uilding To Be Scene Of Interfraternity Dance Tonigi University Of Michigan Dames Continues Active Organization By ETHEL NORBERG I return to school for advanced de- The wives of graduate students and grees. Many couples have children. internes make up the membership of They are a hard working group, one of the most active organizations making a home, even though it be a on the University campus, the Uni- tiny apartment. managing on a very versity of Michigan Dames, limited budget, cooking, cleaning and This organization was established washing. And because the income 24 years ago and is one of 23 chapters which student husbands can make in receiving charters from a National limited "spare time" is small most Association of University Dames. of the wives work outside the home. fll If you weren't able to come Wednesday or Thursday - don't despair ! New things have been rushed from our other two storey to replenish our regular stock -all r_ I I Silver fox, fitch, Mouton Lamb, Skunk and other fine furs in unique treatments on dress and sport styles ! Every model highly individual ! I It; 'Ill ' ry HOSIERY NEW SHADES by McCALLUM "Peppermint" and "Cor- dial." They're so new they Only Headlines at every college event of any importance. Fascinating creations you'll be oroud to wear. Newest I LITTLE FROCKS c4 Aet Wo 1111 1111 I I I I I I i