Upsets Rock Grid World As
Wildcats, Pitt, Golden Bears Boi
Stopped. 20-13I
By Wisconsin
N.U. Hope For Undisputed
Crown Fades; Badger's
Spirit, Speed Triumph;
EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. 5.-(iP)-WTs-
consin fired its bolt today and the
explosion virtually shattered the'
dream of an undisputed Western Con-
ference championship which North-
western had prayed for after its con-.
quest of Minnesota a week ago.
The scrappy Badgers, playing with
faultless drive, precision, speed and
spirit, conquereci the hitherto unde-
feated Wildcats 20 to 13, causing
Northwestern adherents to turn
purple in color as well as in spirit.
A crowd of 37,000, filling both aides
of the huge stadium and trickling into;
the end stands, watched the Badgers
outscore the Wildcats in a sensational
second half to register a stunning up-
After missing a touchdown by d
hair's breadth in the finish of the sec-
ond period, the hard-hitting Badgers,
with plenty of variety to their attack,r
scored two touchdowns in the third
period and another in the fourth.
They just missed making it a routd
when they lost the ball on downs six
inches from the Wildcat goal. i
Big Howie Weiss, Wisconsin's full- 1
back, registered Wisconsin's firsth
touchdown soon after the start of the
third period. Cutting off tackle, and t
then dodging through the Wildcatc
with amazing change of pace, Weiss C
The Lorain Speedster Circles His End
Carnegie Tech
Ends Panthers
Victory String
Tartans Triumph, 20-10,1
Paul Kremer, sophomore halfbac
quarter of yesterday's game. He was
and was finally tackled on the Pen
men in sight are number 22, Ed Bu
14, Rix Yard and number 46, Jam
galloped 40 yards to score. The block-
ing of the Badgers was perfect.
The game, brim full of excitement,
reached its heights when Jefferson,
Northwestern's Negro halfback, took
Hovland's kickoff, and ran 92 yards
down the side line for a touchdown.
He took the ball on the eight yard
ine, and running behind perfect in-
terference, reached midfield. Then
he cut out into the open, with Mad-
sen, a sophomore backfield man put-
ting a terrific block on the last Wis-
consin tackler. Another Badger,
Gavre, tried to overtake Jefferson but
unged and fell flat on his face, while
the fleet footed Negro scampered on.
The Badgers, now gunning for at
east a slice of the Conference cham-
pionship, showed their superiority
by scoring 11 first downs to 6 for
Northwestern and outrushing the
Cats 101 to 88 yards.
To Stop 22-Game WinI By DICK SIERK
Seen, thought and heard at yester-
Streak Of Pittsburgh day's intersectional battle between
the Wolverines and Quakers: Penn-
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 5-(P)-A val- sylvania came out decked in suits
iant band of Carnegie Tech gridmen reminiscent of the gay 90s . . . White
rose up today to pull mighty Pitts- bodies and shoulders with red and
burgh from atop the nation's football black striped sleeves made it appear
perch and accomplish a feat other as though Munger's team had arrived
teams from coast to coast have been for the game 30 years too late.
trying unsuccessfully to do for two The appearance of the umpire, John
years. Schommer, out of Chicago, also re-
Pittsburgh was beaten, 20 to 10. called stormy scenes on the basketball
The Tartans, 3-1 short-enders in court last winter when this same
the silver anniversary meeting of the Schommer called fouls on the crowd
neighboring schools, made the famed . . . he just couldn't take the boos
Pitt forward wall look like a pile of directed his way . . . he got along
cards and the three pile-drivers in all right yesterday however.
circled hisleft end in Photohe by B second Carnegie's backfield, Merlyn Condit, When Fieden, Penn end, came out
s being hemmed in by Pe tacklers Ray Carnelly and George Muha, of the game in the first period after
, bevin hemd r in b enTh cker plunged and drove furiously to ac- he had been set down very hastily
nsylvania 3 yard lines The Quaker complish the unbelievabley by a vicious Wolverine he received a
rke; number 33, Ray Frick; number Stebbins Runs 97 Yards standing ovation from his comrades
nes Connell.-I The game left most oa the huge on the Quaker bench . . . Coach
throng of 61,000 in the big hilltop Munger must have given the order to
saucer stunned. It was crammed with "Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie"
Boileriiiakers thrills from the minute Curly Steb- . . . Harmon's 98 was the first jersey
bins took the opening kickoff and casualty of the day as he parted with
"'J ran 97 yards for a Panther touch- a portion of his sleeve in making a
Beat D uc eyes down until the final seconds when much needed first down on the Penn-
the desperate Panthers took to the sylvania 17 in the second quarter,
airlanes. shortly before Don Siegel did his
Lou Brock Leads Purdue Tartan courage bested Panther heroic piece work.
To Easy 12-0 Victory ,prowess. Any other club might have It appeared after the first half that
! taken it lying down after the heart- the Michigan Stadium was a jinx to
COLUMBUS,O., Nov. 5.--(P) reaking (for Carnegie) dash of highly-touted sophomore backs..
