SUNDAY, OCT. 30, 1938 TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY U EMICHIGAN DAILY ..., -,. or .:wara d managed by students of the University of nder the authority of the Board in Control of Iblications. every morning except Monday during the rear and Summer Session. ember of the Associated Press diated Press is exclusively entitled to the iblication of all news dispatches credited to otherwise credited in this newspaper. All publication of all other matters herein also t the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as s mail matter. tons during regular school year by carrier, ai, $4.50. RlSENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING MY ational Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative !O MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board ,sitar3 irector ditor of Edito e Editor e Editor e Editor e Editor e Editor 'itor sEditor 'ditor irs Robert D Mitchell. * Albert P.'Mayio Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. itzhenry * S. R. Kliman Robert Perlman Earl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman .Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staibler Bud Benjamin Business Department ess1Manager . ... Philip W. Buchen t 7Manager . .. . Leonard P. Siegelman 'tising Manager . William L. Newnan en's Business Manager .. . Helen Jean Dean m 's Service Manager i . . Marian A. Baxter NTIGHT EDITOR: MORTON L. LINDER The editorials published in The Michigan ally are written by members of the Daily aff and represent the views of the writers -ly r. Lawrence d Governor Murphy . . R. DAVID LAWRENCE took occasion ::,M recently to rebuff President Roose- for his attack on the Dies Committee in con- on with its activities in Michigan. The ident, it will be recalled, termed the Dies mittee a political tool being -used to influence coming elections. Mr. Lawrence did not take et exception to this characterization of the mittee, which is now recognized rather gen- [y as true. Instead he accused Mr. Roosevelt of king responsibility for Governor Murphy's luct during the sit-down strikes, asserting the Governor "probably prevented the en- ement of the court orders because Mr., sevelt presumably advised him to adopt that se." The action in question he dismisses with astonishingly shallow piece of reasoning that Governor was at fault in not permitting the 't order to be executed because the order Id have prevented "in Michigan that for sh the, courts of Illinois now have ordered 37 ;ons to go to jail in connection with the seiz- of property and unlawful trespass." In other :&s, because sit-down strikers have been jailed [llinois, the work of Governor Murphy in enting violence and bringing about a mutual. lement of the auto strikes in Michigan, with rithout the advice of President Roosevelt, was 'error of judgment." Mr. Lawrence will check over his facts he will thatt on Memorial Day a year ago the Illinois hod of handling industrial disputes resulted hie slaughter in cold blood of ten workers and wounding of 100 others at South Chicago. He also find numerous other less publicized dlents of similar nature in both Illinois and 0 in which working men were killed and nded through the promiscuous use of court irs and company police. The records of these ters are in the hands of the LaFollette Com- ee on Civil Liberties, and although they :e dramatic editorial material, we have never }:any of them treated in Mr. Lawrence's 1n. is, moreover, not merely a matter of property ts versus human rights which is concerned i. The whole structure of industrial relation- s is affected adversely by the use of force on er side of a labor dispute. Who will deny that primary duty of every governor in the great es which swept the country in 1936 and t was to bring about satisfactory settlement he disputes as quickly as possible by use of tration? Few if vany accomplished this pur- as ably as Governor Murphy. -Joseph Gies eadlines Tell Story Chamberlain Peace .. . T HE FRONT PAGE of any daily news- paper within the last two weeks pro- s an unmistakably clear answer to the tion-how great a service to humanity did mberlain, Daladier, Inc., perform at the four- er conference at Munich when "peace" was d and Czechoslovakia was lost. THE WORLD THIS WEEK By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY THE INTERNATIONAL spotlight shifted to the theatre of the undeclared Sino-Japanese war this week as Nipponese forces recorded heavy gains in both south and central China. In a furious drive into Canton, South China's capital, Tokyo forces severed the Canton-Kowloon Rail- road, which extends 110 miles from British Hong- Kong to Canton and is a main concourse of Chinese munitions from abroad. All