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November 01, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-11-01

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Fair today and tomorro'w.


5k Wau


Child Marriage
A Social Problem...



Fascists Are
Seeking New
Germany And Italy View
Revised Danube Trianon
Treaty Along Racial Line
Seek To Give Magyar
Territorial Increase
BERLIN, Oct. 31.--(A')--Germany
and Italy are striving for a new order
in southeastern Europe based on ra-
cial nationalism. it was reported to-
The two totalitarian states in ar-
bitrating the territorial dispute be-
tween Czechoslovakia and Hungary
this week may go far beyond this
issue itself, it was indicated today,
and revise the Trianon Treaty in an,
effort to appease the entire Danubian
Germany Denounces Injustices
The German foreign office mouth-
piece, Deutsche Politsch-Diploma-
tische Korrespondenz, said flatly that
''injustices"' done to Hungary by the
Trianon Treaty in 1920 would play
'an essential role'' in negotiations
opening, at Vienna Wednesday among
Italy, Czechoslovakia and Hungary.
What was "stolen" from the Mag-
yars by th'is treaty, the organ said,1
must be returned to Hungary.

Just Missed Diploma;
Civil War Hero Dead
A 98-year-old man who quit the
University three weeks before his
graduation' in 1861 to enlist with the
Union forces, died yesterday at his
Chicago home.
The man, Major George Mason, re-
ceived belated acknowledgement of
his work here when the University
granted him a Bachelor of Arts de-
gree, in 1933.
It was in April, 1861, when Mason
joined the Union forces. During the
Civil War he served in the 18th 1111-
nois Infantry and, during the Atlanta
campaign, in the 2nd division of the
16th Army Corps. After the war he
'located in Chicago, establishing a
foundry business.
Dies, Anderson
Trade Parries
In Broadeast
Newsman Hits Committee
As Being Fosterer Of
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-(AP)--
Chairman Martin Dies (Dem., Texas)
of the House Committee on Unameri-
can Activities asserted tonight that
Communists and Cabinet members
had attempted to "stifle and discred-,
it" his Committee and its inquiry.
Sharply attacking the Dies group,I
in a radio broadcast which immed-1
iately followed, Paul Y. Anderson,1
Washington newspaper correspon-1



The treaty, negotiated between the
victorious allies and Hungary after
territory, reducing her from a coun-
try of approximately 109,000 square
miles to one of about 35,000 square
Czechoslovakia acquircd only about
24,300 square miles from Hungary,
whereas Rumania obtained about 38,-
600 square miles, Yugoslavia about
8,100 square miles and Austria about
1,900 square miles.
Germany, Italy Work Together
Germany and 'Italy, the foreign
office organ said, are "going to work
as 'honest brokers' to help end this
conflict (between Czechoslovakia and
Hungary) and thereby lay the
groundwork for a good neighbor re-
lationship among the peoples in the
Danube region."
The Trianon Treaty, said the or-
gan, violated Woodrow Wilson's prin-
ciples, and now "it is a question of
correcting these injustices and re-
turning to the Magyar people what
was stolen from them in flagrant vio-
lation of ethnological principles."
Five Lectures,
Are Scheduled
For University
Prof. Chibnall Will Speak
On Protein In Leaves1
At 4:15 P.M. Today
Five University lectures will be giv-;
en here from Nov. 4 to Nov. 10 by;
Sthee Auithorities in differing fields of


WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-(IP)--
Representative Dies of Texas, em-
battled chairman of the House
committee on un-Americanism,
has/ a name which lends itself
to frequent mispronunciation.
The correct way is to say it like
"dyes"--coloring materials.

