THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY .r I - + -r- _ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every' morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.I Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as( second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc., College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YoRKI, N. Y. CHICAGO 'OSTON' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor . i. Robert D. Mitchell. . Albert P. Mayio Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman . Robert Perlman . . Earl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman * .Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler . Bud Benjamin Business Department asiness Manager edit Manager vertising Manager . omen'sBusiness Manager omen's Service Manager Philip W. Buchen Leonard P. Siegelihan William L. Newnan Helen Jean Dean * Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON C. JAMPEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and representi the views of the writers only. This Is The Law ... W ITH THE GRANTING of an injunc- tion against unconstitutional prac- tices the redemption of civil liberties in Jersey City has begun. In a 15,000 word decision handed down last Thursday Federal Judge William Clark made a sweeping indictment of the Hague re- gime, forbidding Hague minions froni excluding labor organizers, interfering with peaceful pick- eting, stopping the distribution of union litera- ture and leaflets and interfering with the consti- tutional right of free speech which has been so flagrantly violated in Jersey City. Answering the section that forbade the ex- clusion of union organizers, Hague insisted that, all unionists were "reds" and "aliens" and therefore liable to deportation. To this dogma Judge Clark answered with constitutional prin- ciple: "The power of deportation exists in the nation alone, and can be examined only against aliens. It is not, therefore, a right pertaining to states, and much less to cities. Even as to aliens some sort of hearing has to be held. People cannot be deported from Jersey City by the fiat of an administrative officer, police or otherwise. "Further, the constitutional duty of such an officer is confined to arrest and conveyance of his prisoner to a reasonably convenient judi- cial officer." Mayor Hague's statement concerning the in- junction was a simple one, "Our position is exact- ly the same as it was before the inception of the suit . . . There shall be no let-up (presumably in the prosecution of the usual Hague plan) ." Though Judge Clark's injunction was the first actually successful step in regaining civil liberties in Jersey City, it showed a number of loopholes, the most important of which specifies the the Mayor may censor the speech of any speaker that has created a disturbance at previ- ous appearances in the city. It will be remem- bered that-the Jersey City Feuhrer is particularly adept in creating such "disturbances." Justice hs finally begun her trial of Mayor Hague. Judge Clark's injunction will be remem- bered as the starting point in the fight for human liberties in Jersey City. This is the law, Mayor Hague. -Dennis Flanagan way department in this state exceeds theamount collected in the taxes mentioned in the amend- ment. But there may conceivably come a time when the State of Michigan will want to spend more on education than on its, highways. There may also be emergencies, particularly in welfare, when funds might be needed at a moment's notice. An amendment such as this would leave the hands of the legislature absolutely tied. So, it seems reasonable this matter should be kept out of the Constitution and left at the dis- cretion of the State Legislature. -Malcolm E. Long IMUSIC j SUNDAY Madrigal Singers, Yella Pessl director. 11:30- 12 a.m., WWJ. Radio City Music Hall in tabloid version of Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor. Broncato, Berini, Weede, Erno Rapee conductor. 12-1, KDKA, WOWO. Symphony Club of Philadelphia, William Harbisch conductor. 1-1:30, WWJ. New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Robert Virovai violinist, John Barbirolli conductor. Academic Festival Overture and D major Violin Concerto of Brahms, Symphony No. 2 in D major of Sibelius. 3-5, WBBM. New Friends of Music, Kolisch String Quartet. Beethoven quartets Op. 18 to No. 5 in A, Op. 95 in F minor, Op. 59 No. 2 in E minor. 6-6:30, WXYZ. Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein direc- tor. Cantata No. 38, "From My Deep Need I Call On You." 8-8:30, CKLW.I Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Kirsten Flagstad soprano, Jose Iturbi conductor. Overture to Cori- olanus (Beethoven), Scerzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn), The Mldau. (Smetana), "Dich theure Halle" from Tann- haeuser (Wagner), "A Dirge for Two Veterans" (Holst), songs by Greig, Taylor, and Speaks. 9-10, WJR. MONDAY Curtis Institute of Music, Noah Bielski violin- ist, Robert Gay baritone. 3-3:45, WHIO. Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri- son conductor, 3-3:45, WXYZ. Cleveland Symphony , Orchestra, Artur Rod- zinski conductor. Three Chorales, "Now Come the Gentile's Saviour," "My Soul Exalts the Lord," "Awake, the Voice Calls Us" (Bach- Respighi), Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 21 (Beethoven), Overture-Fantasia from "Romeo and Juliet" (Tschaikowsky), Waltzes from "Der Rosenkavalier" (Richard Strauss). WOR Symphony, Eric Delamarter conductor, 9:30-10, CKLW. TUESDAY WOR Symphony, Nadia Reisenberg pianist, Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Grand Fantasy on Polish Airs (Chopin), Capriccio Brillante (Men- delssohn). 9:15-9:45, CKLW. WEDNESDAY "Everybody's Music," Columbia Symphony, Howard Barlow conductor. 9-9:30, WJR. 8wilight Organ Recital, Palmer Christian or- ganist, Hanns Pick cellist. Fantasia (Rubeck); Rondo, Lament, Fugue on "Kyrie" (Couperin), Kol Nidre (Bruch), Allegro and Andante from Sonata in G major (Elgar), "Fidelis" (White- lock), Finale from Widor's Eighth Symphony. 4:15, Hill Auditorium. THURSDAY Rochester Philharmonic Symphony, Jose Iturbi conductor. 3:15-4, WXYZ. WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallenstein con- ducor. Five Contra Dances (Mozart), Serenade (Beck), "Holy Thursday at Midnight" (Turina), Triana (Albeniz). 8:30-9, CKLW. SATURDAY. Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Conserva- tory String Quartet, Reba Jane Chapman pianist, Harold Flieg oboist. Quintet Op. 81 ('Dvorak), Quintet for oboe and strings (Bax), Sonata for two clarinets (Poulenc). 11-12, WJR. Eastman School of Music, "Milestones in the History of Music." 13th century Adam de la Hale's Robin and Marion, the first comic opera. Emanuel Balaban conductor. 11:30-12, WTAM. NBC Symphony, Arturo Toscanini conductor. Overture to Cariolanus (Beethoven), Schubert's Cymphony No. 2 in B flat, Les Eolides (Franck), Overture to Dinorah (Myerbeer). 10-11:30 WXYZ, WMAQ, WTAM. --W. J. L. TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- WASHINGTON, Nov. 3-With a calmness which in itself may be an augury of well-defined opinions about to be expressed by the American people, the.national election next week will pro- duce consequences on public policy as well as on the political future of President Roosevelt and conspicuous members of the Republican Party. If the elections show a substantial sweep in favor of the Republicans, and someone like Thomas E. Dewey in New York or Robert Taft in Ohio makes a real showing in votes, the candi- date for 1940 of the Republican party undoubted- ly will be picked from such a group of victors. Likewise, if the Republicans forge ahead, the supporters of President Roosevelt will feel more than ever confirmed in their belief that he must make the race in 1940 for a third term in order to preserve what they conceive to be a "liberal" administration with reforms which might be frustrated by an opposing party in power. But, supposing the Democrats fail to lose many seats and the election is interpreted as being more than a holding of their lines. Would Presi- dent Roosevelt be as likely a choice? Wouldn't members of his party who are themselves candi- dates for 1940 feel that he now should step aside and give them a chance? Wouldn't there be a revival of the slogan expressed by Woodrow Wil- son that "there is no indispensable man"? It was uttered in Mr. Wilson's speech of acceptance in 1912 and was aimed at Theodore Roosevelt, who had been nominated for a third term, though four years had elapsed since his previous service. Both Sides Confident Forecasts of what the after-election attitude of the political leaders will be are being made now, but they presuppose a confidence about the gen- eral nature of the outcome. Inside the Democratic Party, there is a feeling that the Republicans will gain more than 25 seats and possibly 50.1 There will be deep disappointment in the Demo- cratic ranks if the number of Republicans added to the House exceeds 35, because, in their inner hearts, the Democrats expect to hold the contest down to 35 and possibly 25. As for the Republicans, they will rejoice at anything over 35 and they really expect an in- crease of 50 or more in the House.l The effect on the Republican leaders is going to be pronounced if the election fails to give them more than 30 to 40 seats. The argumentI that was advanced by Republican members of Congress themselves before the campaign got under way was that no alternative platforms or policies were needed and that the Glenn Frank committee had better postpone its recommenda- tions for a platform until after the 1938 elctions were out of the way. A small but liberal-minded group inside the Republican Party yielded to such expediency strategy with reluctance. They had felt that the wise course was to express a militant Republican- ism in the form of a progressive platform which would show the country that already in 1938 the Republicans were ready to give some indication, of what they would do with public power if they were entrusted with it again in both executive and legislative branches of the government. G.O.P. Offer No Plan The present campaign has been fought with some few exceptions largely on a negative basis. The philosophy has been that of the traditional politicians of both parties: "Make the most of your opponents' mistakes, emphasize those er- rors, promise in generalities that you will do mhurch better, but don't give any specific formula as to how you are going to do it." The election results next week will reveal how far this formula is still effective, if at all. If it proves to have won a considerable number