Weather ly and cooler today. Mod- winds. Possibly colder to- morrow. YI r 111k jIatj Editorial Welcome Frosh... I Welcome Frosh . .. II f Frosh. . . II VOL. XLIX.-No. 1 Z-323 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, 1938 PRIE,.F En PI~ifRSWOON Britain, France Ask Czechs Hitler' To Concede s Demands Crisis Intense As Poland, Hungary Ask Partition For Minority Groups Anglo-French Plan Reported Rejected Marked by ominous "official statements" which threw into sharp relief the probable poli- cies of each of the major pow- ers, news from Europe last night showed that war-gripped con- tinent moving swiftly and in- exorably toward a heightening of the present crisis, from which definitive action of some sort is1 expected very shortly. Confronted with a formal de-'k mand from Great Britain and France that she tear herself apart in order to appease Reichs-# fuehrer Adolf Hitler, the war-# born democracy of Czechoslova- kia was reported as regarding1 the French-British plan as un-5 , acceptable. Britain was grow-t ing embarrassed by the Czechn failure to agree promptly, as ita was freely reported that Hitlern has asked Chamberlain to meett the German demands by Wed- nesday. Evidently stunned by the pro-s posal, the Prague government in- dicated that it will ask for ao chance to plead its side of thec case before giving Britain andt France a final answer on their 1 plan.eCertain now that Britain9 and France are unwilling to fightS to preserve its national unity, the Czech government was re- 'ported to have fallen back on Soviet Russia Moscow, how- ever, maintained an official silence. New developments, arising out of the crisis, and intensifying with each dispatch from Europe, are seen to be jeopardizing the English-French hope that a "general settlement can be reached." From Rome the As- Sociated Press reports that Mus- solini will tell the world today that his previous declaration that "Italy's place is already chosen," means that "Italy is ready to take up arms at Ger- many's side." Meanwhile massH meetings in Poland and Hungary b vociferously reluested that Hun- t garian and Polish minorities ina Czechoslovakia be "liberated." t LONDON, Sept. 19.-(P)--Great t Britain and France formally called h on Czechoslovakia today to tear her- s self apart to appease Reichsfuehrer j Adolf Hitler and help create a pos- sible new bulwark for European il peace. g Leaders of the Czech Republic i struggled over a decision fully as dif- a ficult as that thrust on Kurt n Schuschnigg, then Chancellor of Aus- f tria, only seven months ago.t Britain, urgently prodded by Ger- t many to produce a solution of the. Czech-Sudeten problem immediately, was growing embarrassed today by f Czechoslovakia's failure to agree a promptly to French-British propos- d als for surrender of the Sudeten areas. s51 It was freely reported in Londonj a that Adolf Hitler has asked Prime H (Continued on Page 6)-r Freshmen Get w 4 Scholarships0. o w Rackham Undergraduate g Awards Total $2,000 Four freshmen have been awarded tai Horace H. Rackham undergraduate eo scholarships totaling $2000, it was an- tr nounced yesterday. Those receiving is the $500 awards are: Robert L. Thom- ea as, Muskegon; George A. Reddick, hi Beulah; Clifford M. Jones, Battle T Creek; and Ted Kennedy, Jr.j B The scholarships were established c this year from the Horace H. Rack- ham and Mary A. Rackham Fund* and have been patterned somewhat th after the Rhodes scholarships. The na basis of selection as announced by the SI committee, is "moral character and in good citizenship, scholastic ability and Ti intellectual capacity and achievement, hi thvsiena1oabilityv iiwmr. andvrritality .4 Chinese Couple Will Speak On China Defens A young man and a young woman fresh from China's defense lines, wil tell an Ann Arbor audience the stor of their country's fight against foreg invasion, Monday evening, Sept. 26 Lo-shan Peng and Miss Hui-ming Yang, delegates to the World Yout Congress held this summer, are be- ing brought here by the Ann Arbo Committee for Medical Aid to China and other local groups. The lecture hall has not yet been announced. Leading a Y.M.C.A. stretcher corps. broadcasting daily in English, super- vising six refugee camps-these are some of Mr. Peng's war-time activi- ties. Mr. Peng hqlds a B. A. degree from Nanking University and a Bach- elor of Theology from Auburn Theo- logical Seminary in Auburn, New York. His positions as general secre- tary of the Emergency Relief Com- nittee of the Wuhan Christian Church and head of stretcher divisions have meant personally caring for the vic- tims of bombings in Hangkow. Miss Yang is known throughout China as the young woman who slipped through the lines during