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November 04, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-04

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Cloudy, rain tonight;
tomorrow cooler



VOL. XLIX. No. 35



-~. I-

Granted Vote
Of Confidence
By Commons
House Defeats Suggestion
Censuring Government
For Its 'Unpreparedness'
Approves Rushing
Defense Measures
LONDON, Nov. 3.- (P) -Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain's gov-
ernment tonight won its second vote
of cofidence in two days when an op-
posltio1, motion censuring the gov-
ernment for Britain's inadequate de-
fenses was defeated 355 votes to 130.
The opposition motion asked the
House of Commons to censure the
govenrments "admitted unprepared-
ness to protect the civil population
when the country was brought to the
brink of war" during the September
Czechoslovak crisis.
Commons Give Approval
Commons then gave approval to a
government-proposed amendment to
the censure motion supporting "the
governinent's determination to com-
plete with the utmost speed the mea-
sures necessary to provide for the
country's needs."
Government spokesman had prom-
ised a triple effort along that line to
"regain the insular security" of-Brit-
The House of Lords meanwhile
adopted by 55 to 6 votes a govern-
ment motion approving early applica-
tion of the, Anglo-Italian Easter
friendship accord. Commons approved
a similar motion last night.
Sir Samuel Hoare, Home Secretary
who now turns over civilian defense
measures to vigorous Sir John Ander-
son, new Lord Privy Seal, declared
in the Lower House:
Goo4 Passive Defense'
"This country can make as good a
system of passive defense as any in
the world.
"We are determined to make it ef-
fective and see that it can play lts fuji
part V(ith a substantial increase of the
air force and a greatly increased sys-
tem of anti-aircraft guns..
He said Britain's system of air raid
precautions, despite all its imperfec-
tions, would stand comparison with
that of any country in the world with
the exception of Germany.
PrOf. Chibnall
Lectures Today
Plant Protein Metabolism
Is Topic Of Talk Series
Prof. Albert C. Chibnall of the
University of London will present


Pressure Groups Campaigning
Against Welfare Act, Says.Fuller
Probate Judges And War alarmed at the prospect of centrali-
ss zation ofustate and federal funds for
Veterans Fight Passage hat upss
Of Reorganization Act some war veterans' organizations
________are opposing the law, afraid that the
By MORTON JAMlVPEL funds they receive for their private
Many pressure groups, working for old age homes, and other relief work
their own interests, are campaigning htbaborbd k ew central
against the welfare reorganization unit that would take over their work
Law that comes up in referendum be- as well.
fore voters Tuesday, Prof. Richard Several probate court judges out-
Fuller of the sociology department.re- side Washtenaw County are lining up
vealed yesterday in announcing his against the act, Professor Fuller
full support of the act. said, because it would take the admin-
Passed by the State legislature, the istration of mothers' pensions out of'
law was brought to a referendum their hands. There are a few, he ad-
just befor htastogintoreffecd mitted, who would find this a relief
just before it was to go into effect, but to most the control of this money
and now these pressure groups areisugtootcol oftim.e
attempting to defeat it, Professor is a great political plum.
Fuller, said. There is also strong opposition from
local boards of supervisors, township
Among the more articulate oppon- supervisors, and county agents vho
ents of reorganization. is the Wayne derive their livelihood from the dupli-
County Medical Association, that cated mass of relief and welfare ser-
fears this measure might be an en- vices.
tering wedge for state control of Rural vicinities and small towns
medicine. The local practitioner is (Continued on Pate 2'


RodzMski Will
Conduct Here
For 2nd Time,
Brings Famous Cleveland
Orchestra To Campus;
Renown Is World-Wide
Artur Rodzinski, who is ranked
with Toscanini, Koussevitsky, and
Stowkowski as one of the worldf
greatest concert conductors, will ap-
pear Monday in Hill Auditorium. with
the Cleveland Synphony Orchestra as
the second presentation of the Choral
Union Series.
Regarded as one of the vital forces
in the development of orchestral mus-
ic in America, Rodzinski has conduct-
ed this famous group for the past six
years. He has been acclaimed in many
Europeanmusic centers, where he
has peformed as guest conductor
of some of the leading symphonic
groups. Working with the great Tos-
canini, Rodzinski trained, selected and
organized the NBC Symphony Or-
chestra and, conducted its first 10

The Cleveland orchestra,
fame and accomplishments


spread from their home city to all
parts of the world, in 21 years of con-
cert touring, has given more than
1000 programs in 26 states, Cuba and
Canada. Its outstanding musical
achievements have gained for the
Cleveland Symphony ranking in the
first three concert groups in the
Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of
the School of Music and the Uni-
versity Musical Society, which spon-
sors the Series has declared he be-
lieves this year's concerts, both solo
artists and ensemble groups, to be
the finest offered in the 59 years
of Choral Union productions.

