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November 03, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-03

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Showers, warm' tonight; rain,
continued mild today.

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SW iltb



Justice .

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VOL. XLIX. No. 34





Dr. MeClusky
Stresses Parent
Eduea tion As
Aid ToYouth
600 Expected To Attend
Ninth Annual Meeting
Of Education Institute
Says Teachers Need
Parent Cooperation
Education of adults is a vital pri-
mary step in the education and
guidance of youth, declared Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the educa-
tjon school yesterday in the opening
address of the ninth annual Parent
Education Institute, held in the
Graduate School.
More than 600 educators are expect-
ed to complete registration for the
Institute today. It is sponsored by
the University Extension Service,
with the cooperation of the educa-
tion school and the Michigan Con-
gress of Parents and Teachers.
Need Adult Aid
In anywhere from onehalf to two
thirds of child problems, practically
no results are obtainable without"
adult cooperation, Prof. McClusky
said. A concrete example of this, ,he
pointed out, is in the matter of child
health. It would be almost impossible
to educate the child in even the basic
necessities of health without support
from the home and the parents.
Moreover, the comparatively simple
task of setting up youth organizations
of even a local character is extremely
difficult without the cooperation of
the community as a whole. Not only
mst the community be thoroughly
informed as to the nature of activi-.
ties being set up for the children to
prevent the undermining influence of
uninfornjed gossip, but the whole-
hearted support of the adult popula-
tion is needed to accomplish the
more concrete work of finding activ-
ity space and facilities.
The great trouble with existing
youth organizations such as Boy and
Girl Scouts is found in their almost
3omplete lack of contact with adults,
Professor McClusky added. While do-
ing good work in their way, he said,
theyi are out of contact with the com-
munity in a cooperative spirit.
Professor McClusky pointed out
that the two primary points of the
situation he described were first, that
the problems of youth and the typical
adult education program are inevit-
ably tied together, and second that
no progress can be made in either
one or the other without attention to
Judgment Necessary
The need for dscriminating judg-
ment of problems as well as a constant
self-education on the part of the
adult is vitally important in the
world of today, Miss Winifred Fish-
er, executive director of the New
York Adult Education Council told
the afternoon session of the Parent-
Education Institute in the amphi-
theatre of the graduate school.
Citing the gubernatorial cam-
paigns in New York and Michigan,
Miss Fisher commented on the tend-
ency for the general public to be
taken in by'eatch phrases which ob-
scure the real issues.4
It is important to remember the
close relationship between the per-
sonal life of an individual and the
group or social life, Miss Fisher de-
clared. The modern educator must
stop thinking of adult education in

an abstract, impersonal way as some-
(Continued on Page 6)!

Murphy Ideal Governor,.
Regent Remans Declares
Prof. DawsonSees Him Unharmed By Dies Hearings;
State Bar Representative Upholds Court Change,
Lynch Fears Too Much Control By Lawyers

No man is better fitted to govern
according to the principles of indi-
vidual rights and democracy than
Gov. Frank Murphy, Regent Charles
F. Hemans, co-speaker with Prof.
John P. Dawson, of the Law School,
declared at an open meeting of the
Progressive Club held last night in
the Union.
Since the founding of our govern-
ment, the American people have been
struggling to secure the rights assured
them in the Constitution, Regent
Hemans said, and in the period of the1
New Deal they have come nearer to
success than ever before. If a Re-
publican is elected to any county,
state or national office, he said, it
will mean a denial of all those prin-
ciples for which we fought.
Governor Murphy has shown by his
action in the 1937 strikes, he added,
that he places human values above
property rights, and that, as the head
of the state, he can be counted on to,
do what is best for the interests of
both the working mien and the em-
Represenative Dies and his com-
mittee have been so thoroughly dis-
credited both by popular sentiment
and statement of government offi-
cials, that it is doubtful if Murphy
was harmed by the accusations
brought against him, Professor Daw-I
son said.
In addition to supporting social
security and welfare reorganization
measures, he said Governor Murphy
has backed a major reform of the
civil service, and has set up a com-
mission to work on a complete re-
organization of the government. In
view of this record, and .in the face
of the Governor's judicious appoint-
ments, he added, Republican criticism
of Murphy as an administrator do
not carry much weight.

