Considerable cloudiness, some-
what cooler In east and south.
131k iga
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VOL. XLIX. No. 42
Giant Garment
Union Leaves
CIO But Urges
'Labor Reunite
I L G W U Withdraws Its
250,000 Members From
National Organization
Wo-ld Not Agree
On Permanent CIO
WASHINGTON, Nov. I--( )-The
International Ladies' Garment Work-
ers yesterday withdrew its 250,000
members from the CIO, the organi-
zation which it helped form, and an-
nounced it would now be an independ-
ent union.
The ILGWU executive board decid-
ed unanimously not to comply with
the request of John L. Lewis, CIO
chairman, that all CIO affiliates send'
delegates to a convention i Pitts-
burgh ijext week to form a permanent
organization to rival the AFL.
The board, declaring that it want-
ed reconciliation between the CIO
and AFL, said that until that was at-
tained it woud not enter either camp.
It asserted that the CIO-AFL split
was one of the major causes of "the
setback suffered by the progressive
and liberal forces" in last Tuesday's
The action brought to a climax the
futile efforts of David Dubinsky,
DETROIT, Nov. 1-(I)-Hom-
er Martin, president of the United
Automobile Workers, arrived here
by plane tonight from Pittsburgh
a few hours after the union's ex-
ecutive board authorized a strike
at the Hudson Motor Car Co.
and indicated there would be no
stoppage of work immediately, at
Martin, who had gone to Pitts-
burgh for the board meeting and
other preliminaries to the. CIO
convention next week, said he
was not present when the board
took the Hudson action.
Cheer Section To Try
Card Displays Again
Michigan's cheering section will
make another bid for newsreel honors
today at the Northwestern game.
Three new card displays will be at-
tempted by the cheering section of
which Ted Spangler, '40, of the Union
Executive Council, is in charge. Par-
ticipants are urged by Don L. Nixon,
'40, Union publicity chairman to hold
their cards at eye level and exactlyr
iertical, a procedure used by other
schools which have successful dis-
Campaign For
Funds Started
y Red Cross
House To House Canva
Scheduled For 2 To
Tomorrow, Afternoon
,, ;
The Washtenaw County chapter of
the American Red Cross will get its
Roll Call campaign under way in a
house to house membership canvass
from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow. Booths
will be situated at various point,
throughout the city on Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday where member-
ships may be obtained. 41
Arthur J. Sullivan, credit manager
of the University Hospital, is chair-
man of the Washtenaw County divi-
sion of the drive. Mrs. Albert C.
Furstenberg is Ann Arbor chairman
with Mrs. George Moe and Joseph
Cahill, president of the Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce, as vice-presidents.
Mrs. Raymond E. Spokes is i charge
of the booths.
An advisory 'committee of volun-
teers, headed by Mrs. Edward A.
Hunter, includes Mrs. Wells I. Ben-
nett, Mrs. R. B. Canfield, Mrs. Earl
Cress, Mrs. Furstenberg, Mrs. Ra-
phael Isaacs, Mrs. Alexander G.
Ruthven, Mrs. Arthur W. Stace,
George J. Burke, Dr. H. H. Cum-
mings, John W. Edwards, Otto W.
Haisley, Dr. Harley A. Haynes, C. R.
Henderson, C. W. Lighthall, Mayor
Walter C. Sadler and Mrs. Harry
Movies On Spain
To Be Given Tonight
A motion picture describing the life
of American volunteers in Spain will
be shown at 8 p.m. Monday in the
Union Ballroom at a meeting spon-
sored by the Progressive Club. Fred
Keller and Canute Franksen, who
recently returned from the Spanish
front, will relate their experiences at
this time.#
The film, "American Lafayettes"
was photographed in Spain and de-
picts the civilian and military activi-
ties of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
composed of American volunteers to
Fred Keller was political commis-
sar of the Brigade and fought in the
front line trenches for over a year,
participating in the Belchite and
Brunete campaigns. He was cap-
tured by Fascist troops, knocked out
his guard, swam across the Ebro and,
rejoined his battalion.
Nazis Jail Jews,
Plan A Ghetto
To Hold Them
Goebbels Says Foreign'
Sympathizers Distort The
Incidents In Germany,
Expect Anti-Semiticit
Restrictions' Soon
BERLIN, Nov. 11.-(')-Germany's
sudden nationwide outburst of anti-
Semitism developed tonight into a
series of secret police raids upon
Jews of the upper classes amid re-
ports that the Ghetto of the Middle
Ages was to be re-established in the
modern Nazi Reich.
