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November 06, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-06

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ed and managed by students of the University of
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rsity year and Summer Session.
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nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

Board of Editors
aging Editor . . . . Ro
orial Director . .
Editor . . . . . Ho
ciate Editor . . . . Ro
ciate Editor . .
cate Editor . .
>ciate Editor . .
ciate Editor,
ociate Editor J
k Editor .
nen's EditorD . . .
rts Editor . . .

bert D. Mitchell.
Albert P. May1o
race W. Gilmore
bert 1. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
. Earl Gilman
William Elvin
Joseph Freedman
*Joseph Gies
Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin

Back From Spain
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following was written by an
American volunteer on his return to the United
States after serving with the Spanish Government
We knew we weren't heroes; they are buried in
Spain. We don't want to be heroes, but we won-
der if people understand what we did and why
we did it and if they are glad we did it. Boys who
go to war get creit from a lot of people for
being brave and from a lot of others for being
damn fools who want some adventure. With us
it wasn't a question of being either brave or
damn fools, though some of us were either or
both. We knew and still know that democracy
has got to be saved. We knew and still know
that the war in Spain is of first importance in
saving democracy for the whole world. We hate
war, but we value democracy and freedom for the
world. We wonder if the American people under-
stand these things.
The people we met on the dock understand.
They took the boys from outside New York home
to dinner, out to parties, and lraised the money to
set them up and send them home, so that one of
them said to me afterward he didn't really have
to go home now, because all the people at the
party were just like his folks . . . How many
of these people are there in America? All the
Americans now in Spain are coming back and
they're going to ask, "Do you understand what:
we were fighting for? If you don't understand,.
listed to me. You've got to know. You've got to
understand the most important thing in the
world. You people who think the Spanish are
licked, listen to me! You people who think the
Munich boys are able to do what they want to
us, listen to me!"
As far as we were concerned the war is still
just as much our war as it was when we were in
Spain. Pam going to write Jaime Mitjana a letter
in a few days to tell him what is going on in
America and ask him how things are going over
there. I am going to tell him that the Friends of
the Abraham Lincoln Brigade are raising money
to bring the Americans back and will have to
raise a lot more, and that this will be a good
indication of how Americans feel about Spain. I
know what he will say to that. He'll say, "Jeem,
now you aren't here any more, I don't have
anyone to bum cigarettes from. You were a good
friend, even if you never rightly understood the
automatic rifle, so send me some cigarettes. I
will take care of the fighting, just send me a
cigarette." I'll do that, and if Americans con-
tribute enough money to the Friends to bring all
the boys home this fall, I'll write him again.
This time I'll say, "All the companeros are back
and now we are going to work on lifting the
embargo against the Spanish Republic. From
the way the American people have acted about
bringing the Lincoln veterans back it looks as
if we could really get it done." Because if we
do it I know I am going to get a letter from
Jaime beginning: "As you read in the papers, we
have the fascists on the run . .
That will be the day we can say we have
really done something for democracy. That will
be a day.
-James Benet in The New Republic

Business Department
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ilip W. Buchen
'I P. Siegelman
am L. Newnan
[en Jean Dean
Wan A. Baxter

