_ _ _THE MICHIGAN DAILY HIGAN DAILY I -4 - - ,.- ,fD " It*~ rs NU N N AImfI R ' n*ZARx~' /# s~O1 er ..,+m and managed by students of the University of z under the authority of the Board in Control of Publications. ied every morning except Monday during the y year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to the epublication of all news dispatches credited to of otherwise credited in this newspaper. All republication of all other matters herein also at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ;lass mail matter. iptions during regular school year by carrier, mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING 9Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON* Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Editor Director Editor Editor Editor Editor. Editor Editor or Editor itor Board r. of Edito ors Robert D. Mitchell. * Albert P. May10 Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry . S. R. Kleiman . Robert Perlman . . Earl Gilman . William Elvin . Joseph Freedman * . Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin r Business Department Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen anager . hLeoard P. Siegeiman Ing Manager. . William L. Newnan Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter TrHT EDITOR: MORTON L. LINDER ie editorials published in The Michigan y are written by members of the Daily and represent the views of the writers 4um iber One FOR THREE YEARS now we've been unable to take a bath. It was not that led the chipped paint and the discolora- de of the tub, nor even the rusty faucets. f dark glasses wvould have hidden these ght. Sometimes we didn't even mind d water, although the soap did. What r heart was the cold, the icy cold. It made that our pre-historic ancestors had taken ent turn and we had ended up as polar three years we have relied on the Union to make us socially acceptable. ved the hot water there. There is a deli- elaxation that always follow;; a hot But recently on entering the Union show- we have begun to understand the feelings lue lobster, about to be boiled alive to a ed. on't want to suggest that the Union rnent is intent on reviving one of the rrible forms of inquisition torture-using stead of oil. But if it is so, we don't want nartyrs. All we want is a shower. we don't want the Union to rival our house facilities and go in for the other he watchword be: "Moderation in 'all Sfeemr fo Ak Heywood Broun One of the most important posts in the field of American politics is not official, although in a real sense it is an elective office. For many years George Norris, of Nebraska, has been not only a Senator but the spiritual and temporal leader of the progressive forces of the United States. In the darkest days of reaction Norris has kept alive the burning em- bers of liberalism. In a measure the strength of his position has been heightened by the fat that he was not personally ambitious for further political preferment. His appeal was equally cogent to men and women of good intent in both the Republican and'Democratic parties. Of late Norris of Nebraska has been in ill health, and he has need of a younger man to support his arm in the battle. Fortunately there is an American leader magnificently competent to perform that function. And nobody ,need say, "Name him! Name him!" because it should be easy for you to name him yourself. Naturally I refer to La Guardia. * * * Heart Of The Nation The Mayor of New York holds one of the most exacting and important executive posts in the country. Even his bitterest foe could hardly accuse him of shirking on any detail of the job. I am not suggesting even now that Fiorello should get himself a sample case and take over every State as part of his territory. But the state of the nation is a matter of practical concern to any Mayor of New York. What starts in the Dust Bowl may very well end up as another relief problem in the greater city. New York is peculiar- ly sensitive to the tides of progress and poverty throughout the country. And so it is a proper part of La Guardia's civic duty to give aid and advice on problems of na- tional and even international importance. Only the other day the Mayor told City Hall reporters that, as a reaction to the last election, he thought it might be a good idea for him to make con- tacts with some of his old progressive buddies with the intent of solving the problem "Where do we go from here?" Later he usaid that at the moment he had in mind nothing more than individual and even somewhat casual contacts. That is undoubtedly the wisest approach, but before the snow flies very hard I hope the Mayor will take it upon himself to issue a call for an informal get-together of progressives from party and independent ranks. Some of the so-called Republican "liberals" seem to me to be a little less than weatherproof, since they are dolled up in nothing more than a single coat of varnish. But analysis of Republican gains in the last election is quite likely to show that not all the victors are men minded to swing national policy over to the right of the road or even to the ruts which lie along the middle of the highway. The Mayor Speaks Out Shortly before election Fiorello La Guardia spoke for the Republican candidate for Congress from the 20th District. Marcantonio's mass meet- ing was held on the "lucky corner" where the Mayor himself used to hold his final rallies when he ran for Congress. On this occasion La Guardia made a brave and a bold speech for the candidate to whom he referred as "my ering son." This, I