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October 30, 1938 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-30

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air Labor Standards Act Seen
Provoking New Court Strugglel
ederal And State Courtleabor in all establishments engaged
Iin produring goods which are ulti-j
Sooin To Face Problemns, ai eiy seld in interstate commerce.
Prof. Smith Points Out "The sponsors of the Act," he be-
lieves, "undoubtedly are relying on the
(Continued from Page 1) Cour t decisions upholding the Nation-
-il Labor Relations Act. But persons
estions, says Prof. Smith, are typi- challenging the Fair Labor Standardsj
. Act in this respect will point to the
Industry committees, appointed by Court's decision invalidating the Na-I
e Administrator may recommend tional Industrial Recovery Act apd
nimum wage rates not in excess i the Bituminous Coal Conservation Act
forty cents per hour the first six of 1935, wherein the Court seemed to
irs of operation above those spec- deny the power of Congress to regu-

Sigma Rho Tau
Will Celebrate

1 Library Receives Galileo Lett(
And Rare Scientific Vol



d in the Act.
But, the Act provides, such rates
ist have "due regard to economic
d competitive conditions" and must
t "substantially curtail employment
the industry." The committees are
consider competitive conditions,
ges established under bona fide col-
tive labor agreements and wages
luntarily paid by employers in the
lustry who maintain "minimum
ge standards."
'The question then arises," said
ofcssor Smith, "whether any really
zernable standard is thus estab-
aed to guide the committees and
e Administrator." This provision
rticularly affects industry in the!
'Related to some of the foregoing
estions of interpretation, funda-
ntal questions concerning the
lidity of the Act in whole or in?
rt will be raised. For example, it
by no means certain," Professor
iith points out, "under decision of
e Supreme Court to date, that
ngress has power to regulate wages,
urs and the employment of child
English Boot and Shoe Maker
Our new repair department, the
est in the city. Prices are right.
38 South State and Factory on}
outh Forest Avenue.I

late wages, hours. and working condi-
tion or local distribution. These deci-
sions were distinguished by the Court
in the Labor Act decisions.
Regents Meet,
Reeive Gifts
Summer Session Program
(Continued from Page 1)
that she might accept a visiting
lectureship at the University of Aber-
deen in Scotland.
Twelve sabbatical leaves for the
second semester of the current year.
were granted faculty members. Those
included were: Prof. William G.
Smeaton of the chemistry depart-
ment; Prof. Campbell Bonner ofj
the Greek department; Prof. A. E. R.
Boak of the history department; Prof.
Clarence D. Thorpe and Prof. Mor-
ris P. Tilley of the English department
and Prof. W. H. Worrell of the Semit-
ics department.
Others were Prof. Walter B. Ford
and Prof. Vincent C. Poor of the
mathematics department; Prof. Hugh
1 E. Keeler of the mechanical engineer-
ing department; Prof. Orlando W.
Stephenson of the University High
School and the School of Education;
Prof. Howard M. Wight of the for-
estry, and Prof. L. H. Strong of the
anatomy department.
The appointment of Roscoe 0. Bon-
isteel, local attorney, to the University
Musical Society board of directors was
confirmed by the Regents.