the battle of Shanghai and carried a flag of the Chinese Republic to the "Sui- cide Battalion" in the Chapei dis- trict. Three days after war broke out M'viss Yang left her position as sixth grade school teacher and became Scout No. 41 of the War Area Service Corps of the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts in Shanghai. injuries Strike Varsity Eleven In DrillSession Two-In-One Line Practice Proves Jinx To Jack Brennan, Joe Savilla They hung a wreath over the Field Rouse door after yesterday's foot- all practice, but fate and the doc- ors were with the Wolverines, and pparently all will be well. Feared to be mortally wounded by he possible loss through injury of ;wo regulars, the Michigan grid hopes it the upswing again after diagnosis howed severe but not critical in- luries. Jack Brennan, the fair haired sen- or guard, was the first casualty. En- raged in a "two-on-one" drill, where- n two offensive men are pitted gainst a single defensive man, Bren- an's hand was stepped on and a racture was feared. Resulting con- usions and hemorrhages added to he seriousness of the injury. No Fracture Examination, however, revealed no racture, and Brennan, protected by hand guard, will be in uniform to- ay. The other player to feel the injury ting was veteran tackle Joe Savilla, lso a contender for a starting berth. furt in the same type of drill which esulted in Brennan's mishap, Sa- illa was hit in the face by a flying hoe, resulting in a broken maxila. He as rushed to University Hospital here the bone was reset. Savilla's injury wlil keep him out f contact work for two weeks. He ill be ready for the Michigan State ame, Oct. 1, however, with a mask rotecting the injury. Prior to the Brennan-Savilla in- iries only two casualties of impor- nce had been reported. Elmer Ged- on, senior end, aggravated an old ack injury in the early drills, and feared out of the State game. Ged- on has a torn muscle in the back of is leg between the knee and the hip. he other mishap occurred when urgess Vial, sophomore fullback andidate, dislocated his shoulder. Minor Injuries Minor injuries continue to plague he Wolverines, but these are only natural at this time of year. Dave trong, diminutive tailback, is limp- 2g with a bruised leg as is Freddie rrosko. Howard Mehaffey broke is nose, but this was only the 13th Fraternities Open Rushing On Saturday j Prospective Rushees Are Required To Register With IFC In Union Directory Contains All Rushing Rules Michigan's 41 general fraternities will officially open their rushing pe- riod at noon Saturday, it was an- nounced yesterday. The period, which embraces any rushing contact between prospective pledges and fra- ternities, will end on Thursday, Oct. 6. Students wishing to be rushed must register with the Interfraternity Council and pay a registration fee. This fee, which will be 50 cents until Saturday and one dollar thereafter, may be paid all during the rushing period at a desk in the Union lobby. Silence Period At the close of the period on Oct. 6 a period of silence will be observed, during which there will be no contact between fraternities and rushees. On Friday, Oct. 7, the rushee will receive a preference list upon presentation of his registration receipt at the of- fice of the Dean of Students. On the same day fraternities will also submit preference lists. On the fol- lowing Monday the selections will be correlated and the results announced to both the fraternities and the rushees. Upon payment of his registration1 fee, the rushee will receive a copy of the Interfraternity Directory, which will contain rules governing rushing. During the period rushing will be permitted all during the day until 8:30 p.m., when all rushing activities must cease. Telephone calls after this time for the murpose of making future engagements will be permit- ted. NYA Salaries Are Increased For This Year Housing Ample As 1900 Freshmen 1,150 Students By $117,720 Assisted Bequest 111 Says Professor Gram Average Student Wage To Be $15 Funds appropriated for part-time -student employment under the Na- tional Youth Administration for th coming year will total $117,720, o $13,080 per month, according to Prof Lewis M. Gram of the Administration committee. The appropriation i somewhat larger than that of ,last year, and will permit a slightly high- er student wage scale. Approximately 1150 students will be given financia aid, averaging $15 per month for un- dergraduates and $30 per month for graduate students. According to a departmental bul- letin issued by Professor Gram, the allotted funds will be used "to pay students for doing socially desirable work, including the sort customarily done in the institution by students who are