_._ ____._.___._ 1 Weather Rain and somewhat cooler. YI E 131k ig ant T. VOL. XLIX. No. 36 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOV. 5, 1938 _ I _____________ I ______________________________________ Roosevelt Asks For Election Of Liberals In Coming Contest) Praises Gov. Murphy For Settling Michigan Strikes By PeacefulNegotiation Asks Re-election Of Gov. Lehman {. I I II Catholic Worker Editor Visits Here Tomorrow Rails Cancel 15 Per Cent Pay Cut Plan Board's Recommendations Agreed To Reluctantly; Want Congressional Aid Decision Forestalls Threatened Strike CHICAGO, Nov. 4-(P)-The Na- tion's major railroads canceled an order for a 15 per cent wage cut for approximately 930,000 employes to- day in the hope their action would expedite government aid. The decision forestalled a strike of the workers and cleared the way for drafting legislation to help the car- riers. Withdrawal of the pay reduction notice was recommended last Satur- day by President Roosevelt's fact- finding board. J. J. Pelley, president of the Association of American Labor Executives Association, conferred HYDE PARK, N.Y., Nov. 4.-(IP)- President Roosevelt tonight urged the American people to elect on next Tuescday candidates "known for their experience and their liberalism." The President, speaking from the library of "his home here, also ap- pealed for election of candidates "without regard to i race, color or creed." His 3,000-word address, broadcast over three national radio chains, re- jected the "negative purposes pro- posed by old-line Republicans and Communists alike-for they are peo- ple whose only purpose is to survive against any other fascist threat than their ,own." Referring to Governor Murphy of Michigan he said: "During my four years as governor and during my nearly six years as President I am proud of the fact that I have never called out the armed forces of the state or nation except on errands of mercy. That type of democratic wisdom was illustrated last year by the action of Governor Murphy when he persuaded the ne- gotiators of the employers and em- ployes to sit around a table and thus got an agreement, avoided bloodshed, ahd earned the praise of both sides of a controversy that had frightened a whole nation." Asks Reelection Of Lehman The President urged the re-election of Gov. Herbert H. Lehman in his home state of New York and others on the state ticket, mentioning Sen. Robert F.'Wagner, candidate for re- election, and Rep. James M. Mead, candidate for the short Senatorial term, by name. He also took occasion again to praise the record of Gov. Frank Murphy of Michigan in handling Michigan strikes, saying he had sub- stituted negotiation for risk of blood- shed. Murphy is opposed .for re- election by former Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald, Republican. Without mentioning Lehman's Re- publican opponent, District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey, by name, Mr. Roosevelt said pointedly:' "We need more active law enforce- ment, not only against the lords of the underworld, but also against the lords of the overworld." Mr. Roosevelt took another shot at dictatorships and declared the New Deal did not assume for a minute that "all we have done is right or all that we have done has been successful, but our economic and social program of the past 5/2 years has definitely given to the United States a more stable and less artificial prosperity than any other nation in the world has enjoyed." Business Cooperative' He pointed to a pick-up in automo- bile and other industrial employment and said he had been happy in the last six months to see "how swiftly a large majority of business men have been coming around to accept the ob- jectives of a more stable economy and of certain necessary supervision of private activities in order to pre- vent a return of the serious abuses and conditions of the past." "But if there should be any weak- ening of the power of a liberal govern- ment next Tuesday," he continued, "it would resurrect false hopes on the part of some business men, now be- ginning to change antiquated ideas that if they can hold out a little longer no adaption to any change will be necessary." The President warned the voters against false prmises. He said that invariably before an election all par- ties are friendly to labor and the un- employed and are against monopoly. But he repeated his warning of two years ago at Syracuse, N. Y., against those who say they are for the New Deal objectives but do not like the methods the administration uses to attain them,. He urged the people to judge can- didates, not merely by what they promise, but "what they have done, by their records in office, by the kind of people they travel with, by the kind of people who finance and pro- mote their campaigns." Peter Maurin, co-editor of the "Catholic Worker," a liberal monthly magazine, will speak on "The Green Revolution" at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall under the joint sponsorship of the Newman Club and the Student Religious Association. Men's Council Asks Petitions For Soph from Eight Posts Are,Open To students From Literary And Engineering Schools A call for petitions for the eight posts on the sophomore class dance committee was issued yesterday by Men's Council, in the first move of the newly-reorganized student gov- ernmental system on campus. This Soph Prom Committee, ac- cording to. the Council resolution which was passed Oct. 27, will be composed of eight elected members; five from the literary college (to in- clude two women) and three from the engineering college. Petitions must be submitted by 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8, by men to the Men's