Denying the argument of George
Brand, president of the Michigan
State Bar Association, that the pro-
posed amendment to the State con-
stitution, providing that justices of
the Supreme Court be appointed in-
directly by the governor rather than
elected, would take the judiciary out
of politics, Regent John Lynch camel
out strongly last night against what
he called an attempt to "install a
lawyer-controlled judiciary" in Michi-
gan. The 'debate took place in the
Union under the auspices of the
Lawyers' Liberal Club, an association
of students in the Law School.
The amendment which will ap-
pear before voters Tuesday provides
for the appointment by the Gover-
nor of justices to the Supreme Court
from a slate presented to him by
a Judiciary Committee of three lay-
men, three lawyers, and three judges.
One of the judges will be elected by
members of the Supreme Court bench,
one by the Circuit Court judges sit-
ting in the State and one by the Pro-
bate judges of the state, all serving
without compensation.
Arguing that the present system
of nominating 'our justices through
the medium of the State convention
plunged the judiciary into "the worst
kind of politics," Mr. Brand sub-
mitted that the amendment would
remove the judges from the necessity
of incurring political obligations and'
keeping political fences intact to get
into office and stay there.".
The nomination of judges by
"politically controlled conventions
far removed from the popular man-
date, renders the voice of the people
in their selection a myth," he de-
Emphasizing the point that the
selection of the justices would be in
the hands of the six lawyers on the
(nontinued on Pagee

Rising Sun Will
Dominate East
State Intention To Forge
China Into Manchukuo
Bloc AndJap Empire
Point Out Germany,
Italy For Gratitude
TOKYO, Nov. 2.--(P)-Japan to-
light warned the world of her inta-
ion to force China into a solid bloc
7ith Manchoukuo and the Japanese
empire for the political and economic
lomination of East Asia.
Extension of her domination over
China to carry out Japan's "im-
mutable policy" for Far Eastern re-
construction after the present war
with China, was formally announced
with the Japanese government's aim
envisioning an "Asia for the Asi-
Doubles Empire
It meant that insular Japan-her'
principal islands comprising some
148,000 square miles-intends to more
than double the vast empire unrolling
behind her conquering armies and
make Japanese interests supreme de-;
spite the protests of the United States
mnd other foreign powers.
The scope of Japan's plan, an-
nouncedpin commemoration of to-
morrow's national holiday of the
birthday of the late Emperor Meiji,
was indicated by the vast territory
Already Tokyo rules 575,000 square1
miles of the Asiatic mainland-
Korea, annexed in 1910, and Man-
choukuo, a puppet empire created
out of Manchuria by conquest in
1931-33. That territory has been
doubled by the presentwar which
started July 7, 1937 and thus far has
brought 575,000 square miles of 13
Chinese provinces under at least nom-
inal Japanese rule.
Sympathetic Nations
Only those nations "which are in
sympathy with us'- parently Ger-
many and Italy with whom Japan is
allied in an anti-Communist pac-
were singled out for Japan's grati-
tude in the government statement.
Other western powers were ignored.
"WhOt Japan seeks is establish-
ment of a new order which will en-
sure permanent stability in East
Asia," said the statement. "In this
lies the ultimate purpose of our mili-
tary campaign.
"This new order will have for its
foundation a tri-partite relationship
of mutual aid and coordination
among Japan, Manchoukuo and Chi-
na in political, economic, cultural and
other fields. The object is to secure
international justice, to perfect a
joint defense against Commhnism, to
crepte a new culture and to realize
close economic cohesion throughout
East Asia."
Fund Campaign
Closes Today

Amateur Hour
Gives Students
Radio Chance
First Audition On Sunday
Will Ihoose Talent
For Broadcast
Would-be radio stars here are to
have their chance for fame. They
are invited to audition Sunday for
the first of a series of weekly broad-
casts to be sponsored by the Univer-
sity Broadcasting Service, under the
direction of Ted Grace, '39.
Whether you croon, recite poetry,
swing on the licorice stick, do a long-
hair act or imitate bird calls, your
talent will be welcomed. Every
Thursday from 3:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
over radio station WJR, Detroit, the
entire Middle West will be entertained
by University amateurs.
Auditions will be held from 8 to
9:30 p.m. Sundays in Morris Hall.
Winners will be picked by the ap-
plause ,of the audience. The Sun-
day night favorites will appear on the
Thursday afternoon broadcasts.
Auditions will begin this Sunday.
Amateurs interested in trying out
should send on a penny postcard their
name and telephone number ad-
dressedtodGrace at Morris Hall. Ap-
plicants for this week's audition
should do so immediately, he empha-
sized. They will be notified when to
This is the first time such a pro-
ject has been attempted on campus.
"I personally feel that there is no
reason under the sun why, with the
facilities offered the University by
WJR, anyone interested in going on
the air should not take advantage of
this opportunity," said Grace yester-
I-- !

