t-~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY In Murphy-Fitzgerald Campaign veal ClashingPolitical Philosophies TODAYi n WASH INGTON -by David Lawrence- '^ 't , ;. ... . YO ofM By Sec Terry MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGEB Cleveland Symphony C 1 ,! P ERHAPS NEVER before in Michi- gan's history has a gubernatorial n been more fiercely waged than the :h draws to a close today. Rarely, if ever, derlying issues been more clearly de- nd hotly contested. Obscured by the nbiguous platitudes of party platforms, real issues at stake involve sharply con- concepts of administrative policy, and ididates stand pledged, by word and past 'their execution. the task of the voter at the polls today a vital and a simple one. Vital because ce he makes will determine the political by of his state government for several 3 come. Simple because his choice is e has the opportunity to know, as seldom xactly what his vote will endorse. In this te is fortunate. The background, experi- litical records in important offices, and philosophy of the two candidates are available to the voter. Gov. Frank Murphy, Democratic stand- 'er, and former Governor Frank D. Fitz- kepublican candidate, are native sons of n. Born in small communities, each has the respect and admiration of neighbors ew them intimately. Each is therefore nt with the problems confronting the f Michigan. The integrity and honesty men never having been challenged, the ay cast his ballot with the assurance that iciples for which hhe votes will not be ossed aside on grounds of political expedi- y- - Liberal, New Dealer ise of these two men to their present e may bestraced quite easily. Governor was born at Harbor Beach, Michigan He was graduated from the University iool in 1914 and previously received his ree from the literary college, after tak- in debating, and serving as 'night editor Gaily. Active campaigning, for Woodrow in 1912, subsequent law practice in De- rvice in the war as an infantry captain, :tion to the posts of U. S. District Attor- ige of Recorder's Court, and Mayor of tempered his political theory with the actual experience in the arena of prac- itics. His combination of political ideal- practical experience was put to the test when he went to the Philippines a r-General. His work there in straighten- internal affairs and establishing the new iwealth government marked him as a be watched, in the future political scene. ollowing this in 1936 that he ran for the .rship of Michigan, defeating his present n the incumbent, for the executive chair >rd in office for the past two years-ha 1 him as a "liberal" governor, thoroughly ony with New Deal philosophy. rald - - Business' Choice r Governor Fitzgerald, on the other hand, the political arena through the so-called or" of practical politics. Born in Grand Michigan in 1885, he attended public there and later the Ferris Institute at >ids. His experience in practical politics n him a firm grasp of fiscal affairs and late knowledge of the machinery of state ration. Entering the public service as a the Senate in 1913, he has successively e offices of proof-reader in the House esentatives, clerk in the Secretary of E MICHIGAN DAILY State's office, executive secretary to the State Food Administration during the war, and busi- ness manager of the State Highway Department. In 1931 he was elected Secretary of State on the Republican ticket and was re-elected in 1932, the only Michigan Republican to survive the Democratic landslide. In November, 1934, he was elected governor. His emphasis throughout his career has been on the financial end of government, and his cautious policy of placing state administration on a conservative business basis has earned him praise as a "business man's" governor. His oppoistion to liberal "New' Deal" measures is a matter of record. Thus Fitzgerald may be said to be essentially a "practical man," while Governor Murphy, more of an academic mind, might be called a political idealist. To say that Fitzgerald is a "conservative" and Murphy a "progressive" Ain political philosophy is to report a truism of which,,happily, every voter is aware. This cleav- age between their fundamental views make it easy for the voter to choose that which most appeals to him. Labor' Issuse Vital Undoubtedly the most important local issue of the campaign, the one upon which the out- come of the election finally hinges, is the labor issue. In broad terms it includes the extent to which labor will be allowed to bargain collective- ly, workmen's compensation, and unemployment insurance administration. More specifically, the issue is the recognition of the sit-downstrike as a weapon in collective bargaining. Here again there should be no doubt in the voter's mind as 'to where the two candidates stand. Governor Murphy's refusal to invoke militia to evict the original sit-down strikers from Gen- eral Motor's factories in Flint has drawn Fitz- gerald's sharpest fire. Murphy, defending his use of the "rule of reason," in roundtable con- ference between labor and industrial leaders as the only means of avoiding bitter \trife, "points with pride" to the final outcome-industrial peace without bloodshed. Fitzgerald, on the other hand, while espousing the principle of collective bargaining, has db clared: "There will be no more sit-down strikes in Michigan when Republicanism is restored to authority." As an alternative he proposes a Labor Board to mediate industrial disputes "without depriving anyone of the right to work." Which of these