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October 29, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-29

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AL.it 1

After Munich, What? Letters Portray
Contrasting Experiences In The Crisis




W 71 fD EN R N )m , 5f N d1cI MH iO
d and managed by students of the University of
t under the authority of the Board in Control of
hed every morning exept Monday during the
ity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
republication of all news dispatches credited to
not otherwise cred ted in this newspaper. All
f republication of all other matters herein alsot
ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as.
class mail mnatter.
riptions duringrregular school year by carrier,
y mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc..
College Publishers Representative
-er, Associated Collegiate Press, 1948-39

g Editor

of Editors
. . Robert D. Mitchell.
AlbertP. May10
. . Horace W. Gilmore
Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Kleiman
Robert Perlman
* . . .Earl Gilman
William Eivin
Joseph Freedman
. Joseph Gies
. . . Dorothea Staebler
. . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
ness Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
lit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
4t, iag gManager . Willam L. Newnan
nen's BH usiness Manager. Helen Jean Dean
ien's Service Manager . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
)aily are written by members of the Daily
taff and represent the views of the writers
omecoming- -
etrn To Campus ...
H OMECOMING is here again. The
alumni are back in town. This is not
important day for the alumni alone, but
ortant for the students, too, who realize how
*h in lasting friendship and in fellowship
four years at Michigan have brought to
when they review with these enthusiastic
nni their college days. it s a, pleasure to meet
m vho have gone out from here before and
listen to reminiscences of old games, old
rding-house and fraternity pranks, old frosh-
I rivalries, old class-room jokes and failures.
iough for the older alumni there may be a
algia for former names and faces on the
4ity, in general the college atmosphere remains
ittle changed that it satisfies even the most
isck .
o meet these successful alumhni gives the
eit student a feeling of humility when he
izes that soon he, too, will have to succeed in
tanner that does credit to his University-
in a financial way necessarily, but in con-
ctive leadership in the community of men.
begins to grasp the truth that, although the
ersity owes its students a thorough and
cable training for many life situations, the
.ent later on is going to owe the University
4ite and tangible evidence that he was
ay of its efforts. Seeing the alumni back so
of happy reminiscences of college days and
that they gained here, we also see that they
the life blood of the University-its contri-
on and its justification for existence. Michi-.
is fortunate to have many distinguished
mii to give evidence of its worth and excel-
e of preparation. '
4ay's Daily welcomes our old grads. It has
I to suggest in its .columns all the things that
appeal to their interest. First, of course,
e is the main attraction-the game with our
-liked rival of many years, Illinois. The
mi as well as the.stu, ents are well aware of
ies of friendship and competition that have
deveoped by the years of athletic rivalry
een Illinois and Michigan. So to our pleasure
rlding a home-coming celebration with our
alumni is added the pleasure of welcoming
y guests from Illinois. In addition to the
e and the usual student affairs at the Union.
League, there are many other suggested
ities that might appeal more especially to
ni interest. All of these issue a cordial invi-
n to visitors in Ann Arbor. Wherever alumni-
linois rooters may go or whatever they may
se to do, the students and the town are in
d that they are welcome guests.
-Robert Mitchell
1w To Win Friends
l Influence Electors,. .
RUCE BARTON, representative from
the 17th Congressional district of
York, advertising man extraordinaire, auth-
.endant in alienation of affection suits and
blican presidential timber gets our palm as
ikeliest living personification of Dale Car-
's "How to Win Friends and Influence
e political tactic of Mr. Barton is, at a con-
ive estimate, at least 50 campaigns ahead of