10ti Year Hmere Some 300 years ago, the Italian the handwriting of Richar
__ astronomer, Galileo, wrote a page let- are preserved in the Libr
er to one of the Medici. ruling Flor- American Antiquarian Socie
Engineering Speechi Group -rt n fteMeii uigFo-cester.
E onneerg Spe e as Gron, entine family, and illustrated it with e
Sponsors Full Season, observations of the moons of Jupiter. bThe coy given to the
Includilig Spring Party Recently this letter, and two priceless placed in the William
volumes by early scientists were given Library.
Sigma Rho Tate, engineering speech to the University Library, it was an-
society, celebrates its 10th anniver- nounced yesterday.
sary this year. In recognition of the Thisteg aseyhA LY Frs
-vent. a full season of activities is This valuable gift was made by the
scheduled, including a birthday party trustees of the McGregor Fund in Bli
to be held soon and culminating in recognition of the service to astrono-
the 10th annual convention next my of Prof. Heber D. Curtis, chairman
spring. of the department of astronomy, and (Continued from Page
Making its appearance in the spring director of the observatories since 6:30 pm A panel dis
of 1928 as a debating team of four 1930. Widely known as one of the
members, the society has now grown outstanding contemporary astrono- Understanding Human
to be the largest and most active mers, Professor Curtis' principle fields, This is the second of a
speech society on campus and has of work are spectroscopy and nebular discussions on "Building Pe
spread to five other colleges. photography.
"To improve ourselves i_: speak- The books included in the gift are Church of Jesus Christ
ing was the original idea of the a first edition of Copernicus' study Day Saints. Sunday schoo
group," commented Prof. Robert D. on the revolutions of the heavenly
Brackett, adviser and founder of the bodies, published in 1543 in Nurem- cussion group Sunday 9 a.
organization. "It was found that the berg, and a first edition of Galileo's Women's League.
engineers who got ahead needed this Dialogo, published in 1632.
training. Those who got ahead without This historic material, all of which First Church of Christ,
it were handicapped, and those who belonged to the late Tracy W. Mc- 409 S. Division St. Sund
got ahead with it admitted their ad- Gregor, has been placed in the Rare ing service at 10:30. Subje
vantage." Book Room of the General Library lasting Punishment." Go]
Since its inception as a student with the University colle'tions illus- Micah 7:8. Sunday schoc
society, the movement has increased trating the history of astronomy and;I
in scope and dignity, and now num- mathematics. The Lutheran Student
. bers on its roll many distinguished In addition, was a gift of a rare
professional and faculty members.. edition of "A Platform of Church meet at Zion Parish Hal
Among its well-known members are Discipline," printed in 1649 in Cam- Oct. 30, at 5:30 p.m. for S
Dean Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley bridge, Mass. This is the first known and supper. Prof. LeRoy'
and Dean Herbert C. Sadler, Uni- book from the press of Samuel Green, will speak at the discussi
versity of Michigan, Dean W. L. Cof- early American printer. Called the 6:45 on "The Bible and Sl
fee, College of the City of Detroit, basis of New England theology, the theran students and their :
Dean H. B. Dirks, Michigan State. book contains "A platform of church invited.
College, and President Alexander discipline gathered out of the work Hillel Foundation: Pr(
Ruthven. The endorsement of the of God; and agreed upon by the El- Sunday:
society by the Associated Technical ders, and Messengers of the Church 11 ajm., Council meeting
Societies of Detroit and by the Michi- assembled in the Synod at Cambridge 6 p.m.,Cosupper.
gan Engineering Council, as well as in New England." 6 p.m. Cost supper.
the time devoted to its discussion It is believed that there are only 8 p.m. -Forum.
and study by the Society for the Pro- nine copies of this 39 page quarto Mr. Harold Silver of t
motion of Engineering Education. in existence today. The original Social Service Bureau of I
manuscript and the revised copy from speak on "The Labor Zio
.srwhich the book was printed, both in at Jewish Youth Problems
Engineers To Hear King

times The fourth of the Hillel Founda- __
tion's series of forum discussions, to Plans for the Ann Arbor Co-opera-
d Mather, be held at 8 p.m. toay in the Founda- tive Health Association will be corn-
arj of the tion, will feature Harold Silver, execu-, pleted at a meeting of all interested
aty at Wor- tive director of the Jewish Social Ser- d
y vice Bureau in Detroit and an official persons to be held at 8 p.m. Thursday
in the Zionist Labor Organization in at Lane Hall, Mrs. Charles, Spooner, a
U ver the United States. The subject of his member of the organizing committee .
has been talk is "A Labor-Zionist Looks at announced.
Jewish Youth Problems."

- }G;;;;;;;;yi) ;;;;;;;; fOf:
To Brighten
h ,The S tudn -ts o
-- Always Reasonably Priced -
-- O mf) O - C)-- :"'--)G4- <:-:- t)-i- -:yo "-

- a -w *w w w
44(C) 0


Prof. Horace W. King of the hy-
draulic engineering department will
speak on "Reservoirs" at Tuesday's
meeting of Sigma Rho Tau, honorary
engineering society.


Union To Sponsor Travel
Bureau For OSU Game
Encouraged by the success of theI
IUip to Yale venture, the Union will
sponsor a travel bureau for the Ohio1
State game, it was announced yester-
day by Don L. Nixon, Union Publicity,
Chairman. The ,bureau will be set up,
in the Union on Monday, Nov. 7.
Arrangements are being made so
that students leaving on Saturday,
Nov. 19, the day of the game, will
return to Ann Arbor that same night.I
The cost of the train fare for the
round trip will be $6.00.

Bethlehem Evangelical Church, 423
S. Fourth Ave.
9 a.m., Service in the German lan-
guage. Sermon by Rev. Frederick
I Lueckhoff of Detroit.
9:30 a.m., Church School.
10:30 a.m., Morning worship. Ser-
mon, "Should the Church of Today
Differ from the Church of Yester-
The Sacrament of Holy. Com-
munion will be celebrated after both
of the services.
6 p.m. Student Supper and Fel-
lowship. All Evangelical and Re-
formed Students are invited. Dr.
Edward Blakeman will be the speaker.

Here's a smart
fashion recipe
for co-eds
on a budget . .
mix a
bonny plaid skirt
with a
plain jacket
ind add a
dash of


. . .


