THE MICHIGAN DAILY IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS FOB. DETROIT . A New Presentation Of Modern Industrialism POWER Inclusive Study Of Regionalism In America Proves Valuable' ).B DETROIT Wessel Smitter. HIarper & Brothers Publishers, N.Y., 938. $2.50. FO.B. Detroit, the first novel of a w Harper "find," Wessel Smitter, serves the attention of many of us Ann Arbor for several reasons. The thor is a graduate of the Univer- y, Lft. '22. The locale of the story so close to Ann Arbor that consid- ible pleasure lies in the recogni- n of places and institutions. Yet e actual narrative is so remote from e existence of most of us in the iversity, that there is little pos- ility of boredom resulting from miliarity. And more important an all these reasons, it is an ex- Fmely readable novel. 'hrough the simple, narrative pre- ntation of a brief portion of the life tons of hot steel. But changes in production eliminated the necessity of Russ' work, and he found himself transferred to the assembly line. The discipline, the intense mechan- ization, the complete defeat of the worker as anything other than part' of the giant machine are all present- ed in the complete picture of the operation of the Holt system. Russ' reaction to this is best given in his own words, his most eloquent in the book: a young man and his struggle to e happily in a factory town, the au- >r arrives at a severe criticism of e contemporary industrial civiliza- n. Russ, a romantic individualist, attracted to Detroit, and Mr. Holt's ctory by the high wages. His plan o work for a short while, and return his outdoor life with enough mon- to establish himself in a small siness, "clamming." During his st day, waiting outside the employ- mnt gate of Mr. Holt's factory, Russ :ked up with Bennie, a product of troit and the Holt system, and the o chief characters, totally different their backgrounds, psychologies, d attitudes, remain together roughout the book. Russ' first , at the controls of a huge, der- k-like, manipulator of steel bars, tisfied him. He knew and liked g machines, enjoyed the thrill of in, I master over loads of several "I'm not sentimental," he said in his quiet way. "At least, I don't think I am. I see things for what they are worth to me. When I was in the drop forge I had a man's job and did a man's work. It was fun. Remember how I used to stay after the bell rang and try to workout ideas for get- ting the work done faster, better? I had a chance to use the brains I was born with. Old Betsy, here, gave me a chance to get the most out of myself. When a job was done, I looked it over. Took some of the credit, if it was good. Took some of the blame if it was not. Tried to figure out how to do it better the next time. Old Betsy was geared to my brain- did what I wanted it to do. Gave its strength to my hand, gave its power to my will. I was the boss. "But in the motor assembly, Bennie, it's different. There the machine is the boss. The machine does the nice work-the hard work-the part that takes skill. The machine's everything and gets credit for the work done. You're nothing until you've learned to be a gear-a small part of the big machine-until there's nothing left of you but a very small cog without any will. You start and stop when the ma- chine's ready-go slow or fast as the machine tells you. The ma- chine counts-you don't. And why should you? You don't fur- nish the brains. You don't fur- 1 nish the skill. All you do is fas- ten a nut, put on a washer, stamp on a number. The machine does the real job. It's the big boss standing over your head-grind- ing you down-wasting your strength-whittling away at your brain. Making you a small part of its dead, mechanical self." 1 The reader will remember Of Mice and Men, and George and Lennie's constant dream of ,their own farm, and realize that Russ' dream of re- turning to the open air and of his "clamming," is another piece of the same escape mechanism. In Of Mice and Men, however, it was a person-; ality flaw which defeated the dream, while in F.O.B. Detroit, it is the sys- tem. The vivid descriptions of the, factory will remind many of Modern Times, and again there is a major difference. Charlie, through his in- ability to fit into the industrial sys- tem, became a pathetic figure. Russ, through his defeat by the system, emerges as a tragic figure of consid- erable contemporary significance. It is interesting that the publisher comments on