggested in the Uni-
versity Bulletin for average student
food and room expense.
In the Socialist House, which shel-
ters twenty men, rates of $2 per week,
for both board and room were re-
ported. Other houses quoting weekly
rates of $5 are the Rochdale House,
the Robert Owen House, and the Rev.

Pickerill Residence. Rates in the lone
women'scooperative were said to ap-
proximate these figures.
Student demand for cooperative
living already far exceeds the capacity
of existing houses, Tracy declared.
More than three applicants are turned
away for every one accepted. To meet
this demand, the committee is scour-
ing Ann Arbor for additional houses

Roosevelt Bid
First National Convention
Promises To Consider
Arrangements For Peace


to rent. Shortage of available dwell- FD t Renews Effort
ings here has accentuataed the prob- r T ,
lem. To nd:)' Year War
Forced to turn away many appli-
cants in the past because of this PITTSBURGH. Nov. 14.-(iP)-The
shortage, the commrittee has car efully
selected the present nucleus of the Committee for Industrial Organiza-
cooperative movement. All were chos- tion tonight summoned its Peace
en on the basis of cooperative spirit. Committee into consultation in the
need and character. wake of President Roosevelt's renewed
plea for peace and unity within La-
reLbor's ranks.
Tw . Ilo Fire Seeking an end to the three-year
Iwarfarebetween the CIO and the
N early D estroysjAmerican Federation of Labor, Mr.
Se rDe rRoosevelt in a letter called upon the

State Reform'
Are Announced
New Executive Committee
To Supervise Research
In Modernization Plans
Appointment of the members of
the executive committee to head the
state Commission on Reform and
Modernization of Government was
made public yesterday, by Prof. Jos-
eph R. Hayden, head of the political
science department and chairman of
the committee.
The committee was called into ex-
istence by Governor Murphy in an
executive order on Aug. 17 which stat-
ed in part, "the said commission is
hereby authorized to make a study,
of means and methods whereby.
changes may be made in the proced-I
ure and structure of the State gov-
ermnent that, will provide greater
efficiency and economy in the con-
duct of public affairs."
The committee, comprised of 881
members chosen from various parts
of the State to represent industrial,
religious and busimess interests, will
be supervised by the new executive
committee. The group includes, Pro-
fessor Hayden, chairman of the com-
inittee, as well as the commission at
large, Prof. Arithur W. Bromage,
secretary of both groups, Mrs. Julius
Amberg, Grand Rapids; Hon. Earn-
est C. Brooks, Holland; Hon. John H.
Brennan, Lansing; Hon. Edward G.
Kemp, Lansing; Dr. Charles F. Mill-
er, Saginaw; Hon. James T. Milliken,
Traverse City; Hon. Joseph C. Mur-
phy, Grosse Pointe Shores; George A.
Osborne, Saulte Ste. Marie; Hon.
Samuel D. Pepper, Port Huron; Hon.
Claude H. Stevens, Dertoit; Hon. M.
Clyde Stout, Ionia: and Hon. Edward
H. Williams, Detroit.

Rooming House
Heavy Damage Inflicted
On Students' Property ;,
Firemnen Batle In Vain
Flames which firemen battled
futilely for two hours before they
finally managed to gain control de-
stroyed several thousand dollars
worth of property in a student room-
ing house at 822 Oakland Ave. yester-
day morning.
Heavy damage was done to student
belongings, especially in three rooms
on the third floor, which were almost1
completely, destroyed.
Firemen are convinced the blaze
began about 10:45 a.m. when flying
sparks alighted upon the roof. Fanned
by a strong wind, the flames spread
rapidly before they were discovered
by Mrs. Clarence H. Slocum, land-
lady of the house, and two other per-
Reaching all the way to the third
roor, the flames almost completely
burned the roof off. None of the third
floor furnishings were saved. The
bathroom on the second - floor was
burned directly by the flames.
Debaters Open'
Team Will Meet Indiana
And Purdue This Week

first CIO Constitutional Convention
to leave open "every possible door to
access to peace, and progress in the
affairs of organized labor in the
United States."
To Consider Proposal
SCIOChairman John L. Lewis said
the letter would be given "earnest
and profound confideration." One
high official of the ICIO who refused
to be quoted, said the Peace Commit-
tee would draft a report for the con-
vention and recommend some defi-
nite future course.
The Chief Executive's message was
his second in recent weeks and sub-
stantially the same as that sent to the
AFL convention in Houston where it
was received without demonstration.
"If the great gains already made
are to be consolidated, for the benefit
of the workers as well as the manage-
ment," Mr. Roosevelt wrote, "it is
essential that, there be cooperation
among the wage earning groups, and
because of this, I venture to express
the hope, as I did to the American
Federation of Labor, that every pos-
sible door to access to peace and
progress in the affairs of organized
labor in the United States be left
Delegates Cheer Message
"Continued dissermion can only lead
to loss of influence and prestige to
all labor. On the other hand, col-
lective bargaining will be furthered
by a United Labor movement mak-
ing for cooperation, and labor peace
which will be in the interest of all
After Lewis read the President's
message, the delegates cheered. The
CIO Peace Committee, headed by