Council judiciary committee and by women to the League judiciary committee, Fred Luebke, '39E, presi- dent explained. Judging by these committees will be on the basis of material contained in the applica- tions and on personal interviews which will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 9 and 10. Three to five candidates for each of the eight positions will be selected by Men's Council at its meeting recommendations of the judiciary Thursday, Nov. 10, acting on the committees. Petitions of literary students must contain 35 signatures of sophomores in the literary college and those of (Continued on Page 2) Haleeki To Talk About Poland Noted Professor Is Making Tour Of Country The economic and political posi- tion of Poland in relation to the rest of the world and especially to Russia and Germany will be discussed by 'Prof. Oscar Halecki of the University of Warsaw, Poland, in two lectures here Tuesday and Wednesday. He is lecturing at more than a score of American colleges and universities this fall under the aus- pices of the Kosciuszko Foundation, an organization founded in 1926 on the 150th anniversary of General Tadous Kosciuszko's arrival in Amer- ica to aid the colonial struggle for independence. Its purpose is the pro- motion of .cultural and intellectual relationships between Poland and the United States, and, including this year, it has exchanged more than 150 students and professors, granting more than $110,000. New York Court Exonerates Nazis NEW YORK, Nov. 4-(1)-Five judges of the Supreme Court appellate division in Brooklyn today unani- mously exonerated six members of the German-American settlement League, operators of Camp Siegfried, at Yaphank, Long Island, who were convicted of violating the civil rights law in Suffolk County last July. "No matter how great the desire to stamp out Naziism, the method taken must be within the law," the decision said. Community Fund *14 " HYDE PARK, Nov. 4.-( P)-Presi- dent Roosevelt expressed gratifica- tion today at the announcement that major railroads would cancel a pro- posed 15 per cent wage cut, and he reiterated the hope that a "construc- tive" railway rehabilitation program would be enacted at the next session of Congress. with Mr. Roosevelt Monday. They an- nounced then he had promised to sup- port a legislative program to aid the rail lines and had expressed confi- dence an informal committee of six, representing labor and management, could present one to the next con- gress. Alluding to these developments, Pelley informed President Roosevelt by telegram today that "the railroads are taking this action not because they agree with the conclusions reached by the fact-finding board, but because they recognize the gravity of the situation and because they hope that out of it will corpe, through the cooperation of all coh- cerned, a sounder and more equitable transportation policy." Socialst Wants A Labor Party Warns Against Fascism As Alternate Solution The inability of the capitalist sys- tem to reinvest profits was designat- ed yesterday by Tuckr Smith, State chairman of the Socialist party, in an address at the Union, as "an inner contradiction" that will cause the downfall of the present set-up. Mr. Smith spoke in place of Nahum Bur- nett, Socialist candidate for Gov- ernor, in the second political forum meeting arranged by the Student Senate. "Ifnthis stagnant capital does not become gainfully employed," Mr. Smith declared, "it becomes a painful permanent drug upon the capitalist system." Under such conditions, Mr. Smith said that the system weakens from within, investors become ner- vous and hire a man to direct the three-ring circus, such as they did in Germany and Italy. Rebels Gain Along Ebro HENDAYE, France (At the Spanish Frontier), Nov. 4--(P)-Spanish In- surgents broadcast a radio announce- ment tonight that their troops had occupied Mora De Ebro, major ob- jective of their Ebro river offensive. The announcement said Insurgent forces advanced all along the Ebro front, reaching the river in several places in a drive to regain the zone west of the stream Fourteen Are Killed In Airplane Crash ST. HELIER, Jersey, Channe Islands, Nov. 4.-(P)-The four-en- Lgined De 'Havilland airiner "St Catherine's Bay" caught fire, crashe into a field and then exploded just after taking off from here for South- S ampton today, killing 14 persons. The dead included all aboard, four of them women and one a baby, and a farm worker who was crushed to death as the big craft fell directly on him. Aviation experts probing the crash tonight had failed to deter- mine the cause. The accident occurred in a thick mist just two minutes after thetake- off for Southampton, 125 miles over water from this island. The plane was on the regular Jersey-South- ampton run Action Asked In Adult Field By Mchiusky Too Much Talking, Little Done, Parent Education Institute Group Is Told Maintaining that a paralysis is creeping over college professors and other leaders of modern communities, making them do far too much talking and far too little acting, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Educa-. tion yesterday urged members of the Ninth Annual Parent Education In- stitute to act at once, regardless of how small a start must be made, in the carrying out of social reforms proposed at such meetings as the In- stitute is now holding. Speaking before a group which had just come from a series of con- ferences on various aspects of mod- ern life, Professor McClusky stated that even in small towns, inhabitants were nt aware of the sources to which they could go for help in their per- sonal problems. Surveys of the most important problems should- be made at once, he said, in order that the groups