the book-jacket, "But don't get the idea that F.O.B. Detroit is another 'proletarian novel. This is precisely what it is not." It is not, if you consider that Marxian vocabu- lary, much labor union activity, and the inevitable indication of the fu- ture, glorious day for labor, are es- sential trappings of the proletarian. novel, for this novel possesses none of these. Very possibly it is super- ior to the biggest bulk of it, in its! basic honesty, and sheer readability, but it still is proletarian literature. Sterling North Praises Bertrand Russell's NewWork POWER, A NEW SOCIAL ANALYSIS A cool measured calm usually7 by Bertrand Russell. Norton, New marks the receptiondwhich the read-1 York., $3.00. ing public a ccords to academic} Y $studies. Why such admirable re- By STERLING NORTH straint - which has greeted even thei (from the Chicago Daily News) major work of Boas, Cooley Veblen,j Books these days are usually dated stre.gem to know concerning "leadersi before they can reach the book stores.ndm foows, c the biology of Here is a splendid analysis of power crganizations," the forms of power,, by our distinguished guest, Bertrand their uses and, historically speaking, Russell, which, however, contains this their end results. quaint reminder of the days when Russell maintains that just as "en-+ England was a first-class power: ergy" is the lowest common demon-l "Liberals disliked the Czar and inator in any study of the physical: Conservatives dislike Stalin; but universe, so is "power" in any study: neither Sir E. Grey nor Mr. Eden of society. He analyzes for us priest-+ could permit such matters of taste ly power, kingly power, revolutionary to interfere with the pursuit of Brit- power, economic and military power, ish interest." the power of propaganda, the ethics Since that sentence was written a of power and, finally, how we can Tory banker has thoroughly dis- tame the beast. proved Mr.. Russell's contention that Bertrand Russell's program for class interests in modern England avoiding "naked" power is somewhat never come before those of the em- Utopian. It includes raising the stan- pire. Democracy has been sold fort dard of living even in the Orient to 30 pieces of political silver. England that of the United States in 1929, the, has lost a world war. And a clique of complete elimination of war, state gangsters who believe in what Ber- ownership of land and large-scale in- trand Russell calls "naked" power dustry, with democratic control over has reduced the European democra- these forms of wealth. cies to a kennel of whipped curs. But the conclusion the reader is It is, in fact, a great tragedy that likely to read between the lines is Neville Chamberlain did nct read and that power-hungry man never will be commit to memory this book by Ber- satisfied until he has destroyed his trand Russell. It would, for instance, own species as the ultimate gesture have told him so much he doesn't )f his megalomania. AMERICAN REGIONALISM by 0. Odum and H. E. Moore. He Holt, New York. $5.00 By STANLEY LEBERGOTT H. inry Parrington -should be shattered byf the publication of American Region-' alism is not at first apparent. For the book is long, unconscionably long. Its paragraphs have the competent spineless vigor of most academic1 work. And even when concise, the thought is too often lost in green jungles of scholarly phrase. But if any study of our time has justified immoderate rejoicing, this is it.dIt must permanently slant the reader's thoughts towards the theory and practice of regionalism, however little he remembers of that torrent of fact and definition. For American Regionalism has solid substance. And its reaching implications, can give new directions to the analysis and discussion of all the studies of man. Skillfully walking around the sub- ject "with millions of words, in the parade of the life of the mind" (as D. H. Lawrence once wrote), Odum and Moore arrive at definition of re- gionalism; : the study and utilization areas that are: 1. of roughly uniform character, and 2. constitute units in a larger whole. The first chapters outline geographic regions (the Hud- son river valley, the corn belt), m e t r o p o l i t a n cultural regions (Greater New York, Chicago, and other city states), literary regions (the South, the West), and several other varieties of social-geographic grouping. From these regions, and with the aid of 700 indices, (500 measures were employed merely to