Sink Freighter Off
Coast Of Englan



'Greek' Neighbors Asked
To Inter fraternity Ball
In keeping with its plans to make
this year's Interfraternity Ball a
friendly gesture to fraternity men in
other parts of the State, the Inter-
fraternity Council has issued a num-
ber of invitations to "Greeks" in
neighboring colleges.
The greatest number of couples to
attend, 25, will come from Michigan
State College. There will also be 10
from Wayne University, five from
Albion College and 10 from Michigan
State Normal.
P lan Variety
Bill For Open
House Toni ht
Union Features Exhibgis;
Free Dancing To Steinle
Orchestra In Ballroom
The Union will open its doors to
one and all from 7:30 to 10 p.m. to-
night, with exhibits, dancing, and
entertainment of all kinds featuring
the annual Union Open House, ac-
cording to James, Wills, '40, chair-
man of the Open House committee.
Tonight is the first and only time
this year that women will be permit-
ted to, enter and leave the Union
through the front door, Wills said.
Union tradition forbids women the
use of this door, but on Open House
night the tradition is laid aside.
Bob Steinle and his Melody Men
will play for free dancing in the ball-
room from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Music
presented by the Varsity Glee Club
will be featured during the dance
The Varsity swimming team,.
coached by Matt Mann, will give an
exhibition in the swimming pool. The
Sailing Club will present a novel ex-
hibition after the swimming team's
performance, when they will put one
of their full-sized craft in the pool
for a demonstration. Another exhibi-
tion will be given by the Fencing

Commons Votes To Settle
Pact With Rome Soon;
Eden Warns of Perils
Chamberlain Says.
Spain Is No Threat
The Spanish Insurgent motor ves-
el, Nadir, shelled and sank the
British-owned Spanish government
freighter, Cantabria, just a few miles
oa tside territorial waters off the Eng-
ish east coast yesterday afternoon.
Iast night Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain won an overwhelming
victory in the House of Commons,
which approved, 345 to 138, his de-
cision to bring the Anglo-Italian
I:iendship pact into operation.
Before the vote Chamberlain de-
lared the Spanish War was "no long-
r a menace to the peace of Europe"
nd urged parliamentary approval of
inmediate effectiveness of his accord
with Premier Mussolini.
Defied' Vessel
Survivors of the attacked govern-
ment freighter, reaching Cromer, Nor-
olk, near where the shelling started,
sAid the Cantabria defied the "sur-
ender or fight" order signalled from
he Nadir about 2 p.m. The Nadir
then sent shell after shell into the
shuddering framework of the Can-
abria for about three hours and bat-
ered her into a hulk before the
feighter caught fire. The crew and
passengers were then taken off.
The captain, speaking through an
interpreter, said there were 37 mem-
bers of the crew and passengers, in-
'uding three women' and five chil-
aren. Most survivors were taken off
y the Nadir and ten or eleven by the
London-bound steamer, Pattersonian.
The captain said he knew of no
casualties but said the Cantabria
ank just after he left the ship. She
;as of 5,649 tons with her home port
at Santander, now Insurgent-held.
Ihe vessel was owned by the Mid-
Atlantic Shipping Co. of London.
He described the Nadir's arma-
ment as five guns, which fired broad-
ide after broadside into the Canta-

Seniors Asked To
'Ensian Pictures



vvuvaaa' vaa ,a.a }gc v

Burrows Talks
Here Tomorrow
On Exeavations
Prof. Chibnall To DiscussI
Leaf Proteins In Day's
2nd University Lecture
Prof. Millar Burrows, president of
the American Schools of Oriental Re-
search at Jerusalem and Baghdad
and Prof. Albert C. Chibnall of the
Univesrity of London will occupy
University lecture platforms tomor-
row when they will speak on discov-
eries in widely separated fields of re-
Professor Chibnall will speak'
it 4:15 p.m. in the Graduate '
School Auditorium on "The Prep-
aration and Chemistry of the
Protein of Leaves." Professor Bur-
rows will speak at the same hour
in the Natural Science Auditorium on
"Results of a Century's Digging in
Palestine." His lecture will be il-
Professor Burrows will devotera
part 'of his lecture to the re-
cent excavations of Solomon's Sea-
port, Ezion-geber, by Dr. Nelson
Glueck, Director of the School at
Jerusalem. The bearing of this and
other excavations on the Bible will
receive special attention. The hon-
orarium for the lecture, it was an-
nounced by Prof. Leroy Waterman,
chairman of the Department of Or-
iental Languages and Literatures, will
be put into the Endowment Fund of
the American Schools of Oriental Re-
search, which are maintained by a
cooperative organization of which the
(Continued on Page 6)

