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November 11, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-11

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subs ,riptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative *
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Managing Edit'or
City Editor
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
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Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Board of Editors
. . . Robert D. Mitchell.
. . . . -Albert P. May10
Horace' W: Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
. S. R. Kleiman
* . . . Robert Perlman
s Earl Gilman
William Elvin
. . . . . Joseph Freedman
* . . .. Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
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ilip W. Buchen
d P. Siegelman
lam L. Newnan
len Jean Dean
arian A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Beginning
Of Federalized Medicine...
THE PLIGHT of unfortunate millions
unable to pay for medical care has
gone beyond the control of local public health
agencies and independent doctors. It has be-
come of national importance, and national meas-
ures are being planned to meet it.
High on the calendar of bills for the next ses-
sion of Congress will be a gigantic new '!public
health" program designed to solve the existing
weaknesses of medical care. The extent of the
problem can be realized by the fact that 70
million persons in the United States are sick
each year. They, lose more than one billion days
from work and pay doctor bills amounting to
850 million dollars. Under the program, govern-
mental health services would have to treat six
million persons every winter day.
Realizing the hugeness of the task, the Admin-
istration is laying careful plans. The program
drafted by the Technical Committee on Medical
Care from the findings of a four-year study by
medical experts will be aimed at specific needs
of medical aid.
The chief need stressed by the committee is
proper medical care of the twenty million per-
sons on relief and twenty million more in families
whose annual income is $800 or less. These people
are ill or incapacitated more days per year than
any other group; yet they receive less medical
attention. The public health program, through
grants-in-aid to the states, would place more
doctors on the public pay roll to care for the
Illness prevention will be a second basic objec-
tive of the program. The experts found that
maternal care is inadequate and that efforts to
conserve child health fall far short of what needs
to be done. As a consequence, it is planned that
Congress shall appropriate $365,000,000 a year
to enable government health services to under-
take extensive medical research.
Striking at the need of sufficient hospital
facilities and local public health organizations,
a third provision would provide federal aid to
the states for the improvement of existing hos-
pitals, the construction and maintenance of facil-
ities for 360,000 more beds and the building of
500 health centers in areas unable tosupport
These are the plans. Payment of America's
doctor bill by the government, however, means a
radical change in our economic philosophy and
will arouse strong opposition. The American
Medical Association has fought the change and,
although endorsing the program in part, is still
hostile. Other groups are certain to carry on the
fight in Congress this winter.
And yet, probably because the cooperative
medical groups, municipal health associations
and employes' societies have met the local needs
of medical care so adequately, popular approval
is backing a nation-wide program. The Seventy-
Sixth Congress will make at least a start toward
federalized medicine.
-Hervie Haufler

