THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOV. 3, THE MICHIGAN DAILY .- 2~7 3! I ~J'1C~MIW3k Zit' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ' use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAoisoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. cHICASO BOSTON ' LOS ANGELE" - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor. Women's Editor Sports Editor . Robert D. Mitchell. . Albert P. May1o Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry . S. R. Kleiman . Robert Perlman * .Earl Gilman * William Elvin Joseph Freedman . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler * Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager Credit Manager Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Service Manager . Philip W. Buchen Leonard P. Siegelman . William L. Newnan . Helen Jean Dean . Marian A. Baxter "B NIGHT EDITOR: CARL PETERSEN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Non-Partisan Justices . O NE OF THE AMENDMENTS to be submitted to the voters of this state at the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 8 pro- yides for the non-partisan nomination and ap- pointment of justices of the State Supreme Court. The decision on this amendment, the most difficult of all four, hinges on whether the voters will accept a half-way measure as an answer to their demand for judicial reform, or whether they will hold to the principle of complete reform or none, The justices are to be selected by the governor from the name or names submitted to him by the judiciary commission, a commission to "con- sist of a Supreme Court justice elected by the members of that court, a circuit judge elected by the judges of the circuit courts, a probate judge elected by the judges of the probate court, three electors of this state not licensed to practice law therein appointed by the governor, and three members of the bar of this state ap- pointed by the commissioners of the state bar of Michigan .." There is no provsion for the recall of an undesirable justice nor are the people given any part in this nomination or appointment. This is unlike the California plan wherein the justices desiring to succeed themselves in office after a successful term and also the men appointed by the governor are required to run on the regular ballot but without opposition. As can be seen, the people have the final control in such a system. If the man is defeated in such an elec- tion, the office is filled temporarily by the gov- ernor until the next election when the new nominee must also run on the ballot. A second objection is that the commission is not required to nominate more than one man. If the name of only one man is presented, the governor has no choice but to appoint him or to leave the justiceship open. The commission will be composed of three judges, three barmen and three laymen, in other words, six lawyers, all members of thb bar. With the lawyers at present under much criticism, it would seem unwise to put the State Supreme Court into the hands of the lawyers without sufficient regulation by the electors. It must also be noted that there is no provision to prevent members of the commission from prac- ticing before the very judges that they have nominated. Another feature of the amendment that is somewhat unsavory but is generally passed over in consideration of the bill: the bar association members of the commission are to be appointed by the commissioners of the state bar, a select inner group of the association itself, thus re- moving the members farther and farther from any control, even by the bar itself. It is also widely believed that the circuit court judges must be placed under such a system and that if this half way measure is passed, the matter of judicial reform, now of so much interest to the general public, will be forgotten with the worst half of the trouble still unremedied. Therefore, it is to be considered whether we are making a definite change for the better The Editor Gets Told . Pro-Murphy Newspapers To the Editor: I read with much interest an analysis of the Michigan political picture under a Robert Perl- man "by-line." As one who was interviewed, let me state that the analysis is grossly incorrect in that the writer stated that a "Solid phalanx" of Michigan papers are opposed to the present administra- tion-or words to that effect. He stated that but two newspapermen were definitely out for the re-election of Governor Murphy;, one being the Star and Alliance of Kent county and the other a Labor paper. II know that there were several other newspaper- men in attendance who'have declared them- selves and are working for Governor Murphy's re-election. Several Booth paper representatives in at- tendance explained that their papers were "in- dependents" and this can also be stated for several others with Whom I talked about the political situation. I found several Republican editors who would not be quoted and they told me that they were privately for Governor Mur- phy. I want to correct the impression that a "Solid phalanx of newspapermen" are out for the de- feat of the present Governor. I would say that about half of the papers are for Fitzgerald, a few of them out for Murphy, while many of them are silent or refuse to