Davey Calls Out
Troops In Ohio
Reopening Of Closed Plant
Occasions'Military Order
By CIO's Arch - Enemy
MIDDLETOWN, O., Nov. 2-(A)-
Gov. Martin L. Davey, arch-foe of the
C.I.O., ordered 500 National Guards-
men here tonight for the scheduled
.reopening of a strike-closed tobacco
plant, and condemned what he de-
scribed as a "brutal, lawless and tyr-
annical invasion of this State by the
C.I.O. high command."
The plant, in which P. Lorillard
Co. employs 1,100 persons at process-
ing tobacco and manufacturing
chewing scrap, is scheduled to re-
-open tomorrow. A C.I.O. union, de-
manding a closed shop and checkoff
but seeking primarily to bargain un-
der the Wagner Act, called a strike
there Oct. 3 An attempt to reopen
Oct. 25 precipitated a clash which
Governor Davey called a serious riot.
."We will not permit the lawless
invasion of Middletown or any other
community," the Governor said, as-
serting that "a reign of terrorism
has been inaugurated in a peaceful
Davey termed John L. Lewis, C.I.O.
chairman, the most dangerous man
in America.
Sherman H. Dalrymple, leader of
the United Rubber Workers at Akron
-where Davey said the union planned
tie-ups--called the Governor a liar.

The Michiganensian requests all
seniors in all schools to have their
pictures taken as soon as possible
at Dey's, Rentschler's or Sped-
ding's. The charge is three dol-
lars before Dec. 1, and $3.25 there-
after. This amount will secure a,
picture in the 'Ensian and in-
cludes two-dollar credit on any
order placed with the photograph-
er. To avoid the pre-deadline
rush, seniors arehasked to make
appointments with one of the
photographers now. Senior cou-
pons may be purchased from the
photographer or from 'Ensian
representatives on campus.
Socialists Speak
Here Tomorrow


Johnson Dii cuss
And Socialism



Of $56,500
Laird Declares


Socialist candidates for Governor
and Lieutenant-Governor, Nahum
Burnett and Kermit Johnson, will dis-
cuss "Youth and the Socialist
Movement" at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the
North Lounge of the Union in a poli-
tical forum meeting arranged by the
Student Senate.
Burnett, a dirt-farmer, is a fig-
ure in the farm union movement,
and Johnson was one of the leaders
in the Flint General Motors sit-
down strike. Other Socialist State
nominees will also appear at the
meeting, Jack Sessions, '40, director
of arrangements, said.
Gov. Frank Murphy spoke here
Monday, Oct. 24, in the first in this
political series sponsored by the Stu-
dent Senate. An invitation sent to
the Republican candidate, former
Gov. Frank Fitzgerald, has not yet
been answered. These meetings are
a part of a program sponsored by
this campus organization to stimulate
interest in vital matters of the day,
Sessions explained.

Exhibits have been planned by the
fine arts department, the Glider Club,
the geology department, and several
departments of the engineering
school. The Botanical Gardens will1
present an exhibit for the first time
this year.
The geology department's exhibit
will include samples of many precious
and semi-precious stones.
{Enlarged motion pictures of micro-
scopic life, including hydras and
amoebas magnified so that full detail
is visible, will be a part of the zoology
department's exhibit.
"We expect to surpass last year's
attendance of over 2,000," Wills said.
Cooperative Health Club
Discusses Plans Tonight
Final plans for the Ann Arbor Co-
operative Health Association, will be
made at a meeting of all interested
persons to be held at 8 p.m. today at
Lane Hall, Mrs. Charles W. Spooner,
a member of the organizing commit-
tee announced.
The Association will reduce the
cost of medical care by dividing the
expenses of hiring a private physician
among a group of families. The cost
for a family will be $30 a year and for'
an individual $15. .