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The People
WIllDecide .
HE INAUGURATION of a more effi-
cient system of state and local wel-
fare administration hangs upon the referendum
that will be the fourth proposal on the ballot
The fate of two bills is involved in this. Act
No. 257 creates a State Department of Public
Assistance, abolishes the various state depart-
ments, boards and commissions now administer-
ing public welfare and transfers their functions
to the new department. The department will
be under the control of a five-man commission,
°.ppointed by the governor and approved by the
Senate. Not over three may .be of the sane
political party and their terms are staggered over
a period of four years to prevent a co iplete
change by any one governor.
Act 258, which does not go into effect until
Act 257 is approved, brings together the local
public, welfare services under a county depart-
ment of public welfare, headed by a board of
local citizens. This would replace the present
Superintendents of the Poor, the County Wel-
fare Relief Commissions, the Old Age Assistance
Board and staff, Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief
Commission and the mothers' pension adminis-
tration of the Probate Court.
Every pocketbook in this state is touched by
this proposal for we spend more than fifty mil-
lion dollars per year in giving assistance to more
than 1,200,000 persons. The new law will, with-
out doubt, reduce the present costs by eliminating
needless office expense, duplication of records,
employees, investigation and mileage costs. There
is one case on record of a family attended by
five welfare investigators, who call regularly. As
to exact number, figures show that 469 local
public assistance agencies will be replaced by' 84.
This Act will eliminate the present political
aspect of welfare supervision by -removing the
Poor Commissioner who gives relief at his own
discretion. It will stop the shunting of persons
needing help from one agency to another.
As to funds, the state and Federal govern-
ments will continue to provide all of the funds
for aid to the aged, dependent children, the
blind and rural child welfare services. The State
and county will divide the direct relief costs with
the state guaranteeing at least 50%.
Opposition' to this law has come mainly from
the local superintendents of the Poor who stand
to lose their jobs, the county Boards of Super-
visors, whose control in selecting the poor com-
missioners is taken away, and other organizations
who stand to lose any control they now have in
administration of funds.
The only objections to the bill are that it too
far centralizes control of the welfare problem, but
this carries little weight when we realize that it
is the county that is to have control of its own
It is also said that this is a Murphy bill. But
this is not true since the commission suggesting
the change was appointed by former Governor
Fitzgerald and has the approval of both adminis-
trations. The bill should be well supported at the
-Malcolm E. Long
ROCKFORD, Ill.-(ACP)-The quaintness

Jieimr lo Me'
1-eywood Broun
All the critics seem to agree that one of the
most exciting scenes of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois"
is the portrayal of the debate with Douglas. And4
it is exciting, I believe, be-
cause the audience has an
opportunity to hear two good
political speeches in the
same evening. That is better
than bogey today. Our na-
tional scene is by no means
bereft of excellent orators,
but as a rule the customers
suffer from bad matchmaking.
It is rare, indeed, to find political adversaries
joining the issues in spirited fashion from the
same platform. Yet there is hope. The joint de-
bate appears to be coming back in favor. I am
under the impression that South Carolina re-
quires such procedure in primaries. At any rate,
that practice was followed in the campaign in
which Cotton Ed Smith won himself renomina-
tion. And I am told that the struggle did produce
heat if not brilliance.
Taft Vs. Bulkley
In Ohio Taft and Bulkley have toured that
State in company. The newspaper experts seem
to think that young Mr. Taft leads on points in
a bout which has not been featured by any
knockdown punches. Here in New York Governor
Lehman and District Attorney Dewey have not
met in hand-to-hand conflict, but their speeches
have dovetailed into each other in such a way as
to suggest the character of debate. From an
artistic point of view the result has been disap-
Governor Lehman, in my opiniom is an excel-
lent Governor, and an indifferent speaker. It
would be sound strategy, I believe, for him to
make just one speech and no more. It is his right
to say, "I am no stranger to you. My record is
known to every voter in this State. I stand by it.
Let it speak for me." And this would be fair
and accurate.
Mr. Dewey, of course, is under legitimate com-
pulsion to campaign constantly. Like the highly
successful wrestler of an earlier generation he
remains the masked marvel of politics. His public
appearances have been many,aid dramatic, and
yet no comprehensive picture of the man has as
yet been presented. Certainly not by himself.
If the name of Stephen Arnold Douglas were
wholly unfamiliar to every person at any per-
formance of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" the audi-
ence would go away from the theater having a
greater familiarity with the political philosophy
of that long-dead Vermonter than the average
New York State voter possesses in regard to
Thomas Dewey. What is Mr. Dewey for, and
what is he against? I don't know. I wonder if
he does.
Wisecracks Are Tradition
It does not seem to me that Mr. Lehman has
made a legitimate point in accusing his oppo-
nent of dealing in wisecracks. That's all right.
It is a part of American tradition. Lincoln did it.
Parenthetically, Mr. Dies may choose to com-
plain that certain criticism of his committee has
been unfair, but he has no right to bridle because
ridicule and sarcasm have been employed. Both
methods of attack are wholly legitimate weap-
ons. My chief complaint about the political ad-
dress of Thomas Dewey is not based on any
objection to the use of wheezes..If he pulled any
they fail to register with me. What I wish is
that he would overcome the notion that he is
playing Marc Antony in a road company pro-
duction of "Julius Caesar." He is devoted to the
recurrent and rolling phrase, "The Governor's
advisers should have told him." If he had used
that once more in his Albany speech I had de-
termined to have my house wired against radio.
Mr. Dewey undoubtedly has many excellent
gifts, but as a political orator he is the biggest
disappointment New York has heard since the