Official Germany pushed ahead its
anti-Semitic program with a warn-
ing to Jews abroad, especially in thel
United States, that their "behavior"
would affect future treatment of Jews
in Germany.
Goebbels Annoyed
Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph
Goebbels, writing for tomorrow's
Voelkischer Beobachter an article in-
tended to justify the anti-Jewish ac-
tions, expressed annoyance at what
he termed "misrepresentations and
distortions" of happenings here, espe-
cially in the reports of "the Jewish
press of North America."
"This will do no good to Jews in
Germany," Goebbels wrote, rather
the reverse. The German people are
an anti-Semitic people, and will not
tolerate having their rights curtailed
or being provoked by the parasitic
Jewish race.
"The anti-German outside world
will do well to leave solution of the
Jewish problem to Germans. If the
outside world wants the Jews, it can
have them."
Government's Attitude
The article constitutes the Govern-
ment's official attitude regarding the
anti-Semitic reprisals, which began
early yesterday with smashing of
Jewish property and synagogues
throughout the country in revenge
for the slaying of a German legation
secretary in Paris by a young Polish
Jew. - - '
Earlier in a press interview Goeb-
bels said future treatment of Jews
here "depends both on their behavior'
here and that of Jews abroad."
There was uncertainty over what
would be done with the prisoners.
Officials said they did not know. Some
sources said they would be placed in
barracks as the first move toward re-
establishment of the Ghetto, a special
section of a city set apart for Jews
only, in which all Jews must live and
do business.
Goebbels announced the expected
new anti-Semitic laws would be issued
shortly, probably signalling victory in
Nazidom's five-year campaign against
the Jews.
The Nazi view was that the action
of the mobs was a "force majeure,"
(Continued on Page 2)
The Union Council will offer
campus guide service to all Univer-
sity Day visitors from 9:30 a.m. to
noon today. Information will be
available in the Union lobby.
union president, to end labor's civil
war, which began three years ago.
The garment workers and nine oth-
er unions withdrew from the AFL in
1935 to attempt to organize indus-
trial labor which the ILGWU said
the Federation "neglected."
Dubinsky, when he was asked today
whether Lewis knew about the step,
smiled and said:
"The last time we saw each other
we agreed to disagree."
Taking a firm stand against "dual
unionism," the board's resolution
"We do not believe now, and we
nevei have believed, that two separ-
ate labor movements are required 'to
achieve the common objectives of
"We believe now, as we have always
believed, that one unified. labor or-
ganization in this country could and
should bring the benefits of organi-
zation to all wage earners in the
tand whether in the mass production
or the skilled industries and protect
labor against its economic as well as
political enemies."
The resolution further declared:
"The formation of a permanent
national union to supersede the CIO
would, in our judgment, sharpen the
conflict in the labor movement and
would create greater obstacles for
ultimate reconciliation."
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 11--P)-
Chairman John L. Lewis completed
preliminary organization of CIO's
first constitutional convention today,
apparently undisturbed by the refusal
of the International Ladies Garment
Workers Union to join in a perman-
ent CO.
The announcement in Washington
(Continued on Page 2)
Doctors Hold
Final Meeting
Wildcat Band
May Present
Startling Show
HO pes For Big T'en Title
The University Sand's first com-
"etition of the season will arrive at
2:15 p.m. today at the Michigan
entral Station when 130 member
f the Northwestern University Band
unl in from Evanston.
When G. C. BaInum, director of
he Northwestern Band wrote Wil-
iam D. Revelli, director of the Michi-
an Band, for permission to use the
tadium amplifying system during its
ormations, Professor Revelli replied
sat he would not only be glad to
11ow it but would insist upon it be-
ause several years ago when the
Jorthwestern Band was here it made
Wildcat formation which was uni-
ersally mistaken for a church steeple,
.nd Professor Revelli said he hoped
;o clear up any ambiguity which
night result from their formations
.his year. Gil Phares, '39BAd, man-
ger of the band, insists that the two
iirectors are great pals.
The band will be greeted at the
tation by Phares and Louis Van
Uanen, president of Kappa Psi, hon-
>rary band fraternity, and then will
e transported to Ferry Field where
it will hold a secret practice session
ill game time.
