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November 11, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-11

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Cloudy and colder.


Mfr iAau


The Beginniig
Of Federalized Medicine

VOL. XLIX. No. 41




S __________________ S

Ataturk Dead;
Liver Ailment
Ends Dictator's
15 Year Reign
Turk Assembly To Choose
Successor To Leader
Who Modernized Nation
Britan And Reich
Watch For Choice
ISTANBUL, Nov. 10-(P)-Kamal
Ataturk who built and ruled modern
Turkey with a clenched fist died to-
day at the age of 58.
There were unconfirmed reports
that the Turkish President whom
Parliament named Ataturk-"Father
of the Turks"-had left a political
testament to guide his successor in
his own rigid doctrine of Westerniza-
tion and nationalism. /
No one expected Turkey's new lead-
ership to turn in the immediate future
from the domestic foreign balance
which Ataturk achieved for this na-
tion, strategicallly situated between
the East and the West.
Borrowed Before Illness
Before Ataturk became gravely ill
in mid-October he was borrowing
money for Turkey with little discrim-
ination from both Britain and Ger-
many, although his early struggle for
power was tinged' with bitter hatred
For 'the influence of both.
The British and German foreign
offices were known to have keen in-
terest in his successor and the future
course of Turkey.
The President of the National As-!
sembly,'Abdul Halik Renda, assumed
the interim Presidency upon the
passing of the ashen-faced "gray
wolf." A Governmnt ,proclamation
announced convocation of the assem-
bly to elect a new Chief Executive.
probably tomuorrow.
Inou Likely Successor
General Ismet Inonu, known as the
"military bookkeeper," premier for 13
of the 15 years that Ataturk headed
the state, was the most likely choice.
A parliamentary group of the major-
ity party decided to support Inonu,)
apparently assuring his election.
Ataturk once said of Inonu, "he is
my conscience-he is always on the
alert and finds out what is wrong
and criticizes me."
Day and night eight physicians
had helped Ataturk fight his illness
in the great alabaster palace of Dolma
Bagtche on the Bosphorus from which
Ataturk had ejected the last Sultan
of the old Ottoman Empire.
But the rugged spirit of this man
who had always lived as he liked-
hard and fast-failed him in the sec-
ond crisis of two months. He died
after 12 hours of coma at 9:05 a.m.
(2:05 a.m., EkS.T.) of cirrhosis of the
Pershing Asks
Adequate Army And Navy
Is Urged By General
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10- k)m -
General John J. Pershing counselled
the nation today, 20 years after he
led the American armies to victory in
the World War, to take "prompt and
rigorous action" to reinforce its de-
"The situation in the world today

is as menacing as at any critical time
in history," the gray, but erect, com-
mander of the A.E.F. said in an Arm-
istice Day statement.
"Lest there be visited upon us the
recent experience of England and
France," he urged an "adequate,"
thoroughly trained and equipped
army, supported by a mobilized in-
"We are the natural protectors of
the freedom of this hemisphere, and
we can not escape our obligation," he
Pershing's pronouncement; a rare
expression of his views on public af-
fairs, came on the eve of a nation-
wide observance of a day of peace
which is overshadowed this year by
reminders of war.
New Paper Trend
Seen By Brumm
Newspapers in the not-too-distant
future will have a front page consist-
i~c nnlr .fnia oi c -ih rwof4z-