Shifts Staf f
For Defenses
Seeks To Bulwark Home
Arms Preparedness And
Air Raid Precautions
But Refuses to Arm
On War-Time Basis
LONDON, Oct. 31.-(/P)-Prime
Minister Chamberlain put Sir John
Anderson, "the Iron Man of Bengal,"
into his rebuilt cabinet tonight to bul-
wark Great Britain's home defense
of nearly fifty million civilians.
On the eve of the reassembling of
Parliament, which was shocked by
the nation's unpreparedness in the
days of the September crisis,- the
Prime Minister reconstructed the
Government to assure vigorous lead-
ership for wide organization of Air
Raid precautions and related mea-
Sir John came into the cabinet
nominally as Lord Privy Seal, but he
is counted upon to put the Govern-
ment Bureau in Charge of Civilian
Defense Preparations on a strong
Viscount Runciman was named
Lord President of the Council in suc-
cession to Viscount Halisham, who
resigned. Malcolm MacDonald, secre-
tary for colonies, was given the fur-
their portfolio of Dominions Secre-
The Prime Minister fought shy of
the much demanded Ministry of Sup-
ply to put rearmament on a wartime
Such an extreme measure, Cham-
berlain was reported to believe, might
block his carefully laid plans to ap-
pease Reichsfuehrer Hitler and Pre-
mier Mussoilni and end all hope of a
four-power understanding on arms
restrictions. He was also understood
to fear the consequences of such a
move on normal industry and export
Lord Runciman may also aid in
strengthening the Ministry for co-
ordinatiori of defense now headed by
Sir Thomas Inskip. Runciman's dip-
lomatic skill and wide knowledge of
trade and commerce will be at Cham-
berlain's disposal.
For the present at least MacDonald
will carry the tremendous burden of
colonial and dominions affairs. Both
are vital portfolios because of the
Arab-Jew upheaval in Palestine and
the imminence of negotiations with
Germany over the return of her war-
lost colonies. The dominions post
had been vacant since the death of
Lord Stanley Oct. 16. '
The whole newcabinet line-up ap-
peared to have been cautiously ma-
neuvered by Chamberlain to further
his idea of a four-power arrangement
between the great European democra-
cies and the Nazi-Fascist nations built
upon the foundation of the Munich
Peace Pact.
Dr. Sundwall Elected
Head Of Delta Omega
Dr. John Sundwall, director of the
Division of Hygiene and Public Health
was elected president of Delta Omega.
national honorary public health fra-
ternity at the Kansas City Conven-
tion of the American School Health
Association last week.
TDr. Sundwall attended both the
annual meeting of the Arerican
School Health Association of which
he is the retiring president and of
the American Public Health Associa-

At 69
Has In


dent, asserted the Committee was
guilty of "extraordinary presenta-
tion and :manipulation of witnesses
and testimony "for political pur-
"At no time is there anything which
could be called cross-examination.
Some of the yarns contain serious
accusations against public officials
and private citizens. These officials
and these citizens are note present to
defend themselves; they are never
asked to be present; their first knowl-
edge that they have beencaccused
comes from reading the accusations
in newspapers," Anderson said.
Dies accused President Roosevelt,
the justice department and the WPA
of ignoring a congressional request
that his Committee be staffed with
stenographers, investigators and at-
torneys from the executive depart-
ments. Moreover, he said, the secre-
tary of the Senate Civil Liberties
'ommittee offered him two investiga-
tors for the purpose of "sabotaging"
the investigation.
In response to a suggestion by the
President, Anderson said, two other
Washington correspondents, John
O'Donnell and Doris Fleeson of the
New York Daily News, polled report-
ers who have covered the hearings.
Eleven thought the hearings "unfair,"
he said. Two thought them about as

Valuation Is Set
Million Dollars;
creased Greatly

Fact-Finding Board Spurns Railroads' Wage Plea

Latest Financial Report Depicts
Rise. Of University In Century.
4, _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In a jovial mood members of President Roosevelt's fact-finding board are shown at the White House as they
called to tell the President they saw no need for a 15- per cent wage out for railroad employes. The board
asked that carriers cancel notices of such a reduction. Left to right: Dean James M. Landis of the Harvard
law school, Chief Justice Walter P. Stacy of the North Carolina supreme court and Prof. Harry A. Millis of the
University of Chicago.