working their way through college,hsuch as clerical, library, and research work. "Students may also be assigned to the extension and adult education divisions and other activities that increase the usefulness of the college to the community. In order to be eligible, for NYA aid, students must be between thej ages of 16 and 25, American citizens and full time students, carrying at least three-fourths of a normal sem- ester's hour requirements. Their fin- ancial condition attested in signed ap- plication blanks, should be such that attendance at college under proper living conditions impossible without financial assistance. Active member- ship in a fraternity or sorority will be considered evidence that the stu- dent is not in need of employment List Of Fraternities relief. ' General fraternities taking part in Applications for employment under the rushing activities are: Acacia, Al- the NYA will be received at Dean of pha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Students Joseph A. Bursley's office Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, and the eligibility of students passedj Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Del- upon by a committee consisting of ta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Professor Gram, Dean Bursley, and Delta Upsilon, Hermitage, Kappa John C. Christensen, University con- Delta Rho, Kappa Nu, Kappa Sigma, troller. The placement of students Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Beta Delta, in suitable positions will be under Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi the supervision of Dean Bursley, with Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Miss Elizabeth A. Smith in direct Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi charge. Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Al- Ettinghausen Apointed pha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, SigmaEppo Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, To Replace Dr. Aga-Oglu Sigma Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Dr. Richard Ettingiausen of Lo Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri- fessor of Islamic art, replacing Dr. anglTrigon Club, Zeta Beta Tau Angeles was appointed assodiate pro- and Zeta Psi. Mehmet Aga-Oglu who resigned last June, it was announced yesterday. Dr. Ettinghausen was born at Suprem e Court Frankfurt-am-Main and studied or- iental languages 'and fine arts at the To Reconvene Universities ofg Frankfurt, Munich and Cambridge. He has been re- search assistant at the American In- Adminstrto stitute for Iranian Art and Archeol- Administration Measures ogy in New York, lecturer on fine arts Slated For Reviewal at the Graduate Center of New York University, member of the Institute, WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. -(AP)- for Advanced Study at Princeton and! The Supreme Court soon will recon- an instructor at the University of vene to hear arguments over several Southern California. Facilities Seen tBegin( Expect Adequate Quarter. For All Despite Razing e Of Rooming Houses r New Union Dorms To Be Constructed s Confident expectations that th more than 11,000 students expected i Ann Arbor before the end of the weel will be adequately housed despit plans for extensive destruction o rooming houses to make room for ne dormitories and University building were voiced yesterday by men's anc women's housing officials. Dean Charles T. Olmsted, in charge of men's housing, said yesterday that although houses accommodating ap- proximately 200 men will be razed for construction of an addition to the Union group, no immediate prospect of a room shortage presents itself. League Houses Condemned Two League houses, located on the sites condemned for the Union dor- mitories and an addition to the Den- tal School, accommodated approxi- mately 50 women. Despite the loss of these rooms,.Dean Byrl F. Bacher in charge of women's League Houses said last night, a full League House list, which is adequate for present needs, will make up the loss. Single rooms are most in demand now, the Student Housing Bureau in the Union told the Daily last night. Prices of rooms-double, single and suites--ranged from $2.50 to $5.80 weekly, corresponding roughly to past prices in rooms. Dorms Available Special overnight accommodations for men in new Union dormitories have been available to freshmen the past week and will be available this week to all students who have been unable to secure rooms. These ac- ,ommodations, Frank Oakes, night manager of the Union said, are avail- able only overnight, the student being expected to secure a room the next day. Three dormitories, accommodat- ing approximately 50 men, are located in