Medical Group's Annual Meeting
Draws Nation's Authorities Here

Faculty Members Attend
First Session Today;
Walthall Will Preside
Medical experts from all over the
nation gather in Ann Arbor today
to open the 17th annual meeting of
the University of MichiganmPediatric
and Infectious Disease Society.
Dr. Damon Walthall of Kansas
City, president of the society, will*
open the first meeting at 2 p.m.
in the University Hospital. His presi-
dential address is entitled "Post Lac-
tation Feeding." Other medical auth-
orities who will read fifteen minute
papers at the opening session are:
Dr. Clement A. Smith of Boston, Dr.
John L. Law of Ann Arbor, Dr. Louise
Schnute and Mrs. E. W. Mallory of
Ann Arbor, Dr. Franklin J. Mellen-
camp of Ann Arbor, Dr. Mark L. Os-
terlin of Traverse City, Alice H.'
Kempf and Dr. W. J. Nungester of
Ann Arbor and Dr. Harry A. Tows-
ley of Ann Arbor.
A special open forum session, open
to the public, will be held at 7:40 p.m.
tomorrow evening in the amphi-
theatre of the Graduate School. After
introductory remarks by Dr. Murray
For 1938 Won
By Pearl Buck'
'Good Earth' Gains Prize
For American; Physics
Honors Go To Italian
STOCKHOLM, Nov. 10-(P)-An
American, Pearl Buck, author of "The
Good Earth," and an Italian, Enrico
Fermi of the University of Rome,
discoverer of a new element, today
won the 1938 Nobel Prizes for Litera-
ture and Physics-$37,975 each.
The literature award went to Mrs.
Buck for the novel on Chinese life,
one of her several novels dealing with
the China she camp to know as the
daughter of missionary parents.
Observers commented on the fact
that "The Good Earth" was published
in 1931 and Nobel Prizes usually are
restricted to works published in the
year preceding each award. "The ,
Good Earth" also won the 1932 Pulit-
zer Prize.i
Mrs. Buck, who now lives at Greati
Neck, N,. Y., was born in 1892 at
Hillsboro, W. Va. She is the third,
American to win the Nobel Literature
award. The others were Sinclair Lew-
is in 1930 and Eugene O'Neill in 1936.
It was announced that Fermi won
the Physics Prize "as a reward for
his discovery of new elementary radio-
active substances engendered by ir-
radication of neutrons" and for other
research on reactions created by neu-
Football Ticket Resale ,
To Be Held Tomorrow
The final Union-sponsored foot-
ball ticket resale service of the sea-,
son will be conducted from 9 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union
lobby, according to James Halli-
gan, '40F&C, Union social chair-
man. Tickets brought in will prob-I
ably be resold, Halligan said, be-
cause of the great demand for
seats for this game.
- - - - - - - - - -- -

Cowie, Professor of Pediatrics and
Infectious Diseases at the University,
the following University speakers will
discuss various phases of clinical and
pathological work: Dr. Norman Fi.'
Miller. Professor of Obstetrics and
Gynecology; Dr. Albert C. Fursten-
burg, Dean of the medical school.,
Dr. Vincent C. Johnson, Professor of
Roentgenology; and Dr. Carl V. Well-
er, Professor of Pathology. The open
forum discussions will be opened by
Dr. George Kamperman and Dr.
Earl W. May of Detroit, and Dr.
Samuel W. Donaldson of Ann Arbor.
The program will be closed with a
session at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the
University Hospital. The pathology of
various juvenile diseases will be
probed in papers by six speakers.
New Species Of Snake
Named After Ruthven
A new species of garter snake
"thamnophis ruthveni," has been
named in honor of President Ruth-
This was revealed in one of seven
research papers published recently by
the Museum of Zoology. Norman
Hartweg and James A. Oliver, who
wrote this particular paper on three
newly-discovered snakes from the
Pacific slope, said this honor was
bestowed on President Ruthven be-
cause of his contributions to the
knowledge of systematics.
William Henry Burt, in another of
the papers has reported on the first
specimens of a dwarf race of spotted
skunk to reach an American museum.
Mr. Burt did not name them after
Prosperity Seen
Election Resul
In Wall Street
FDR's Conf erenees Bring
Predictions Of A New
National Economic Plan
NEW YORK, Nov. 10-0P-Stimu-
lation of private industry-particu-
larly heavy goods-coupled with
major reductions in relief spending,
is expected by some leading figures
in the financial and industrial com-
munity as a sequel to the election.
Private and extended cnversations
during the past six weeks between
President Roosevelt and some busi-
ness leaders have led these Wall Street
sources to forecast a new phase of
national economic policy for the final
half of the President's second term.
Fully recognizing that character-
istics of the new economic plan may
be altered before its delivery to the
nation, they said they discerned some
of its principal features to be:
1. A long range heavy industry
recovery program under the guise of
national defense, which Wall Street-
ers have urged as likely to be more
enduring that the short-lived recovery
cycles depending on WPA and other{
efforts to stimulate consumers goods.
2. A drive to get 80 per cent or

