Weather Rain changing to snow today; tomorrow generally" fair. LL I Alit kja Iutt Editorial Clashing Political Philosophies VOL. XLIX. No. 38 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1938 PRICE, FIVE C U. S. Wil Drop Ford, Chrysler Suits, But Hits General Motors First Two Manufaturers Agree To Drop Finance Company Enforcements End Wage Garnishee For Non-Payments WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-(IP)-The Department of Justice acted formally to drop its anti-trust cases against the Ford and Chrysler Motor Com- panies today, but declared it would prosecute General Motors "vigorous- ly " The Department said a consent de- cree, by which the Ford and Chrys- lers concerns agreed to abandon cer- tain "coercive" practices in connec- tion with automobile financing, was being submitted for the approval of a Federal District Court at South Bend, Ind. General Motors did not pro- pose an "acceptable" program for a consent decree, officials said. High Pressured Finance The government, charging that all th eefirms forced dealers to finance1 cars through finance companies af- filiated with the auotmobile. manu- facturers, had previously obtainedr indictments against the firms att South Bend. Under the. consent decrees, offi- cials said, Ford and Chrysler are to4 refrain from such practices as threat-1 ening cancellation of dealers' fran- chises in order to give competitive ad-{ vantages to favored finance compan-t Philippine Graduates RecallMichigan Days MANILA, P. I. (Special to The Daily)-Members of the University of, Michigan club of the Philippines haven't forgotten their college days in Ann Arbor. At a recent banquet the club, which is headed by John R. McFie, served a meal consisting of "Wolverine en- tree," "Orange Basket en supreme from the Arboretum," "Maize and Blue Soup," "Fried Filet of Lapu Lapu a la 'M-Hut"' (the M hut was a student rendezvous which went out of business several years ago), "Filet Mignon d'Bouef League-Union style,"' "Jellied Avocado and Tomato Salad ---Newberry's delight," "Betsy Ross Peach Melba" and "State Street Cakes and Cookies." Sinforoso Padilla, '30, acted as cheer-leader at the meeting; a toast "Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue" was drunk and singing of the alma mater climaxed the evening. Oscar Halecki 1o Give Talk. On Economics Former League Of Nations Member Also To Speak On Political Problems Prof. Oscar Halecki of the Univer- sity of Warsaw, Poland, will discuss the economic and political problems of present day Poland in two Univer- sity lectures here, the first of which, "Poland and Russia," will be given at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Natural Science Auditorium. Professor Halecki, who in 1919 was adviser to Ignace Jan Paderewski,, then Premier of Poland, and the' est Suffers From First Cold Weather Mountain Areas Covered With Ice And Snow; HighwaysAre Blocked East's Warm Spell Due To End Soon DENVER, Nov. 7.-(R') -Skies cleared and temperatures climbed to- day in the wake of winter's first broad onslaught from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. In several western states ice and slush highway coatings threatened to curtail general election voting to- morrow. The storm was blamed for three highway deaths in Texas, one in Wyoming and one in Colorado. After blanketing the Rocky Moun- tain region and most of Kansas, Ok- lahoma and Texas with snow, the storm moved eastward today across Missouri, where light snow still fell, in western counties. In contrast to sub-zero tempera- tures in Colorado and New Mexico mountain areas, New York City ex- perienced its warmest Nov. 7 in his- tory with p 75-degree maximum. The previous high temperature for the day was 68 degrees, recorded in 1925. In Texas and Oklahoma snow and heavy rains broke a drought in many farm and range counties. A two-inch snow blanket in Kansas was a boon to winter wheat. The Southern California coast was' lashed by high winds that reached a velocity of 70 miles an hour. Bids For Soph Prom Positions CloseTonight Final List Of Candidates Up For Class Elections To AppearThursday, The deadline for petitioning for the eight positions on the Soph Prom Committee is 8 p.m. today, Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's Council announced yesterday. All petitions submitted by that time will be considered first by the judiciary committees of the Council and the League, and then by the Men's Coui- cil, which will prepare a final list o candidates Thursday to run in a general class election. Gubernatorial Photo Finish Loot As MurpbyFitzgerald End Batil 40,000,000 To Vote In U.S. To Polish Delegation to the Paris Peace Two voluntary restrictions proposed Conference, later became a member by the defendants were hailed by the of the League of Nations Secretariate Justice Department as a protection and was first secretary of the League to "improvident persons of low in- Commission of Intellectual Coopera- come" and a means of alleviating! tion. He has been the Polish dele- hardships caused by high-poweredgate to numerous international con- salesmanship.eferences since that time and is a Garnishees Stopped . member of the Academic Diploma- One of these restrictions deals with tique Internationale at Paris, the methods of collecting money for carstu neai La the -oad slq 's~utfl .Iao 