THE MICHIGAN DAILY ay Of Rare English Bibles Tors Early Relgious Freedom DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to ail members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Building. This registration is for both divisions of the Bureau: Teach- ing and General. Only one registra- tion is held during the year. There is no registration fee, but a late fee of $1.00 is charged after the regular period. It is most important to enroll Oct. 9 and 10, between 9 a.m. and 5y p.m. L I r E exhibit commemorating the of the English bible in parish s to all who could read, i an injunction issued by . Cromwell, Vicar-General, in. ber 1538, is now in progress aall of the main library. ged by Miss Ella N. Hymans are book department, the dis- composed mainly of English rinted before and after 1501, re part of the William Tinker Is memorial collection pre- to the library by William C. s. Included in this group is a e of one page of the Guten- IPLE-THREAT GAL! could Ile, kiss 3 cook! berg bible which is not only the earli- est but also one of the rarest books in the world.. Another facsimile is that of the Tyndale translation. Tyndale's epoch making translation of the New Testa- ment into English appeared in 1525. It is 4 well-known fact Tyndale's work, which was influenced by Luth- er's German translation, comprises about nine-tenths of the revised edi- tion of King James' version of the bible in 1611. Due to the fact that Tyndale was regarded as a heretic his works were destroyed leaving but two copies. Greek influences upon the bible are shown by the Codex Vaticanus con- sidered the most valuable of all manu- scripts of the Greek bible and the Codex Sinaiticus, a facsimile of the Old Testament. By the discovery of such ancient Greek texts as are shown in these facsimiles the mater- ials for a better knowledge of the ancient Greek text have steadily in- creased for the past four hundred years. One of the most rare and valuable parts of the exhibit is a leaf fromx a third century Codex of the Epistles of Paul. Part of this manuscript is owned by the British Museum and the remainder is the property of the University of Michigan. It was only recently discovered and is the earli- est known manuscript of the Greek bible in existence. Prof. Henry A. Sanders has edited this fragmentary papyrus codex, the text of which has been published in Vol. 38 of the University of Michigan Studies, Hum- anistic Series. Return To Land Aid To Society, Maurin Claims TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1938 University buildings, at any reason- early, in order to be considered for VOL. XLIX. No. 38 able time or place. -$any positions that may come in dur-I "ing the year. Notices ' For any individual to order University Bureau of Appointments .havemade, or permit to be ordered and Occupational Information. 9 Notice to all Members of the or made, any duplicate of his or her II University: The following is an ex- University key, through unauthorized Phillips Scholarships. Preshman1 tract of a by-law of the Regents channels, must be regarded as a spe- students who presented four units of (Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) cial and willful disregard of the Latin, with or without Greek, for ad- which has been in effect since Sep- safety of University property." nission to the University, and who tember, 1926: The; regulations are called to the "It will hereafter be regarded as attention of all concerned, for their are continuing the study of either contrary to University policy for intormation and guidance. Any per- language, may compete for the Phil- anyone to have in his or her posses- son having any key or keys to Univer- lips Classical Scholarships. Awards! sion any key to University buildings sity buildings, doors, or other locks, will be based on the results of an ex- or parts of buildings if such key is contrary to the provisions recited not stamped as provided (i.e. by the above, should promptly surrender the amination covering the preparatory Buildings and Grounds Department). same -to tne Key Clerk at the office work in either or both languages, ast If such unauthorized keys are found of the Department of Buildings described in the bulletin on scholar- If ch shorized y are foun and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith. ships, which may be obtained in or other proper head of the Univer- Room 1, University Hall. The exam- sity division involved for his action Registration: All seniors and grad- ination will be held this year in Room in accordance with this principle. uate students who wish to register 2014 Angell Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 8,' Any watchman or other proper repre- with the Bureau for positions in Feb- at 4 p.m. Interested students may sentative of the Buildings and ruary, June, or August, are requested leave their names with Professor W.C Grounds Department, or any Dean, to be present at the meeting to be E. Blake or Professor J. E. Dunlap. 