the new wing of the Union, two orf them being completed only this summer. Further 'additions to the Union dor- mitory group, which will house ap- proximately 850 men, has been made possible by a $945,000 PWA grant, to which the University will add upwards of one and a quarter million dollars to be obtained by a long-term, low interest, revenue bond issue. The so- called Union dormitories will be com- pleted by the beginning of the aca- demic year 1939-40. Operations on the new housing units will begin soon after Oct. 1: The first work will be the tearing down of a score of houses now occupying the ground which will (Continued on page 5) Plans Evolved By Congress For This Year Congress, independent men's or- ganization, will launch its second year on the campus with an orientation program designed to acquaint incom- ing freshmen with recreational and social facilities open to unaffiliated men. Robert Hartwell, '39, president, will address new freshmen and transfers during Orientation week to acquaint them with the nature of Congress's program. A registration desk will also be maintained in the Union lobby where prospective members may sign for membership and secure additional information. Among the projects sponsored by Congress in conjunction with As- sembly, women's independent organi- zation, are the weekly tea dances and Sunday evening suppers, held in the League Building. These functions are designed as "mixers" to facilitate ac- quaintance between independents of both sexes. Other Congress backed activities are a campus-wide sports program for independents, sponsored Welcomes Freshmen ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN * * * You who are to enter the University of Michigan in the fall of 1938 are privileged for the next four years to make use of the educational facilities which have been provided by the peo- ple of the State of Michigan in order that their sons and daugh- ters may enjoy opportunities for cultivation an d advancement equal to those' which can be found in any part of this country. At the outset I suggest that you remember first and foremost your responsibilities, both to those who have made it possible for you to attend college, and to yourselves; for you surely owe. it to yourselves to exercise the self-discipline which is always necessary in order to do a job well. Remember, too, that you are' a selected group and that a process of selection is going to. continue throughout your life- time. Your admission to the University means that you have passed the first test. As a stu- dent you will find others await- ing you at frequent intervals, and after your graduation you will be called upon to pass the many tests to which men and women must always subject themselves, success in which is measured by the esteem and approval of their fellows. We welcome you. to Michigan and trust that you will fulfill your own and our hopes. Alexander G. Ruthven To Produce Film Of University Life In a drive for funds to build a women's cooperative dormitory the Michigan Alumnae Council will spon- sor a full-length motion picture of student life at the University, cast- ing for which will begin Thursday. The scenario, centered around the activities of women students at the University has been written by Mrs. Bethany L. Wilson of Ann Arbor, a winner in last years Hopwood award for creative writing. Truman Smith ,of the speech department will direct the production. The movie will be photographed in color by Dr. Katherine Chamberlain (of Wayne University. Black. and (white reprints will be distributed to alumni groups throughout thecoun- try in the drive for the dormitory which will be a memorial to the late Mary Barton Henderson. Jap Army Reports New Advances Made SHANGHAI, Sept. 19-(A)--Slog- ging through rain and mud, the ex- treme right wing Japanese column on the Hankow front reported tonight it had driven to within 40 miles of Sin- yang, on the Peiping-Hankow rail- way 100 miles north of the provision- al Chinese capital. Other Japanese columns spread out through the Yangtze valley southeast I Week's Activities Will Be Headed By Prof. Bursley And Student Advisers Freshmen Consult Advisers Today An innovation in Orientation pro- cedure-the assistance exclusively of upperclass advisers--greeted the 1900 freshmen who began Orientation ac- tivities at 8 a.m. today. Prof. Philip E. Bursley of the ro- mance languages department is in charge of the week's activities. He is assisted by Don Treadwell, '40, of the Union, Marcia Connell, '39, of the League and more than 100 student advisers. Faculty members in the literay college will ot, as in past years, be in direct contact with freshmen in the Orientation activities, the duties