in which war is imminent. The letter from
Germany by a Nazi student-soldier acquires its
interest both for what it contains and still more
for what it does not contain. It is filled with joy
over the "conquest" of Austria and the Sudeten
German area of Czechoslovakia-it glorifies
"conquest" and above all, it glorifies Hitler! Let
us consider why the German student-soldier
rejoices. He rejoices over a most dishonorable
act-the seizure of the republic of Austria by
Hitler. Austria was not a part of Germany to
be reclaimed or "saved" and the Fuehrer had
no more right to seize it than I have to take
possessionhof my neighbor's house or other
property he may own. Moreover, the rape of
Austria is doubly criminal from the fact that
Hitler violated his solemn pledge given on July
10, 1936, to Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, guar-
anteeing the independence of Austria. To make
this highway robbery an occasion for joy on the
part of the Nazi student, shows to what extent
the Hitler gang has succeeded in undermining
the sense of honor in the Nazi followers-young
and old alike. With the Nazis dishonor has be-
come honor, dishonesty honesty. This is too well-
known to need further elucidation. Here are some
things the letter from Germany does not men-
tion: (a) that two-thirds of the Austrian people
were opposed to Anschluss; (b) that Austria,
since Hitler's "conquest" has become, like Ger-
many, the graveyard of liberty; (c) that hun-
dreds of Austrians have committed suicide to
escape the terror of the Nazi mob, the mass loot-
ing, and worse . . .
The Nazi student-soldier calls the entry with
his troops into Austria the "greatest time in his
life." Nothing need be said here by way of com-
ment, except that the Nazi student does not
know the difference between right and wrong.
As for the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia,
the Nazis, just as in the case of Austria, violated
the solemn pledge given officially by Field Mar-
shal Goering that "Czechoslovakia had nothing
to fear because of the treaty of arbitration of
1925." In the light of this broken pledge, how
"glorious" was the march into the Sudeten area
of Czechoslovakia? How much "heroism" and
"honor" was there displayed? How many battles
were fought before that "glorious" march took
As for the charges by the German student
against the Czechoslovakian government, they
are without any foundation whatever. In this
connection I refer the reader to one of our
most distinguished and authoritative quarterlies,
"Foreign Affairs." In the July, 1938, number there
was published a long article, entitled "The Ger-
mans in Czechoslovakia," by R. W. Seton-Wat-
son. I quote the following passage from the
article: "All the essential guarantees were freely
granted and on the whole have been fulfilled.
Anyone disposed to accept Nazi propagandist
denunciations of Czechoslovakia for her "op-
pression" of minorities might well compare the
position of the Germans in Czechoslovakia with
that of any other minority in Europe, and espec-
ially of the German minorities in Italy, Poland,
Hungary and Jugoslavia." The Sudeten Germans
were not "plundered" or "massacred" nor were
they deprived of "learning and speaking Ger-
man." The "Foreign Affairs" quoted has almost
an entire page devoted to the position of the
Sudeten Germans as regards (a) proportional
representation in Parliament; (b) on the educa-
tional facilities in German-elementary; secon-
dary, and university education; (c) on their
cultural institutions; (d) on the right to use
Let it be remembered that at first Henlein'
the leader of the Sudeten Germans, demanded
only autonomy. He did not regard Fascism or
National Socialism as "transferable to our
special circumstances." However, when Hitler be-
came highly successful in overawing the Euro-
pean democracies by means of bluff, Henlein was
encouraged to ask for Anschluss with Nazi Ger-
many. "He now openly played Berlin's game."
What caps the climax in the Nazi student's
letter is his "greatest desire" to see a "very close
union between German and English-speaking
peoples, because they are of the same race and
have the same blood." Here we have once more
the Nazi racial myth and their pride in blood.
If the union so ardently desired by the student
should be realized, it would be for no other pur-
pose than to destroy what there is left of the

world's democracies-the avowed aim of Herr
The greatest tragedy after Munich is that
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy have now be-
come more powerful than ever and that they
can build up their armaments on a scale never
dreamt of in the history of the world, i.e., they
are in a position to defy the world. That is the
tragedy after Munich!
-M. Levi
Armistice Day Prayer
To the Editor:
"Oh Lord God of Hosts!
Be with us yet; Be with us yet.
Lest we forget; Lest we forget.
Be with us 'yet; Be with us yet.
Lest we forget; Lest we forget."
Again we humble bow our head,
Sacredly for our Soldier Dead,
Again we faithfully stand and face west,
Sound taps, silent to their Eternal Rest.
O'er seas:
The tramp, tramp, tramp of marching'feet;
The roar, roar, roar of cruising fleet.
O'er here:
Reds lurk in our Halls of Learning;
To poison our youths, their yearning.
Ill fares the land that fails to prepare and defend,
For their's will be History's bitter, bitter end.
Our promise to our Soldier Dead:
Never, never to lose our head.
Yet to prepare and 'er defend,
That far fewer shall Westward tend.