1 department head or other properiheld by Dr. Purdom, Director of the University official shall have the rightIBureau, on Tuesday, Nov. 8,tat 4:15 R.O.T.C. Uniforms ready for de- . to inspect Keys believed to open I in the Auditorium of the Rackham livery Wednesday and Thursday. To Members of the University of Michigan District of the M.E.A.: The' following is the result of the prefer- ential mail ballot for officers of the District: President, George E. Carrothers Vice-President, Odina B. Olson Secretary, Olga K. Wright Treasurer, Robert L. Williams Delegate to the Representative As- sembly, John M. Trytten ('38-'40) Members of the Executive Committee, Edith L. Hoyle (also first alter- nate) Harlan C. Koch (also second al- ternate) Ila M. Smith. Academic Notices Geology 11. There will be no field trip in Geology 11 today (Tuesday, Nov. 8). Trips on Wednesday and Saturday will be held as usual. Sociology 51: The midsemester ex- amination will be given in the Tues-' day lecture 9 a.m., and in the Thurs- day lecture 9 a.m. A-K, 1025 A.H., L-Z, 25 A.H. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate: A tentative list of candi- dates in the School of Education, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of Architecture, and Graduate School to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate in Feb- ruary and June 1939 has been post- ed on the bulletin board in Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student whose name does not appear on this list and who wishes to be so listed should report this fact at once to the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Graduate Students. The general examination given this fall will be repeated on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Nov. 19, ground floor, Rack- ham Building, for those students reg- istering in the Graduate School for the first time this fall. This second date is to enable those students ex- cused or unable to come previously to make up the examination. Other stu- dents in the Graduate School who would like to take the examination are invited to do so at this time. C. S. Yoakum. Upper Class Women Students: Be- ginning Nov. 14, the following elec- tive classes are to be offered for the benefit of upper class and graduate students. Badminton, Tuesdy. and Thursday evenings, 7:30. (Continued on Page 4 This, is where you will find AMENDMENT 63A on your ballot in tomorrow 'selection :9 . 'N. Agrarian Order. Member Also On Political Advocated To Speak Problems Instruction Ballot - LAST DAY- MARX BROTHERS. oo s-4-EVIC-. . DAILY 2-4-7-9 P.M. TING WEDNESDAY -- THEY WANTED A REST FROM ROMANCE THREE MONTHS AYEARi M.G.Wma nd. eat lose-aatf. uvh Ahti__ Following his criticism of our pres- ent capitalistic society, Peter Maurin, co-editor of the "Catholic Worker," advocated a return to a predominant- ly agricultural order, in a speech made Sunday night at Lane Hall under the auspices of the Student Re- ligious Association and the Newman Club. We want neither the rugged indi- vidualist nor the rugged collectivist, Maurin said, but personalists, men who will influence others as men, not . as representaitves or groups or interests. In our highly specialized industrial society, people have become mere au- tomatons, he explained. If we have a craft society in which people pro- duce by hand' as members of small groups, work would be much pleasan- ter and 2the evils of mass production would be eliminated, he added. In order to alleviate the inequality of purchasing power in our present society, people with surplus incomes should give to the poor. This is one method by which people who "can't take it with them" can solve their problems, Maurin declared. Spanish Society To Show Moviest La Sociedad Hispanica inaugurates its public presentations for this year with a travel motion picture of the City of Mexico and its surroundings, to be .shown at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. Mr. S. R. Levin, a Detroit attorney who made the pictures, will explain them as they are shown. Mr. Levin, a graduate of the University of De- troit, represents the consulates of Cuba and Mexico in Michigan, and is honorary consul for the Republic of Honduras. Anadmission charge of ten cents will be made to all except members of the Spanish Society. NOVEMBER 8 1938 OF THE CITY OF ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Proposed Amendments of the Charter of the City of Ann Arbor Special Section 65. The Treasurer shall render to the City Clerk on* the first Monday of every month, and oftener if required, a report of the amounts received and credited by him to each fund, and on what account received; the amounts Maid out by him from each fund during the preceding month, and the amount of money remaining in each fund on the day of his report; such report shall be accompanied with a certificate from the cashier of the bank in which the moneys of the City may be deposited, showing the amount of money in the bank to the credit of the City on the