Miss Keilholtz
T tt
Is Sophomore
Cabaret Head'
Committee Of Assistants
Also Picked For Event
To Jte Held Dec. 2 And 3
Virginia Keilholtz, '41, was named
general chairman for the 1938 Soph-
omore Cabaret, to be held Dec. 2 and,
3, in an announcement made by Sybilt
Swartout, '39, president of Judiciaryc
Council, last night following a specialf
meeting of the League Council.
Assisting Miss Keilholtz will be
Jeanne Davis, '41, assistant general
chairman; Ann Wills, '41, costume
chairman; Margaret Walsh, '41,'
chairman of publicity; Betty Lipton,'
'41, hostess chairman; Lonna Park-
er, '41, music chairman; Janet Sib-
ley, '41, head of finance; Betty Stout.
'41, chairman of decorations; Betty
Mae Clement, '41, in charge of tickets'
and Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41, dance
Miss Keilholtz Is Delta Gamma
Miss Keilholtz is affiliated with
Delta Gamma. She is a member of
the publicity and theatre arts com-
mittees of the League, and she worked
on the entertainment committee of
Freshman Project. She is also a
member of the editorial staff of the
A member of Kappa Alpha Theta,
Miss Davis worked on the entertain-
ment committee for Freshman Project
last year. She is now a member of
the publicity and theatre arts, com-
mittee of the League, and the ed-
itorial staff of the Michiganensian.
Miss Wills, who is affiliated with
Delta Delta Delta, is a member of the;
candy booth and merit system com-'
mittees of the League. She workd!
on the 1938 Freshman Project.
Works At Hyde Park
Miss Walsh is affiliated with Gam-
ma Phi Beta. She is a reporter on
the women's staff of the Daily, and,
sophomore head of the ticket com-
mittee of the theatre arts committee
of the League. She also worked on
publicity for Freshman Project.
Affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Miss Lipton is a member of the the-
atre arts and social committees of the
League. Miss Parker, a member of
Alpha Chi Omega, was a sophomore
advisor for this year's orientation pro-
gram. She is a member of the social
committee of the League.
Miss Sibley is a member of the busi-
ness staff of the Daily. She also be-
longs to the theatre arts committee
of the League. Miss Stout, a sopho-
more Da'y reporter, is a member of
the social and theatre arts committee
of the League.
Miss Clement worked on decora-
tions for Freshman Project, and Miss
Wheeler is affiliated with Collegiate
Co-op Health Club
Established Here'
In order to find patients for doc-
tors and doctors for patients, a co-
operative medical society is being
formed in Ann Arbor, Mrs. Charles
W. Spooner, a member of the organ-
izing committee for the co-operative
told 40 people at a meeting held
last night at Lane Hall.
Co-operative medicine, by organiz-
ing a group of families to share ex-
penses of a physician, enables people
tp budget their medical expenses, frees
them from worry about doctor's bills

Knight Points
Out 4 Causes
Of Child Woes
Childhood No Paradise,'
Says Educator; Parents
Hear Prof. Nash Today
Conference Ends
Tomorrow Morning
Four major reasons why "childhood
is no paradise" and four factors con-
tributing to a child's well-being were
cited yesterday by Dr. F. B. Knight.
of Purdue University at a dinner in
the League that climaxed the day's
activities of the ninth annual Par-
ent Education Institute.
"The child resents his forced abdi-
cation from the royalty of babyhood,"
Dr. Knight said, "he is continually
meeting disillusionment in his par-
ents and his surroundings, he finds
it difficult to respect and understand
the facts that are forced upon him,
and he must use new capacities that
he did not need and does not want."
To counter these factors, Dr.
Knight suggested in forceful terms
that parents should endeavor to re-
move fear, encourage the child's curi-
osity, give him both love and under-
standing, and live in a genuine atmos-
phere, on the family's own level.
"Parent Education and the Na-
tional Congress" was the title of the
first lecture of the day, given at 9:30
arm. by Mrs. 'J. K. Pettengill, presi-
dent of the National Congress of Par-
ents and Teachers. She emphasized
the fact that the parent-teacher asso-
ciations of the nation should serve
as interpretive agents in parent edu-
In parent education, Mrs. Pettengill
said, four relationships are important:
that of the parent to children, that
of the school to the home, the com-
munity-parent relationship and the
relation of parents to society as a
whole. The constantly changing feat-
ures of all these aspects of parent
education are elucidated by modern
devices like motion pictures, radio,
books, and magazines and coordinat-
ed by the PTA, she added.
Parents should' develop beneficial
attitudes toward their children and
in the children toward themselves, it
was decided by the participants in the
Panel Class in Parent Education held
at 10 a.m. These attitudes may be
attained through various means and
must take various forms according to
the problems with which they deal.
The speakers during the dicussion
emphasized the need for taking chil-
dren into positions of responsibility
(Continued on Page 2)
Japanese Push
Past Hankow
Chiang Braces His Armiy
To Halt Further Advance