declare their stand. .. Pope, Pditor The Star and Alliance Answer, To the Editor: Mr. Pope is perfectly right in objecting to the statement in my story that "only two papers are throwing their weight behind Murphy." It should have been made clear beyond any doubt that two of the ten newspaper representatives to whom I spoke supported Murphy. I further admit that my conclusions were based on insuf- ficient evidence, as is the case with most cursory enquiring reporter features. But the main point of the article-that the Governor is facing "an almost solid phalanx" of opposition papers-is practically admitted by Mr. Pope when he says that half of the papers are for Fitzgerald, a few for Murphy and many are silent. -Robert Perlman America Can't Take It To the Editor: America can't take it. We are all blase, sophis- ticated moderns, but we can't take it. I am re- ferring specifically to the radio broadcast of the H. G. Wells drama by Orson Welles of CBS. If news reports are to be believed, America had her faith and her intestinal fortitude tested and she was on the verge of panic. College students, that worldly wise race of ultra suavity *and poise, were reduced to the level of whining and fainting kids by the "impending disaster." And the church goers forsook their haven of pro- tection in a wild, selfish scramble. That item alone is enough to excuse the radio folk for theI broadcast. Perhaps it was just the jolt that was needed to show to men the superficial nature of their belief in the Supreme Being. Men with deep-seated faith don't rush from the very arms of their Protector in disaster. There has followed, of course, the usual blasts from the newspapers and from the sheepish citizenry which cannot enjoy a good laugh on itself. And the senators and congressmen are dramatizing the affair by making a campaign issue of the thing, proving that politicians are always ready to do their duty in the protection of the public, this time from its own gullibility. Of course, the politicians cannot afford to secure too much protection because they will defeat them- selves in the process. After all, the gullibility of the American people is the only leg on which our lawmakers stand. This tirade is, of course, ridiculous. Admitting that the consequences of the radio program might have assumed serious proportions, it is nonetheless foolish to suggest that the broadcasting system be penalized for the dramatization of fiction. It was not a delib- erately planned hoax, as the Detroit Times so characteristically put it in its best remove-the- beam-from-your-eye manner. The same cannot be said for a news item of a few days ago which connected U. of M. students with dope smuggling. It seems to me that we can best laugh at our own excitability and take stock of ourselves, redefining our sophistication and our religion. The broadcast should teach us something. The amazing reaction is tribute to Orson Welles and to his remarkable ability to write and produce 'realism. He will be criticised and cursed, but he must also be admired. The man has genius and it will be a pity indeed if he is made to suffer because he proved to us that we are not that which we findly imagined ourselves to be. His drama scraped the veneer of com- placency and pseudo-superiority which we dis- play, to all comers and revealed us as we are, a hundred million sissies. -John S. Lash, Grad. Poort Mart's College? To the Iditor: I read with considerable pain and surprise. the recent letter by two working girls which was published in your columns. I am forced to the reflection that there are a number of individuals TODAY in 6 4 , WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- / WASHINGTON, Nov. 2-President Roosevelt's appeal for the election of a Democratic governor and a Democratic United States senator in Penn- sylvania, coupled with an endorsement of Sheri- dan Downey, the $30-a-week pension candidate in California, removes all doubt that the -head of the Democratic party" feels his function of adviser extends to gubernatorial elections as well as congressional contests. There will be those who will differ with Mr. Roosevelt as to the political wisdom of this step. In the so-called "purge" campaign, the resent- ment provoked by the President's intervention made votes for the candidates he didn't want to see nominated. But, in a contest between parties, the right of a Democratic president to intervene is not so unfavorably regarded, though, in 1918, it was said to have been one of the reasons why President Wilson lost control of both houses of Coigress. Precedent and tradition are important in American politics, however, only up to a certain point. When other issues dominate or complete- ly blanket the precedent, the election is likely to turn on how the electorate feels on the new issues. Ordinarily, it is doubtful whether the elector- ate would be disturbed when a president makes a plea for the election of his party members to Congress. The true objection in 1918 was not to Mr. Wilson's plea for the success of his party colleagues, but that he should have made. it in the midst of wartime when national unity had been the underlying feeling of all political parties. Disturbance of that unity by cries about alleged political use