cay on which the Treasurer's report is made. He shall also exhibit to the Common Council annually, on the first Monday in August and as often and for such period as the Common Council shall require, a full and detailed account of the receipts and disbursements of the treasury since the date of his last annual report, classifying them by the funds to which receipts are credited and out of which such disbursements are made, and the balance remaining in each fund, which account shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. He shall file all vouchers or warrants paid by him with the City Clerk with his monthly report. Section 186. No bond, note or other obligation or evidence of indebted- ness of said corporation, except orders on the Treasurer, as hereinafter pro- vided, and except bonds for sewerage, curbs and gutters and paving purposes, and also except as otherwise by State law or. in this Charter provided, shall ever be given or issued by said corporation, or by any officer thereof, in his official capacity, whereby the said City shall become obligated to pay any money, unless the same shall have been submitted to and voted for by a ma- jority of the electors of said city voting thereon; but the Common Council may, allow just claims against the City, and may issue orders therefor on the Treasurer, or payable on presentation from any moneys then in the treasury, on the first day of July thereafter; but such second named class orders shall not, in any fiscal year, exceed the aggregate taxes levied in such year for the payment of the same. All moneys collected for the use of the City shall be paid into the City treasury, and no moneys shall be paid from the treasury unless it shall have been previously appropriated by the Common Council to the purpose for which it shall be drawn. The Treasurer shall pay out no money except upon the written warrant of the Mayor and City Clerk, which warrant shall specify the fund from which the money is to be paid; provided, that school moneys shall be paid to the treasury of school district number one of the City of Ann Arbor upon the warrant of the President and Secretary of said board. The Common Council may at any regular meeting thereof by resolution duly adopted by a majority of all the members elect, authorize the issuing of bonds to the amount not exceeding six hundred and fifty thousand dollars outstanding at any one time, for the purpose of paving any alley, street or streets in such city and to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars outstanding at any one time for curbs and gutters, such bonds to run for a period not exceeding' ten years from the date of their issue, and at a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent per annum, and the Common Council for the purpose of carrying out these provisions may pass such ordinance or ordinances as may be deemed necessary. Election I j1'7 Yes I_ No 'il COMEY 'KaEetTErs and Haran 'esn A t***irece 5 *aW. Co1ste-r.y EXTRA " COMEDY "SWEETIES'' LAND OF MAPLE LEAF OUR GANG - NEWS - Section 170. The Common Council shall examine, settle and allow all accounts and demands properly chargeable against the said City, as well as of its officers as of other persons, and shall have authority to provide means for the payment of the same, and for defraying the contingent expenses of the said City, subject only to the limitation and restriction in this act con- tained. The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of July in each year. ij 'Yes LIYes 7[ N o H NO PLAY PRODUCTION presents "COUNSELOR AT LAW" By ELMER RICE The moving play that Paul Muni made famous. Section 185. The Treasurer of said City shall proceed to collect the taxes in the several wards, and on or before the first day of March shall account for and pay over to the County Treasurer the amounts specified in the several warrants to be collected for State and County purposes, and shall return to the said County Treasurer a statement of the taxes remaining unpaid and due, in the manner provided by law for Township Treasurers and all the provisions of the laws of this State relating to the collection of taxes by Township Treasurers, or to paying over of money by the Township Treasurers to the County Treasurer or returning by the Township Treasurer to the'. County Treasurer of a statement of the taxes remaining unpaid and due, are hereby made applicable to the Treasurer of said City. Section 63A. The Common Council shall provide for the estab- lishment, maintenance and administration of a system of pensions and retirements for the benefit of the personnel of the Fire and Police Departments and for the widows and children of such members, and for the creation of a Board of Trustees to manage and operate the same and may authorize appropriations and deductions from salaries, in accordance with the provisions of Act 345, Public Acts, for 1937. Yes F-Il N o SYes No /' MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I N6v. 10-11-12 - 8:30 P.M. i