programs will best promote justice and harmony between labor and capital in Michigan the voter alone must say., Civil Service Debated, Too Another issue vital to the cause of efficient government is' civil service. Governor Murphy's stand here is reflected in the Civil Service Act which he pushed through the legislature. Praised by political scientists as a "model act" in theory, its administration so far has been attacked by Fitzgerald as a "shield for patronage" and a means of perpetuating a Democratic dynasty. Whether the facts justify such a charge the voter alone must decide. Social security, the problem of providing a living for aged and jobless, has also been a focal point in campaign speeches. The cleavage here is less apparent. Both candidates have commit- ted themselves to social security. Murphy's stand is evident in his support of the old age pension law. His administration of the act, however, has drawn Fitzgerald's bitter denunciation on the ground that funds were diverted from old age appropriations for other administrative expenses. Closely related to social security is the issue of relief, and also the problem of a balanced vs. an unbalanced budget. Fitzgerald is sworn to a policy of relief for the needy along with a bal- anced budget. Governor Murphy, who has termed relief the foremost consideration of govern- ment, has incurred a budget deficit of eight million dollars which Fitzgerald has criticized as unsound. Murphy has defended this by attribut- ing the deficit to the need for eight millions of additional relief funds caused by unemployment resulting from the current business recession. New Deal In Background But in the background of these purely local issues, overshadowing all but the labor issue, is the spectre of the New Deal. Many, in fact, look upon the victory or defeat of Governor Murphy as purely a manifestation of Michigan's approv- al or rebuff of President Roosevelt's political philosophy. That there is some measure of truth in this is almost self-evident. A strong personal friend of the President, Murphy has drawn ublic praise from prominent New Dealers such as Secretary of Interior Ickes, and Harry L. Hop- kins. Furthermore his speeches, couched in a vein similar to the President's, and his liberal attitude toward social problems, relief, and goverment pump-priming expenditures are all part and parcel of New Deal philosophy. With Fitzgerald a foe of all New Deal measures from farm relief to budget, and an advocate of govern- ment retrenchment from all "interference" with' business, the attitude of the voter toward the national scene can hardly help but influence. his vote in the coming election. Whatever the voter's political philosophy, whether liberal or conservative, New Deal or anti- New Deal, and whatever his attitude toward such local problems as relief, labor, and social security, the choice he makes in this election will be a clear cut one. He need only vote for the, man who best embodies his own ideas of how government should be run. For this is the very essence of representative government-that each vote should be a choice between alternative flfin-a VintA. 'n nfa ar r 4h- vAer _ _ __ WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Something ,rather enlightening as to the poor estate to which the Congress of the United States has dropped may be derived from a reading of announcements in the last 24 hours by the CIO and the National Labor Relations Board and prior thereto by the American Federation of Labor as to whether the Wagner Act should or should.not be amended. The A. F. of L., at its Houston convention, outlined what, with one or two exceptions, might be regarded as innocuous amendments. They concernedmostly the procedural side of the law and certainly did not propose anything which would even remotely be construed as sabotaging of the law or weakening of the workers' rights to collective bargaining. On top of this, the Labor Board members them- selves have gone to the White House to say that no amendments at all are needed, and the CIO has announced' that it agrees with the Labor Board. The only plausible explanation of what has happened comes from the CIO, which organi- zation expresses its fears that, once the law is opened to amendments, it will mean hostile proposals, too, and that persons sympathetic with the law ought not to be advocating changes. Good Strategy From the standpoint of strategy, the CIO offi- cials are right. The law is the best protection the workingmen have ever had on the matter of collective bargaining, and unquestionably at- tempts to weaken that law may be anticipated, so the CIO takes, at this time anyway, the posi- tion it will not attack the law. The A. F: of L., on the other hand, feeling that it has been discriminated against by the Labor Board with respect to the designation of appropriate units for collective bargaining, takes the risk of offer- ing change even though it does open up the law to general amendment. Each organization, therefore, has justification for the strategic position assumed. Each has an interest in the matter which might be described as self-protection. Even the Labor Board mem- bers are most reluctant to agree publicly with the procedural changes advocated by the A. F. of L. for fear this will be interpreted as a confession of bad administrative behavior on their part when the members feel they have endeavored conscientiously to carry out the letter as well as the spirit of the law written by Congress. Veto Important But what of Congress? What