Ji feemi lo Me
H eywood ,Bro un
In the next two years American voters are
likely to be concerned with foreign as well as
domestic issues. This is said partly in the belief
that there may be happen-
ings abroad calculated to
raise great interest here. But
watchful waiting is already
under way. Newspapers print
more foreign news than for-
merly and the radio has
developed a large audience
for commentators speaking
from distant lands. It may
even be that the map of the world itself has
grown a little smaller since two British bombers
made a non-stop flight of more than 7,000
Our own metropolitan areas are no longer
safe against the possibility of being cities of the
front ,But the city dwellers of America have
always had more than a passing interest in
happenings across the waters. It is in the Middle
Western farm areas that there has been the
greatest growth in world consciousness.
The shot fired in Serbia in 1914 had almost no
immediate repercussions here. And even in 1917
and 1918 there were many in the American army
who had only the slightest notion of what all
the shooting was about. They had reason for
their uncertainty. Waiving the question of Wood-
row Wilson's rightness or wrongness, the foreign
policy of America was conducted almost in secret
by the President and the State Department.
That should not occur again. The American
public of today is well informed. It has an opinion
on the problem of Spain and China and the Mun-
ich pact. In certain definite questions of the
right of shipment, those issues raise specific ques-
tions which we must answer. They should not be
left wholly to Secretary Hull or to the State De-
No Foreign Policy
At the nioment, we seem to be in an even worse
position than that of having no foreign policy
at all. We are operating under three or four
policies which are mutually exclusive. Ambassa-
dor Kennedy enunciated one suggestion on our
attitude toward Munich and the President, in a
broadcast a few days later, took precisely the
opposite stand. I do not see how Mr. Kennedy can
be anything but a liability from now on. I
In his pre-election address, Mr. Roosevelt
criticized the philosophies of both Fascism and
Communism, but the State Department has put
no barrier against the entrance of men known
as Fascist propagandists while seeking out tech-
nicalities to bar those whom it suspects of left
wing tendencies. There is no logic in this prac-
tice. John Strachey was detained at Ellis Island
and his Fascist cousin was allowed to come in and
Beaverbrook moves freely back and forth,
carrying the gospel of the Cliveden set to Ameri-
can publicists. Frankly, I am for no barriers at all
against opinion but the next best thing would be
some even-handed method of dealing in the
same way with both messengers of the Left and
Often it is said that men running for Congress,
should confine themselves wholly to domestic
issues. Most of them are glad to take that advice
because they haven't had time yet to figure out
which way the vote will go in regard to foreign
policies. -But even the most hard-shelled isola-
tionist will have to admit that foreign affairs do
come up before the House and the Senate and
those men ought to know what the people expect
of them.
Protecting National Interests
The 1938 election has offered little light along
these lines and so there should be an effort upon
the part of Americans, either singly or through
group meetings, to keep their representatives in-
formed as to the stand which they should take in
protection of our national interests.

It seems to me that the leadership of Hitler has
already hurt America in a very tangible way.
Fascist diplomatic triumphs abroad have opened
the way to promote a rising tide of anti-Semit-
ism in this country. This is a foreign product
which we should shut out. Tell your Congressman
about it.
Insuring For Health
Though nothing came of the recent conference
in Washington between instructed delegates of
the American Medical Association and the Gov-
ernment's Interdepartmental Committee, it is
plain that the issue of medical care turns largely
on taxation, insurance or a combination of both.
It is also plain that the cost of medical care for
the needy must be spread without lowering medi-
cal standards and efficiency. But how?
Organized medicine advocates cash indemnity
insurance, yet maintains that there is no such
demand for medical care as the surveys show.
If there is no demand, there is little reason to,
suppose that cash benefits will be actually spent
for medical service. But assuming that willing-
ness to pay premiums is in itself evidence of
good intention, cash indemnity insurance is too
expensive for fifty millions in families with in-
comes of less than $1,000 a year-a class in which
morbidity and mortality is especially high. We
have, moreover, the experiences of the British
Provident Association, a non-profit organization,
which has recruited only 6,000 subscribers after
seventeen years of effort, though it has the same
sponsors as the London Hospital Saving Associa-
tion, which has enrolled virtually all Londoners
earning less than $30 a week in its hospital corkm