Mystery Blast Yal
RipsNazi Ship Wi
Off WestCoast10
Authorities Begin Inquiry
Into Cause Of Disaster;
Sabotage Is Suspected
Mishap Is Third
In Ship's History
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 3-R)-A
mystery explosion, which injured at
least four crew members, ripped open
the German steamship Vancouver
today and caused her beaching in the
Oakland Estuary, where authorities
sought the cause of the blast.
Police and District Attorney Earl
Warren boarded the vessel late today
to aid Capt. W. Moessinger in investi-
gating the blast, which tore a hole in
the hull in the No. 4 hold.
It was reported the Vancouver had
17 passengers aboard, as well as the
crew of 54. PROF
Captain Moessinger said the four
crewmen listed as injured were not Prof. M
hurt seriously. He did not state the the Ameri
nature of their injuries, or whether search at
any passengers were hurt. will chror
Captain Moessinger said the ex- tury's dig
plosion looked "damned suspicious," lustrated
and claimed a column of water shot p.m. toda
up outside the vessel, -on the star- Auditoriur
board side, followed by the sound of Profess
the blast. Pblca s
A telephone call to the Oakland Biblical T:
Tribune lent credence to a possible is giving
theory of sabotage. various i
"Do you want some good news?" connectio
an unidentified person told the Tri- c tio
bune editor. "A bomb just went up on jrney o
a German ship." jorney
He hung up immediately, and a the begin
few minutes later the blast occurred. ogy in. th
H'arry A. Hutson, boatswain's mate Part of
on a coast guard boat, witnessed the will deal m
explosion. of Solomo:
"I was proceeding up the estuary, Dr. Nelso:
towing a small piece of wreckage School of
when I approached the Vancouver, this . and
which was outward bound," he de- Bible will
Glared. Burrows.
"I heard the explosion, looked up
and saw a great clump of steam and
smoke come out of the stack and all fl
of the ventilators.
The ship started settling immedi-
ately, turned in towards the shore I n
and let go both anchors,
"I drew alongside and saw men
hurry from the engine room covered WJ R
with oil.
"Some of the men appeared to be At
scalded. The boat apparently had a
large hole in her bottom, aft of the Present:
superstructure." of the cu
Other eyewitnesses reported seeing the Univ
Imany crewmen, apparently injured, will broa
on deck, and also reported steambil- from 12:3
lowing from the funnel and ventila- Station V
tors. Prof. W
Persons on the shore of the estuary, duct the 1
a narrow inlet leading to San Fran- has select
cisco Bay, were unable to say whether including
the explosion occurred inside or out- "Phaeton
side the vessel. I saens ":
- 'by Ruiisk
net solo t
BULLETIN ord, '41;
(By ssocatedPres). Trol

three University lectures here today
and tomorrow.. 2 000 Throng
He will lecture at 4:15 p.m. today )
in the Graduate School Auditorium Ti
on "The Preparation and Chemistry; To Upen House

of the Proteins of Leaves." He will
kiJal VAOf, 8I. "ptul. AJ ireYl £, 2Ui2'U.

