THE MICII G~AfN DAL________________ .. . Whittemore To Speak r. I PiLi yr rI Au7A1tIJ. prof. Harlow Whittemore of the Court Change To Police And Firemen Outlined BULLETINdscape department will discuss the TILETNi H~uron-Clinton parkway project at _____________ t he November dinner meeting of the WILD T M ch Conrl (This is the first of a series of articles ed by Michigan cities, but whichever (continued from Page 4) Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Com- rs oo h ontr dealing with the proposed pension and cities do adopt it, do so "by refer- - merce at 6:30 p.m. today at the iy' Lawyers hinState eAnn Arbor Nov. 8. Further articles wli ence;" that is, they must incorporate Tournament tonighssat attempt an impartial analysis of the this act into their city charters ex-thel Fountain Hussey Room. All (Continued from Page 1) plan.) actly as it is written. reservations must be in y 12 noon terested are cordially invited to at- By MILTON OSHEFSKY If Ann Arbor adopts this pension today. tend a tission, Regent yand m I order tomake some provision plan, it will be the second city in The Weekly Hillel Tea i be heldSae Streeon eCam s I that only for policemen and firemen who are Michigan to do so. Iron MountainTe elenewlb l is kind of politics would be sub- ineligible under the Social Security previously gave it approval, today at 4 p.m. The Congregational Student Fel- ed. Instead of catering to the Act to receive old-age benefits, the lowship will have a party Saturday elor"atercandats for th igan State Legislature at its1937 Clusky Addresses Coming Events night, Nov. 5, in the Church. Festivi wol cater only to six lawyers sesoInce ilatoiigteii~~~y~uessi4m n ties will start at nine o'clock. Mixers, oroughly vicious system." o natu ii te1939 Mechanical and Chemical En- games, dancing, refreshments, a gen- rent Lynch, labeling the amend- under which disability, retirement, s [RkL .UE R gineers: Mr. T. W. Prior of-the Good- eral good time. Price 25 cents. Every- as selfish, declared it represent- and pension benefits may be paid to [year Tire and Rubber Co. will give a one welcome. dangerous trend away from city firemen and policemen. (continued from Page 1) igroup talk on the opportunities for The G am e ar control by handing over one- This pension plan, to be voted upon thn--employmentggih icompany, -- ater of the government to a little in Ann Arbor Tuesday, provides frr rthing for the underprivileged but a.m. Friday, Nov. 4, in Room 348 after THE SCORE OF THE who have the right to pick "the establishment, maintenance and fr lf-edu ati ied es to the Supreme Court bench. administration of a system of pen- The second section was led by Mrs pase atnd his lectre GANPENNSYLV e people have no voice in select- sions and retirements for the benefit Herbert S. Mallory of the University %e lawyers who will be members of the personnel of fire and police Hospital staff. Two speakers, Dr. he commission," said Regent departments, employed by cities, vil- Fritz Redl, of Cranbrook School, and Pi Lambda Theta Guest Tea Friday, , "they have no voice in select- lages or municipalities having full Mr. Lawrence E. vredevoogd, princi- Nov. 4, from 5-6 p.m. in the Women's be judges who will sit as hiem- paid members in such departments."' pal of Tappan Junior High School, League building. All members are COME ON - Get in on this!. of the commission, and only Under its provisions, a pension and addressed the group. urged to attend. three persons who guess nearest t districts from which the Cir- retirement board consisting of five Dr. Redl, who was formerly with and Probate Judge elected members will have full administrative the Rockefeller foundation and is Kappa Phi, Methodist Girs' Club score and total yardage madeby will be represented on the com- power to carry out the conditions now working with Prof. Howard Y. for University Women, requests all in, and they havbe only an in- set forth in the act. This corporate McClusky of the School of Education girls interested in the organization voice in selecting the laymen board will consist of the treasurer of in the field of mental hygiene, told of to meet with the membership com- re appointed by the Governor." the city, two additional members child fantasies. He grouped these un- mittee on either Thursday or Friday' ent Lynch also attacked the elected by the fire and police de- der five main headings: fantasies afternoon of this week from 