Today's Coffee Hour
Is Open To Women
Women will be guests at a Union
Zoffee Hour for the first time in
Union history at 4:30 p.m. today, ac-
cording to Don Treadwell, '40, chair-
man of the Thursday Coffee Hours.
Prof. Howard B. Lewis of the phar-
macy school will be present to answer
questions concerning the fields of
pharmacy and biochemistry.
Last Thursday Dean Henry M.
Bates of the law school discussed the
intricacies of the legal profession in
the first talk of the current series on
various fields open to study in the
University, a feature of the Thurs-
day Coffee Hours.
Another of the regular Coffee
Hours will be held at 4:30 p.m. Tues-

Ann Arbor's 18th annual Commun-
ty Fund drive, extended an extra day,
closes this afternoon, William M.
Laird, general chairman of the cam-
paign fund, announced yesterday.
Mr. Laird said that the goal of
$56,500 would be reached by the end
of the campaign in spite of the fact
only $17,068 had been turned in at
last Tuesday's audit. Each day's sub-
scriptions have been slightly more,
than for the corresponding days of
last year's campaign. Several divi-
sions have been slow in reporting
their solicitations and it is felt that
these funds plus the present amount
will reach the goal.
The campaign was extended an ex-
tra day because of a day's delay in
Ex-Gov. Osborn Backs
*Murphy And Sigma Chi

Nadir Disappears
The disposal of those taken aboard
he Nadir from one of the lifeboats
was not known, as she disappeared in
he mists of the North Sea after the
She refused to answer radio de-
mands of nearby trawlers and steam-
i's for an explanation of the attack.
The freighter was overtaken and
helled just outside the three-mile
Lmit and the rolling thunder of guns
was easily heard on shore, while scores
f persons saw the flashes f the fir-
ng and smoke rolling from the mer-
The locationjust outside the terr-
orial waters, however, prevented the
Admiralty from sending a warship to
he scene, though scores of fishing
rawlers and other ships drew as near
as they dared. The Admiralty fol-
owed reports of the uneven encounter
In the parliamentary action on the
Anglo-Italian pact no date was form-
ally set for the treaty to become ef-
f active, but political observers believed
D.ov. 15 the most likely day.
Sharp opposition developed in the
house of Conimons, however.
Eden Dissatisfied
Anthony Eden, who resigned last
Feb. 20 as foreign secretary because
of dissatisfaction with Chamberlain's
policies, accused Italy of lacking good
faith. Arthur Greenwood, Laborite,
declared the price of the Anglo-
Italian agreement signed the day be-
fore last Easter "is going to be paid
oy the people of Spain."
In a moving passage of his remarks
Chamberlain frankly sought to justi-
fy the accord with Italy on the basis,
among other things, of Mussolini's
intervention with Adolf Hitler to
Jring about the Munich conference
in the darkest hour of the September
Czechoslovak crisis.
The Anglo-Italian agreement was
lesigned to be a comprehensive ad-
justment of all conflicts of interest
:f the two powers in the Mediter-
ranean, the .Near East, Africa and
Spain. Its operation has been in
abeyance pending the fulfillment of

'Counsellor-At-Law' Cast Puts
Final Touches On Production

Ohio State's Nice Boys And Girls'
Hit Magazine_'Necking Expose'

Rehearsing afternoon and evening,
Play Production is rapidly putting
Elmer Rice's famous "Counsellor-at-
Law" into shape for presentation
Nov. 10, 11, and 12, at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Edward Jurist, '39, will play a
prominent role as George Simon, aa
powerful New York lawyer who has
fought his way from the East Side
Ghetto to the top by sheer force and
shrewdness. Simon is a strange. com-

The entire story takes place in Si-
mon's law offices. A vivid portrayal
of New York life as it strains through
an attorney's office is woven, street-
scene-like into the drama, rich with
the glowing dialogue of Pulitzer-
Prize winner, Elmer Rice.
Sarah Pierce, Grad., plays the part
of Simon's aristocratic wife, and
Mary Jordan, '41, also plays an im-
portant feminine role as Regina, his
private secretary.
The stageraft oru ha snnntruc.

JACKSON, Nov. 3.-"No man who 1
is not moral and loyal and a good
citizen can be a Sigma Chi," former
Gov. Chase S. Osborn declared in a
signed statement here Monday on
behalf of the reelection of Gov. Frank
Governor Murphv is a araduate of+

Students and faculty at Ohio State
University attacked a nationally cir-
culated picture magazine this week
for publication of a photograph pur-
porting to expose "necking" at fra-
ternity dances.
The picture shows two students,
boy and girl, engaged in what the
caption calls "caveman necking in
the wrestling room" of the Tau Kappa
Epsilon fraternity house.

the student council at Ohio State,
declared, "Why don't they print pic-
tures of students doing research, work
in the laboratory-or show the library
filled to capacity every night with
students engaged in serious work?"
The assistant dean of men, J. Fred
Stecker, who has charge of fraternity
affairs, announced that he had made
inquiries and learned that the fra-
ternity party at which the offending
picture was taken had been chap-
eroned as usual. "We require regis-


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