___________°,THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Bewilered Freshman Locates BearingsFrom OffiCia1' Map Where tiniversity Men cather (Continued from Page 25) east of the League, Here are located all dentistry offices and classes. To the east is the Health Service which provides for practically all medical attention. whicli the student needs during the school year. Provisions are also made for sick students requiring bed care, and thirty days' service niay be obtained without expense. Across from the Health Service is the University Museums Building whichk houses the Museum of Anthro- pology, containing many thousands of objects, the University Herbarium, with about 300,008 plant specimens at the disposal of students, the Mu- seum ,of Paleontology, containing a large amount of fossil material repre- senting the invertebrates, vertebrates and plants, and the Museum of Zool- ogy with its more than 3,500,000 speci- mens. Across Washtenaw Ave. is the East Medical Building with the older unit on the west side of E. University Ave. 'hese two buildings contain all the offices, classes and laboratories of the School of Medicine. South of the West .Medical Building is the East ?hysics Building, behind which is the Pharmaclogy and Economics Build- ing. Next to the East Physics Budlding is the West Engineering Building with additiongl offices and classes in the newez addition across the street to the east. South of the West Engi- neering Building is the University' High School which contains, in addi- tion to the high school classes, offices of the School of Education. West of the high school is the School of Architecture with its offices, classes, art displays and exhibits. To the north is the Martha Cook Build- ing, honor house for junior and senior, women. North of this is the William L. Clements Library of American History. Here is housed an invaluable collection of books, manu- scripts and maps relating to the dis- covery of the western continent, its4 settlement and later history. Behind this is the West Physics Building, o the north of which is the General Library. This building contains 607,615 volumes and 14,389 maps in addition to reference rooms, study halls and graduate reading rooms. West of the Clements Library is President Ruthven's home and next to this is Tappan Hall which houses the School of Business Administra- tion offices and classes. Covering a complete block to the south of Tap- pan Hall is the Law Quadrangle. Here is located the Law Club, residence for law students, the Law Library, containing 130,409 volumes, and Hutchins Hall, site of the law offices and classes.' North of the Law Quadrangle on the corner of State St. and S. Uni-. versity Ave. is the Alumni Memorial Hall, home of the Alumni Association and the fine arcs department. North of this is the Romance Languages Building. All of the French, Italian and Spanish classes are held here. To the north of this, facing State St., is Angell Hall. President Ruth- ven, the Regents, and the Dean of the literary college all have their offices here in addition to the politi- cal science, classical languages, Eng- lish, mathematics, speech and as- tronomy departments. Behind Angell Hall is University Hall containing the office of the Dean of Students, the Registrar's offices, counselor of- fices and the German department. Adjoining this are South Wing ,aI N Mason Hall which contain the Cash- ier's office and classrooms. North of Angell Hall is Haven Hall, or the old Law Building, which houses the departments of history and journalism. Next to Haven Hall, on N. University Ave., is situated the Natural Science Building containing, psychology, mineralology, geology, zoology and botany offices. Varied Activities Are Offered By Student Religious Association Round tables, lectures. opportuni- talk on Oct. 9, discussing "Personal- ties for service and guidance are ity--Techniques of Acquiring Desir- among the activities offered by the able Traits." "Relationships .to Other Student Religious Association of the Personalities - College Friendships. University. The Association, which is etc." will be the subject of Prof. C. L. under the direction of Kenneth Mor- Meader of the department of general Hillel To Sponsor Lectures, Concerts I Courses in Jewish literature, open forums on current topics, religious services, Sunday afternoon "pop" concerts, teas, dances and a current book review group are among the activities to be sponsored by Hillel Foundation. Rabbi Bernard Heller will again be gan, is located in Lane Hall on State Street. Last year the Association was re- organized and is now financed by rust func. of the University. The Board Af Regents hsa appointed a '- boarci of governors coniposed of five faculty members, two alumni and two student members. The student gov- eining body is the Council of 21 ' -members, of whom 13 are elected at =" " :- large and. eight are from the vari- -ousreligious denominations. Includes All Religions The SRA includes all religious groups, the Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and the Eastern. It works in cooperation with Dr. Edward Blake- man, counselor in religious education and Prof. Raleigh Nelson, counselor to foreign students. The first activity of the year is the SRendezvous Camp which is held an- nually at. Patterson Lake. One hun- dred and fifty of the incoming fresh- men are selected to spend several days at this camp through the week-' end before orientation week. Holds Round Ta es Freshmen RounG Tables under the direction of one of the members of the faculty are held every Sunday at 4 p.: m. All freshmen men and women are invited to attend all of these for- ums. The program for this fall begins Oct. 2 with Prof. H. Y. McClusky of the School of Education speaking on 'Taits of Personality and their ,valuation." After a presentation of the problem by the speaker, small groups of freshmen led by upper class- er of social and recreational life men will discuss it. Prof. McClusky will continue his linguistics on Oct. 16. "Boy and Girl director of the Foundation. Fr the n shtfirst time, Dr. Heller will have an Relationships" is to be the topic Oct. associate, Dr, Isaac Rabinovitz. Dr. 23. The speaker will be announced Rabinovitz has studied at the Univer- later. sities of Illinois and California and President Alexander G. Ruthven took his doctorate in Semitics at will present "Why Are We Here in College" on Oct. 30. He will be fol- lowed on Nov. 6 by Prof. J. F. Shepard' of the psychology department speak- ing on "What We Want to Get Out of College." Dean Alice Lloyd, dean of women, will speak on "Use of Our Education After We Graduate" on Nov. 13 and an unannounced speak- er will present "The Place of Group Religion in Society--Is It Necessary for a Personal Religion?" on Nov. 20. Other Activities Listed Other activities of the Association include trips in Ann Arbor andi De- troit to see at first hand laboring and housing conditions, state institutions, racial settlements and problems; a book review group which will meet every second week for the review of a book of current interest; Health Ser- vice visitation, which consists of tak- ing assignments, books and personal items to student confined in the Health Service; fireside sessions every Thursday which are open forums; and a series of lectures. Last year the As- sociation brought such speakers as Swami Brachmachari speaking on "Hindu Religion," the Rev. Thomas Harris on "Religion in Russia," and Prof. Mortimer Adler on "Theology." This year it is hoped to obtain as speakers several of the noted theolog- ians representing all of the creeds. Officers of the Association for this year will be Clarence Kresin, '39, president, Daniel Suits, '40, vice-presi- dent and Frances Orr, '40, secretary. A series of lectures of current in- terest will be announced later. The Hillel Players will again present sev- eral dramas. The lean f ind for students "who find themselves in un- expected financial embarrassment" will be continued. NOTSAP NOT oft teoves yOUcr hair so f, *StrOv S, o uung. SHOP and SAVE at the MARSHALL CUT-RATE DRUGS COSMETICS TOBACCOS 231 SOUTH STATE ST. Phone 9242 The Union, pictured above, is the cent for Michigan men on the camnus. -------- f' _~ i ___I ,, .i I 4 0 r) Ti E JN ON I B- ,4 011 Announces its Fall Opening Friday evening, September Twenty-Third. The dances will continue on Saturday evening, September Twenty-Fourth and slcceeding week-ends. Bob Steinle and his Melody Men, the favorite campus orchestra, will furnish the music. One dollar the couple. , i Q Friday Eveningi ...Nine till One Saturday Evening... Nine till Twelve , I I!