GOP Demands
Roosevelt Veer
Toward Right
Proninent New Dealers
Hold 'Liberal Policies'
Were Not Repudiated
IRepublican Gains
May Stall Congress
Prominent Republicans, flushed by
their Party's victories at the polls,
appeared last night to be getting
ready to serve a virtual ultimatum
on President Roosevelt in some such
words as these:
"Veer to the right, or face two
years of stalemate in Congress!"
They expressed confidene that,
combined with Democrats critical of
many Roosevelt policies, they could
block the President if he insisted on
following a "leftward" course.
On the other hand, prominent New
Dealers were declaring that the elec-
tion was not a repudiation of Presi-
dent Roosevelt's "liberal policies."
Secretary of the Interior Ickes spoke
of the possibility of Mr. Roosevelt be-
ing drafted for a third term drive
in the interests of continuing the
New Deal.
Meanwhile returns from Tuesday's
balloting were all but complete. They
showed that 81 Republican votes had
been added to that Party's roster in
the House, and eight in the Senate.
One House election remained in
doubt. ,
In the Indiana Senatorial race,
which was so close that it was decided
only'yesterday afternoon, Sen. Fred-
erick Van Nuys, Democrat, finally
beat Raymond E. Willis. In Iowa,
scene of another nip-and-tuck con-
test, Sen. Guy M. Gillette, Democrat,
was the apparent winner over former
Sen. Lester Dickinson, Republican.
In all, but without counting the
uncertain elections, the Republican
Party held 170 places in the House,
out of a total membership of 435
and 23 seats in the Senate of a total
of 96. Thus a coalition of 48 anti-
New Deal Democrats with the Repub-
lican membership would give such
forces a majority. On some past
issues. many more than 48 Democrats
have deserted the Administration. In
the Senate, the Republicans would
have to pick up 26 Democratic votes
to assume command.g
Dead Men Tell No Tales
-But Sometimes Vote
PENN YAN, N. Y., Nov. 10-(AP)-
A dead man's vote was counted in
last Tuesday's Yates County Returns,
Election Commissioner Fred Rogers
said tonight.
The vote was the absentee ballot
nailed by Elnathan Meade from
Battle Creek, Mich., before he died
Meade, 93-year-old Civil War veter-
an, was for years doorkeeper of the
President's Gallery' in the House of
Representatives. He claimed nearby
Middlesex as his home town.

Clothing Union
Will Demand
Salary Increase

Auto Magnates
Expect Increase
In 1939 Output
NEW YORK. Nov. 10.-(P)-The
'Yaitx ot bniln hipf pf i d

{CIO To Pet
For Subs
Under Wc
300,000 4
The CIO's Ama
Workers Union
demand a 60 per

nations auomone cnieis, reaay u
ition Andrews lift the lid here tomorrow on the New
tantial Raises York City automobile show, enthusi-
age-Hour Law astically hailed the 1939 car outlook.
K. T. Keller. president of Chrysler
Corp., said it is indica-ted automobile:
output during the 1939 model year in
Be Affected the United States and Canada will
range between 2,750,000 and 3,500,000,
passenger cars and trucks compared
[, Nov. 10.-(P- with a probable total of 2,225,000
algamated Clothing mnits in 1938.
decided tonight to Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.. chairman of
cent increase in the _ FI"-- .,

minimum hourly wage rate which
President Sidney Hillman estimated
would affect more than 300,000 men
and women workers.
Hillman said his Executive Com-'
mittee decided to petition Elmer F.
Andrews, Administrator of the new
Federal Wage and Hour Law, to ap-
point a committee before which the
Union could present its demands that
the clothing workers' minimum pay of
25 'cents an hour be boosted to 40
Hillman said his Union has more
than 250,000 members in 42 statesI
and that such a wage increase would1
affect at least 50,000 more persons.
The clothing workers group was'
one of the first arriving here for the
first constitutional convention of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, which opens Monday with
about 500 delegates expected.
John L. Lewis, chairman of the
CIO, and other leaders of the 46 af-
filiated unions and organizing com-
mittees, are to start working on an
agenda for the Convention tomorrow.
Lewis arrived here tonight and de-
clined to comment on the report of
the International Ladies Garment
Workers Union's committee report
blaming him for preventing a re-
newal of peace conferences with the
"I just arrived and am cleaning'
up," the CIO chieftain said. "I
haven't anything to say until to-1
morrow." ,
The Garment Workers report, is-
sued today in Washington and sub-
mitted to the Union's Executive'
Board, asserted Lewis' position andl
unity proposals he outlined made
their efforts to bring about peace
Insurgents Hal t
Loyalist Drive
Reinforced Army Checks
Segre River Offensive '
HENDAYE, France (at the Spanish)
frontier), Nov. 10.-(P)-The Span-
ish Insurgent command reported to-I
night that its newly reinforced army
on the 4Segre River front had halted
the Government's four-day-old of-,
Government dispatches, by report-
ing no new gains, indicated the drive
was meeting strong resistance. Earlier
Government advices said Lerida was
being encircled in an expansion oft
the strong foothold west of the SegreI
in southern Catalonia.
The Government's front on ,thel
west bank of the Ebro which a week
ago was said to have been reduced
to a width of 25 miles was reported
now to be only about 10 miles wide.
The Insurgents said they were
pushing north from Venta de Los
Camposines toward Asco, the last im-
portant town held by the Govern-
ment on the west bank.

