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November 03, 1938 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-03

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Interfraternity Ball To Be Feature Of Penn Game We


200 Students
Attend Ruthven
Tea Yesterday
Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi,
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Among Houses Invited
More than 200 students attended
the first Ruthven Tea of the semes-
ter, held from 4 to 6 p.m. yesterday
at the President's home.
Representing Kappa Sigma were
Robert Harrington, '40, Robert Smith,
'39, Paul Kingery, '39, William Grier,
'39, Charles Brown, '41, and Robert
Piotrowski, '39.
Among those especially invited were
Virginia Voorhees, '39, Margaret
Cram, '39, of Kappa Kappa Gamma,
and Bill Downer, '42, Daniel Stewart,
'42, and gharles Mitchell, '40, of
Sigma Chi. AlbertadWood, '40, attired
in a plaid skirt, dark sweater and'
pearls, enjoyed tea with Jane Nuss-
baum, '40.
Enora Ferriss, '40, and Jamesi
Hines, '41, Jenny Peterson, '39, Ruth
Dillman, '40, Barbara Backus, '40,'
and Helen Rigtrink, '41, showed their
interest in the president's display of
Arabic glass. Centered about Janet
Fullenwider, '39, who took Mrs. Field-
ing H. Yost's place at the tea table,
were Roberta Chissus, '39, who wore
a rust sweater and skirt with brown
accessories, Gladys Mary Bock, '42,
Eleanor Allen, '39, attired in a blue
angora sweater and navy skirt, and
Caroline Holt, '42.
Barbara Heath, '39, chairman of
the League social committee, chatted
with Phil Clark, '39, and Thomas
Jensen, '39. Representing Phi Beta
Delta were Dick Gunsberg, '40, Leon-
ard Oberman, 140L, Martin Rudman,
'40, and Leon Dicker, '40.
Mosher Gives Tea Dance
Mosher Hall entertained Theta
Chi 'and Chi Phi fraternities at a
tea dance from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Wednes-

Bridge Contest
Final Rounds
Will Be Today
The final duplicate bridge tourna-
ment, sponsored by the social com-
mittee of the League under the direc-
tion of Jane Nussbaum, '40, will be
held at 7:15 p.m. today in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League, Miss
Nussbaum announced.
The two couples who gain the
highest scores in this final contest
will be awarded prizes. In addition,
a grand prize will be awarded to the
bridge partners who have the high-
est score for the three tournaments
of the duplicate bridge series.
The winners of the last two tourna-
ments are as follows: in the first,
-Frank Wilkinson, '39, and Jack Heil,
'40, of Sigma Chi and in the second,
Ellis Wunsch, '40, and Philip New-
man, '40E, of Phi Kappa Psi.
First Musisal Held
By Sigma Alpha Iota
Sigma Alpha Iota, national hon-
orary music sorority, held its first
formal musical Tuesday evening at
the home of Mrs. R. B. Canfield. The
sorority traditionally holds its first
musical of each year at Mrs. Can-
field's home..
Twenty patronesses and alumni
were present, including Dean Beryl
Bacher and Dean Alice Lloyd. Mrs.
Harold Brinkman and Mrs. Hardin
Van Deusen were also present.
Guest artists were Mrs. Burnette
Staebler, contralto, and Mrs. Peter
Okkelberg, pianist.
Members of the Central Com-
mittee for the 1939 Junior Girls
Play will meet at 4:30 p.m. today
in the undergraduate offices of
the League, Dorothy Shipman, '40,
general chairman, announced yes-



inter fraternity Co-Head

Remain; Sale
Is Restricted
Denny, Tucker Orchestras
Will Present Novelties;
Decorations Tri-Colored
Jack Denny and Orrin Tucker, who
will play for the sixth annual Inter-
fraternity Ball, to be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday in the Intramural
Building, will each present three
novelty numbers during the dance,
Thomas Adams, Jr., '40, publicity
chairman, has announced.
Jack Denny's orchestra first gained
prominence at the Mount Royale
Hotel in Montreal, Canada. They
have, since played on the Starlight
Roof of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, at
the French Casino in New York City,
and on many radio programs. His
orchestra features the three Lorraine
Orrin Tucker gained his popularity
at the Starlight Gardenssin Chicago
during the World's Fair three years
ago. He has since played at the Edge-
water Beach Hotel and the Palmer
House in Chicago and at the Neth-
erland Plaza in Cincinnati. Bonnie
Baker and the two Bailey Sisters will
be his vocalists.
The central committee for the
dance is headed by Robert Reid, '39,'
president of Interfraternity Council,
and Robert Canning, '39, secretary of
the Council, who will act as co-
Guests of committee members are
the only women who may wear cor-
Benjamin Jones, '40, and Robert
Golden, '40, are in charge of decora-
tions. The favors and programs com-
mittee is headed by William Bay-
inger, '40. John, Hoppi, '40, and
David Haughey, '40, will have charge.
of the building.
Wilbur Davidson, '40, and John
Goodell, '40, are co-chairmen of thet
ticket committee, and the patrons
committee is headed by Hugh Estes, l