4:30 to i- Ax rro wv Mi)to es in the law providing that partments, and two appointed by dealing with environment, guilt fan- 5:30 at Stalker Hall, corner State and groups of laymen and lawyers the city legislative body. tasies, revenge fantasies, anxiety Huron. The chapter will hold its d not contain more than two To be eligible for pensions or bene- fantasies, and compulsion fantasies. pledging service at the Michigan nsia n -2 -- r ro vie sentatives of the same political fits, a member of the fire or police Through a study of the fantasy life League following a breakfast Sun- as inoperative since Michigan departments must have completed of the child, he said, an aid may be day morning at 8:30. Young women dopted the open primary. twenty-five years of service and have found in the education of the child. who are members of the Methodist Ph o ra S row orts attained the age of fifty years. Church or who attend that Church ks Separate ,Jrovisions have been made N , A by preference are eligible to member- FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW b~ows peaks for pensions paid to the widow and New Minister Apponted Frmal hinto4ld&8o pay-e Here Tomorrow dependents of any fireman or police- iP. or mail it in to Wild & Company be manTo o ro upon his death in action. The HELSINGFORS, Finland, Nov. 2 Rentschler Photographs Mi utb otakdpirt act also provides for disability bene- -1-Hjalmar Johan Procope, for- The Michigan Outdoor Club will Mail must be postmarked prior to1 (Continued from Page 1) fits to members of the departments mer Foreign Minister of Finland, to- meet at Lane Hall Saturday evening, I have maintained their ---- disabled while on duty. day was appointed Minister to Wash-INov. 5, at 7:45 for a short hike and rsty is a member, together with The finances required for the pay- ington. ia weiner roast. Any students in- leadership. What could y guess for the Michigan- than 50 other American educa- ments of benefits under this plan b e t t e r prove their PennsylvaniaGame is: I institutions. will be derived from two sources. ifessor Chibnall comes to the Three per cent will be deducted from superiority? MICHIGAN rsity from Harvard where he the salaries of the firemen andA D JU STM EN T!yn ePENNSYLVANaA tly finished delivering the Sifli- policemen affected, and a tax of Winter carbureter adjustment and exhaust gas analysis without PENNSYLVANIA Memorial Lectures. He will also three-tenths of a mill will be levied charge. Enjoy winter driving with more miles per gallon of gasoline. the Universities of Wisconsin on all taxable real estate within the Totayardageof oh tea llinois before returning to Eng- city. The income derived from these Please phone or stop by for an appointment so you won't have to the middle of this month. Pro- sources will be pooled in a fund from wait in line.o PontraitsODiscrsmmate : Chibnall has done much work which payment is made to eligible of Name e protein :metabolism of plants beneficiaries. In order to build up a L A R.Studo: 319 East HuronA is especially interested in the sufficient reserve, no payments will IAddres i of plant waxes, according to be made until the beginning of the BATTERY__ND ELECTRIC SERVICE Howard B. Lewis, head of the third year after the adoption of the - - - R-EI_ tment of Biochemistry, which is act. 112 South Ashley Street Phone 8908 oring his lecture. This act may or may not be adopt-a -d T e Daily C assifieds DON'T GAMBLE When you can phone the Associated ~*.: Laundris and e Sure J G~ Fo hit aigtry the student "RUHDRY" B.ndl F or thr fty f " RTIJ G Isunc e, +-*.u ..t'. y ~ x Y. Y f° ,i} in which Shirts, Handkerchiefs; and Socks are completely.. finished to pethpe mscritical . . . Urand Pajamas are washed and folded ready for wear - all at the ~~.~i*** r~k, , TGaT,":J: . t3SZ .c:....... of Skill ANIA GAME IN ! } rizes for the a the correct both teams. Shirt . .bring it ore the game. P.m., Nov. 4. - ---I SI tms made ~4j4 modest rate of ten...cents per pound, with charges for extra finished laundry marked accordingly. 9 Why pay for delivery charges alone in express to your .... home when it costs only a few cents more to make use of this highly satisfactory service? WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company SAMPLE Phone 4117 2 Suits of Underwear 3 Shirts TROJAN LAUNDRY 6 Handkerchiefs Phone 9495 3 Pairs of Socks 2 Bath Towels VARSITY LAUNDRY Pair Pajamas _ t .1 1 aLa . ,i - f i. fi f