understand, pertained to party differences. Cer- tainly on this occasion the fatted calf was barbe- cued for Marcantonio, who goes to Congress for a second time, after one defeat, to uphold the traditions set by Fiorello when he represented that same district." The Mayor praised Roosevelt as one of our greatest Presidents, and he had the courage to tell the Italian-American voters that here it was their privilege to express their will in an election. -he Editor Gets Told To the Editor: Behold them in all of their regal splendor The Lords of the library desk. In absolute power, they glare and they glower And ignore the humble request. Of the myriads of mortals who crowd the portals And plead and entreat for a disdainful look, Who fervently pray that sometime today Their prayer will be granted; they'll receive their book. -Robert Phillips ciency, provides him with a higher annual wage and assures him of more regular income. Although job insurance is not intended as a substitute for relief, nearly 30,000 relief cases and some 15,000 WPA cases were closed becatfse of job insurance program within the first two months of payments. In Wayne County alone, 17,000 cases, each representing an individual or family in need, have been removed from relief rolls because of benefit payments within the three months since the first payments were made. This represents almost three quarters of the entire number of cases removed from the relief rolls during these months. To these 17,000 cash may be added over 10,000 WPA jobs in Wayne --S. R. Kleinan DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 3) Secrist will sing "My Soul is Athirst _for God," by Gaul. Hippuric Acid Synthesis as a Test of 6 p.m., The Student Fellowship will Hepatic Function and in Mental Dis- entertain the Lutheran Guild at sup- ease" will be discussed. All interest- per. Following an informal social ed are invited. hour they will unite in an Inter- Guild meeting to be held in the Physics Colloquium: Prof. L. O. Church Auditorium at 7:30. Dr. Brockway of the Chemistry Depart- Howard Thurman will speak and his ment will speak on "Electron Diffrac subject will be "Peace?" tion by Gas Molecules" at the Physics Colloquium on Monday, Nov. 14 at Di 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics Disciles Guild (Church Christ) Bldg. .10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. German Table for Faculty Mem- L. Pickerill, leader. bers: The regular luncheon meeting 6:30 p.m., Social hour and tea at will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. the Guild House, 438 Maynard St. in the Founders' Room of the Michi- 7:30 p.m., The Guild will go in a gan Union. All'faculty members in- group to the Congregational Church terested in speaking German are cor- for the Inter-Guild peace rally. The dially invited. There will be a brief speaker will be Dr. Howard Thurman informal talk by Dean Edward H. of Howard University who has tray- Kraus on "Die Schmucksteinschleifer alled widely in Europe and Asia in re- von Idar-Oberstein," illustrated with cent years. lantern slides. First Methodist Chun ch. Morning Graduate Luncheon for Chemical worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. and Metallurgical Engineers will be C. W. Brashares will preach on "The held on Tuesday, Nov. 15, in Room Tasks of Jesus." The choir will sing 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Professor A. W. the Russian Spiritual "My God and Bromage of the Political Science De- I," in an arrangement with solo partment will speak on "Problems of voices, and Mr. George Cox, baritone, State Government." will sing 'A Morning Hymn" by Henschel. Achilles Taliaferro is Cercle Francais: There will be choir director and organist. MUSIC Calendar TODAY Radio City Music Hall in tabloid of Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana. Viola Philo, Beatrice Joyce, Jan Peerce, Robert Weede, Erno Rapee conduc- tor. 12-1, KDKtA, WOWO. New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Joseph Shuster cellist, John Barbirolli conductor, Sym- phony No. 4 in D minor (Schumann), Concerto in A minor, originally for arpeggione, arranged for cello by Casas (Shubert), Symphony No. 7 in A major (Beethoven), 3-5, WBBM. School of Music Faculty Recital. All-Bachrpro- gram. Mabel Ross Rhead pianist. Prelude and Fugue in A minor (arr. Liszt), two Bach-Busoni chorales, Sinfonia in C minor, Invention in E major, C-sharp and D major Prelude and Fuges, from The Welltempered Clavier, French Suite in G major, G minor Fantasie and Fugue. 4:14, Hill Auditorium. New Friends of Music, Kolisch String Quartet in Beethoven cycle. Op. 127 in E-flat, Op. 59, No. I, in F. 6-6:30, WXYZ, KDKA. Bach Cantata Service, Alfred Wallenstein con- ductor. Cantata No. 115. "Mache Dick mein Geist bereit." 8-8:30, CKLW MONDAY; Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri- son conductor. 3-3:45, WXYZ. Curtis Institute of Music, Annette Elkanova pianist, Donald Hultgren tenor. 3-4, WADC. WOR Symphony; Eric Delamartar conductor. 9:30-10, CKLW. TUESDAY% WOR Symphony, Nadia Reisenberg pianist, Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Sonata No. 16 (Mozart), Concerto No. 5 in E-flat ("Emperor") of Beethoven. 10:30-11, CKLW. WEDNESDAY Columbia Broadcasting Symphony, Vera Brod- sky pianist, Bernard Hermann conductor. Theme and Adagio (Galuppi), Overture to Venus and Adonis (Jbhn Blow), Concerto in A major (Mo- zart), "Simple Symphny" (Ben Britten) Ros- seniana (Respighi). 