THE MICHIGAN DAILY Officers Meet At Convention Here Student Flyers To Hold Meet Injured In Blast On German Ship Fi fteen Enter SponsoredBy Club The University of Michigan Flying Club will hold a flying meet at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Airport, Pres. Edward Martin, '41, announced. The club has a membership of over 30 students but only about 15 of the more experienced flyers will be eli-i gible to compete. The airmen will perforni-in two Aeroncas and a Ham-I mond bi-plane. The first event on the program is a contest in paper cutting. A roll of paper is released from the plane and the pilot must cut the descend- ing streamer in three part with his propellor. A bomb dropping contest is also scheduled. In this, sacks of lime arej dropped from an altitude of 500 feetl at a 15-foot circular target. The finall competition of the afternoon will be "spot" landing a plane after cutting th mnn Pt 50ff fPt Soldiers Learn Medicine Military medical training is now given to 100 University students in the School of Medicine by a newly Grganized unit of the R.O.T.C. under the direction of Col. Leon A. Fox. The training covers a period of four weeks in college and six weeks in summer camp. streets. 11 a.m. "Bulls in the Peace Market." Armistice address by H. P. Marley. 7:30 p.m., "Medicine, the State and the People." Discussion by Dr. Theo Zbinden of Toledo. 9 p.m., Coffee Hour. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Mortals and Immortals." Golden Text: II Corinthians 5:17. Sunday School at 11:45. Hillel Foundation: 11 a.m., Council meeting. 6 p.m. Cost supper. 8 p.m., Forum. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, "Re- form Judaism and Jewish Youth Problems." Lutheran Student Club will be guests of the Congregational Stu- dent Club at their Parish house, corner of State and Williams St.. Sunday at 6 p.m. All Lutheran Stu- dents please be present. IDifferent ... try a WEGENER'S " Original ilke ROCK & RYE 1 t j , f 1e... iou.r cs a. ure iieiurs inre-u ifi u6 i iTiL1t11uu+ Ap'/uFAIuII /11' 7{ 71 1 , unemuer b uu -e One of four crew members injured in the myt~yerius xioson on Those wishing to attend may call the Hamburg-American Line's steamer Vancouver in the Oakland, the airport and transportation will be Calif., estuary was Ivan Maranovsky, of Hamburg, fourth assistant_ arranged. After the meet, rides will'engineer, whose hand was crushed by the blast. He is shown as he was be available for those interested in led from the vessel to ryeeive medical treatment ashore. joining the club. - - - -- --- - - - - -- - --_- --- - --_-_-_-_-_ Illed widely in Europe and Asia in re- Arkhangelsky, Organ Postlude "Al- student meeting Sunday night will be cent years. # legro Maestoso" by Elgar. a, Supper-Business Meeting at 6:15 __nyer_.5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, in Harris Hall. Cost 15 cents. The First Methodist Church. Morning student group, will meet for a sup- meeting will adjourn at 7:15 in order FrtMtoitCuc.Mr ig ;hat the students may attend the In- worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr.' per and fellowship hour and then go terGuild meeting at the Congrega- C. W. Brashares will preach on "The to hear Dr. Howard Thurman speak tional Church at 7:30. Howard Thur- Tasks of Jesus." The choir will sing on "Peace" at the Congregational man, Negro Educator wlil be the the Russian Spiritual "My God andIChurch at 7:30.1a -Daily Photo by Sheeline Shown above, from left to right, are Dr. Clement A. Smith, vice- president and president-elect; Dr. D. Murray Cowie, secretary and professor of pediatrics; and Dr. Damon Walthall, retiring president, 'at the seventeenth annual meeting of the University Pediatric and Infect- ious, Disease Society. Henschel. Achilles Taliaferro is choir di'ector and organist. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Stalker Hats. Student Class at 9:451 Pubsication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of thealkertud sssatn9:45 tUaivertty. copy received at the office of the Asiatait to the President a.m. The subject for discussion will "anti 3.30. 11:00 am. on Saturday be "Confucianism." Prof, Carl Rufus and Utah Tsao, Grad., of China, will (Continued from Page 4)e the Lutheran at sup- lad the discussion. Ientrtan GildWesleyan Guild at 6 p.m. We will per. Following an informal social terested in the musical activities of hour they will unite in an Inter- have fellowship hour and supper, and the. Foundation., including musicales, Guild meeting to be held in the at 7:15 go in a group to the Congre- a choir, and a string trio. Church Auditorium at 7:30. Dr. gational Church to the Inter-Guild Howard Thurman will speak and his meeting at which Dean Howard Churches subject will be "Peace?" Thurman of Howard University will speak. First Baptist Church and Roger Williams Guild. 'Sunday, 10:45, Dr. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) John Mason Wells will preach on - 10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 "'the River of Life." Church School :Frederick Cowin, Minister. Washtenaw Ave. meets in the church at 9:30. The' 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. 10:45 a.m., ",The Quest for Reality" University students class meets at L. Pickerill, leader. is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's the Guild House at 9:45. 6:30 p.m., Social hour and tea at sermon at the Morning Worship At 7:30 p.m. the Roger 'WilliamstheG dd I Service. The student choir directed Guild will join other church Guilds y Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Palmer Christian take part in the in the special Armistie Day pro-ru 7:30 p.m.. The Guild will go in a service. The musical numbers will gram at the Congregational Church. group to the Congregational Church include: Organ Prelude, "Andante ex- Prof. Howard Thurman of Washing- for the Inter-Guild peace rally. The pressivo" by Elgar; Anthem, "Rejoice ton, D.C:, will give the address on speaker will be Dr. Howard Thurman in the Lord Always" by Purcell, An- "Peace" of Howard University who has trav- them, "Now the Poets of Heaven" by dl Remember the Game I - -* -- t1 f q4 l l -c--1