speax at *:1 P.m. today in Room a3i .
of the Chemistry Building on "The
Application of X-rays to Study of;
the Long Chain Components of
Waxes." "Criticism of Methods ofI
Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins" willt
be his subject at 11 a.m. tomorrow Inr
Room 303 of the Chemistry Building.
Professor Chibnall, one of Eng-
land's foremost authorities on plant
chemistry; has done much work on
the protein metabollism of plants and
is especially interested in the action
of plant waxes, according to Prof.t
Howard B. Lewis of the Department t
of Biochemistry which is sponsoring1
Professor Chibnall's lecture.
Art Cinenia League
Will Sponsor Novelt
'Beethoven Quiz,
Students will have a chance to ex-
hibit their knowledge of classical
music in a Beethoven Quiz to be spon-
sored by the Art Cinema League in
connection with the showing of "Thej
Life of Beethoven," with Harry Bauer
from Nov. 17 to 19.
A preliminary contest modeled on
Kay Kyser's Klass radio program
with Frederick. Crandall of the lin-
guistic department as "Professor'
Kyser" will be held Tuesday, Nov. 15,

Jnion Exhibits And Dance
Again ProvePopular
More than 2,000 students and facul-
ty members "dropped in" on the an-
nual Union Open J ouse last night, to
see a score of exhibits, to dance, or
just to wander around.
Glider Club exhibit, a full-sized
machine, and that of the R.O.T.C.,
which included range finding devices
and small artillery, were the most
popular. There were also exhibits by
the forestry school, the botany,
physics, zoology and fine arts depart-
ments, and several departments of
the engineering school.
The Fencing Club and the Varsity
swimming team gave exhibitions, and
the Sailing Club gave a demonstra-
tion in the Union Pool.
Bob. Steinle and his Melody Men
played for dancing in the ballroom
from 8:30 to 10 p.m. The Varsity
Glee Club sang during the dance in-
Cerele Francais
Hears, About France
Since the Munich Pact, France
seems inclined to attend to the de-
velopment of her huge colonial em-
pire and to settle her own pressing

(By Associated Press). from Wa:
SHANGHAI, Nov. 3.-(Al)--Chinese' Japan's foreign office spokesman in and the
and Japanese armies. were reported Tckyo disclosed today (Friday) that played by
tonight to be locked in struggle with- Japan considers obsolete the Nine- by Mr. V
in a large triangular area bounded Power Treaty, of which the United A speci
on two sides by the Yangtze River States is a signatory, guaranteeing formation
and Lake Poyang and on the south by the territorial integrity of China, am'd spelled w
unconquered Kiangsi and Hunan intimated Japan may denounce it. is being i
provinces. ! In Washington, the State Depart- football
Both sides acknowledged heavy ment yesterday made public a re- Revelli re
casualties as the Chinese, bracing minder that last year's Nine-Power fourth ax
after the fall of Hankow, Oct. 25, Treaty Conference had served notice year on t
sought to stem the Japanese advance that the final settlement of the Sino- in the ofI
toward two of the last provincial Japanese War must be "satisfactory for the ye
strongholds of Generalissimo Chiang to the Conference powers." were mad
_ With Hankow at the apex of the
triangle, Nanchang, capital of Ki- Prof Aiton Describes
angsi province, and Yochow, gate-
way to Hunan, formed the other two
corners, each still staunchly defended. Precautions In Si
On the west side of the triangle,_ _ _ _
the Japanese reported capture of i
Puchi on the Canton-Hankow rail- By BEN M. MARINO issued, a

way and the Kiayu forts dominating'
the Yangtze River, 45 miles south,
southwest and upstream from Han-
Puchi, about 15 miles south of
Kiayu, was taken after long artillery
bombardment blasted an opening in
the North Wall.
This force was preparing to attack
Yungshui which is within 35 miles of
Nanchang. }
. dd To Discuss
Chinese Situationi
Dr. Walter H. Judd, for 10 years
a medical missionary in China, who
has witnessed the Japanese war from
its beginning at first hand, will dis-

With the return of Prof. Arthur S.
Aiton of the history department from
Europe come further reverberations
:f the war thunder which is
still heard faintly but steadily on the
central European horizons.
Professor Aiton was engaged in a
research project in the French Quai
D'Orsay, the foreign office, during
the days of Chamberlain's frantic
negotiations with the German war-
lord, Adolf Hitler, and found him-
self suddenly plunged into the fev-
erish panic characterizing a nation's
preparation for war. So acute was the
crisis, said Professor Aiton, that all '
Americans in France were ordered
out of the country lest they be
stranded in France with the com-
mencement of hostilities. The Na-
tional Archives were closed and the

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