days of William Sulzer. Mr. Dewey's advisers
may have planned it that way. It is distinctly
possible that they think it good strategy for him
to cloak his stand on issues under mere sound
and gesture effects. But if so, Thomas Dewey,
the courageous public servant, should resent it.
If he doesn't know that his backers are using
him as a symbol to catch the vote of prejudice
his advisers ought to tell him. "Vote for the
American" is the slogan being used in his favor
in the rural districts. The implications are pal-
able. Mr. Dewey is being used as if he were the
candidate of the long-defunct Know Nothing
party which stemmed from the fires of intoler-
I have every faith that he is better than that.
Let him speak out-.
Gets Toldo
Symphony Blues
To the Editor:
I write to ask if every one who attempts to
listen to the Saturday evening programs of the
NBC Symphony Orchestra has experienced the
same difficulty as I have.
The past two broadcasts (one of which is going
on at the present time) have, been far from
ofarfrvaI -r,11R nnnp.vstatia

No century in recent history, we are
inclined to believe, got off to a better
beginning than did the late lamentedt
Nineteenth. Its successor, the twenti-
eth, idled along for some fourteent
years before showing any positive1
signs of individuality. The Eighteenthe
grew out of the Seventeenth so gradu-
ally that no date can be given moret
significance than another as the be-
ginning of the period. The seven-t
teenth was several decades old be-
fore Louis XIV, the English Com-
monwealth, and the Thirty Years
War came along to give it point, andt
the Reformation Century was almost
of age when Luthe began the reforms
which gave it its name.
With the very first year of the
nineteenth century, however, came
unmistakable indications as to the
course human progress was to pursue
during the succeeding hundred years
or so-indications which may not
have been recognized at the time, but
whose significance is unescapable
from the vantage point of a later
century. Already, of course, there had
been Kant, Goethe, Rousseau, and
the two revolutions. In the year 1800,
Washington, the Moses of his people,
had just passed from the scene and
Jefferson was inaugurating a new
era in American and world history.
On the continent, newly-elected First
Consul Bonaparte was undertaking
the first of the world-conquering
campaigns that were to raise him to
the heights and then crush him, fif-
teen years later. In the quiet little
university town of Jena such young
spirits as Hegel, Schlegel, Fichte, and
Schelling were preaching a new doc-
trine now called romanticism. In Eng-
land their teachings had a poetic
counterpart in Wordsworth's Preface
to the 1800 edition of his Lyrical Bal-
lads. And in Vienna, in the realm of
music wherein the course of men's
thoughts is mirrored no less than In
politics or philosophy, Beethoven com-
pleted his First Symphony.
'Revolutionary' Third
It is customary to speak of the com-
poser's Third, the Eroica, as the "revo-
lutionary" symphony, the cornerstone
of nineteenth century music. But if
the Eroica is a musical Messiah, the
more humble First is its no less signi-
ficant John the Baptist. Immediately
preceding the First in order of com,-
pletion was the Septet, Op. 20, which
in Beethoven's day was his most popu-
lar composition-a piece grandly writ-
ten, the epitome of the aristocratic
manner of Haydn and Mozart. It was
as if the composer had culminated his
long thirty years of creative appren-
ticeship with the Septet as a sort
of doctoral thesis, and then had
turned his face to the future to, as
he once said "break the rules once
he had learned them."
Not that he proceeded at once to an
orgy of rule breaking. Beethoven's
iconoclasm grew from the goadings
of a unique and powerful genius to-
ward unhampered expression-not
from a sophomoric impatience with
tradition or from the substitution of
novelty for originality. Even once
f embarked, in the First Symphony, up-
on the period of his maturity, he pro-
ceeded slowly and never completely
lost contact with the past-even after
such Herculean sallies as the Third,
Fifth, and Seventh he could return
,to the placid groves of the "little
Eighth." Thus, the First has not
the Napoleonic grandeur and uncom-
promising originality of the Third
In the introductory Adagio, the mod-
est Andante, the happy, unassuming
rondo finale, and in the general mold
of the work throughout, the manner,
if not the voice, is that of Haydn.
Breaks Cardinal Rule
Yet the voice is aso there, and the
insistency of its accents is too striking
to be disregarded. With his very first
symphonic chord Beethoven broke
one of the early symphony's cardina
rules-that a movement, especially a
first movement, should always begin
by firmly establishin'g its principal