of the members of the Senate and House who used to be known as legslators or at least as sponsors of legisla- tion even as recently as a year or so ago, though, to be sure, the actual bills were handed to them by "brain trust" aides of the President? Some pretense used to be made of the fact that Con- gress wrote the laws, but now it is openly acknow- ledgedby such action as the labor groups are taking that it is the President who decides wheth- er an act of Congress shall or shall not be amended. It takes more than a mere majority of both houses to amend a law. The popular belief is that a majority is sufficient. But the President can veto an amendment to the Wagner Law passed by a majority. He can prevent passage even if two-thirds of the House favors the amendment and one senator less than two-thirds of the senate should also favor the change. The veto power will come more and more into vogue as the President loses a few seats in Congress or when an anti-New Deal majority is achieved through a combination of Republicans and In- dependent Democrats. But such a stalemate would only lead to more friction and ultimately to the forcing of a two-thirds against the Presi- dent. What is important at the moment is that because the President controls a majority of both houses he can decide whether or not to permit changes in the Wagner Law. Hence on the outcome of the elections this week depends whether the country as a whole indicates a desire 'of the White House or whether a rubber-stamp to have members of Congress vote independently Congress is what the people want. 1i I HE SERENITY of University lifet is sometimes rudely disrupted by I that virus which seems innately American - the commercial germ.t Some students prefer the furore of enterprise to placid thoughts in the General Library, and others deem at- tendance at school an interruption of their various businesses. The subject of this piece, for instance, participat- ed in seven different ventures, allt profitable. But he zealously over- played his hand finally, and as a re- sult found himself back among the pedants and textbooks. He was a senior from Chicago, and perhaps the rigors of his job-that is, delivering Michigan Dailies every morning, rain or shine-made him somewhat impatient with such sugary maximus as "Service Hath Its Own Rewards." At any rate, he sought; more tangible evidence. So one morning before the Christmas holi- days set in, he wrote a note which1 he enclosed in each of his papers.; It read: "Dear Subscriber: I am your paper boy, and as such, feel that I have served you faithfully and well throughout the past semes- ter. Never have you had to run into the yard and burrow into a bush for -your paper. It has al- ways been accurately, nay even painstakingly, tossed on your porch. I make this point to show you that you have received good, dependable service. "Now with the next semester fast approaching, I find myself a bit shy of tuition money. And it has occured to me that if each of my subscribers donated one dollar, in appreciation for the aforementioned service, I should manage nicely. This is not the plea of a mendicant, but merely a suggestion of reward for serv- ices rendered. If you would leave the dollar in your mailbox to- morrow, I shall be happy to pick it up. Thank you." Next morning, fearing poachers in the guise of milkman or mailman, our Algerian hero made his rounds an hour earlier than usual. And to1 his mingled pleasure and dismay, he found (1) coins of assorted values, (2) several dollar bills, as requested, (3) notes'asking that he return later, (4) indignant letters, and (5) noth- ing. Of the notes asking him back, he prized one in particular. It came from Prof. Paul Leidy of the Law School, if our informer's memory is good, and admittedly apprehensive, the youth went to see Leidy in his office. "I am not often amused," confessed the teacher, "but your scheme ap- pealed to my sense of humor. And I'd like to help you." Whereupon he produced a five-dollar bill which he handed over to the astonished stu- dent, who refused at first to take it, but finally did when Leidy insisted. "And," added Leidy, "if you need a board job, I think I can get you one meal job already, but hethankeddhis new-found benefactor profusely any- how and departed, not entirely sorry he had launched his note. Later, when the Daily business manager was besieged by outraged subscribers, the carrier was forth- with discharged. It was afterwards reported that the student, penitent for his deed, sought solace in a whole- some philosophy course which he had previously neglected. * t * * A FORLORN CRY issued forth high from the Union tower the other night as we were entering that strong- hold of the R.O.H.P.B. (Royal Order of Honorable Pool Room Bums). Up- on investigation, it was found that Paul Brickley, energetic Union prexy, had gone up to the Michigamua room for his extra shirt and absent-mind- edly closed the door behind him. He was locked in, and the prospect of spending a chill night among bear-I skins and the like was too much-l hence the s.o.s A FEW YEARS AGO, a self-indul- gent student here was expelled rom the University for his indecorous deportment. Afraid to face his in- ignant parents without first send- iig out a trial balloon, so to speak, le dispatched the following note: "Beer taverns, movies, GOOD books are compensatory fillips for this miserable humdrum, this drab, eventless continuity we call living. 