Rice's Melting Pot
When the final curtain at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre went down last
night on Play Production's initial ven-
ture of the year, the audience reaction
was "here's the best thing they've
done since 'This Proud Pilgrimage'
last semester."
For Elmer Rice's "Counsellor-at-
Law" is packed with the essence of
life. Sympathetic character identifi-
cation is simple, for in the drama you
identify yourself but all too readily.
Mr. Rice has peopled his play with
characters ranging from a bootblack
to a lawyer who lunches with United
States Senators; there is the fleshy
chorus girl, a fast-talking telephone
operator and a faster-talking counsel-
lor who is up for disbarment pro-
ceedings. There is the good-for-noth-
ing younger brother, a "Yiddishe"
momma, a "Goyishe" society wife,
and the good-natured counsellor,
Georgie. There is the dependable priv-
ate secretary, the loyal Irish process
server, the fresh office boy and the
commanding George Simon of the
law firm of Simon and Tedesco, coun-
From the fraction of characters
given here and the hints of plot
thrown off, it can be seen with what
detail Mr. Rice has written his play.
"Counsellor-at-Law" is so realistic
as to be sluggish and burdensome af-
ter a while. On the stage you will
find virtually every form of human
being that God created in His image
and according to Mr. Rice's use. There
is little discrimination in Mr. Rice's
melting pot; but it is home bred and
it is potent and convincing.
The plot revolves, of course,
around George Simon, a man who
has risen from nothing to a state of
great poverty; he is'a lost soul in a
dehumanized society. There are few
feople who love Simon; the majority
are parasites on him, loving him only
for what they can get out of him.
Simon started out in life with noth-
ing and the third act curtain shows
him a lonely, hollow man with only
his work to live for. Impeccably
played by Edward Jurist, George Si-
mon is realized to the uttermost.
When Mr. Jurist was not on stage,
there was an apparent lag and slow-
Iing up of the action. Certainly he
carried the greater part of the show
on his shoulders.
As Simon's blue-blooded, D.A.R.
wife, Sarah Pierce committed herself
to judicious overacting. Not so judi-
cious was Miriam Brous' interpreta-
tion of the telephone operator;
grossly exaggerated, she played her-
self out after the first few minutes
of her characterization. But there
were many juicy minor roles that
were played to the hilt. Arthur Klein,
playing a Union Square communist
agitator, fully deserved the round of
applause on his exit; his mother,
p1layed by Justine Silverblatt, was the
epitome of the sublimity of Jewish
motherhood; Nathan Gitlin, as the
loyal Irish process server, did so ex-
cellent a job that we were near to
murdering him until he got his story
out that saved Simon from disgrace.
But we cannot forget Mary Jordan
who played the secretary, Rexy Gor-
don. A newcomer, she performed like
a veteran and it was her simplicity
1 of character ,standing out in such
great contrast to Mr. Jurist's dynam-
ic portrayal, that impressed us tre-
Mr. Windt is to be congratulated
for his direction. So is- Robert Mel-
lencamp for his atmospheric set-
arguments. Dr. Hugh Cabot of Mayo
Clinic told National Health Conference
that it will "tend to fix the practice
of medicine in its present unsatisfac-

tory pattern." Since twenty million
people who now receive public assist-
ance and another twenty million who
must somehow exist on a sub-stan-
dard level will be unable to pay the