For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241

-. ..- .


gay sweater . .
now isn't that
a dainty dish
to set before
your king?
And all for $11.85
The Budget Shop
is bursting
with just
Illrh ideas
to make


TINCTION! Your own initials on
a purse makes your style just a
little"bit different. SARAH ROG-
ERS has a new line of bags-just
unbeatable. . You may order any
style you wish - - they come in
soft dressy doeskin, in smart al-
ligator and colorful felts. 98
shades, imagine such a kaleide-
scope of colors to choose from - -
you just can't miss. Every bag
has stream-lined monogram = -
in your choice of quilting, patent
leather or.natural wood. Here's
individaulity for you - -
., . *
SEE SAW! Up and down!
Fashion says curls are up. Some
gals like them down. But VOGUE
BEAUTY SHOP says take your
choice - - we've some perfectly
grand tricks for the high curls and
we can turn out a sleek long bob,
too - - pick your type and we'll
do the rest. With all parties galore
we'll wager you'll want one of the
regal Marie Antoinette styles - -
to stagger the stag line.
ACCESSORIES make the cos-
tume, as you've all heard, but eve-
ning gadgets really complete the
lovely picture. JUNE GREY has
all the unusual trinkets which
turn that formal outfit into a first
class creation - - feather birds to
soar with your curls - - Juliet caps
for the sleek bobs - - tiny flow-

er and feather evening caps for
the daring - - brilliant sequin
fLcwers to glitter in your hair or
on your shoulder - - even the
very sophisticated ostrich plumes
in luscious colors.
LIFE MAGAZINE was featuring
tufted formals last week and DIL-
LON'S lost no time in getting one
for you - - a striking aquamarine
taffeta - - but for the, "Southern
gal" type, there's an old fashioned
powder blue, with off-shoulder
bertha that looks as if it stepped
out of an ivory miniature. So-
phisticated black sparkles with
rhinestone collars and cuffs - -
act beautifully. But this is only
half the picture - - thick-piled
black velvet wraps with their
hoods trimmed in ermine, and
there's a military cape lined with
white satin which is sartorial
DO YOU want a tip on the most
elegant gadget in town? Real
leather compacts stitched for
style. Black, smooth and sleek;
natural leather in finest pigskin,
They're from a New York im-
porting house and really look it.
There are square ones, round ones,
and each one the smartest look-
ing thing you will ever own. In-
side a fluffy maribou puff com-
pletes the impression of elegance.
these in stock long!

POR RENT--Suite of two rooms for
men - students, comfortably furn-
ished, warm; continuous hot water;
garage available. 309 N. Division.
Phone 8876. 921
LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
TYPING-Experienced. Reasonable,
rates. Phone 5689. L. M. Heywood.


Classified DirectoryN

Substantial reward. Phone Mrs.
Rainville 9745. 168
LOST--Charm bracelet- with blue
figures of a marching band. Near
campus. Call 4764, please. 167
LOST - Deitzgen drawing .instru-
ments, Worn black case. Wed., Oct.
19th in 419 W. Eng. More personal
value than intrinsic. Reward. No
questions. Call berie at 7472 161
LOST-Folder containing zoology 141
notes. Lost on campus. Call 2-1867.
WASHED SAND and Gravel, Dtive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17'



a co-ed exclaim.- ..
"never before
has my budget
stretched like this."

LOST-Set of engineering drawing
instruments. Name "Fred Seyfried,
Jr." on case. Phone 2-1085. Reward.
LOST-Ladies watch, small gold
Tavannes with gold link bracelet.






J )


.,.." ..--.r-"... . r..r-.. --"....-. -.




0 A true miracle wrought in
fragrance. As stirring to the
soul as deep-throated mon-
astery bells chiming in the
mysterious silence of the
night. The splendour of the
ages is in Miracle -parfum

And less sophistication marks the formal and
dinner vogue this season. Soft satins that drape
gracefully around the figure. Luxurious, heavy
slipper satins that lend an old world charm to
the simplest gowns. Soft swishy taffetas for the
young debutantes to swirl on the dance floor of
November and December functions.
The Hollywood influence is carried out in
the Marie Antoinette mode. The hooped skirt
of that tradition is carried out sucessfully in all
fabrics and with utmost effectiveness. Velvet,
Moires, Tafettas, Satin in black, Teal, Rasp-
berry, Ice Blue, Boy Blue, Wine and Rust.
Some of the highlights in formals are
priced as follows: $12.95 $14.95 $16.95


Due to the Warm, Dry Weather!
Fall and Winter Shoes - SAVE up to $2.50 a pair!
5.'3.8 W. .88 .S.3-S6.88




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