communica- tions between Canton and Hong-Kong were cut as the Japanese literally raced into Canton, en- countering virtually no resistance from General Yu Han-mou, who is alleged to have sold out for "silver bullets" (bribes). In the central sector the Japanese slashed their way up the Yangtze Valley into Hankow to find the city a "blazing inferno," with water supply and electricity cut off after the retreat- ing Chinese' "scorched earth" tactic. Thousands of terrified Chinese' civilians left behind by the evacuating army assaulted foreign settlement barricades as sweeping flames laid waste to the city. Japanese disregard of neutrality rights brought a sharp note from Washington demanding reform and respect for the "open door" of China. Failure of compliance, it was hinted, might mean sanc- tions or "black-listing" which would refuse Tokyo the benefit of lower tariff rates carried in recipro- cal trade agreements. Nearest approach to a powder keg in central Europe was the fate of the 700,000 Magyars, or Europeans who speak Magyar but classify as Czech citizens. Last week Hungary caught the territorial expansion fever and demanded 5,000 square miles on the eastern Czech border. The Czechs refused to talk in such figures and both countries hurried troops to the border as a central European squabble seemed imminent. Latest re- ports, however, indicate that both countries have modified their stands and the Hungarian govern- ment asserted that "negotiation will be con- tinued through regular diplomatic channels." National THE NEW DEAL shoved "a floor for wages, a ceiling for hours" into the American indus- trial structure at 12:01 last Monday morning when the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 became a law of the land. Paying workers less than 25 cents an hour, working them more than 44 hours a week at the same rate is now strictly extra-legal. Purpose of the act: to "irri- gate" American business in general by jazzing up the purchasing power. Head man of the re- vised NRA is Wages and Hours Administrator Elmer F. Andrews, former New York State Com- missioner of Industry. Immediate effects of the measure will be to raise the pay of 750,000 workers and shorten the hours of 1,500,000. By 1945, though, requirements will be more rigorous -40 cents an hour and 40 hours a week. . Wholesale lay-offs, shutdowns and threatened personnel depletions were described by Adminis- trator Andrews as attempts to sabotage the act which will be dealt with accordingly. The burning energies of the Dies Committee were assailed last week in caustic terms by the President who branded the Texas Democrat's probe into un-American activities as a forum for dissatisfied politicians to air "absurdly false charges" deliberately directed at preventing the re-election of Gov. Frank Murphy. Mr. Roose- velt hurried to bat for Governor Murphy, defend- ing the latter as a "true American who was con- cerned not only with the letter but with the spirit of the law" in his mediation of auto stikes. New York's spy trials droned on and German agents were still playing the leading roles in the court rooms. A jury of ten men and two women heard U. S. Prosecuting Attorney Lamar Hardy, unravel a tangled and bungled spy saga which he called "more fantastic than fiction." The espionage net, according to Hardy, was conceived and directed from the German War Ministry and carried out by petty agents who transmitted their intelligence through messengers working aboard German-owned trans-oceanic vessels. Specifically, Hardy said, German military ex- perts were after: designs of American warships, airplanes and anti-aircraft guns; (2) Army mobilization plans for the eastern seaboard; (3) coast artillery defenses in the Panama Canal Zone. "Forging letters on the President's station- ery and gassing a top-ranking Army officer" were not to be unused instruments. were held at German concentration points await- ing possible deportation to their homeland today while Warsaw and Berlin governments debated the meaning of a new Polish citizenship law." "Toky'o-Japan, having captured Canton, South China metropolis, capped her long Yangtze river campaign by occupying Hankow, the Chinese provisional capital. Her forces today pursued retreating Chinese fifty miles beyond in a drive to consolidate big gains in central China . . . Japan protested to France against alleged shipments of arms to China and warned of possible consequences unless the (traffic was pro- hibited immediately." Service to humanity? The Chamberlain-Dala- dier crowd has brought about a state of war on democracy and peace. To say that the French and English should have called a halt to the march of fascism at Munich is not to say that the "democracies" should have gone to war. Hitler, it must be remembered, stood still during the crisis when it seemed that London and Paris were really going to say "no." You Purl One, Knit One, Or Is It Two? 4:30 p.m. today. Executive commit- tee meeting at 4 p.m. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the offic of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a m. on Saturday. (Uontinued from Page 3) noon, Lane Hall. All members the Freshman Class are welcome be held Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 2:30 p.m. in the Michigan League with Mrs. Of Ca Dhs o Carl Dahlstrom acting as hostess. to __ __ _ International Council Program: The program which follows, at 7 p.m., the usual 6 o'clock supper takes the form of a symposium on "School Cus- toms in My Country." It will be lead by students from six different coun- tries. There will be a general discus- sion. Foreign students are urged to bring pictures of their home schools and their school activities. , International Relations Club will meet at 4 p.m. Sunday in Room 319 at the Union. The topic under dis- cussion will be "Aftermaths .,of the Munich Pact." Professor Calder- wood will suggest readings to those who contact him. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hold its regular meeting at 5 o'clock, Sunday, Oct. 30, in the Michigan League. Please consult the bulletin board for the room. Visitors are always welcome. and the Dormitory Representatives Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. in the League. Attendance will be taken by the Secretaries of the respective groups. Ann Arbor Independent Women can get their tickets for the Assembly Banquet any afternoon this week in Miss McCormick's office at the League. All tickets and money must be accounted for by Friday, Nov. 4. There will be a regular meeting of the Ann Arbor Independents Thurs- day at 4:30. Tickets for the banquet can be purchased at that time. Churehes First Congregational Church, Cor- ner of State and William Streets. Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D., minister. 10:45 a.m. Service of worship. I The subject of Dr. Parr's sermon will be "The Universal Three." 6 p.m. Student Fellowship. After supper, Mrs. Charlotta Wagner will ' ive several reading s and there- will the Round Table Discussions.' Assembly Meeting: There will be a joint meeting of the League House Group, the Ann Arbor Independents, Varsity Glen Club: Rehearsal at l- - - 1, r be a student debate on public utili- Vulcan's Meeting: The first meet- ties. The debaters will be: Tom Van ing with the newly initiated men will Sluyters, Harry Pickering, Charles be held today at 6 p.m. in the Union. Tieman and Charles Karpinski. 1eywood Broun Those who have wondered whether Ambassador Kennedy spoke for the administrations in his Trafalgar Day speech in London have their answer. Their doubts should be dispelled. President Roose- velt has spoken with clarity and force. Indeed, I think that the short speech which he made over the radio to the Herald Tribune Forum has an excellent chance to en- dure among the public ad- dresses which Americans will treasure in the years to come. And when it comes to carving words upon the walls of colleges or schools yet to be founded I would like to watch the chips of granite fly as stone surfaces take on this sentence:- "It is becoming increasingly clear that peace by fear has no higher or more enduring quality than peace by the sword." Under the impulse of sudden anger a man may begin to scurry down the ladder of civiliza- tion with all the agility of a chimpanzee. So it can be with nations. But nothing degrades the human spirit to the same degree as abject terror. A crowd in panic can be the cruelest thiiig in all the world, and not even the best of us is proof against the infection. As a matter of fact,,anger and fear are close kin. A mob of lynchers may do depraved things of which no individual in the group would be capable in a sane moment. From Heaven To Hell The mobsters become bestial because their fears seek outlet in angry and brutal deeds. The mass mind can swing all the way from heaven to hell. It is possible when two or more are gathered together for heroism to come out of the contact or retreat in panic. I suppose Conrad said almost all there is to be said about the psy- chology of fear when he wrote "Lord Jim," although just recently I read another book which challenges comparison. "In Hazard," by Richard Hughes, is a novel about a cargo vessel in a hurricane. The stout little steamer meets winds of almost incredible velocity. Although staunchly built, its gear is disabled and the smokestack swept away. But it is the testimony of one upon the vessel that