dersigned if you have not complied
with the specific requirements as
Herbert G. Watkins, Asst Secy.-
To Members of the University
Council: The November meeting of
the University Council will be omit-
ted Louis A., Hopkins, Secretary.
Women Students Attending the
Ohio State game: Women students
wishing to attend the Ohio State-.
Michigan football game are required
to register in the Office of the Dean
of Women. A letter of permission
from parents must be in this office not
later than Wednesday, Nov. 16. If
the student does not go by train, spe-
cial permission for another mode of
travel must be included in the par-
ent's letter. Graduate women are
invited to register in this office.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-!
sity has a limited amount of funds
. to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,'
University Hall.
Guide Service from the Union from
9:30 until 12:00 Saturday morning
to University buildings on the cam-
pus. Visitors are invited to avail
themselves of this service.
Albion College Alumni: Mrs. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven will entertain all
Albion College alumni and former
students at an informal party at her
home on South University Avenue
Friday evening, Nov. 18, at 8:00.
Husbands and wives of alumni and
students are also invited.
Last Day: Registration for Posi-
tions-Teaching and General: Sen-
iors, graduate students as well as
staff members are reminded that to-'
day, Friday, Nov. 11 is the last day for.
registration. Blanks may be obtained
at the office, 201 Mason Hall, hours
9-12 and 2-4.
February, June and August gradu-
ates are all urged to register at this
time as this is the only general regis-
tration to be held during this year.,
There is no charge for this service,
but after today, Nov. 11, all students
taking out blanks are subject to pay-
ment of $1 late registration fee.
University Bureau of Appomt-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation. 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
University Students: Group work
for rhythmic control of stuttering
daily at 3 and Saturday at 9:30.
A group in palatography will be ar-
ranged at the same hour if there is
sufficient interest in correcting ar-
ticulatory difficulties.
Speech Clinic, 1007 E. Huron.
Chamber Music Series. A series of
four chamber music concerts, made
possible through the sponsorship of
Mrs. R. B. Canfield, Mrs. H. B. Can-
field, Mrs. H. B. Earhart and Mrs.
James Inglis, will be given by the
School of Music at 4:15 o'clock on
Nov. 14, 17, 21 and 28, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Admission will be
by ticket. A limited number of tick-
ets are still available and will be given
out in the order of personal requests
at the School of Music as long as they
The Ann Arbor Art Association pre-
sents two exhibitions, water colors by
Jane Stanley, and Guatemalan tex-
tiles, in the galleries of Alumni Mem-
orial Hall. Nov. 9 through 23, daily,
2-5 p.m.

Notice to Graduate Civil Engineers:
Election of representatives to Gradu-
ate Council to be held today
in Room 227 West Engineering Bldg.
All Graduate Civils who have not yet
indicated their choice are requested
to vote.
Graduate Students in Oriental Lan-
guages and Literature are requested
to meet in Room 2029, Angell Hall,
at 5 p.m. this afternoon for the
purpose of electing representatives to
the Graduate Student Council.
Graduate Students in Speech and
General Linguistics are requested to
meet in Room 2029, Angell Hall, at
4 p.m. this afternoon for the pur-
pose of electing representatives to the
Graduate Student Council.
Polonia Literary Circle will meet at
the Michigan League tonight, Nov.
11, at 7:30.
T'echnocracy, Inc. "America Must
Show the Way" is the title of a talk
to be given at the Union tonight at
8 p.m. by James L. VanVliet at a
meeting sponsored by Technocracy,
Inc. The public is invited to attend.
Armistice Day Rally. "Keep Ameri-
ca Out of War" will be the topic dis-
cussed by Dr. Fred Poole, Superinten-
dent of Religious Education of the
Methodist Church of Michigan, and
Francis A. Hensen, Administrative
Secretary of the United Automobile
Workers, in Natural Science Auditori-
um this afternoon at 4 p.m., under
the auspices of the Michigan Anti-
War Committee.
The Armistice Day Rally for Peace
and Democracy will be held at 4 p.m.
today in the Michigan League Ball-
room. Mr. Lottis Goyette, Director
of the American League for Peace and
Democracy in the State of Michigan,
will speak on "America's Task in the
Struggle for Peace Today." Every-
body is cordially invited to attend.
The TGTS for Episcopal Students
and their friends will meet today at
Harris Hall from 3-6 p.m.
Academic Notices
Stalker Hall. Class in "Through the
New Testament" led by Dr. Bra-
shares at 7:30 p.m. At 9:00 the
regular Friday night party. All
Methodist students and their friend.
are cordially invited to both the class
and the party.
Friday Services at the Hillel Foun-
dation: 5:30, Orthodox services. 8:Q
p.m. Reform services.
Sermon: "The Distinctiveness of
Judaism" by Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz.
9:30, Social Hour. Hostess, Mrs.
Samuel Bothman.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Dean Edward H.
Kraus on "Die Schmucksteinschleifer
von Idar-Oberstein," illustrated with
lantern slides.
Freshman Roundtable: Dean Alice
Lloyd will discuss "The Potential
Criminal-Whose Fault?" at Lane
Hall, Sunday, 4 p.m.
Inter-Guild Rally: Howard Thur-
man of Howard University, Wash-
ington, D.C., will speak on "Peace?"
at the Congregational Church, State
and Williams, Sunday, 7:30 p.m.
International Relations Club: Meet-
ing at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, in the
Henderson Room of the League.
Society of Automotive Engineers:
Closed meeting in Detroit, Monday,