of seats, a continuation of the anti-Administration tactics without offering constructive alternatives will be insisted upon by the political generals of the Republican Party. If, on the other hand, the results show that the Republicans haven't made much of a dent and that their victories here and there were due largely to stronger personalities by the Republican nominee than the Democrat, then the "liberals" in the Republican Party will more than ever feel that they have been con- firmed in their contention that a party, to win power, must do something more than merely condemn the mistakes of the opposition, For the foegoing reasons, the so-called off year election will be of far-reaching significance, to the future development of affairs and candi- dacies inside the Republican as well as inside the Democratic Party. It will be a milestone in politi- cal history. itself against communism, socialism and fascism. The student should make his own choice-and when he does so, his faith will be much the firmer in a fairer, more progressive democracy than nov exists. If the American Legion and other "patriotic" groups which often hide their own selfish bigoted interests under banners of "Americanism" are truly interested in defending American democ- racy, they should accept the challenge. -Daily Northwestern The N.R.L.B. Bats .500 "Unfair treatment of the NRLB by important newspapers has been noted in Washington. Hence this comment now circulating, particularly among newspapermen, in the capital. 'The NLRB has a batting average of .500; it wins all its cases in court and loses them all in the news- papers'."-The Nation You of M By Sec Terry DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) - ties will start at nine o'clock. Mixers, games, dancing, refreshments, a gen- the University Choral Union in good! eral good time. Price 25 cents. Every- AH, the old order changeth! In earlier days, a man who wrote - poetry belonged to the limbo of ec- tl centrics who wore a monocle, spats s and cane, and who drank prodigious & quantities of tea. They were generally t regarded as pasty-faced weaklings t who fainted at the sight of blood and o starved in garrets. But the notion was s a mistaken one. Francois Villon, for b example, was a swashbuckling adven- turer, who tipped a flagon of ale like a man and consorted with thieves and murderers. Yet, he could create a lovely ode of rare quality. The story o has been told of Villon as he wooed his maiden one dreamy night. A jealous rival came along and slashed the poet across the cheek, then stoode by admiring his handiwork and ex-a pecting Villon to cringe behind his f gal and beg, in treble voice, for mercy.n But the gallant whipped out a carving knife instead and whittled an artful design on the rival's surprised face. Still enraged, Villon then grabbed a stone and slung it into his adversary's direction, downing him for the count if not for keeps. It was a poignantb example of what comes from messing1 around with poets. To build further a defense for whatn is to follow, there's the legend of Geoffrey Chaucer, an Englishmanu who versified a line or two in hisf lifetime. Chaucer himself was notn above a ribald yarn or two, as wit- ness his "Miller's Tale." Moreover, he was the chief of a band of archersF for King Edward the 3rd, and oncet was delayed in transit awhile for aa modicum of ransom. COMIC WOE d Burns-Allen duos drive me nuts; I howl in glee until it hu'ts. The flippant rail of a stage buf-d Has me in paroxyms soon.4 I quake with mirth at the min-.. strel bo 'Til my lusty gffaws stop the show. I oft detect a ludicrous slant In the soapy plea of a mendicant. Even the oil' of a politician Leaves me in a hysterical condi- tion. My risibilities stir so quick I even laugh at the air comic. t I'm a dotard for the witty flip, n But I can't e'en smile at the comice strip.c Instead, strangely, I know pott why, I sometimes feel that I could cry.o And if anyone cares to challenge this corner for deigning, or daring, to print the verse above, then please contact us by mail. But before yout do, remember Villon!t * * * THROUGH furtive undergroundk routes has come the report of a grudge touch-tackle clash betweent the dishwashers and the waiters att the Beta house. Because of the arro- gant, assertive attitude of the hash slingers, the plate scrapers-a vindic- tive crew of rascals-have decided that nothing but a decisive trouncing of the white-coated quartet will make the Beta kitchen safe for democracy.- So Sunday, either morning or after-l noon, the Men of the Tubs, led byt Long Spear .Fred Martin, Paul Van ' Dam, the Dutch demon, and Jim Monahan, Theta Chi socialite, will serve their talents up against Capt. Howard Johnson, the Bahston thes-I pian, Ed Lueders and Bill Spicer, a{ >air of Alpha Delt ringers, Cliff Hoff- - mann and Bob "Brains" Watt. Jeff Hall, one of Charley Hoyt's promis - ing hurdlers, declined the invitation to participate in the battle when he heard that a "versifier" named Terry had been subsidized by the dish wash- ers. Hall has evidently heard of Villon. HUMANITARIAN vignette: A ma- tronly woman, a blonde child and a queer-looking dog walking idly along Liberty St. . . . the tot, rouged on both lips and cheek, waddled along unsteadily and several times almost went into a stumbling heap . . . while the woman clung tenderly to the pooch's leash, directing him among the pre-occupied passers-by . . . When last seen, the dog was bearing his guide with good grace; the tot seemed unconcerned . Wonderment note: Who is going to support the skylighted arch of Nickels Arcade when winter drives the Ann Arbor gendarmes under cover? Travel item: During the summer a clever hitch hiker stood beside a portable sign which read: "If you don't pick me up, I'll vote for that man again." i tanding will be issued pass tickets or the Cleveland Symphony Orches- ra concert Monday, Nov. 7, between he hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4 'clock. Members must call in per- on. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be issued. Academic Notices I shall be unable to meet my classes r my appointments on Monday and Tuesday. R. W. Cowden. Students, College bf Literature, Sci- ,nce and the Arts: Courses dropped after today by students other than reshmen will be recorded E. Fresh- nen (students with less than 24 hours If credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean. Math. 350b, Foundations of Proba- bility. This course by Professor A. H. Copeland, the first of the series of hort courses, will have its first meet- ng on Monday, Nov. 7, at 3 o'clock, n 3201 A.H. and will run for ,five Neeks. Arrangements of hours for future meetings of the class will be made at this time. Women Students Registered in Physical Education. Registration for the indoor season will be held at Bar- bour Gymnasium, office 14, on Fri- ay, Nov.,4, 8-12, 2-5, and on Satur- day, Nov. 5 from 8-12. Students interested in taking this work electively may register any day luring the week of Nov. 7 between the hours of 8 and 12 and 1:30 and :30 in Office 15, Barbour Gymna- sium. Concerts Choral Union Concert. The Cleve- and Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, con- ductor, will give the second concert n the Choral Union Series, Monday evening, Nov. 7, at 8:30 o'clock. The public is requested to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. A limited number of tick- As for both season and individual oncerts are available at the office of the School of Music. The Hill Audi- orium box office will be open at 7 o'clock on the evening of the concert. Exhibitions An Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery: Originally held in conjunc- ion with the Summer Institute of Par Eastern Studies, now re-opened by special request with alterations and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At the College of Architecture. Daily (excepting Sundays) 9 to 5. Lectures University Lectures: Dr. Albert Charles Chibnall, Professor of Bio- chemistry at Imperial College of Sci- ence and Technology, University of London, will give the following lec- tures under the auspices of the De- partment of Biochemistry: Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem- istry Building, "Criticism of Methods of Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins This lecture is especially designed fr those interested in the analytical chemistry of proteins. University Lectures: Oscar Halecki Professor of History at the Univer sity of Warsaw and Exchange Pro. fessor under the auspices of the Kos ciuszko Foundation will give the fol- lowing lectures under the auspices o the Departments of History and Po litical Science: Nov. 8, 4:15 p.m. Natural Scienc Auditorium, "Poland and Russia." Nov. 9, 4:15 p.m. Natural Science Auditorium, "Poland and Germany.' The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Marvin R Thompson, Director of Warner In stitute for Therapeutic Researc (formerly Professor of Pharmacolog; at the University of Maryland) wi] lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar macology of Ergot" on Thursday Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 16 Chemistry Building, under the auspi ces of the Qollege of Pharmacy. Th public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Ola Jans6, Director of the Expedition fo the Paris Museums and the Frenc School of the Far East, will give a: illustrated lecture on "Excavation is Indo China: Ancient Chinese Cul tural Finds" on Thursday, Nov. 10 a 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi theatre under the auspices of the In stitute of Fine Arts. The public cordially invited: one welcome. All persons interested In trying out for the business staff of the Hillel News should call the Foundation of- fice this week. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Professor Kasimir Fajans on "Warum ist Glimmer (mica) spalt- bar?" Women's Research Club will meet in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 14 instead of Nov. 7. Dr. Elzeda Clover and Miss Lois Jotter will speak on "Nevill's Colorado River Expedition of 1938." Freshman Round Table: Professor Shepard of the Psychology Depart- ment will lead a discussion on "A Balanced Individual" at Lane Hall, Sunday, 4 p.m. Association Lecture: Peter Maurin, of the Catholic Worker, will talk on "The Green Revolution" at Lane Hall, Sunday, 8 p.m. Association Book Group: Prof. Y.Z. Chang of the English department will discuss Lin Yutang's "The Impor- tance of Living" at Lane Hall, Tues- day, 4 p.m. Toastmasters Club: All present members are ugently requested to attend the first meeting on Wed- nesday, Nov. 9 at the Union. Dinner will be served at six sharp. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at the northwest entrance of the Rackham Building at 3 o'clock Sun- day, Nov. 6. The group will go for a hike and will return to the Rackham Building for. supper. Election of of- ficers will be held at this meeting. . The Christian Student Prayer Group will meet as usual at 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 6, in the Michigan League. Please consult the bulletin board for the room. If you want an hour of quietness and devotion, visit the meeting of this group. Kappa Phi: There will be a pledg- ing breakfast at 8:30 on Sunday, Nov. 6, 1938 in the Russian Tea Room of the League, followed by a pledg- ing ceremonyy held in the Ethyl Fountain Hussey Room. Life-Saving, Women: Instruction in Red Cross Life Saving methods will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8:30 p.m. at the Union Pool. All women students wishing to take this instruction should en- roll at Barbour Gymnasium on Fri- day, Nov. 4, 8:30-12, 2-5, and Sat- urday, Nov. 5, 8-12. . eChurches The Ann Arbor Friends( Quakers) l lmeet Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League. An important busi- ness meeting will follow the meeting for worship. * Disciples Guild, (Church of Christ) 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. -Frederick Cowin, Minister. f 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea. e 6:30 p.m., Panel Discussion on "Per- sonality Detours." This is the third e discussion of a series on "Building " Personality." . The worship hour sponsored for - Reformed and Christian Refdrmed students and held in the Michigan . League at 10:30 a.m. Sunday will be ll conductedthis week by Prof. J. G. Van den Bosch of Calvin College, Grind SRapids. All students are welcome. -5 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter e Day Saints., Sunday school and dis- cussion group Sunday, 9 a.m. Chapel, Womens League. )r First Presbyterian Church, 1432 h Washtenaw Avenue. nn 10:45 a.m., "Seeing The Invisible" n is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's - sermon at the Morning Worship at Service. The student choir directed i- by Palmer Christian will take part in - the service. is 4:30 p.m., Class for students on the Bible led by Dr. Lemon. 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, - student group, supper and fellowship y hour to be followed by the meeting e at 6:45. The discussion groups on n "What is Christianity?' will be con- t tinued. All Presbyterian students and - their friends are invited. e_ t St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: s Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. -. As Others See It nodI(s Or Schools T HE THIRD of the Constitutional . proposals to be presented to the voters of Michigan at the election Tuesday pro- vides that "All taxes imposed directly or indirect- ly upon gasoline and like fuels . . ., and on all motor vehicles registered in this state, shall, after the payment of the necessary expenses of collection thereof, be used exclusively for high- way purposes, including the payment of public debts incurred therefor, and shall not be diverted nor appropriated to any other purpose.." This amendment, proposed and fostered by the highway men of the state and supported by auto- mobile and contracting interests throughout the state, will try to earmark funds of the state's Object of almost every uncomplimentary phrase in the English language the past summer was Prof. William Gellermann's recent book "The American Legion as Educator." Published for Doctor Gellermann's doctor's thesis by Columbia university, the survey proclaimed that the Legion was controlled from the top and not by the common legionnaire, that by such control the Legion was incipiently fascistic, and often unpatriotic in its "Americanism" campaigns. To these charges such satellites of the Legion as Col. Theodore Roosevelt and various state commanders replied that Professor Gellermann was a communistic jackass; that Prof. George Counts of Columbia was a communist; that American universities were becoming hotbeds of sedition, and that something ought to be done. Even in Evanston was the Legion thus defended. In publishing his findings, Doctor Gellermann has done yeoman service for the cause of Ameri- can education, which has too long been the somewhat deflated football of the Legion's so- caed "patriotism" campaigns. New waves of ultra-Americanism orginated by the Legion and the Mayor Hagues have so bound many college FORUM To the Editor: +1- ,.,,,-,i- 4-- The following is in reply to the letter in your column this morning University Lecture: Thomas Doe signed Michigan Grad. sing, Director of the Public Library I, too, attended the Michigan-Yale Administration of Denmark, will giv game, and I must say that I watched a lecture on "Folk High Schools in with keen interest the so-called an- iDenmark" on Thursday, Nov. 17, a tics of the Michigan cheer leaders. 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi My one comment would be "more torium under the auspices of th power to them." It is the first time General Library and the Departmen in a good many years that there has ;of Library Sciences. The public i been such pep among the cheer cordially invited. hnnr. or A ,-,.*- nrl T fnr-nno, hnnrfn j, t I ri.- -4