key. In the vigor and impact of the
first theme, in the terseness and con-
trasting nature of the second theme,
in an increased sense of organic unity
achieved through economical treat-
ment of thematic material, In the in-
sistent drum pedal of the Andante, in
a primitive and thoroughly Beetho.
-venish emphasis upon tonic and dom-
inant throughout, are glances forward
rather than backward.
But most original of all and truly
epoch making is the transformatior
of the symphonic third movement
from 18th century Minuet to moderr
Scherzo. For the "Menuetto" of this
Symphony is a minuet in name only;
although Beethoven had already in-
vented the form and with it the term
"Scherzo" ("Joke") in his sonatas and
chamber works, the conservative in

Deutscher Verein: Meeting Tues-'
day, Nov. 8 at '8 p.m. in the Michigan
Union (Glee Club Room). There willP
be singing and demonstration of Ger-
man folk dances. Refreshments willf
be served. Everybody interested is in-
vited to attend.
La Sociedad Hispanica presents a'
Travel Movie of Mexico City and Sur-3
roundings by Mr. S. R. Levin, LL.B.,
Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 8 p.m. at the
Lecture Hall, Rackham Building.
Members may get their tickets from
Mr. Mercado, 302 R.L.I
Graduate Luncheon Wednesday,
Nov. 9, at 12 noon in the Russian
Tea Room of the Michigan League.'
Cafteria style. Professor Preston E.'
James of the Geography Department
will speak on "Fascism in Brazil."
There will be a short discussion on
the possibilities of holding future
luncheons in the Rackham Building.
Hillel Players: Tryouts for a one-
act play Monday afternoon from 3
to 6 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation.
Everyone welcome except first-se-
mester freshmen. Please bring eli-
gibility slips.
Madaline Betty Meyers, president.
United Peace Committee will meet
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall.
All member organizations will please
send delegates.
Joseph Gies, Secretary.
Mr. J. E. Rogers, Director of the
National Physical Education Service
of the National Recreation Associa-
tion of New York'City, will speak be-
fore the physical education student
and faculty assembly on Monday,
Nov. 7, at 9 o'clock in the Women's
Athletic Building.

EDITOR'S NOTE:, The Cleveland
Symphony Orchestra, directed by Artur
Rodzinski, will give the second con-
cert of the Choral Union series to-
morrow night in Hill Auditorium. In-
stead of formal program notes, how-
ever, Mr. Lichtenwanger has devoted
his column today to a discussion of
Beethoven's FirsthSymphony which will
be featured in the concert.


Ukrania Next?