1 Nov. 14, 8 p.m. at the Statler Hotel.
Plans are to attend the Auto Show in
'the afternoon and the meeting at
night "What's Wrong with the 1939
Cars," open to S.A.E. members only.
Membership blanks and guest tickets
to the Auto Show available from
1Dave Smith, Room 325 West En-'
gineering, Friday 2 to 4 or at the Auto
Lab. Transportation to be arranged
in private cars.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 2) of Palmyra" at 4:15 p.m. on Wednes-
. day, Nov. 30, in the Rackham Amphi-
ments with any insurance organiza- theatre under the auspices of the Mu-
cion exc-,pt the Teachers Insurance seum of Classical Archaeology. The
and Annuity Association of America public is cordially invited.
and contributions will not be made by
tihe University nor can premium pay- E e t '
ments be deducted except in the case Events T6day
of annuity or insurance policies of Chinese Students Notice: A mass
this association. meeting against aggressive war and
9. The general administration of fascism. sponsored by various campus
the annuity and insurance business clubs will be held on Armistice Day
has been placid in the hands of the at 4 p.m. in the Michigan League
Secretary of the University by the Ball Room. All Chinese students are
Regents. t urged to attend.
Please communicate with the un-

cost, we must present the
surance to employers in in
commerce. It follows that
will have to set up elab
keeping and tax-collectir
and turn over the practice
of medicine to a bureauq
may easily fall under po
We need a much more r
pro achto this problem
car than has yet been sugg
er by organized medicineo
ernment, so far as insuran
ation are concerned. For1

bill for in-
idustry and
the States
orate book-
ng systems
and control
racy which
litical con-
realistic ap-
of medical
gested eith-
or the Gov-
ce and tax-
the Ameri-

can Medical Association it must bel
said that it has made some important Exhibition, College of Architecture:
concessions particularly in at last Drawings made by groups of students
approving Federal grants-in-aid; for j in Architecture and Landscape Design
the Government that it has tried to at the University of Illinois, Ohio
follow Professor inslow's doctrine State, Cincinnati, Michigan, Armour
that "the physician exists for the Institute, Iowa State College, in com-
patient, not the patient for the physi- petition for the Ryerson Scholarship
cian." There remains the hope that which is offered annually for travel'
out of hearings which must be held abroad by the Lake Forest Founda-
when a medical care bill is introduced tion for Architecture and Landscape
in the next Congress a formula will Architecture. Open daily except Sun-
come which will be suitable for Ameri- day, 9 to 5, through Nov. 14; third
can conidtions-a formula which will floor exhibition room, Architectural
remove the restrictions under which Building. The public is invited.
medical care may now be purchased,
which will enable physicians to nrac- I ,

tice either as members of groups or
of hospital staffs, and which will re-
duce to a minimum the burden of:
taxation that is sure to be imnposed.
As yet no one has consulted the tax-
payer, who will be asked to pay for


Lecurts Soph Cabaret: There will be a mass
University, Lecture: Thomas Doe- meeting for all sophomore women in-
sing, Director of the Pulklic Library terested in working on Soph Cabaret
Administration of Denmark, will give Monday at 5 p.m. in the ballroom of
a lecture on "Folk High Schools in the League. It is very important'
Denmark" on Thursday, Nov. 17, at that all women who wish to work on

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