In little over a cenitury the Uni-
versity has grown from an embryonic
educational institution whose assets
consisted of 40 acres of land, the
homes of four professors, Mason Hall
and a $3,000 library to a colossus
whose property is valued at $69,548,-
In the last 21 years alone the in-
ventory has shown an increase ofR
$62,223,641, according to the newly
released Financial 'Report for the
year ending last June 30.
During these same 21 years, there
has been an average annual in-
LUnion Plans Many'
Features For Open
House Thursday
The Union wilh oPen its doois to
one and all Thursday night, with ex-
hibits, dancing and entertainment
featuring the annual Union Open.
House, according to James Wills, '40,
chairman of the Open House commit-
Bob Steinle and his Melody Men'
will play for free dancing from 8:30
to 10 p.m. Women will be permitted
to enter and leave the Union through
the front door, Wills said, a privilege
they are granted at no other time
during the year.
The Varsity swimming team,
coached by Matt Mann, and the
Fencing Club. will give exihibitions.
Music by the Varsity Glee Club will
ce featured during the dance inter-
Exhibits have been planned by the
tine arts department, the Glider Club,
and several departments of the en-
gineering school. The Botanical Gar-
dens will present an exhibit for the
first time this year.
The zoplogy department will show
enlarged motion pictures of micro-
scopic life, including hydras and
amoebas, magnified so that full de-
tail will be visible.
Lowered rates in the tap room,
billiard and ping pong rooms and the
bowling alleys will be in force, Wills

crease of $2,876,000 in the University's
book value. 1937-38 saw a slight
slump, with only $2,430,562 added to
the total, but the present school year
will more than make up for that with
an increase of $7,000,000 already as-
Disregarding the University hos-
pital, which is self-supporting, operat-
ing expenses are derived chiefly from1
the state appropriation.
Contrary to popular opinion, stu-
dent fees pay little more than one
fifth of the University's yearly bill.
In 1937-38 they totalled only $1,693,-
134. Percentage figures on the otherI
sources of revenue were: sales and
services, 2.9; income from endow-
ment, 6.66; gifts for current use, 4.76,
and miscellaneous, 2.96. The Federal,
land grant, which once was the only
supplement to student fees, now
amounts to only .50% of the total.
Endowments, some of which are
held in trust and others by the Uni-'
versity, have increased rapidly in
recent years. As- late as 1917 they
amounted to but little more than
$537,000. In the following 10 years
(Continued on Page 2)
Faculty Attends
17 Members At Meeting
Of North Central Colleges
Seventeen members of the Univer-
sity faculty are attending the annual'
fall meeting of the Michigan Associa-
ion of North Central Colleges being
held today at Michigan State College
in East Lansing. This organization is
an accrediting group and a subdivi-
sion of the Association of North Cen-
tral Colleges.
Prof. George E. Carrothers of the
School of Education and director of
the Bureau of Cooperation is presi-
dent of the organization. Others in
attendance at the meeting are Dean
Edward H. Kraus of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts; Dr.
Lloyd S. Woodburne, assistant to
Dean Kraus; Dean Erich A. Walter,
assistant dean of the literary college;
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education; Dean Wells I.
Bennett of the College of Architec-
ture; Dean Clare E. Griffin of the
School of Business Administration;
Dr. Clifford Woody of the School of
Education; Dr. Harlan Koch, assis-
tant director of the Bureau of Co-
Ioperation; Prof. Warner G. Rice of
the English department; Prof. Ken-
neth Jones, Prof. Arthur A. Van Dur-
en and Prof. Charles M. Davis, aca-
demic counsellors; Prof. Mervin H.
IWaterman of the School of Business
Administration; John M. Trytten of
the education school; Ira M. Smith,.
registrar of the University; and Rob-
ert L. Williams, assistant registrar.
Announce Deadline
For Ensian Photos
The deadline for 'Ensian senior pic-
tures has been set at Dec. 16, contrary
to previous announcements, accord-
I ing to Charle sKttler '9 hniine1