The Ann Arbor Friends ( Quakers)
will meet Sunday at 5 p.m. at the
Michigan League. An important busi-
ness meeting will follow the meeting
for. worship.
Disciples Guild, (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. L.
Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Panel Discussion on "Per-
sonality Detours." This is the third
discussion of a series on "Building
The worship hour sponsored for
Reformed and Christian Reformed
students and held in the Michigan
League at 10:30 a.m. Sunday will be
conducted thisweek by Prof. J. G. Van
den Bosch of Calvin College, Grand
Rapids. All students are welcome.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copyr received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30. 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 3) 17-19, is conducting a quiz on Beeth-
oven's music. t
hour of quietness and devotion. visit
the meeting of this group. Faculty Women's Club: The Tues-
day Afternoon Play-Reading Section
C Events will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 2:15
p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson Room
German Table for Faculty Mem- of the Michigan League.
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in Professor Mentor L. Williams will
the Founders' Room of the Michigan speak at the Hillel Foundation on
Union. All faculty members interest- Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 8 p.m. on "Elmer
ed in speaking German are cordially Rice." This meeting is sponsored by
invited. There will be a brief informal the Hillel Book Groups All students
talk by Professor Kasimir Fajans on are welcome.
"Warum ist Glimmer (mica) spalt-
C4U 1,64, LUU'L


Because of the speed with which German
foreign policy has developed in recent months,
Reichsfuhrer Hitler's attitude toward Ukrania
has already become a subject of widespread
attention. Many believe that the Ukraine is
marked a "next" on the Third Reich's program
for expansion.
Some of the steps taken to absorb the Sudet-
enland must, however, be ruled out. Between
Germany and the Ukraine lies not only. Czecho-
slovakian territory-which, under German econ-
omic and political domination need not be an
important barrier-but also Polish and Ruman-
ian land. Possibly neither of these countries
would feel able to prevent German economic
penetration from passing through it toward
Ukraina. But so long as the Ukraine remains
a part of Russia, German influence there is
likely to be restricted.
There are alternative solutions: a "deal" be-
tween Germany and Russia, or separation of the
Ukraine from Russia. The first is a remote possi-
bility; a Russo-German alliance has been a diplo-
matic bogey in Franco-British calculations for
many a year. But if the second alternative be-
comes the only choice, the Third Reich's amazing
methods of bloodless conquest will face a task
more delicate than any yet undertaken by Herr
Separation of the Ukraine from Russia would
require intensification of racial feeling among,
the Ukrainians, who do not consider themselves
strictly Russian. In the Soviet Union they enjoy
a measure of self-government kautonomy) in
theory. Presumably the sense of grievance against
central authority which is nearly always present
in some degree among partially self-governing
states might be inflamed by propaganda to a
point where the Ukrainians would demand inde-
Berlin could then support such demands. The
making of them effective would, however, be
another matter. Russia would not lightly let go
an area which supplies it with much of its wheat,
about three-quarters of its present coal produc-
tion, one-half its iron ore and steel, three-
quarters of its sugar and almost all its man-
ganese. And in addition to Russian resistance
Berlin must face the displeasure of Poland and
Rumania. They would not welcome on their
borders a state which would attract to it their
Ukrainian minorities.
A touchy business, which would result in
strains within the newly enlarged German diplo-
matic orbit as well as new alarms without. The
denouement may turn on the success of a method
which already has added Austria and the Sude-
tenland to German territory and brought prac-
tically all central Europe under German influ-
nr~n .1 if' mo os. o ,nn.it_ _- n m.9n_