determine whether Maryland was more a Northern than a Southern state) the authors construct sixxregions for future social planning; Northeast and west, Southeast and west, to- gether with the middle and far West. Each of these is presented in a long and detailed chapter that typically wavers in amazing. fashion between statistics from dry-as-dust mono- graphes, and lists of cities, 'whose sounding beauty of name recalls Lanier and Whitman. Concluding pages outline the "Pro- blems and Strategy of Regional Development Towards National In- tegration." First, there is an honest review of America's balance sheet, a weighting of the underprivileged one third of a nation, the empty-eyed line of the unemployed, against the rivers, the forests and the whole of our natural wealth. Second, ampicture of the way in which the America that is ours has grown against the dark patterns of the past. In this work we find a demanding exhortation to see the continuity of the new regionalism with the old. Great festival is made for such con- nection and for the value of the older social techniques, while shrewd in- sight of Justice Holmes is overlooked: "Continuity with the past is a necess- ity, not a duty." And finally, a wizened little social "plan" is offered. Unfortunately 'it is based primarily on the data of this study, which was necessarily restricted in scope, and oyerlooks other facts than those of regionalism; overlooks, for example, economic groupings, which are every whit as significant as real, regional ones. This program is rather unfor- Stunate, but-the two outstanding ac- complishments of American Region- alism remain. KNOTS YOU ALL AR If HAVE SEN SEE THIS WEEK'S POST h2HAVEoSEEDT' Z ptige 145 I. The foor-Knob Knot 2 the Pee-Wee 'Kat 3 Tre Pump-Handle ft4 The Skmwgee Knot 5 The Arrow Knot. ; . , .. [)AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A Reply To Professor Jones, Or Is It As Bad As All That? (Continued from Page 4) By JOSEPH IES r- I don't know whether modern fic- ieet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- tion needs any apology or not, es- g at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. pecially from me. Sometimes I like it Professor L. d. Brockway will speak, and sometimes I don't, and I suppose n "Electron diffraction in gases, V' " _that some of it is good and some of it Graduate Chemistry Reception. An isn't. But it seems to me that it has formal reception for all graduate had more than its share of abuse ;udents and faculty in pure and ap- 'from one angle. This occurred to me lied chemistry will be held in the after reading an article by Mr. How- [orace H. Rackham Building on ard Mumford Jones in The Atlantic ednesday evening, Nov. 9, from 8 to Monthly, entitled Relief From Mur- 0 p.m. Wives of faculty and stu- Ider. As a matter of fact I really read ents are cordially invited. Exhibits the article in its condensed form in nd novelties have been arranged. Re- 1The Reader's Digest, because I hard- reshments will be served. ly over read The Atlantic Monthly anyway, but the gist of it was there, 1J E The Engish Journal Club will meet. if the Reader's Digest editors are' in the West Conference Room of the doing their job in as creditable a man- Rackham Building Thursday eve- ner as we are entitled to expect from ping, Nov. 10, at eight o'clock. Dr. them. John Arthos, of the English depart- Mr. Jones, who migrated from ment, will discuss "The Relation of Michigan to Harvard three years ago, Poetic Diction to Scientific Lan- is a professor of literature by voca- guage." Faculty members and Grad- tion and a book reviewer by avocation. unte students are invited to attend. In his article he says that he is tired of reading books compounded of Association Fireside: Dr. Isaac Rab- "cruelty, rape, seduction, incest, inowitz of Hillel Foundation will lynching, murder and general hellish- speak on "Judaism in Transition" at tness . . . I long to be introduced to a Lane Hall, Wednesday, 8' p.m. cultured human being in a story, to enter an ordinary home, to read some Graduate Luncheon Wednesday, merely civilized conversation." He de- Nov. 9, at 12 noon in the Russian clares that he says these things simp- Tea Room of the Michigan League. ly in his capacity as a reader of books, Cafeteria style. Professor Preston E. that he wants a new deal in novels James of the Geography Department merely because the current crop is will speak on "Fascism in Brazil." boring