'Tis said, and not in jest, that thousands answered the call to conscription, not to save the world for mad demagoguery, but to get immediate surcease from their monontonous clerkships, or release from their ruts. Even the startling immediacy of a bomb labelled Death was remote to them, crowded from their visions by the prospect of ocean air, new faces, new places. Fireworks be damned! The noise was terrific! Get what I mean. Dad?" Three Bach chorales-formallyP tailored for orchestral appearance by' Respighi-Beethoven First Symphony and a "symphony" by Brahms were the fare offered by Artur Rodzinski and the Cleveland Symphony lasts night in the second of the season'st Choral Union concerts. The Brahmse 'symphony," sad to relate, was not one of the immortal four, but inr realty was the G minor Piano Quar- tet, Op. 25, newly costumed for orchestra by Arnold Schoenberg. Thec Bach titles were "Now Come theK Gentiles' Savior," "My Soul Exalts the Lord," and "Awake, the Voice Calls Us." If we must choose between the eve-t ning's two transcriptions, our one4 rather wilted orchid must go to Mr. Schoenberg, who had the harder job.1 We are not, let it .emphatically bet known, one of those purists who would4 away with any and all orchestralt transcriptions. If a piece when orches- trated sounds as well or better than the original, even if different, then by all means let us have it for orchestra -music literature will be richer and the composer will certainly \not bei any poorer. In the case of the Bach chorales it ' is hard to see that any valuable addi- tion has been made to orchestralt literature, though perhaps the musict would have been more impressive in a smoother, more sustained, and much{ more vitalized performance. Concern- ing the Brahms, we had waited anxi- ously to hear its effect. With itsI broad, sweeping phrases, , its solid1 and yet complex structural spiritual7 surgings, this Quartet seemed to in- vite orchestral aid if ever chamber music did. Yet' there is vastly more difference between quartet and symphony than lies in the mere number of parts. Never was there a more vivid re- minder than last night's performanceI that mere volume does not create intensity of feeling; that for the ex- pression of certain sentiments the quiet, well-placed voice is more effec,- tive than the loud. On the other side lind it was surely no less than con- fusing to hear the rich strains of Brahms, suggestive always of clari- net, horn, and viola, masquefading in the more piquant, oboe and trum-; pet, garb of Schoenberg. On the other side it must be noted that certain' parts of the Quartet, notably in the Andante and the fiery Hungarian finale, "sounded",impressively. Of Mr. Rodznski's Beethoven-there is space but to say that it was solid, vigorous, and extremely well planned, though here again the Orchestra fre- quently lagged behind its leader both physically and spiritually. For en- cores there were the sophisticated Viennese waltzes from Richard Strauss' opera Der Rosenkavaller, in in their smaller way the best per- formed of the evening's works; Al- beniz' Sriava; and, with the Orches- tra conductorless, the "March of ther Little Faunes" from Pierne's Cydalise. Hillel Book Club To Hold First Meeting Tonight' The Hillel Book Club will hold its first meeting of the semester in the Foundation at 8 p.m. today. Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department will speak on Elmer Rice, the dramatist whose play, "Counsel- lor-at-Law," Play Production will give soon. The Book Club meets every other Tuesday at the Foundation. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Posture classes, Monday and Wed- nesday, 4:30. Beginning Swimming, Monday and Wednesday evenings, 7:30. Tap dancing, Monday and Wednes- day, 4:15. Registration for these courses will continue throughout the week of Nov. 7, at Barbour Gymnasium of- fice 15, between the hours of 8-12 land 1:30-4:30, every day except Sat- urday. Since facilities are limited, admittance to these classes will be taken in order of application. Concerts Organ Recital. Palmer Christian," University organist, assisted by Hanns Pick, violoncellist, will provide a pro- gram on the Frieze Memorial organ, Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. The general pub- lic, with the exception of small chil- dren, is invited, but is requested to be seated on time, as the doors will be closed during numbers. The pro- gram will consist of compositions of Bubeck, Couperin, Bruch, Elgar, Whitlock and Widor. Exhibitions Museum of Classical Archaeology: Exhibits from Egypt-Dynastic, Grae- co-Roman, Coptic and Arabic periods' -from Seleucia on the Tigris and frnm Rnan Ttaomv Tn aodditinn a ciuszko Foundation will give the fol- lowing lectures under the auspices of the Departments of History and Po- litical Science: Nov. 8, 4:15 p.m. Natural Science Auditorium, "Poland and Russia." Nov. 9, 4:15 p.m. Natural Science Auditorium, "Poland and Germany." The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Mavin R. Thompson, Director of Warner In- stitute for Therapeutic Research (formerly Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Maryland) will lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar- macology of Ergot" on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 165 Chemistry Building, under the auspi- ces of the College of Pharmacy. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Olav Janse, Director of the Expedition for the Paris Museums and the French School of the Far East, will give an illustrated lecture on "Excavation in Indo China: Ancient Chinese Cul- tural Finds" on Thursday, Nov. 10 at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Thomas Doe- sing, Director of the Public Library Administration of Denmark, will give a lecture on "Folk High Schools in Denmark" on Thursday, Nov. 17, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi- torium under the auspices of the General Library and the Department of Library Sciences. The public is cordially invited. Van Zeeland Lecture: The former Premier of Belgium will speak in Hill Auditorium on Tuesday evening, Nov. 15 at 8 o'clock. Tickets are now available to Wahr's. A 'few good season tickets are also on sale at re- duced prices. Events Today Biological Chemistry Seminar- this evening at 7-9 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Building. "Chemical Studies of Some Specialized Proteins" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Political Science Round Table will meet in the Rackham Graduate School Conference Room No. 1 this evening at 7:30 o'clock. T h e subject of discussion will be "Straw Votes, Polls, Pre-election Surveys and Their Significance." All graduate students in Political Science are ex- pected to be present. Deutscher Verein: Meeting this evening at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union (Glee Club Room). There will be singing and demonstration of Ger- man folk dances. Refreshments will be served. Everybody interested is in- vited to attend. Association Book Group: Prof. Y.Z. Chang of the English department will discuss Lin Yutang's "The Impor- tance of Living" at Lane Hall today at 4 p.m. Christian.'Science organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. Zeta Phi Eta: Members are re- minded of the regular meeting of Lambda chapter this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the Portia roomt on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. All ac- tives and pledges are urged \ to be prompt and to bring their lists of names. The Michigan Danjes Executive Board will meet at the League to- night at 8 p.m. All officers are re- quested to be present. Women Debaters: All women who are interested in trying out for the first Conference Debate on Dec. 11, and all others interested in debat7 ing sometime during the year, are urged to be present at the debate meeting inRoom 3209 Angell Hall at 4 p.m. today. The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will have a potluck supper tonight at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Russell C. Hussey, 595 Riverview Drive. Faculty Women's Club: The Tues- day Afternoon Play-Reading Section will meet this afternoon at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. Professor Mentor Williams will speak at the Hillel Foundation on "Elmer Rice" toight at 8 p.m. All are welcome. This meeting is spon- sored by the Hillel Book Group. The Student Senate will meet to- day at 7:30 p.m., in the Michigan Union, Room 302.. The public is in- vited. Coming Events "Psychological Journal Club will meet on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham School of Graduate Stu- dies. Topic: "Recent Studies of Emo- tion" reviewed by R. Kleemeier, N. Glaser, A. Stebbins, and F. J. Shaw. (4 h I I I ' U : and managed by students of the University of ,n under the authority of the Board in Control of Publications. shed every morning except Monday during the ity year and Summer Session. Member,of the Associated Press Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to aot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All )f republication of all other matters herein also f. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. riptions during regular school year by carrier, y' mail, $4.50. RPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISONG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * .LOS ANOELES - SAN FRANCISCO er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 THE=ATRE n By NORMAN KIELL Counsellor-At-Law The coming week-end brings to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Play Production's presen- tation of Elmer Rice's "Counsellor-at-Law." The theatrical road has been rough for Mr. Rice since the successful production of this play, for his succeeding ones were heartily baptized with critical inuendoes to the effect that they weren't too good. Whereupon Mr. Rice vowed never to return to the sanctum of Broadway. But this year found a change of heart when he joined with four other leading" American dramatists to form the Playwrights Company. To date, both plays which they have presented are hits: Robert Sherwood's "Abe Lincoln in Illinois," and Max- well Anderson's "Knickerbocker Holiday." Mr. Rice reintroduced himself to Broadway by direct- ing the Sherwood play and received his due credft for directing "not only one of the finest and most stirring of American plays but one of the most glorious achievements of all that is best in the rational spirit." All of which is merely to tell you that "Coun- sellor-at-Law" can be seen this Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings on the Lydia Mendelssohn stage. * Board of Edl ng Editor al Director . ditor .r ,te Editor te Editor . te Editor . te Editor . te Editor . ate Editor , ditor . . . s Editor . Editor ., !tors Robert D. Mitchell. Albert P. May10 Horace w. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman Robert Perlman Earl Glman William Elvin Joseph Freedman Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamint Business Department s Manager . . . '1Ph t Manager , Leonard lip W. Buchen d P. Siegelman