even the wild fury and the shock- ing sound of the wind bring up to him less terror than the discovery that the crew has been seized by panic. Indeed, of all human emotions, fear is the most fearful. And it can be a lingering ail- ment. It comes both before and after the event. Timidity knows no armistice. It is not within the power of most of us to delight in danger or to face it without qualms. One of the most dangerous of all indulgences is to point the finger of scorn at others and call them cowards. White feathers come home to roost. I have known a few men who seemed to be armored in triplicate and yet there was some chink in their accouterments. Foundations Of Terror Each had his own pet fear. It is not given to anyone to be brave in all things, but for that very reason we should not delight in praising any peace which rests upon the foundations of sheer, terror. We cannot lie down with fear and wrap it around us as a comforter. "There can be no peace if national policy adopts as a deliberate instrument the dispersion all over the world of millions of helpless and persecuted wanderers with no place to lay their heads." With such policies, whether they be at home' .r n ,.rnnri unn- - nnn n..n ann m n n . x- The FLYING' i TRAPEZE - BY Roy Heath- Tau Beta Pi: All actives are re- quested to be at the Michigan Union promptly at 4:15 p.m. this afternoon. Please bring your copies of the constitution and essay titles with you. 11 Hero Luebke Well, Black Friday has come and gone and nobody seems to be the worse for it. The freshmen. feel like they have a right to walk the streets, won fairly and squarely from the only group on campus that was even suspected of trying to stop them. The town's tailors anticipate an upswing in the very near future and, all in all, the whole riotous evening seems to have been a great success. It even produced two heroes in the persons of Charlie Zwick, nimble fingered band leader at the League, and Fred Luebke, '39. Zwick doesn't seem to deserve much mention for holding the League against the mayhem-bent freshmen. All Charlie did was play the "Victors" and give a pep talk. He passed the whole thing off with a few high notes which inclined many persons to be- lieve that the League invasion wasn't very serious . . . . which it wasn't. But Luebke, there's the man for my money. According to news reports, Luebke, '39, club in hand, warned the freshmen "not to try anything." It must have been a stirring sight, a rock-like Luebke, a Luebke not to be dallied with, a Collossus bestriding the door of the Union . . . with a club. There was authority personified, unflinching to the end, like Leonidas at Thermopylae or I-oratius at the bridge. Like Jerry Hoag and his blackjack at the Michigan. What a, tempting sight Luebke, '39, must have been to the bolder spirits in that rollicking mob. How many hearts must have yearned to see Mr: Lueb- ke's hat floating in the Union pool . with Mr. Luebke, '39, under it. If ever anyone issued a mob a clear- cut invitation to participate in de- struction Luebke, '39, club in hand, did. Zwick and his piano flicked the whole thing off, with a laugh. The League was bothered no more. Lueb- ke, '39, was asking for it by present- ing a hostile but strictly pee-wee front. If the freshmen wanted to invade the Union, why didn't Luebke, '39, let them invade and be damned. Freshmen always have invaded the Union and to my limited knowledge, have never sacked the place. It is hard enough to buy anything there, let alone steal anything. Perhaps the explanation lies in the fact that Luebke, '39, was trying out the pow- er of the Men's Council without The Front Office behind it. Well, Lueb- ke, '39, president of that august body, came within an ace of losing his pants and the freshmen invaded the Union. "Eilsian Photo Plan ChangedThis Year The schedule for 'Ensian senior pictures has been changed this year in an effort to relieve the last minute rush to the photographers, it was announced yesterday by Charles Kett- ler, '39, business manager of the campus yearbook. The price of sittings will be $3 Debate Tryouts for the Hillel De- bate team at the Foundation to- day at 10 a.m. Tryouts will give three minute speeches. - . Coming Events Junior Research Club: The Novem- ber meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 1, at 7:30 p.m., in the amphi- theatre of the Rackham Building. Dr. Robley C. Williams will speak on "Measurement of Stellar Tempera- tures"; Dr. Jerome Conn will speak on "The Restoration of Normal Car- bohydrate Metabolism in Middle- Aged Obese Diabetics"; and candi- dates will be elected to membership. Biological Chemistry Seminar: Monday, Oct. 31, 7-9 p.m., Room 319. West Medical Bldg. "Dietary Factors Associated with, Hemorrhage and Capillary Perme- ability-Vitamins K and P" will be discussed. All interested are invited. Physics Colloquium: Dr. R. C. Wil- liams of the Observatory will speak on "The Determination - of Stellar Temperatures" at the Physics Collo- quium on Monday, Oct. 31 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Sigma Xi: The first chapter meet- ing of the year will be held Monday, Oct. 31 at 8 p.m. in the third floor amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg.- Dr. Isaacs will give an illustrated lec- ture on "The Talmud as a Source of Material for the History of Science." Zoology Seminar: Mr. Frank W. Jobes will report on "ThehAge and Growth of the Yellow Perch in Lake Erie" on Thursday, Nov.r3 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S. Association Fireside: Miss Jean- nette Perry, Assistant Dean of Wom- en, will speak on "Italy" at Lane Hall, Wednesday, 8 p.m. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. Prof. Maurice W. Senstius, who spent several years in the Dutch East Indies, will present a brief in- formal talk on "Einiges uber die hol- landische Kolonialpolitik.", SAE Meeting: A joint meeting with the ASME and the IAeS will be held Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. Mr. William B. Stout of the Stout Engineering Laboratories will be the speaker. Everyone invited. International Center Hallowe'en Party: All foreign students are invit- ed to a Hallowe'en paty at the In- ternational Center at 8 o'clock next Monday night, Oct. 31. The. party is being arranged by the stu- dents in the University from Lingnan IUniversity, Canton, China. The Acolytes will meet Monday evening, Oct. 31, at 7:30 p.m., in the west conference room of the Rack- ham Building. Professor Frankena will present a short paper on a phase of intuitionist ethics, to be followed by an informal social. Graduate stu- dents and those concentrating in phi- f losohv are especially invited. First Baptist Church and Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Students class meets at Guild House, with Dr. Chapman. 9:30 church school. 10:45 a.m. Church worship. Prof.-John Mason Wells, D.D., form- er pastor of the church will preach. His theme is "A Symetrical Life." Prof. Wells is now on the faculty of Hillsdale College. 6:15 p.m. Students at Guild House. Four members of the Freshman Class will speak. Social hour and refresh- ments follows. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m Ju- nior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. Episcopal Student Group: The speaker Sunday evening at the Epis- copal student meeting in Harris Hall will be Mr. A. K. Stevens of the University of Michigan English De- partment. Mr. Stevens will speak at seven o'clock. All Episcopal stu- dents and their friends are cordially I invited. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, West Liberty at Third. Reformation Day services will be held at 9:30 a.m. in the German language an at 10:45 in English. At both services the pas-' tor, Rev. C. A. Brauer, will speak on "Reformation Blessings." A special offering for missions will be taken at the services. Gamma Delta (Student Club) will meet for supper and fellowship at 6 o'clock. At 6:30 Pastor Brauer will give a talk on "Luther's Marriage." All Lutheran students and their friends are invited to attend. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., "Between The Generations" is the subject of Dr. Lemon's serlinon at the Morning Worship Service. 4:30 p.m.,.a class for students on the Bible will be led by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, student group, supper and social hour to be followed by the meeting at 6:45. The discussion groups on "What Is Christianity?" will be con- tinued. All Presbyterian students and their friends are invited. First Methodist Church. Morning worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "The Con- tradictions of Life." Stalker Hall. Student class at 9:45 on "The Religions of Mankind." Prof. W. Carl Rufus will lead the discus- sion. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. The Drama Club will present the play "The Color Line." Fellowship hour and supper following the meet- ing. This is the last meeting in our week of celebration of the 25th An- niversary of the Wesley Foundations. Unitarian Church, State and Hu- ron Streets. "Jesus, according to Upton Sin-; clair." 4:30 p.m. Prism Club. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union. Miss Barbara Tinker will speak on her two years in China, collecting textiles and witnessing the supreme tragedy of a people. 9 p.m., Coffee hour. Christian Reformed Church Serv- ina fn. c,,irlntc hP.1in ta Mnhis ;