3:30-4, WJR. Twilight Organ Recital, Palmer Christian organist. Concerto in B-flat (Handel), Toccata per elevazione (Frescobaldi), Prelude and Fugue in B minor (Bach,), Fantaisie in A (Franck), Three Impressions of Autumn (Jongen, Doty, and Brewer), Improvisation (Karg-Elert), Choral Improvisation on "In dulci jubilo" (Karg-Elert). 4:15, Hill Auditorium. Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Howard Bar- low conductor. Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 2 in D minor ("Reformation"). 9-9:30, WJR. THURSDAY WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallenstein conduc- tor. 8:30-9, WOR. Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, Jose Iturbi conductor. 8:30-9, WXYZ. FRIDAY U. S. Marine Band, Taylor Branson conductor. 3-3:30, WADC. Columbia Chamber Orchestra, Bernard Hermann conductor. 3:30-4, WJR. SATURDAY New York Philharmonic Young People's Con- cert, Ernest Schelling cnductor. All-Wagner program of familiar exerpts. 11-12 a.m., WJR. NBC S vmnhonv. Arturo Tocanini condctr -August What Do You Mean I'm Sitting Too Close? Books For U. S. "Reading maketh a full man," said Francis Bacon and all the copy-book, after him. But as far as the reading of books is concerned Uncle Sam i likely to remain as famished a figure as the cartoons picture him, unless the United States changes its posta policies. A national committee, or- ganized to abolish present. discrim ination against books, emphasizes the need for a revision of the law. One would think the Government with the emphasis it places on youth rural and adult education, would speed the spread of books. On the 1 contrary, it penalizes their distribu- tion and has ever since the parcels post delivery went into effect in 1914 New York publishing houses issue about 80 per cent of all the books pro- duced in this country. Yet it is only in a narrow zone around this city that books can be economically de- livered by mail. Rates become in- creasingly prohibitive as themareas most acutely in need of books are in- eluded. The Far West is a notorious sufferer from postoffice exactions For example, a two-pound book which can be sent to Yonkers for a dime costs 26 cents to deliver in Los An- geles. Yet, by an amazing inconsis- tency between our Federal laws .and those governing the Internationa Postal Union, the same two-pound book can be sent more cheaply to Tokyo than to Phoenix, Ariz. Such a system is stupid. The public loses, the publisher loses. and the postoffice loses. When mailing adds 26 cents to the price of a dollar book the normal sale of that book is re- tarded. If the book is cheaper the rate becomes virtually prohibitive The postoffice shuts itself out of a revenue a more sensible rate would assure. Naturally, the publisher dis- tributes as well as he can by express or freight. But the postal system, with, its multiplication of offices, re- mnais the natural channel for getting books to those who want them. Americans can never become a truly book-conscious public until books are allowed to reach them at postal rates which are low and uniform. There should be no artificial penalties on reading. -New York Times. Scrambled Eggs The favorite dish of America's most optimistic Utopians was upset yesterday when California voters turned out heavily to scramble the ham-and-eggs plan. Incomplete re- turns indicate that they were success- ful despite the fact that the pension promoters spent more than $300,000 in a vigorous and colorful campaign to set their pet proposal sunnyside up before their deluded followers. The California panacea was con- sidered the bellwether of all the week- day pension schemes that have taken the country by storm. It will be well, therefore, to examine the cause of these far-fetched pen- sion schemes. That cause is insecur- ity. Since the stock market crashed igan's Fund he jobless . . 1 meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 7:30 in Room 408 Romance Lan- guages Building. Cooperative Housing: Congress stu- dent welfare committee meeting Tues- day, Nov. 15, at 7:30 p.m. Room 306 Union. All men interested in pro- moting and living in cooperative. houses should attend. If unable to be present, get in touch with your district president. Women Debaters: First tryouts for Varsity debaters will be held at °7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, in Room 3209 Angell Hall. Speeches should be five- minute arguments on some phase of the question, "Resolved That the ec- onomic principles of the totalitarian state are desirable." s_ Graduate Student Council: There will be a meeting of. the Council at .7:30 1.m., Monday, Nov. 14, in the west lounge on the second floor of the Rackham building. Both the new- ly elected members and those who are retiring from office are requested to be present. M ICHIGAN'S Unemployment Compen- sation Commission, after four months eration during which it has released 2,200,- hecks amounting to $30,000,000, to the job- f the state, seems well on its way to quash- those ominous predictions of bankruptcy nefficiency made by many when it first went effect. e Federal government, under the Social rities Act, provided for the taxing of em- rs in every state for an unemployment in- ice fund. Then it was left up to the individ- tates to pass laws setting up their own sys- of administering the funds subject to the >val of the Federal government. A commit- ppointed by Governor-elect Fitzgerald dur- is previous term at the request of the then 'nor-elect Murphy, drafted the present igan statute which was passed at a special )n of the legislature. The law was to go into Jan. 1, 1939, but due to the unusual