Why Murphy'
Meeting Is Set,
For Tomorrow1
Regent Hemans And Prof.
Dawson To Speak At
Democratic Rally Here.
Regent Charles F. Hemans andj
Prof. John Dawson of the law school'
will speak at a "Why Murphy" meet-
ing at 8-:15 p.m. tomorrow at }the'
Union 'ballroom under the auspices ofc
the Murphy-for-Governor Commit-l
tee. .Prof. John L. Brumm of the
journalism department will be chair-,
Mr. Hemans, elected to the Board
of Regents in 1933 on the Democratic
ticket is practicing law at Lansing.
Professor Dawson served on the Gov-
ernor's local government commission..
He was graduated from the law
school in 1924 and studied at Oxford
on a Rhodes Scholarship'.
The Murphy-for-Governor Com-
mittee has distributed ballots at dor-
mitories and to patients at the
University Hospital. Applications are1
also available at the Union, the
League, the Library, the Rackham
Building and the office of the Dean
of Students.
The applications for absentee bal-
lots must be filed with the local elec-
tion officials in the voter's home town
early enough to receive actual bal-
lot and return it to the election of-
ficials by election day.a
King To Talk
To Engineers
Professor Addresses Sigma
Rho TauTonight,
Prof. Horace W. King of the
hydraulic engineering department,
will address a meeting of Sigma Rho
Tau, national engineering speech so-
ciety on "Reservoirs" at 7:30 tonight
in the Michigan Union.
During an active life, Dr. King has
managed many engineering projects.
One of his most important was the
construction of the Canton-Hankow
Railway in China in 1902. It is over
this railroad that the present fighting
is being carried on. In 1901 he was
in charge of engineering of the prov-
ince in the Philippines. The next
year found him an assistant engineer
engaged in harbor work in Manila.
Among his published works are:
"Handbook of Hydraulics," including
the 1929 revised edition, and "Ameri-
can Civil Engineers Handbook."
Union To Continue
Ticket Exchange

Rail Ownei
Labor Chic
Pledge Selv'
To A rbitr a
Roosevelt Promises
To Added Legislal
As SupportTo Carr
Fact-Finding Rod
Seeks ToStop
road management and labor as
President Roosevelt today they v
cooperate in an effort to settle
wage dispute peacefully, and recd
in return the Chief Executive's p
ise of vigorous support for legisl
to help the carriers.
John J. Pelley, President of
Association of American Rair
and George M. Harrison, Chairmi
the Railway Labor, Executives .
ciation, conferred separately wit-
President Confident
Both spokesmen said the Presi
expressed confidence that a he
legislative program for the car
would be presented' by an info
committee of six fo consider,
by the next Congress. Mr. Roos
appointed the committee-three
resentatives of management and
of labor-some months ago.
Pelley added that Mr. Roos
said he would "do everything he
to get such a program enacted
The rail management leader
he was asked to find iopt from
individual railroads: what their]
tude was toward a report made t
day by the President's special
finding committee.
Ral Heads To Meet
Pelley said he woul4, gladly dot
and later he summoned the railr
heads to meet in Chicago Friday
The fact-finding committee r
asked the railroads to withdraw -
order for a 15 per cent wage re
tion, scheduled to go into effect
1. Nearly 1,000,000 rail empoes
voted to. strike if the wage cut,
mated by officials to total $250,00
annually, is made effective.
The fact-finding committee wa
pointed by the President to hear
sides of the dispute and report I
to him. It acted during the 60
period which must elapse, under
Railway Labor Act, before either
wage cut may take effect or at
may be called. That period ex
Dec. 1.
Mediation Board
Officials of the National Medi
Board, authorized to attempt se
ment of controversies betw
management and labor, er
confidence today that the car
would abide by the recommen'di
to withdraw the pay reduction o
It was pointed out that in the
with one minor exception, both
had accepted such recommenda
Dr. William M. Leiserson of
Board said he had "no reason t
lieve" the carriers would not
by the report.
The only suggestion of rail h
agement's attitude toward te re
mendation to withdraw the' pay
order came from H. A. Enochs,
Third Coffee
Hour Is Todf