General Motors Corp., said there is a
better demand than a year ago, and
"while it is too early to measure its
depth, present indications are favor-
J. R. Davis, general sales managerl
of Ford Motor Co., said Ford antici-
pated "an increase of 50 per cent" in
sales of its 1939dmodels, compared
with the 1938 model year.
Alvan McCauley, president of the
Automobile Manufacturers Associa-
tion, and of Packard Motor Car Co.,
declared "public response to the 1939
new model automobiles has been en-
thusiastic, buying has exceeded our
expectations, and business should be
further accelerated by public first-
hand study of the new cars at the
automobile show."
Two Meetings
Will Celebrate
Armistice Day
Keeping U.S. Out Of War
To Be Topic; To Send.
Request To President
Two Armistice Day programs will
be held at 4 p.m. today at which vary-
ing opinions on America's part in the
current World Crisis will be present-
ed. One meeting sponsored by the
Progressive Club will be held in the
Michigan League, and the raly under
the auspices of the Anti-War Com-,
mittee in the Natural Science Audi-
Louis Gouette, state director of the
American League for Peace and De-
mocracy, will speak for the Progres-
sive Club on "America's Task in the
Peace Movement."
Co-sponsors 'of the meeting are the
American League for Peace and De-
mocracy, the American Committee to
Aid China, the YWCA, the YMCA,
the Negro Students Club, Omega Psi
Phi and Avukah.
Dr. Fred Poole, superintendent of
Religious Education of the Methodist
Church of Michigan, Francis Hensen,
Administrative Secretary of the Unit-
ed Automobile Workers and Miss Rob-
in Myers of the National Council of
the Youth Committee Against War,
will speak for the Anti-War Commit-
tee. The theme of the meeting is,
"Keep America Out of War."
In view of the acute conditions re-
sulting from the Munich Pact and
the capture of Canton and Hankow
by the Japanese, said a member of
the executive board of the Progres-
sive Club, a petition will be circulat-

Nazis Aveng
With Volenc<
Aainst Jews
Vom Rath Killing Excite
Fierce Pogrom; Million
In PropertyDestroye
New Repressive,
Laws Threatenec
BERLIN, Nov. 10.-()P)-The great
est wave of anti-Jewish violence sinc
Adolf Hitler came to power in 193
swept Nazi Germany today and Je'w
were threatened with new officih
measures against them.
Millions of dollars worth of Jewis
property was destroyed by angr
crowds. Jewish stores were lootet
Synagogues were burned, dynamite
or damaged in a dozen cities.
Propaganda Minister Paul Josep
Goebbels, calling for a halt, in t
demonstrations, declared that, "T h
final answer to Jewry will be give
in the form of laws or decrees."
It was a nation-wide day of ven
geance for the death yesterday c
Ernst Vom Rath, Secretary of th
German Embassy in Paris, who wa
shot Monday by a 17-year-old Jev
Herschel Grynszpan.
Shop Windows Smashed
Bands of youths roved the stred
of Berlin and other cities from earl
morning, on, smashing windows c
Jewish shops. In many places crow
which gathered after daybrea
pushed into the establishments an
came out with loot. Most of Ber
hn's 1,000 Jewish stores were plu-
Sounds of breaking glass and shot
of looters died away only near mid
night. Hundreds of Jews voluntar "
spent the night in jails fearing wors
violence as reports of burning an
looting continued to come in fror
many cities.
At the height of the demonstratio
few police were seen. One tietach
ment of police in, the heart of Berli
was charged by a mob which pushe
then aside and- bean plunderin'e
After more than12 hours
violence Goebbels appealed to th
people to refrain from fu'ther dei
People Refuse To Stop
The appeal was issued at 4 p.m
but at first apparently had no effe
in the west end of Berlin. Thr
hours later it was repeated by radi
Then police appeared on Koenig-
strasse, where°a 'number ofJewis
shops are situated, arrested 21 loote
and cleared the street.
"The justifiable and understanc
able indignation of the German pe
ple over the cowardly Jewish murdE
of a German diplomat in Paris h
resulted during the past night in e
tensive demonstrations," Goebbel
appeal said.
"In numerous cities and commun
ties of the Reich, acts of violence we
committed against Jewish buildini
and businesses.
"The entire population is now, hov
ever, strictly requested to desist in
mediately from all further demo
strations and actions of whatever ni
ture against Jewdom.

more of those on WPA payrolls back 1 ,
in gainful public employment within anl
15 months, with the objective of par- Be
ing down relief spending to a mini- Red Cross{
3, Drastic reduction'of PWA and all y
forms of Federal grants, except for l
national defense.Annual ol al Drive
- --Seeks Financial Aid