him. He denies that he is saying these Graduate Students in Education: things because he is "a hopeless Vic-, Election. of representatives to the torian or a college professor or a bour- Graduate Council will be held on geois or an upholder of a particular Thursday, Nov. 10, at 4:45 p.m.,-in moral code." Maybe not, but-a little1 the Elementary School Library. later on Mr. Jones is vigorously deny-I ing that modern novelists are por-1 P iwhalat Club:Importantraying real American life. "It is the Gothic romance of the eighteenth century, which he says was also com- posed of "violence, horror, seduction, murder, incest, adultery." He won- ders "why they are in the one case dismissed as romantic hocus-pocus and in the other are considered seri- ously as a disillusioned report on life." 7rom these and similar statements I -ather that Mr. Jones is not being ,uite accurate when he says he is simply "no longer entertained" by the modern novelists. He appears also to doubt that the realistic novel is really realistic. And right there is where I think Mr. Jones is doubly at fault. Of course the percentage of crime and violence is higher in fiction than in everyday life. This is nothing new. It always has been. I can't think of a single novel, romantic or realistic or what-not, in which there isn't more than the ordinary lifetime's al- lotment of- these pleasantries in the career of the hero or heroine. Are there as many murders and seduc- tions in Faulkner and Hemingway as there are in Dumas and Hugo? I haven't any figures handy, but I'll bet Angell Hall against the corner drug store in Cambridge that there aren't. And if Mr. Jones is prepared to allow Zola and Dostoievsky to enter the lists, all his poor modern protagonists of sex and hell are going to be shoved completely off the boards. I have recently read a no ; el by Henry James called The Ameriran, which would cause a cigar-store In- dian to yawn with ennui. And yet even the thoroughly Victorian Mr. James enlivens his book with a couple of violent deaths, one of the cold-blood- ed murder of a sick man by his wife and the other the lingering demise of a man who finished runner-up in a duel. Likewise, there are quite a few peo- ple killed in a feud in Huckleberry Finn, there is a man buried alive in Tom Sawyer, while all sorts of mur- derers and madmen rush through the pages of Poe. Jude the Obscure is punctuated by a double murder and suicide of a 10 year old child, while others of Hardy's works are similarly embellished. But why go on? The point is proved as far as I am con- cerned and if anyone thinks it isn't he can go back to his Atlantic Month- ly. But why, the cagy reader will in- quire, if this is all true, does Mr. Jones object to the horror and vio- raraiisyc u gy vu LL XUI! business meeting 8 p.m. Thursday in' the West Lecture Room of the Rack- ham Building, after which Dr. Gre- ville will describe the "ESP round table" held recently in Columbus andkj Mr. Kossack wil report on the work of Hans Bender, German parapsy- chologist. Anyone interested will be wecome. Phi Delta Kappa: The November meeting of Omega Chapter will be held in the alcove off the Men's Lounge in the Horace H. Rackham pleasing delusion of every literary movement that it, and it alone, has got at the truth at last, but I see no reason to suppose that the reigning fashion in fiction is any nearer ulti- mate reality than any earlier literary fashion." He then draws a compari- son between current fiction and the Lecture Series Tickets On Sale I ;, y 'J a Building on Wednesday, Nov. 9 at j 7:30' Dr. Van Zeeland Scheduled Beethoven Quiz: The Art Cinema For Tuesday Address League, in connection with the show- ing of "The Life of Beethoven" Nov. Tickets for the lecture next Tues- 17-19, is conducting a quiz on Beeth- day by Dr. Paul Van Zeeland, former oven's music. Prime Minister of Belgium and au- thor of the Report on World Trade, Newcomer's Section of the Faculty' are now on sale at Wahr's bookstore, Women's Club will have a tea Wed- the University Oratorical Association nesday, Nov. 9 from 2:30 to 5:30 in announced yesterday. It was also lance of modern literature? I think I have the answer ready. The trouole with modern literature is that its hcrror and violence are not cloaked behind the elegant language of the old masters. They are set forth in simple, ordinary, everyday language of the sort that most people speak, Mnd therefore the images conveyed i