of patriotism for party ends was unjust, because Mr. Wilson had no such purpose. Yet it was so construed, by many voters. Some of us never did accept the theory that the election turned on that particular point, but believed at the time that- dissatisfaction with war-time restrictions and an anti-war feeling by certain foreign-born groups held the balance of power. Today, a somewhat analogous situation exists. The objection is not so much to Mr. Roosevelt'sI natural desire to see Democrats re-elected, but to the widely held belief that his personal inter- vention is a form of dictatorship which tends to break down the institutions of democracy as expressed in the separation of powers idea under our constitution. Again, if the elections go against Mr. Roosevelt, it will, in my judgment, not be because he made an appeal for the election of governors and senators and representatives, but because there are other issues which influence the negative voting far more. Economic conditions may have much to do with the adverse vote to be cast on Nov. 8, and not such debatable points as to how far the head of the Democratic party may go in supporting his own party members. Then, too, resentment against the flagrant use by the administration of the WPA and the PWA in political campaigns may be reflected in the vote polled against the Roosevelt regime. For it is a well understood characteristic of American elections that any- thing which savors of unfairness or unmorality at the polls is deeply deplored. In 'Pennsylvania, the efforts of the machine there to squelch investigation and to prevent exposure of scandal is in line with the behavior of political machines in other states which a Democratic committee of the United States Senate investigating the congressional campaigns this year has denounced as a pollution of the ballot. Out in California, the issues are somewhat dif- ferent. The $30-a-Week Pension plan is a live question there largely because hundeds of thousands of voters do not see any difference between the Administration's idea of subsidy for individuals and the Townsend Plan.a One merely promises more than the other. If the federal government can hand out public 'money, the states may feel they can also devise plans which seek to benefit the individual financially.} Mr. Roosevelt, by his endorsement of Mr. Downey in California, who won the senatorial nomination by substantial support from the $30-a-Week Pension Planners, has in mind, of course, that the people of California will re- member his objections to the scheme as ex- pressed in a recent press conference. Republicans in various states of the union also have been flirting with Townsend Plan support, and, in some cases, have actually obtained it. But that's nothing new in politics. The old, old game of promising everything and forgetting most of it after election day is still being played, and there are voters gullible enough in both parties to believe in such campaign tactics. and'your dishpan hands. Try it some time. Their friendly attitude towards you everyday on cam- pus should have convinced you of the welcome you would receive. From the economic standpoint: You have every right to look at the outsides of all the new buildings which are to house those whose fathers and mothers pay the bills. You can also look at all the books you'll never buy, and at all the libraries that are closed when you need them. From the home standpoint: Fie, girls! Don't you appreciate the "real home atmosphere" you were promised when you went to work here on campus? Fromthe recreation standpoint: Did you come to college to be a True Student, or are you inter- ested in social fripperies? If you can spare two hours a day, think how much better your edu- cation will be than that of the girls who spend Election Fable .. . CURRY your college contacts, men f Michigan, and if success should crown your efforts 25 years hence, you'll get your name in that sentinel of conservative Republicanism (voice: "why, you're being redundant!"), the l Chicago Tribune. Yesterday's Trib I tells how two Michigan men, class- nates and roommates at the Univers- ity of Michigan law school, cemented such a solid friepdship that today, two decades later, they have organ- ized a "political interstate mutual aid society.", The two men played football together and became fast campus chums. But as with the ways of life, their paths diverged, one going back to his home in Indiana for a career in state politics, the other into municipal government, then into the Far East as High Commissioner of the Philippines, and back to his native state to become governor. Now, the Trib, ever alert for situa- tions, especially as they pertain to elections, sees as a result of that college friendship, a political affinity between Michigan and Indiana demo- crats. In a story full of such dodg- ing reservations as, " . . . politicians with both ears to the ground ask whether Gov. Frank Murphy's co- horts in Michigan have cooperated at times with the McNutt-McHale- Townsend-Minton machine in In- diana . . ." and "in Indanapolis, talk at the clubs where the politicos swap gossip . . . " and ". . . ac- cording to the Lansing version."