The annual Roll Call Campaign of
Analysis Of Election Results
the Red Cross of America begins to-
day and continues until Thanksgiv-
Enp sizes New Dcal Losses ing.
In Ann Arbor, Sunday will be "Red
1 tnC 1" nx " rh + t nr

ed to be sent to President Roosevelt
and Secretary of State Cordell Hull.
The petition urges that the govern-
ment place an embargo on military
supplies and arms to Japan, lift the
embargo on Spain and place an em-
bargo on Germany.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10--(4)-The
newest compilations of Tuesday's
election results only serve to empha-
size, in the opinion of most analysts,
the magnitude of the reverses suf-
ered by the New Deal.
The turnovers of offices fell short of
a political revolution only because
of the stupendous Congressional
majorities the Democrats accumulat-
ed between 1930 and 1938. In almost
any other election year back to dimly
recalled times, such a sweep as the
Republicans achieved last Tuesday
would have meant actual transfer of
party control of either House or Sen-
Had that happened, President
Roosevelt would have been heading
back to Washington to prepare for
the next Congress in circumstances
strikingly similar to the experience
of his only two Democratic predeces-
sors in the White House since the

would leave the Senate still Demo- ' I ul *Zs u4, IW.L aterUoUn, i a

Budget Of Student In Ann Arbor
Relatively Low, Figures Reveal

Yet the nose count of party,
strength in the new Congress is only
part of the political story. It doesI
not take account of the opposition
President Roosevelt has encountered
from members of his own party.
That opposition found its leader-
ship and chief spokesmen among
Democrats from the North and the
West; but the core of its strength
lay among southern Democrats. It
was first disclosed in the Senate fightI
over the Roosevelt proposal to re-
make the Supreme Court and thus
clear the way for the far-reaching
program of permanent economic and
social changes he planned. It was as)
sharply emphasized in the intra-party
Democratic fighting over government
reorganization, tax policy and the
wage-hour bill. It was even more
dramatically involved in Mr. Roose-
velt's futile nurge warfare against

WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-P)--
President Roosevelt called on the
nation tonight to -help finance
"ever increasing" demands of the
Red Cross.
He said in X statement on the eve
of the annual Red Cross roll call
hat the agency always stands
ready to answer emergencies wher-
ever they arise.
"In order that we may continue
u rely upon this great institution
of mercy to thus serve suffering
humanity in our name, we must all
do our part when the Red Cross
calls upon us." Mr. Roosevelt said.
house canvass will be conducted from
2 to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, booths will occupy strate-
gic positions in banks, department
stores and drug stores in town.

The opinion has long been preva--I
lent on the Michigan campus that I
living expenses in Ann Arbor are,
extraordinarily high and that towns-
people charge students outrageous
This belief appears to be practically:
without foundation upon an examina-'
tion of the budgets furnished by the
iarious schools in their pamphlets of
general information. Confining the
comparison to the Big Ten where con-
ditions most nearly approximate
those here, Ann Arbor is found to
allow a relatively inexpensive budget.
Michigan's budget for living neces-
sities is $545 for residents and $585
for non-residents, while the Univer-

the possibility that the accommoda-]
tions vary greatly in value received.
Michigan, Northwestern, Chicago,:
and Wisconsin all quote $250 as the7
annual board bill. The other schoolsr
run very close to this figure and Ohio
State is again lowest with $180. y
There are many complaints about
the cost of books here being exorbi-
tant, but the Chicago student has to
count on paying about $60 for his'
texts and the Wisconsin student $50,
while the Michigan text-book bill
averages about $30. The other schools
in the Big Ten are no .ower than
Laundry prices are another item
that receives more than its share of
abuse. The $35 that Michigan stu-
dents exnend is very modest when

La'w Review
Is Out Today
Articles Oi Wage Law And
Hines Case Featured
An article on the procedure in dis-
missing the Hines trial in New York
last summer by Prof. John B. Waite
of the Law School and an analysis of
the new Wages and Hours Law by
Frank E. Cooper, member of the De-
troit bar and graduate of the Univer-
sity Law School, are among the fea-
tures of the November issue of the
Michigan Law Review, which is being
distributed today.
This first issue of the current
school year also includes a discussion
by Lester W. Feezer, professor of law
at the University of Arizona, of "Man-
ufacturer's Liability for Injuries
Caused by His Product: Defective Au-
tomobiles." "Recent Developments in
Actions Against Non-Resident Motor-
ists" is discussed by Maurice S. Culp,
professor of law at Emory University.
Comments on recent legislation and
decisions throughout the country by
students in the Law School are also
included. This is the first issue un-
der the new editor, Prof. Paul G.

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