The varsity debating team will de- Phillip Murray, a leader of the steel
fend their Big Ten championship union drive and vice chairman of the
title, which they have held for the CIO, participated in the unsuccessful
last five years, with three debates unity negoations carried onin Wash-
this week on the question, "Resolved, ington with an AFL committee in No-
rhat the United States should estab- vember and December last year.
lish an alliance with Great Britain." The conferences collapsed at that
Opening the schedule tomorrow, the time after Lewis and AFL President
affirmative team ,consisting of Jack William Green met and threshed the
Zuideveld, '40, and Louis Poplinger, subject out.
'39, will meet Ohio State's negative -
squad composed of Joseph Grigsby
and Samuel Shapiro at 8 p.m. in a: T ps Ten
no-decision contest in the main ball- :
room of the Union. gJ , Neophytes
Thursday morning, Michigan's af- J4uhwr Neophy~Uts
firmative team, Robert Rosa, '39, Jack
Shuler, '40, and Oliver Crager, '39," Ritual
will go to Indiana where Rosa and - -
Shuler will meet Purdue University Silent on their mystic mission,
Thursday in the only decision contest Might minions of the Pharoah,
of the season, and Indiana Friday. IInitiates of life's hieroglyphic,
(IGreat ones of the sacred Sphinx,
~T 1 @Read gim Egypt's secret symbols;
U.S. INeutraityrvaa''ns"1fr
U.S " I][ From the bright stars glean the future
See the golden glow of genius
Spaisli W- In the hearts of callow youth.
Forth from darkness rise the Nile-



Dreiser Deplores
As Intensifyin

y Yhe AIVIU11 VM;MS V W tree 6panisi issue and on;
Standing still and continuing the tic issues. Mr. Dreiser p
ostrich policy of false neutrality only great inequalities in we
serves to kindle the growth of Fascist come and to the abus
Power, said Mr. Theodore Dreiser, which the American pe
dean of American Novelists, in an ing miserably to corre
interview Sunday in Detroit. wealth is being used, sai
Mr. Dreiser who went to Spain at to incite wars, as in the
the invitation of the League of Ameri- Chaco crisis in South A
can Writers, favored the lifting of the interests of Standard
the embargo on Spain andsmaintained Petroleum provoked a
that Fascism wasn't inevitable if Bolivia and Paraguay; t
such measures were innovated. Cities in a period 9f gre
Depressed by the opinions of both sion, to build institutio
Loyalist and Insurgent Leaders that foreign countries, whict
over a million women women and ful, should be used do
children, non-combatants, will perish raising the conditionc
this winter, Mr. Dreiser stated that mass of Americans.
he has asked President Roosevelt for Such abuses of wealth
aid in avoiding this catastrophe of Fascism, said Mr. Dr
through shipping supplies such as obscured b ythe press a
wheat and cotton which did not find be met by the ballot. C
a favorable market in United States rights must be protec
to both sides in Spain in proportion principle of increasingE
to their need. The President feeling be diffused into more
that he would be severely criticized life. In this connection
for whatever policy he pursued, Mr. stated that he was disap
Dreiser continued, asked the noted defeat of Gov. Frank M
novelist to secure a committee of recent gubernatorial

great domes-
gretdms In the silent hours of dawn;
ointed to the Warn the hild-men of their honor,
alth and - Of the horrors they will face
es of eal'In the tortures of the morrow,
ople are fail- Then fly back to Sphinx's bosom
ct. American And close the lips of death-spewn
d Mr. Dreiser mystery.
to case o h
erca where Thus Sphinx, junior men's honor-
Oil and Shell ary society, last night tapped: Bob
Palmer, Hal Benham, Carl Peterson,
war between Tom Phares, Tom Adams, Jim Allen,
to build Radio Vince Valek, Jim Halligan, Karl Wis-
atest depres- ner, Johnny Hulbert. Honorary facul-
ns in certain ty members: Prof. H. B. Calderwood
h while use- and Prof. Harlow Heneman of the
mestically in political science department.
of the great -
and the issue Train To Ohio Saturday
reiser, thoughL
and radio can Will Leave At 7 A.M.
Constitutional The Union-sponsored special
ted, but the train to Columbus for the Ohio
equity should State football game Saturday will
of American leave at 7 a.m. the day of the
Mr. Dreiser game instead of 7:30 a.m. as previ-
pointed in the I ously announced, according to Don
lurphy the i L. Nixon, '40, Union publicity
election m ' hm tain11il ar_ e

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