Prof. Albert C. Chibnall of the Uni-
versity of London will deliver the
first of three lectures at 4:15 p.m.
Friday in the Graduate School Audi-
torium when he will speak on "The
Preparation and Chemistry of the
Protein of Leaves." He will speak on.
"The Application of X-rays to the
Study of the Long Chain Components
of waxes" at 8:15 p.m. the same day
in Room 303 in the Chemistry Build-
ing. His final lecture will be given
at 11 a.m. Saturday in Room 303 of
the Chemistry Building when he will4
discuss "Criticism of Methods of.
Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins."
Professor Chibnall, one of Eng-
land's leading authorities on plant
chemistry, will come to the University
from Harvard, where he finished de-
livering the Silliman Memorial lec-
tures recently. He will also visit the
Universities of Wisconsin and Illinois
before returning to England the
middle of November. Professor Chib-
nall has done much work in the pro-!
tein metabollism of plants and is es-i
pecially interested in the action of
plant waxes, according to Prof. How-
ard B. Lewis, head of the department
of biochemistry, which is sponsoring
Professor Chibnall's lectures.
Prof. Millar Burrows of Yale Uni-
versity, president of the American
Schools of Oriental Research at
Jerusalem and Bagdad, will deliver


fair as most Congressional inquiries,
and two thought them fair. Three
declined to comment.
He turned to testimony which ac-
cused Gov. Frank Murphy of Michi-
gan of "treason" in not following a
firmer course toward the sit-down
strikers of the automobile plants in
early 1937.
"For more than three days the
(Continued on Page 2)

A mazed Populace Ponders Mars Scare
As Radio Bureau Considers Discipline
Hysteria Grips New York Even A Faculty Man, Cominission Might Revoke
During Broadcast Though Unknown, Station Licenses
Mob hysteria gripped New York! ehi eve RepOrs radio industry viewed today a hob-
City Sunday night during the 8 pm.goblin more terrifying to it than any
radio broadcast of an "invasion by Ann Arbor was not- immune from Hallowe'en spook.
the terror which Orson G. Well's The prospect of increasing Federal
men from Mars," halting traffic in broadcast struck into thousands of control of broadcasts was discussed
midtown areas and affecting police American homes Sunday. here as an afterniath of a radio pre-
operations. Ushers at the Michigan 'sentation of an H. G. Wells' imagin-
Police radio cars racing through userstrth to were forced ative story which caused many listen-
the streets to dispel snarled traffic to use brute strength to keep an hys- ers to believe that men from Mars
added strength to the many rumors theatre to "warn" dashing into the had invaded the United States with
of "xplsios" i Ne Jesey nd heare t "wrn"members of her jdeath rays.-
"ctpusloie menin New Jrshey andfamily of inpending "tragedy." When reports of terror that accom-'
I~~~ octupus-ianmen inhroketsships.
Tense crowds surrounded radio- A Pennsylvanian who was motor' panied the fantastic drama reached
r,."A i,. ,.n ing through town stopped for food 't h eCnmmunications C'mmissinn!

Women May Be Gu<
At Union 'Hereafter
Women may be guests at the U
Coffee Hours after this week, Ja
Halligan, '40, Union social chairn
announced yesterday. It will be
first time in the history of the Co
Hours that women have been inv
Complete plans have not yet beer
I The third in this year's serie
regular Union Coffee Hours wi
held at 4:30 p.m. today. All
dents and members of the fac
are invited to attend, Halligan
Prof. Howard B, Levis of
pharmacy school will be preser
the Coffee Hour on Thursday to
cuss and answer questions reli
to the fields of pharmacy and
chemistry, according to Don Ti
well, '40, Union orientation cr
man, who is in charge.
Institute For Privc
Nurses Is Ilann

The Union ticket resale service,'
operated in the Union lobby Saturday
morning, did $456 worth of business,
James Halligan, '40, Union social
chairman, announced yesterday.
The ticket service will be continued
from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the morn-
ings of the Pennsylvania and North-
western games, Halligan said. The
purpose of the service is to resell tic-
kets other than student tickets for
those who are unable to use them.

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