2uoury plosI vision outlaws wage assignments on, low-priced pleasure cars, declares that wages shall not be garnisheed in an effortto collect on such cars, and that a deficiency judgment shall not be taken in the case of a man who bought his car for private use and has paid 50 per cent of the price. The other restriction deals with ad- vertising. The Chrysler Company, if it advertises any finance company, will advertise all such companies whose services "conform to the plan of financing considered most efficient in distributing the maximum number, of automobiles." The Ford decree is similar, but pro- vides that Ford shall not advertise any particular finance company. Officials announced that they would not hold Ford and Chrysler to the consent decrees if the Government's case against General Motors proved unsuccessful. Pledge Banquet To Draw 500 Scholarship Cup Awarded At Fraternity Dinner Short introductions of well known campus figures will take the place of a main speaker at this year's inter- fraternity pledge banquet, it was an- nounced yesterday. The banquet will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday in the main ballroom of the Union. Approximately 500 persons are ex- pected to be present at the banquet, including student recently pledged, fraternity far-aty advisors and the presidents of the respective houses. A feature of the evening will be the fifth annual presentation of the fraternity scholarship cup to Kappa Nu. The award is based on the fra- ternity scholastic record in 193'-38.1 Dean Joseph A. Bursley will makef the presentation. Tickets for the banquet were dis- tributed to the various fraternities last night. Adams To Discuss Faults Of Big Ships Prof. Henry C. Adams of the de- partment of naval architecture, an authority on ship construction, has Polish Academy and the Royal His- torical Society of London. Professor lalecki's lectures here will be part tf a series which he is. delivering this fall at colleges and universities in the United States un- der the auspices of the Kosciuszko Foundation, an organization estab- lished in 1926 on the 150th-anniver- sary of General Thadeus Kosciuszko's arrival in the United States to aid the Colonies' struggle for indepen- dence. The organization is dedicat- ed to the promotion of cultural and intelelctual relationships between the United States and Poland. Student Senate Discusses Dies Resolutions To Be Passed Concerning Activities Resolutions concerning the Dies Committee, Mayor Hague's activities in Jersey City and a revision of the Senate rules will be discussed at a meeting of the Student Senate at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 302 of the Union. All Senators have been urged by Speaker Robert Rosa, '39, to attend regularly, or appoint successors to their seats. He announced that Carl Viehe, '39, and Robert Gill, Grad., have resigned and have appointed Charles E. Errin, '40E, and Robert I Kahn, '39, in their places. Today's 'Off-Year' Election1 Will Decide Strengths Of Presidential Timber Farley, Hamilton Deal Final Blows (By Associated Press) Some 40,000,000 Americans-more or less--will vote today in an "off- year" election which is considered of unusual importance because it may, and many think it will: (1) Afford an up-to-date idea of how much support the public is giv- ing the New Deal. (2) Make or break various politicalj figures who have been under dis- cussion as prime presidential pos- sibilities. (3) Profoundly affect the whole future of governmental policy. No Polls In Main The polls will be open in every state, except Maine which voted two months ago. At issue will be 32 gov- ernorships, 35 places in the Senate, 432 seats in the House, a host of less- er ,offices, and state constitutional- amendments and initiative proposals. Bad weather was predicted last night for many sections of the country. On the eve of the election, Johnf D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the Re- publican National Committee, cen- tered attention upon an issue which, next to that/ of the New Deal itself, was perhaps given most prominence by Republican campaign speakers. Hamilton Charges Coercion He charged that "steps were being taken to coerce those on relief rolls" to vote for New Deal candidates. It "is perfectly obvious," he said in. a statement. that "tlge New Deal's chief reliance is the belief that it can count on relief workers as a bloc support- ing New Deal candidates." To "supplement the evidence al-1 ready at hand of coercion of relief1 workers," he said he was wiring all1 his state chairmen to keep a close1 watch and preserve all evidence of such activities, for submission to a congressional investigation. . "In order to assure adequate relief1 for all in distress and to protect re- (Continued on Page 3) Speaker Tells Of Experiences While In China Medical Missionary Asks That Neutrality Support Of JapanBe Stopped Dr. Walter Judd, medical mission- ary who returned recently from Ja- panese occupied territory in North China, will speak on "China Today" at 8 p.m. today at the Congregational Church. The talk is given under the auspices of the local chapter of the American League for Peace and De- mocracy. For the past four years Doctor Judd has worked in the Mission Hospital of Fenchow, Shansi, and lived through the Japanese capture of Fenchow last year. He has been working in this area ever since, witnessing the gueril- la warfare being carried on by the Chinese forces. Objecting to the strong support Ja- pan is receiving from neutral coun- tries, Dr. Judd has returned to Amer- ica to explain the situation about which he has first hand information. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor of religion, who has heard Doctor Judd talk on several occasions, re- gards him as "one of the most elo- quent and convincing speakers" he has heard. Doctor Judd has lived in both North and South China for more than 10 years, returning to this country in 1924 and 1931. At these times he travelled extensively, lecturing at colleges, YMCA and church student groups. Eclipse Of Moon ar a iv Principals In State Campaign HotElectionsIn Five States' A ttract National A ttention New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin Scenes Of Fierce Campaigning As Candidates Seek Posts In Portentious Election Race FRANK FITZGERALD FRANK Personal interviews will be ar- ranged for all applicants and the time for these meetings will be an- nounced in tomgrrow's Daily. Final judging by the Council will be based on recommendations of the judiciary1 committees, material contained in the applications and the personal in- terviews.I Petitions of literary student should contain signatures of 35 literary sophomores, and those of engineering, students should include signatures of' 25 sophomore engineers. Each sopho- more may endorse but one prospective candidate, Luebke said, and a petition containing a violation of this rule will be disqualified. The Soph Prom committee will be composed of eight members to be con- stituted as follows: five from the lit- erary college (including two women) and three from the engineering col- lege. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.-(/P)-Five7 states and two widely separated geo- graphical areas stand out as places to watch in tomorrow's national elec-r tions. . The states are New York, Penn-t sylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wis-t consin. Widely differing factors serve to give each its own "key state" val-t ues this year. In the outcome of their senatorial or gubernatorial con- f tests might be reflected presidentialt ticket portents of 1940.t New York always heads the na- tional election day parade for in- terest because of its 47 electoral votes and the huge delegation it sends to. Congress. This year is no exception, not only because it is President Roosevelt's state but because a lead- ing figure for Republican presiden- tial nomination consideration in 1940 may arise there. The Republi- can candidate for governor, Thomas E. Dewey, is marked for national at- tention over Gov. Herbert H. Leh- man. In Pennsylvania, also, 1940 presi- dential year possibilities are at stake, both Republican and Democratic. Bitter fighting in the Democratick party primaries raised G.O.P. hopes, of winning the Keystone state back, after its first lapse from Republican-: ism in decades. If these hopes ma- terialize, Judge Arthur H. James, the Republican candidate for governor, appears certain of a better than f a- vorite son role in 1940. Election of Governor Earle to the Senate over the Republican incumbent, Senator Davis, would be almost as certain to revive' the Democratic presidential boom for him which started when he was elected governor. { Another 1940 Republican candidacy will be in the making in Ohio if young Robert Taft defeats his New Deal opponent, Senator Bulkley, for a Senate seat. Ohio is always a pivo- tal state politically, having resisted Democratic inroads on its traditional Republicanism except in the Wood- Women Invited To Coffee Hour Dancing And Refreshments On Program Today MURPHY Both Candidates Ignor Precedent And Campaigi Past Final Week-Enc Final State Returns May Hinge On Waynf DETROIT, Nov. 7--P)-Michigan Democratic Governor, Frank Murphy and his Republican rival, Frank I Fitzgerald, disregarded political prece dent tonight and campaigned far int the eve of the most bitterly conteste State election in many years. Both made radio speeches in De troit tonight, although governorshi candidates customarily conclude the: campaigns during the weekend pr& ceding the election. Murphy To Vote In Detroit Former Governor Fitzgerald, whi hopes to reverse the results of 1931 and unseat Governor M u r p h ; planned to leave late tonight for h: including students recently pledge. home at Grand Ledge, where he wi vote tomorrow and receive the re turns tomorrow night. Governor Murphy will remain it Detroit, voting here tomorrow. A bitter fight between Albert. Rapp, incumbent, and Hubert Thompson, Democrat, for the, po- sition of prosecuting-attorney, has high-lighted the local and Wash- tenaw County campaign. Demo- cratic leaders declare themselves "fairly sure" of defeating Rapp, who has held the office for four terms. Republicans, however, pre- dict a clean sweep for the G.O.P. ticket. Little hope is held even by Dem- ocrats that Washtenaw County will upset tradition and go Demo- cratic. They hope, however, to hold the Fitzgerald margin down to 2,000 or 3,000. G.O.P. officials prophesy they will win by a margin of 15,000, row Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt eras. Michigan affords, in Gov. Frank Murphy's reelection contest, a new test of President