amount iemployment and the great need for the y, the date was advanced to July 1 of this Payments were begun on Aug. 1. is estimated by economists that of this ),000 more than one third was spent for almost the same amount for shelter and one tenth for clothing. The benefits of' sums, not only to the unemployed and , but also to the farmers, smaller indus- and merchants has been invaluable. It is, ted that these funds will come more and to be the basis of the summer business of aerchants of this area where the annual , Michigan Women's Swimming Club will meet Monday at 4 p.m. at the Union Pool. All women who wish to try out for the Swimming Club are urged to attend. Assembly Executive Council: There will not be a meeting Monday. The date of the meeting will be an- nounced later. "America's Lafayettes," a film de- pictingethe activities of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade of American volun- teers in Spain, will be shown at the . Union Ballroom, Monday, Nov. 14,1 at 8 p.m. Captain Fred Keller of the Brigade and Canute Frankson, form- er president of the Detroit Division of the National Negro Congress, both recently returned from Spain, will l speak. The public is cordially in- vited. Association Book Group: Mr. Ken- neth Morgan will review Bennett's "Dilemma of Religious Knowledge" at the meeting of the Association Book Group at Lane Hall Tuesday, 4 p.m. Next week, Mr. Paul Henle will re- view George Santyana's "The Last' Puritan." The Michigan Dames will conduct their initiation ceremony Tuesday evening in the Michigan League at 8 p.m. An invitation is extended to all wives of students and internes to be present. The Bibliophiles will meet on Tues- day, Nov. 14, at 2:30 with Mrs. Don- ald Murphy as hostess at her home, 219 Buena Vista Ave. The Book Shelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. George M. McConkey, 2541 Washtenaw Ave., Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 2:45 p.m. Mrs. Emory W. Sink is assisting hostess, Churches First Baptist Church and Roger Williams Guild. Sunday, 10:45, Dr. John Mason Wells will preach on "The River of Life." Church School meets in the church at 9:30. The University students class meets at, the Guild House at 9:45. At 7:30 p.m. the Roger Williams Guild will join other church Guilds in the special Armistice Day pro- gram at the Congregational Church. Prof. Howard Thurman of Washing- ton, D.C., will give the address on{ "Peace." First Congregational Church, Corn- Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45 a.m. The subject for discussion will be "Confucianism." Prof. Carl Rufus and Utah Tsao, Grad., of China, will Slead the discussion. 4 Wesleyan Guild at 6 p.m. We will have fellowship hour and supper, and at 7:15 go in a group to the Congre- gational Church to the Inter-Guild meeting at which Dean Howard Thurman of Howard University will I speak. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., "The Quest for Reality" js the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon at the Morning Worship Service. The student choir directed by Palmer Christian take part in the service. The musical numbers will include: Organ Prelude, "Andante ex- pressivo" by Elgar; Anthem, "Rejoice in the Lord Always" by Purcell An- them, "Now the Poets of Heaven" by Arkhangelsky, Organ Postlude "Al- legro Maestoso" by Elgar. 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, student group, will meet for a sup- per and fellowship hour and then go to hear Dr. Howard Thurman speak on "Peace" at the Congregational Church at 7:30. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Jun- ior Church. 11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Armistice Day Service, special music, Morning Prayer and sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. Episcopal Student Meeting: The student meeting Sunday night will be % Supper-Business Meeting at 6:15 in Harris Hall. Cost 15 cents. The meeting will adjourn at 7:15 in order that the students may attend the In- terGuild meeting at the Congrega- tional Church at 7:30. Howard Thur- man, Negro Educator wlil be the speaker. Reformed and Christian Reformed students service in the League Chapel will be conducted by the Rev. C. Holtrop of Fremont, Mich. All stu- dents desiring an hour of worship are invited to attend. The service begins at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. Unitarian Church, State and Huron streets. 11 a.m. "Bulls in the Peace Market," Armistice address by H. P. Marley. 7:30 p.m., "Medicine, the State and the People." Discussion by Dr. Theo Zbinden of Toledo. 9 p.m., Coffee Hour. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. . - Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Mortals and Immortals." Golden Text: II Corinthians 5:17. Sunday School at 11:45. Hillel Foundation: 11 a.m., Council meeting. 6 p.m. Cost supper. 8 p.m., Forum. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, "Re- form Judaism and Jewish Youth Problems." Lutheran Student Club will be guests of the Congregational Stu- dent Club at their Parish house, corner of State and Williams St., Sunday at 6 p.m. All Lutheran Stu- dents please be present. Student Senate meeting in Room 302, Michigan Union, Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 7:30 p.m. There is a great deal of business tobe transacted, so it is imperative that all_ Senators be res- ent on time. General pending busi- ness includes: a. Appointment of Ways and Means Committee; I b b. Resolution by Senator Jeffries to amend Rule 6 on proxy voting;