being taken over by studentadvisers. This system was adopted last year, for women's Orientation and this year for men's, replacing one faculty adviser and one student adviser for each freshman group. Academic counselors, each having about 100 freshmen to advise, will be present in Waterman gymnasium at the time of registration to aid new students in classification, and will continue throughout the year as freshman counselors. Other schools and colleges will maintain their respective' sys- tems, Professor Bursley pointed out. "Under the new system," he said,. "the entering student will profit bY long-range faculty contact and at the' same time find his induction into the University eased by the familiar contact with student advisers who are mostly sophomores and juniors." The high point of the week's ac- tivities, which began- this morning with consultations between student adivisers and freshmen groups, Is the gathering tonight of men In 1 ll1 Auditorium and women in the League for addresses by University officials. The men's program vwill begin at 8 p.m. President Ruthven and Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley will address the 1320 men. The women's program calls for a dinner at 6 p.m. in the Ballroom of the League to be followed by a meet- ing at which Miss Connell, Jean Hol- land, '39, president of the League, President Ruthven and Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd will speak. More than 550 women are expected to attend. The necessary round of campus tours, registration, health examina- tions and tests will be broken by a mixer for freshmen men at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Ballroom of the Union. Engineering freshmen will meet at the same time in the main dining room of the Union. Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost will be the principal speaker at the mixer, which will last for about an hour, according to Frank Oakes, Union social director. Fred Janke, '39, captain of the (Continued on Page 5) Sta son Chosen Plrovost To Aid Pres. Ruthven To Serve As Intermediary Between Chief Executive And Colleges, Faculties To lessen the great and continu- ously increasing burden imposed upon President Ruthven by the University's rapid growth, the Board of Regents last April announced the appoint- ment of a Provost'to aid the President by performing such of his functions "as shall be delegated to him." At the same time Prof. R Blythe Stason of the Law School was named to fill the new position. The tremendous number of tasks which have previously been delegated to the President included considera- tion of the individual problems of the 12 schools and colleges of the University, the libraries, the dormi- tories, the hospitals, the museums and the remainder of the 54 agencies )r1ientation Weel r of President Roosevelt's Administra- tion measures-but there probably will be one vacant chair. Death removed kindly, white- white-haired Benjamin N. Cardozo from the high court last July, and, so far, President Roosevelt has not appointed his successor. The eight present justices, after their long summer vacation, will re- assemble on Oct. 3 to begin the new term of court. The members of The Daily staff, will be glad to answer any ques- tions you may have about the cam- pus or what is going on this week. Call 2-3241. Women wishing to get information on clothes or rushing should ask for the Women's Fa- shion Editor. Information may also be obtained at the League or the Union. Complete And Varied Facilities Offered To Freshmen By Union A newer, larger Union opens its doors today, offering recreational, club, and hotel facilities to Michigan men. Interior work on the new addition has been completed. The addition con- tains 90 sleeping rooms, two dormi- tory-type rooms that will accommo- date twelve men each, and quarters for the Faculty Club, including a game room and lounge. The dormi- tories will probably be used by visiting athletic teams, according to Stanley Waltz, manager, and the sleeping rooms will be a part of the Union's hotel facilities. Seven bowling alleys, newly recon- ditioned and relaid, were opened yes- the pool at specified times, and a series of lessons in swimming, life saving and water safety will be an- nounced later. Showers and steam baths are a part of the pool's equip- ment. Informal dances are held every Fri- day and Saturday evening during the school year in the main ballroom of the Union. The Union Formal, held about the middle of November, is the first important formal "affair of the year. Only men are allowed to use the Union cafeteria in the basement. Three meals a day are served, and the soda fountain is open at all hours. Members of the Union and their