Roosevelt's ability. to keep the farm and labor vote lined' up behind his New .Deal policies. In Wiscoinsin, the LaFollette Na- tional Progressive Party movement, started during the summer by Gov- ernor LaFollette, is meeting a critical test. LaFollette's defeat for reelec- tion in a situation confused by a three-way battle between Progres- sives, Republicans and Democrats would spell a setback for the move- ment. It would cloud the Governor's hopes of third party action in 1940 and. his own chances of being or naming a Progressive presidential nominee that year. Even Teletypers Wary On Elections; Say 'Woo' Gov. Frank Murphy and Frank Fitzgerald are not the only men in the State of Michigan who are in- terested in the outcome of today's election. Those unknown arms of the Associated Press - the teletype operators -- the men who transport the news over the wire service -also have their opinions, and not only have opinions but also express same' to the elucidation and amusement of night editors all over the State. In a canvass of all the AP tele- type operators in the State last night, the Daily received the following cryp- tic information which you may take or leave from the Republican or Dem- ocratic viewpoint: (By Associated Press) "Lunch." MCI speaking, "About five inches snow in Ishpeming and Negaunee." "Snow as thick as Democrats here -big rally tonight," KB. "The Demos are thick up here al- so," HG. "What ya mean??????" "Just that there are plenty of bemos in the Copper country." "Somebody wanna bet, say a nickle, that Murphy loses?" HG. KB talking: "You are talking to (Continued n Page 3) Chang To Review Chinese Publication A forecast of rain or snow for elec- tion day threatened to reduce the 1,500,000 total vote that had beer predicted, but political observers were agreed that the turnout of voters tomorrow would set a new record for a non-presidential election. The larg- est number of ballots ever cast in ar off-year election was 1,250,000, in 1934, although 1,800,000 votes weri cast in the presidential election o: 1936. Murphy's majority over Fitzgerald in that election was 48,919. Fitzgerald fortes were predicting victory by 150,000 tonight, claiming a 200,000 majority outstate and con- ceding Wayne County (Detroit) ti Murphy by 50,000. 'Edward J. Fry, Democratic Centra Committee Chairman, predicteda 250,000 Murphy majority, 150,000 ir Wayne County and 100,000 outstate Harry H. Mead, Murphy campaigr manager, claimed Wayne County b, 120,000 or 125,000 and -tie Uppei Peninsula by 15,000 or 20,000. Murphy Ied Last Year Two years ago, Murphy led Fitz gerald in Wayne County by 119,427 while Fitzgerald led outstate by 70,508 Murphy carried 21 counties out state, nine of them in the Uppe Peninsula. Two public endorsements of Gov ernor Murphy by President Roose velt and the Governor's unequivoca espousal of the New Deal gave th election, a national aspect. Nation-wide attention previousl had been attracted by such element of the campaign as Governor Mur phy's policy of concilation during th 1937 sit-down strikes; testimony be fore the Dies Congressional Commit tee purporting to link the Governe with Communists, and the Governor espousal of the causes of organize labor and the underprivileged. Also to be elected are: a lieutenar governor, secretary of state, stat treasurer, attorney general and audi tor general, with Democratic incum bents all seeking reelection; 100 stat representatives, 32 state senators, an 17 Representatives in Congress. Union To Sponsor I Warmest Fall In 45 Years Causes Ann Arbor Depression (Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of articles surveying business conditions in Ann Arbor.) By MORTON JAMPEL The prolonged fall season, reported to be the warmest in 45 years, has brought a minor business depression to Ann Arbor, causing extensive losses that are daily mounting higher. A survey of the fuel industry re- veals that local coal and oil dealers have suffered a total loss of business estimated at $75,000 in the past two months, as compared to the same period last year. Business then was considered by many local merchants as exceptionally poor, but this year's records run even under that. With business as much as 90% behind in had formerly used two tons by this time. The local fuel market, however, is not flooded. Instead Ann Arbor faces a very serious shortage in case of a sudden cold spell, one fuel broker pointed out. The dealer's chief ob- stacle is collections, he said, and there is little coal in the local yards be- cause of the lack of money. A quick and severe cold spell would create a definite shortage that could not be readily filled. Many business men are looking for relief in the Guffey Coal Act. It will go into effect on Jan. 1, when the federal government has promised to have its price codes ready. Local deal- ers praised the Act as a godsend to Dancing, entertainment by Mimes, Prof. Y. Z. Chang of the English and refreshments will feature the department will review Lin Yu Yang's first Union Coffee Hour to which "The Importance of Living" at a women are invited, to be held from meeting of the Association Book 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today in the Union, Group at 4:15 p.m. today at Lane James Halligan, '40, Union social Hall. chairman, announced yesterday. He will criticize the validity of the