'Petticoat Lane' At World's Fair
To Be Complete Women's Show
(Editor's note: This is the fourth in life into woman's eternal task of pre-
a series of articles on the New York
world's Fair 1939.) paring meals, using the latest meth-
Designers, merchants, manufac- ods and materials.
turers, artists and governments are A special exhibit in the Medicine
all combining efforts to prepare a and Public Health Building will be
complete exhibition of all subjects of devoted to the wonders to be accom-
interest to modern women at the plished by expert attention to the
New York World's Fair 1939. These "body beautiful."
displays will be located on the high-_-----
way to be known as "Petticoat Lane."
The latest in furs, hats, handbags CROQUINOLE PERJ
and gloves will be found in the $750,- Several machine a
000 Apparel and Accessories Build-
ing, which comes under the Clothing
and Cosmetics division of the Fair. E
Leading gem mining concerns and ugene, Frederic,
jewelers have constructed the House $5.00 to $7.50
of Jewels, which will show stonesH C T -
in the rough, precious gems in special HAIRCUTTING - F:
settings, famous gems and perfect
examples of the goldsmith's and sil- a p B
'versmith's art. Poe217. 1" 1 ot
An illustrated history of the his- Phone 2-137 711 North
tory of beauty aides beginning thou-
sands of years ago to the present will b
b ndisplay in the Cosmetics Build-
ing. Cosmetics and perfumes of to-
day will be stressed, and a glimpse ciHave you
(into developments of the future in f
how to make "all women beautiful,"
jwill also be shown.
The Hall of Textiles will present
an exhibit of the complete fabrica-
tion process involved in the prepara- 1They not only add that fin
tion of woven materials-from worms I
to machines. There will be demon- o evening dress but they have
strations of hand looms, demonstra hold your compact and p
tin of needle arts, discourses on,. hlyorcmatndip
home furnishing materials, including.
silks, woolens, rayons and cottons. Iva
Three food buildings will contain
displays on how to put romance and
The speakers will be Bernon J. Brown, H E L E N P(
State Representative from Mason and
candidate for Auditor-General, and V 613 East William Street
Carl Smith of Bay City, former pro-
bate judge and past state commander <> r<""o>
of the American Legion.
The other speakers are Cong. Earl
C. Michemer of Adrian and Sen.
George P. McCallum of Ann Arbor.
Music will, be provided by the Ford
Dixie Eight.
Prof. Nash To Speak
Dr. Jay B. Nash, director of Health
and Physical Education at New York
University, will speak at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Women's Athletic
Building. The meeting is open to
students in physical education

Robert Canning, '31,, co-chairman
of Interfraternity Ball, will have as
his guest Mary Mooney, '39. They
will lead the dance with co-chair-
man Robert Reid, '39, who will have
as his guest MariettaKillian, '39.
Temple To Be,

Dinner And Parade To
Additional Features


The Republican Rally, which is be-
ing held tonight at the Masonic
Temple instead of Wednesday as was
erroneously reported in yesterday's
Daily, will include a dinner and torch-
light parade. After the dinner at

.::" TheDifferenceIsImpressive!
_- For brighter and more beautiful hair,
try our Oil Shampoo and Fingerwave.
1205 So. University 615 East Liberty Y


'40, and Thomas Markham, '40. 6:30 p.m. at the Temple, decorated
Nile green, silver and wine red will cars and two bands will form the
be the color scheme for decorations at procession at 7:30 p.m.
the ball. The orchestra platform will The Republican Women's Club will
be in the center of a curtain cutting be represented, at the dinner by Miss
off the portion of the room not used Isabel Larwill, a Lansing attorney
for dancing. The two orchestras will and Outside Activity Director of the
face each other and the audience in clu
a "V" formation. club.
a "V"formaion.The rally is at 8 pm. in the MasonicI
A silver metallic curtain illuminated Auditorium and is open to the public.
from the floor will be directly behind Aditriumandis__pen__othepubic_
the platform. Red velour drapes will - -- - -_----
be hung on either side of it and in# ---- - - - - -


the center, where a large Interfra-




h.,: ' J{

1 ....:.. .. .. :.

Liberty at Maynard
Ellen Kaye


G AY you'll be in this Mossy Ray-
on Crepe that's all shirred in
front 'n slit almost from throat to
waist. Very daring and very new
with those dazzling fig leaf clips at
throat and belt.




I 1XJlO look SO ultra in thvis w


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