CS 0. - Stebbins. But six minutes later, Con- Reagan had little on the ball and
Purdue punctured the Buckeye bubble dit faded to Pitt's 33 yard line and looked especially sad on Kromer's 50
today, 12 to 0, virtually wrecking looped a high pass over the goal to yard return of his kick for a touch-
Ohio State's Western Conference title Muha. down . . . Reagan was just appear-
aspirations with a pair of ast'-period Carnelly's placekick knotted the ing on the horizon as Kromer crossed
count. A few plays later in the same into pay dirt despite the fact that a
touchdown thrusts which 17:, a crowd Ifirst period. Bill Daddio, who rarely smart kicker will always cover up on
qf 54,365 gasping. misses, booted a neat field goal from his kicks . . . It brought back
Louis Brock, 185-pound junior full- the Carnegie 12, sending the Pan- thoughts of two year ago when Col-
back from Stafford, Kan., was the thers in front again. umbia brought a much publicized Sid
spearhead of the Boilermakers bri- Score On Pass Luckman to Ann Arbor . . . Sid
speahead tBoermyaksalwrt With seconds to go beore the fared no better than Frank did yes-
whistle ended the half, Kern shot terday but he faced a much weaker
line and a couple of great running Karl Striegel, end, into the game. aggregation.
mates. Carnelly's pass from the Pitt 33 land- Penn employed a novel kickoff 'but
The Kansas flash cracked off a ed in the arms of "Chick" Chicker- aside from being novel it was nothing
50-yard run, longest of the day, to neo and caromed off into Striegel's to shout about . . . Shinn, doing the
set up the firs't touchdown, which he hands, over the goal. kicking, disdained a ball-holder and
carried over from the three-yard Biggie Goldberg, Pitt ace, played rolled the ball right down the center
mark. A few minutes later he punt- only five minutes in the first period on the ground . . . such things are
ed 80 yards from behind his own goal because of a leg injury, not good for the grass.
t.. v...{.n4u1--'"i' .-Io.d. .r..h...ra...
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5 -(p)-
ISouthern California's Trojan war-
riors derailed the California Rose
I Bowl-bound Special here today,
wrecking the unbeaten record of the
mighty machine from Berkeley and
taking to themselves the inside track.
to the Pacific Coast Conference foot-
ball championship and the Pasadena
I Bowl Game Jan. 2.
A record-breaking crowd of 95,000
saw the Trojans dynamite California
13 to 7, and hoist the colors of cardi-
nal and gold to heights unseen since
the glory days of Troy five years ago.
California's streak of 18 consecu-
tive victories, topped by its triumph in
the Rose Bowl last New Year's day,
was trampled under foot.
Leading the Trojan climb back to
triumphant heights was Grenville
Lansdell, flashy quarterback who
pitched strike after strike to his pass
receivers and scored the first Trojan
touchdown in the third quarter on a
brilliant sweep around California's
left end after a six yard jaunt.
Unable to dent the Trojan line,
the Bears took to the air and Vic
Bottari got hot to pass his mates 66
yards with Morely Matthewson, right
end, snagging a final pass good for
38 yards and the lone Bear touch-
down. Bottari drop kicked the extra
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to put the Bucks deep in their own
territory. Next he intercepteda pass,
and then carried the ball to the one-
yard mark from where Leon Dewitte,
junior fullback, scored the second
and game-clinching touchdown.
Ohio, frustrated at every turn, was
outclassed in all departments.
Strong, Capable Representation in the State
Legislature Is Assured by the Election of
The victory broke a 22-game string
of conquests run up by Pitt since
they lost to Duquesne, another neigh-
borhood rival, 7-0, on a mud-spat-
tered field in 1936, Only one defeat,
a one touchdown loss to Notre Dame,
mars Carnegie's record this season.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Nov. 5.--(L)-
Vanderbilt's once-beaten Commodores
handed a stubborn Sewanee eleven-a
14 to 0 defeat today before 7,000 spec-
tators in the 47th renewal of their
gridiron rivalry.
Turkey Dinner,, Complete 65c
Steak Dinners at 75c, 65c 55c, 50c
727 N. University at Thayer
(Under Miller Drug)
Democratic Candidate for
This office is one of the most important for e welfare of Wash-
tenaw County to be filled at the forthcoming election. The office
re quires a man who understands the needs of the county, not only
the ordinary needs of its citizens, but the needs and requirements
of the many great state institutions located here. These institutions
are important not only to the citizens of Washtenaw but to many
thousands of citizens throughout the state.
His ability to forcefully and effectively represent all of the
people of the county, as well as to present the needs of these state
institutions to the legislature, transcends his political affiliations.
The test is his ability to do this important job well.
John P. Keusch was born and educated in Washtenaw County. He is a graduate of the
Literary and Law Schools of the University of Michigan. He" is a practicing attorney in
Chelsea where he lives and where he is City Attorney. For several years he was attorney for
the Department of Interior in the Rural Resettlement Administration and in the National
Park Service. In these positions, he was in charge of the legal work for the Park Service in
the states of Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and Kentucky.
He is independent, liberal and progressive.
His aggressiveness, ability and experience -will strengthen -Washtenaw's
FrjAP nfl r"j~x
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