New Deal Firm
Despite Threats
By Big Business
Roosevelt Doesn't Expect
Coalition Of Opponents
To Block His Reforms
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.- (AP)-
Both President Roosevelt and Rep-
representative Rayburn of Texas, the
Democratic House leader, expressed
he opinion today that Tuesday's
election had given the administra-
ion no reason to worry about "coali-
Lion opposition" to its legislative
However, the Chamber of Com-
nerce of the United States .suggest-
ed the election results would lead
'o closer study and greater opposi-
ion in Congress to "ill-advised and
astily drawn" bills affecting busi-
Since Republicans made heavy in-
roads Tuesday into the Democratic
majority in Congress, speculation had
risen in the Capital that Republi-
cans and Conservtive Democrats
would team up in next session in at-
empts to block New Deal legisla-
ive proposals.
Asked at his press conference
whether he thought his legislative T
program would encounter "coalition
opposition," Mr. Roosevelt replied t
with an emphatic negative. He said
he believed the program would re-
ceive exactly the same treatment as
heretof ore.
Europe's Surgeon f
Of .Financial Pains
Is Dr. Van Zeeland
Let a European nation nation suffer
serious financial ailments. and the
chances are that sooner or later Dr.
Paul Van Zeeland who will speak
here next Tuesday will be called in
to examine the patient and prescribe
remedies for a cure.
Regarded as perhaps the world's
top-ranking specialist in economic
disorders, Dr. Van Zeeland has been
a practicing economic physician for
over 15 years. His results have been
such that Walter Lippman, news-
paper columnist, has called him "per-
haps the most efficient, the least con-
fused, and the most surefooted of the
statesmen who dealt with the depres-
In 1922, Dr. Van Zeeland began hiss
career as the representative of the
Bank of Belgium at the World Econ-
omic Conference. His work concluded '
at the Genoa Conference, he went
on a special economic mission to
Czechoslovakia, and then to Greece
as an adviser to the Ministry of
He was one of the founders of the
Bank of International Settlements at
Geneva, which was established to re-
move the congestion created in inter-
national exchanges by the German
reparations payments.
His work in international finance
was recognized by King Leopold of
Belgium, who, in 1935, removed him
from his position of Deputy Governor
of the National Bank of Belgium,
and personally urged him to assume
No Fear Of A Fascist Invasion
Of South America, Says James
The United States need not fear1
an "insidious fascist invasion' oft
South America, particularly Brazil, asg
far as political dominance is con-t
cerned, Prof. Preston E. James of thei
geography department, authority ont
Brazil, said yesterday.P
The thing most to be feared atn
present in Brazil is the increased vol-b
ume of trade between that country
and Germany, an increase which is 1
attributable to commercial reasons 1
only, despite a recent book by Carltont
Beals which implies that a battle isf
being waged between democracy anda
fascism in Latin America, he con-c
Recent moves such as subsidizations
of "goodwill" ships for South Ameri-a
can trade by the Unifed States gov-t
ernment have brought this countryt
back to the top of the list of coun-t
tries trading with the South Ameri-
can countries, but Germany, Italy,
Portugal, Spain and Japan are allc
anxious to build up a flourishing
trade with the rich areas such ask
the coffee regions of Brazil, he said.t
Germany succeeded for a short timel
in surpassing the United States in
trade relatinnshins hut her success,
only three million of the people are
literate, and only a million or so of
that number take any interest in the
government of the country. Al-
though, Professor James pointed out,
if a vote of the entire nation could be
taken, Vargas would probably be sup-
ported by the people, the fact re-
mains that he is held in office now
by the strength of the army and navy.
On two occasions when there has
been an uprising of the people against
the government, Vargas has labelled
the ringleaders "communists" in the
first revolt, which took place in 1932,
and "fascists" in the latest, which oc-
cured in May of this year. Profes-
sor James was in Brazil during the
second revolt, and has thus been en-'
abled to make first hand observa-
tions concerning its causes. He stated
that the revolts were not begun by
the elements named by Vargas, but
were the results of resentment born
in the important coffee-growing state
of Sao Paulo.
When the 'world economic crisis
broke over the weak financial struc-
ture of the country in 1930, the peo-
ple of the other states revolted
against the Sao Paulo dominance of
+V-.r vrvt ra f -Un-e m - e - - ia nn
To Be
Studied Today
After debating the pros and cons
of the thymo. lymphatic constitution
as a cause of infant death, last night,
the University Pediatric and Infec-
tious Disease Society turns its atten-
tion to studies of allergy, sulfanila-
mide, and antigen in the final ses-
sinn of its 1r7th annu1 meetinc- tn-