-in that type of yarn, the Trib intimates that the two ex-college cronies have I aided each other in their political am- bitions. One, as you may have sur- mised, is Governor Murphy; the oth- er, Frank McHale, Indiana national committeeman and leading advocate of Paul McNutt for President in 1940. That's as much as we could gather from the involved story, except the moral that if you plan to enter poli- I tics, choose your pals with care and caution NOW. * * * WALTER KITTI, sophomore half- back, is a versatile chap, indeed, and by his own admission. In a ques- tionnaire which the publicity depart- ment issues every year to glean cer- tain information from the gridders, there was among other things, the question: "What are your extra-cur- ricular activities?" Kitti's answer was, "Gigolo, toreador (like to throw the bull), aviator, play the flute, champ billiard player, going to swim the English channel, like to splash in the tub." To the query, "What do you plan to do this summer?" he wrote, "Drink Beer." Another question read, "What do you plan to enter upon gradua- tion?" Kitti replied, "The world." From the Letters to the Editor column of the Chicago Daily News: "On that day when the pipsqueaks gather about my knee and chorus: 'Grandma, what did! your generation ever produce?' I'll lay down my knitting and sigh: 'Pegler.' 'Pegler, grandma? Why what did he do' 'Pegler darlings, was the man who never' used a one-edged word when he could find two.' 'Like Voltaire?'I 'Like Voltaire.' 'Like Bernard Shaw?' 'Like Bernard Shaw.' 'But Grandma!'What did Pegler say?' 'Say? Goodness, dears, I don't know-but Westbrok, how1 he said it!' GRETCHEN" ** * K WIZ: Has our guest carillonneur anything on the bell that WilmotI didn't have? Victim: Not much. K. Ninety marks. -Ole O I.,ayce * * * DEAR SEC TERRY: It is reported that one depart- ment on this campus works itself into a lather over juvenile delinquency. Why pick on youth all the time? We have an Institute for Human Adjust- ment, which stands right as a trivet (Continued from Page 2) Nov. 9, 1938. Prison Soap Factory Superinten- dent, salary $200-240, Nov. 15, 1938. Complete announcements of the above examinations can be had at the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Tickets for Assembly Banquet, Nov. 7, will be on sale in the lobby of the League, Thursday, and Friday after- noons, from 1 to 5:30. All indepen- dents living in League houses may buy tickets at the League. Indepen- dents living in dormitories may buy tickets from the following girls: Alumnae, Zenovia Skoratko. Barbour, Alberta Royal. Cheever, Jane Campbell. Cook, Sally Manthei. Jordan,kMildred Williams and Ju- dith Frank. Mosher, Marjorie Kern. Newberry, Evelyn Brown. The ticket sale will end Friday, Nov. 4. at 5:30 p.m. Academic Notices Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, Nov. 5, by students other than freshmen will be recorded E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exception may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued ill- ness. E. A. Walter, Assist. Dean. Chemistry 63. For blue book on Thursday, Nov. 3, sections 1 and 2 will meet in Room 151 and Sections 3 in Room 464. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts may ob- tain their five-week progress reports in the Academic Counselors' Office, Room 108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according to the following schedule. Surnames beginning A through G, Wednesday, Nov. 2. Surnames beginning H through 0, Thursday, Nov. 3. Surnames beginning P through Z, Friday, Nov. 4. Students, College of Engineering: This is the final week for dropping courses without record. Signatures of classifiers and instructors should be obtained before Saturday, Nov. 5. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean and Secretary. Math. 350b, Foundations of Proba- bility. This course by Professor A. H. Copeland, the first of the series of short courses, will have its first meet- ing on Monday, Nov. 7, at 3 o'clock, in 3201 A.H., and will run for five weeks. Arrangements of hours for future meetings of the class will be made at this time. Concerts Carillon Recitals. Percival Price, Dominion Carillonneur at the Peace Tower, Ottawa, who has been serv- ing as guest Carillonneur at the University, will continue in that ca- pacity during the month of Novem- ber. Short recitals will be given each day at 12 o'clock, and formal recitals will be given during the month at 3 o'clock on Sundays. The series will terminate Sunday, Nov. 27. Exhibitions An Exhibition of Early Chinese Pottery: Originally held in conjunc- tion with the Summer Institute of Far Eastern Studies, now re-opened t 1 You of M By See Terry DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30: 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Professor of History at the Univer-. sity of Warsaw and Exchange Pro- fessor under the auspices of the Kos- ciuszko Foundation will give the fol- lowing lectures under the auspices of the Departments of Hist'ory and Po- litical Science: Nov. 8, 4:15 p.m. Natural Science Auditorium, "Poland and Russia." Nov. 9, 4:15 p.m. Natural Science Auditorium, "Poland and Germany." The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Marvin R. Thompson, Director of Warner In- stitute for Therapeutic Research (formerly Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Maryland) will lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar- macology of Ergot" on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., i Room 165 Chemistry Building, under the auspi- ces pf the College of Pharmacy. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Olav Jans6, Director of the Expedition for the Paris Museums and the French School of the Far East, will give an illustrated lecture on "Excavation in Indo China: Ancient Chinese Cul- tural Finds" on Thursday, Nov. 10 at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Zoology Seminar: Mr. Frank W. Jobes will report on "The Age and Growth of the Yellow Perch in Lake Erie" tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S. Cerele Francais: There will be a meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 408 Romance Language Bldg. Mr. Koella will talk on "L'Europe A- tuelle" and there will be songs and refreshments. Geological Journal Club this eve- ning at 7:15 p.m. in 3065 N.S. Fac- ulty and graduate students will give short talks on personal research. American Association of University Professors. There will be a meeting of the local chapter this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Mr. William Brownrigg, Director of Personnel for the Michigan Civil Service Commis- sion will talk on "Standards for Evaluating Public Officials in the Higher Brackets" and there will be opportunity for discussion. At the conclusion of the formal pro- gram light refreshments will be served. All members of the faculty, whether members of the Association or not, are cordially invited. Sigma Alpha Iota will have an im- portant business meeting tonight at 7:15 p.m. at the Michigan League. Varsity Glee Club: Regular re- hearsal at 7:0. Come dressed to ap- pear at the Union Open House. Reserves: Varsity Glee Club: Regu- lar rehearsal at 4:30 Thursday. International Center Guest Tea: Members of the Congregational Fel- lowship group are especially invited to a tea given in their honor today at the International Center. The Build- ing entrance is located at 603 E. Madison Street and the tea takes place from four until six o'clock. We urge all Congregational young people to come. Professor Howard B. Lewis, Direc- tor of the College of Pharmacy, will lead a discussion on "Pharmacy" at the second of the 1938-39 Vocational Guidance Talks to be held in the small ballroom of the Michigan Union from 4:30 to 5:30 today. Both men and women are cordially invited to attend. Omega Upsilon, radio and dramatic sorority will hold auditions for new members tonight at 7:30 p.m., at Morris Hall. All women except first semester freshmen are eligible to try-out. All active members are ex- pected to be present at the meeting. The Interior Decoration group of the Faculty Women's Club will have a "Get Acquainted" party for its members at 3 o'clock today at the Michigan League. This will be the only informal meeting of this study group. Will the women who have not made reservations but desire to attend please call Mrs. M. W. Sens- tius. University Girls' Glee Club: Regu- lar meeting tonight at 7:15 in the Game Room of the League. All mem- bers please be present. The University of Michigan Trans- portation Club will hold a joint meet- ing with the Quarterdeck Society to- night, 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. I0 on the bases: humans need adjust-' ment, they can be adjusted, we can 1 adjust 'em. May I suggest that the1 institute add a wing for the Allevia- tion and Possible Ultimate Cure of Senile Delinquency. Look at Europe! Yours very truly, -Y. B. Lopsided, Gr.- P. S. Oh, that's all right. We like our titles sonorous. ADD Idiosyncrasies: George Perk-1 ins Marsh, American philologist, read several books at one time, chang- ing books every hour or so. He began in the middle of the book and read both ways . . . Shelley was a pro- digious reader. He frequently read 16 hours a day and, whenever pos- sible, did his reading standing . . . Add definitions: Angell Hall smoking room: A vacuum filled with smoke . . . A young lady who came up for the Homecoming football game was still on the premises yesterday when a frantic wire from her mother de- manded to know how long she planned to stay. "Why," she replied, "I'm going to stay until it closes." by special request with alterations and additions. Oct. 12-Nov. 5. At the College of Architecture. Daily (excepting Sundays) 9 to 5. Lectures University Lectures: Dr. Albert Charles Chibnall, Professor of Mo-i chemistry at Imperial College of Sci-; ence and Technology, University ofj London, will give the following lec- tures under the auspices of the De- partment of Biochemistry: Nov. 4, 4:15 p.m., Amphitheatre, Horace H. Rackham School of Grad- uate Studies, .The Preparation and Chemistry of the Proteins of Leaves." Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m., Room 303 Chem- istry Building, "The Application of X-rays to the Study of the Long Chain Components of Waxes." Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem- istry Building, "Criticism of Methods of Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins. This lecture is especially designed for those interested in the analytical chemistry of proteins.