may know facts, and upon the completion of the surveys, they should act. Dr. F. B. Knight of Purdue Uni- versity opened the morning session asking his audience "How well do you know yourself?" "The only thing that matters much to your boys and girls," he said, "is what you really are. Gen uinely, honestly believe in yourself and your children will live to bless you." Whether the schools are going too far with innovating practices was the subject of a conference held at 2 p.m., led by Miss Edith Bader, assistant superintendent of the Ann Arbor pub- lic schools. Salient points made in the conference were the need of deter mining a definite goal for education, Continued on Page 2) Human Eye On Ice Flown To New York WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 -RP)- A human eye, removed from a living person by a surgeon here today, was packed in ice ana flown to New York for use in restormg the vision of sev- eral persons there.- The operation was performed at the Episcopal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. The eye had been pierced by a fragment of steel and although its vision was destroyed, the cornea re- mained intact. 57,000 People Employed' DETROIT, Nov. 4.-(IP)-Increas- ing production of 1939 automobiles' and parallel improvement in other industries resulted in an increase of 57,000 persons employed in Wayne county during October.l Hull Demands l Rights Of U.S. Be Respected Secretary Warns Japanese Violation Of Treaties Will Not Be Tolerated Will Refuse Peace Contrary To Pacts WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-(P)-Cor- dell Hull, Secretary of State, indicat- ed today the United States would not abide by Japan's intention to link Japan, China and Manchukuo to- gether politically and economically. In a formal statement he also gave the world to understand that this country would not accept any de- nunciation by Japan of the Nine- Power Treaty guaranteeing China's independence and the open door of commercial opportunities there. He served notice that the United States stands on the existing treaties dealing with Japan and China. The American attitude, he said, is gov- erned by the generally accepted prin- ciples of international law, by treat- ies, and by principles of fair dealing and fair play among nations. He did not indicate what action the United States would take and de- nied reports that he was consulting with other powers to induce them to denounce their commercial treaties with Japan. The fact that Hull twice mentioned China and Jagpan in his short state-' ment was interpreted to mean that, even as he will refuse to concede Ja- pan the right to make a peace in Chi- na prejudicial to the Nine-Power Treaty, so will he also refuse to recog- nize the right of China to make a peace with Japan which would in- jure the rights of the United States and other nations. Japan's contention is that between 1922, when the Nine-Power Treaty was signed, and today 'conditions have radically changed ' and that changing conditions invalidate the treaty. China no longer exists as it was in 1922 and Japan is the master of southeastern Asia. The reply made here is that condi- tions have changed because of Ja- pan's invasion of China in violation of pacts such as the Nine-Power and the Kellogg treaties. Rodzinski I n t Choral Union's Second Concert Cleveland Orchestra Will Appear Here Monday Led By Noted Conductor Continuing their long succession of u concert triumphs, the Cleveland Sym- phony Orchestra, now celebrating its 21st year of world-acclaimed en- gagements and beginning their sixth year under the magic baton of Artur Rodzinski, comes to Ann Arbor Mon- day in the second program of the Choral Union Series. The Cleveland organization has filled a double decade with musical achievements that reach beyond the walls of their own Severance Hall. They have given more than 1000 con- certs in 26 states, Cuba and Sanada. This group has made distinct contri- butions to American music by pre- t senting works of relatively unknown composers in their regular concert programs. In commenting on Artur Rodzinski, a Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music, says: "On previous - visits to Ann Arbor Mr. Rodzinski d has demonstrated beyond question the reason for his fame in the field r of orchestral music. He is a virile d conductor, sensitive interpreter, and commanding genius on the podium." The fame of Rodzinski has also i spread beyond the boundaries of the 1 United States, for during the past t few 'summers he has performed as guest conductor with great Euro- pean orchestras in Salzburg, Vienna, t London, Budapest, Paris and Prague. The Polish government has decorated b him with the medal of Polonia Resti- tuta, highest cultural award that r country bestows. Chibnall Ending Two-Day p Chemical Lecture Seriesi Prof. Albert C. Chibnall of the I TnivPav of aT nnlnnwil mnlifnr+hd t Forest Fires Blaze In South-West; Rains Assist Men Fighting Flames (By Associated Press) Rain sweeping out of the west yes- terday revived the spirits of a force of more than 8,000 men striving to stem the spread of forest fires in 13 states. Showers checked several large blazes in Alabama, Mississippi and western Tennessee. Heavy winds whisked a rain storm toward the menaced areas of the arid midwest. Losses of more than $300,000 were River stretched a 1,600 square mile pall of smoke. Light precipitation was reported in western Kentucky. The major con- fagrations in that state were in Har- lan and Pike counties. Some 7,500 acres were charred. Damage was placed at $200,000. Six forest fires were reported in SouthernrIndiana. One, in Wash- ington county, was out of control on a three-mile front. Fnrt-ftnrc fiar