Biological Chemistry Seminar-.
Tuesday, Nov. 8, 7-9 p.m., Room 319
West Medical Building. "Chemical
Studies of Some Specialized Proteins"
will be discussed. All interested are
"Psychological Journal Club will
,meet on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 8 p.m.
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham School of Graduate Stu-
dies. Topic: "Recent Studies of Emo-
tion" reviewed by R. Kleemeier, N.
Glaser, A. Stebbins, and F. J. Shaw.
Comments by Professors C. H. Grif-
fitts and W. C. Trow."
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov.
9. Professor L. O. Brockway will speak
on "Electron diffraction in gases, I."
Graduate Chemistry Reception. An
informal reception for all graduate
students and faculty in pure and ap-
plied chemistry will be held in the
Horace H. Rackham Building on
Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, from 8 to
10 p.m. Wives of faculty and stu-
dents are cordially invited. Exhibits
and novelties have been arranged. Re-
freshments will be served.
Women's Research Club will meet
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 14 instead
of Nov. 7. Dr. Elzeda Clover and Miss
Lois Jotter will speak on "Nevill's
Colorado River Expedition of 1938."
Association Book Group: Prof. Y.Z.
t Chang of the English department will
discuss Lin Yutang's "The Impor-
tance of Living" at Lane Hall, Tues-
day, 4 p.m.
Association Fireside: Dr. Isaac Rab-
inowitz of Hillel Foundation will
speak on "Judaism in Transition" at
Lane Hall, Wednesday, 8 p.'m.
Political Science Round Table will
meet in the Rackham Graduate
School Conference Room No. 1, on
Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 7:30 o'clock. The
subject of discussion will be "Straw
. Votes, Polls, Pre-election Surveys and
Their Significance." All graduate
. students in Political Science are ex-
pected to be present.
Beethoven Quiz: The Art Cinema
League, in coinection with the show-
ing of "The Life of Beethoven" Nov.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. Sunday school and dis-
ussion group Sunday, 9 a.m. Chapel,
Womens League.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue.
10:45 a.m., "Seeing The Invisible"
is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's
sermon at the Morning Worship
4:30 p.m., Class for students on the
Bible led by Dr. Lemon.
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild,
student group, supper and fellowship
hour to be followed by the meeting
at 6:45. Thediscussion groups on
"What is Christianity?" will, be con-
tinued. All Presbyterian students and
their friends are invited.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.
Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergar-
ten; 11 a.m. Holy Crommunion and
sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
Episcopal Student Group: Professor
Albert Hyma of the History Depart-
ment of the University of Michigan
will speak Sunday" night at 7 o'clock
to the Episcopal Student Group in
Harris Hall. His subject is "The Com-
ing Victory of Orthodox Christian-
ity.'" All Episcopal students and their
friends are cordially invited.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man."
Golden Text: John 3:31.
Sunday School at 11:45.
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "We are
the Blind."
Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45
a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman will be the
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
The subject is "Carl von Ossietsky-
Pacifist." Fellowship hour and sup
per following the meeting.
First Baptist Church and Roger
Williams Guild. 9 a.m. The Church
School, Dr. Logan, superintendent.
9:45 a.m. University students will
meet for study at the Guild House.
Dr.. Chapman in charge. 10:45 a.m.
Morning Worship. The special speak-
er for the day will be the Rev. Ralph
Taylor Andem, of Lansing, Executive
Secretary of the Michigan Baptist
Convention. His subject will be "The
Message of the Church for Today."
Rogers William Guild, 6:15 p.m.
Baptist Student organization, will
hold its meeting at the Guild House.
Miss Doris Cuthbert and John Rasch-
bacher will be the student speakers.
The friendly hour with refreshments
will follow.
First Congregational Church, corner
of State and William Streets. Minis-
ter, Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D. Litt.

10:45 a.m. Service of worship. The
subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be
"The Recent Scare: What Shall We
Say To Mars?"
6 p.m. Student Fellowship and
Young People's Group. Regular sup-
per meeting, which will be followed
by a talk on "Unemployment and Re-
lief." Professor Beynon of the So-
ciology Department will be the guest
Unitarian Church, 11 a rn. Morning
service "Capitulating to the People"
-election address by H. P. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students Union-

him evidently hesitated to inject the at all had not Beethoven's later and
term into the dignified realm of the more tremendous originality hushed
symphony. But there is nothing tri- the heraldings of the First. As James
vial or flippant about a Beethoven Heller, long annotator for the Cin-
Scherzo, and the masquerding ex- cinnatti Orchestra, admirably ex-
ample in the First is a worthy pro presses it: "The First Symphony has
genitor of the illustrious line that about it the morning mists of sim-

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