The letters published below have been turned into
the Daily with the suggestion that they might be
of interest to the readers, coming as they do from
persons who were closely affected by the recent
European crisis and its aftermath. The writer of the
letter from Prague is a naturalized Czech-American,
Who returned to his native country. The author of
the German letter is a graduate student in chemistry
War news, invasions, refugees, and the like, are to
most of us mere headlines in the newspapers. To the
writers Of these letters they constituted a .memor-
able anddeeply significant Bart of their experience.
It is ths personal aspect, so poignantly expressed
in the first, and so proudly proclaimed in the
second, that give the letters more than ordinary
meaning; They stand as perennial reminders that
behind the headlines in the morning newspaper are
lvingfeeling,thinkingshuman beings with human
anxitiesand aspirations.
A Letter From Prague
Indeed our life in Prague during the last few
months was so full of uncertainties that we did
not want to write anything lest what we would
have said one day would have been untrue the
next day. I mean politically speaking, for your
letter arrived during the time Lord Runciman
was sent to Prague as a go-between our country
and the Sudeten Germans. No doubt you are well
posted on the European situation so I shan't
speak about it except in so far as I believe you
are interested about the way it affected us, your
Our life in Prague you know, We loved it, and
believing, as the whole nation did, in the loyalty
of our political allies, built our home in Prague.
Financially every year we were doing better and
better so that this year for the first time we
furnished our home where we were very happy.
However, the. situation was getting worse and
worse so we did actually plan to liquidate our
things in Prague and return to America. But the
whole structure of European political life
changed so rapidly that one day we were urgently
advised by our consulate to leave the country
unless we wanted to face another European war.
The "Iglsh embassy did the same with our
English friends, and about the 24th of Septem-
ber went so far that it actually paid the trans-
portation fare for those unable to meet the
expense connected with the departure. Of the
actual American colony in Prague, Mrs. Srela
was the last woman in Prague,'but even at .that
-when we finally left the city for Paris-there
were about 150 Americans, mostly American
Czechs, who were anxious to return to the
United States.
Weourselves left in such a hurry that we left
practically everything behind. But. even then,
upon our arrival in Eger (Sudetenlad) we found
the rails on the border were torn up and we were
glad to return safely to Prague. Yet that night
we went to theAmerican consulate where we
asked protection on the way through Germany,
for we. learned that the borders were closed
three hours after we left Prague. The. next day,
Sunday, we wen to see the American Minister
who promised to have diplomatic talks with Berlin
and Budapest to facilitate our passage by way of
Hungary to Vienna and then to Paris. Finally
we were assured that all was done and we left
Prague that night-a Prague you wouldn't know,
all darkened and expecting German bombs to
fall at any minute. Even the train and the station
were darkened for we were leaving in the midst
of general mobilization.
When the Czechoslovakian train brought us
'to the Hungarian border, we had to take out our
luggage and wait for the Hungarian train to pick
us up there. There was no train in sight and we
stood for about thirty minutes in the territory
full of barbed wire and fortifications. Finally,
however, the Magyar train did come but stopped
about five hundred feet away from the Czech
border. Both trains were heavily guarded by
soldiers and we had to carry our luggage through
this bit of neutral territory. Finally we moved on
and reached the German border where there was
another inspection. Our diplomatic protection
seemed to be good at least as far as Vienna.
Now the monetary troubles began. As there
was a moratorium in Czechoslovakia, most people
had practically no money. On the other hand, '
New York City. And he doesn't pay for this
publicity at the classified rate, we understand.
George Seldes, in the current issue of The New
Republic, observes that we can select at random
any metropolitan paper and "every day there is
a story about a man named Barton. Barton says,
Barton suggests, Barton shakes hands, Barton
laughs, Barton sneezes. It's Barton, Barton, Bar-

ton everywhere. College journalism boys write
their themes after measuring the publicity to
prove scientifically just how many columns of,
headlines, features, pictures, have been devoted
to this advertiser turned politician, how few to
his rivals, but every reporter in town knows that
the New York City press has worn out its knees
kowtowing to the man who controls fifty, per-
haps a hundred, million dollars' worth of paid
Mr. Barton, in plain words, makes it eco-
nomically inadvisable for persons to be aught but
his friends. We forget whether Mr. Carnegie
tells about this method in his best seller.
What is perhaps an all-too-typical picture of
Mr. Barton in action is afforded us by the Guild
Reporter, official organ of the journalistic pro-
fession, which recorded on July1, 1936, according
to Mr. Seldes, the interception of a 64-page anti-
Roosevelt propaganda booklet issued by the Re-
publican National Committee. The Reporter
points out that since newspapers are in truth
Big Business representatives "it is not surpris-
ing that suggestions from an advertiser to a
publisher concerning news are rarely coercive,
but more like a 'memo' to another in the same
concern . . . This 'memo' was sent by Bruce
Barton, chairman of the board of Batten, Barton,
Durstine and Osborn, distributors of an enor-
mous amount of advertising to the business
managers of many newspapers. Mr. Barton . .
clipped to the pamphlet his business card." And
it didn't take a 16-cylinder I.Q. to see what Mr.
RnartrI'm pant

the National Bank of Czechoslovakia did not
allow the purchase of foreign money and Ger-
many would not take Czech crowns. We ourselves
were lucky to have about ten pounds and about
seven dollars and so managed to buy a ticket
from Vienna to Paris. After the inspection, we
were left practically penniless, but in France I
knew that I could table for money. As a matter of
fact we had no steamship tickets for even that we
could not purchase in Prague without foreign
money. Actually we arrived in Paris with one
English pound and seven dollars to our name.
To make the story short, two days later I
managed to get a berth for my wife on the Ile
de France while I decided to stay in northern
France with friends and return to Prague later
when conditions settle down a little. As I already
said, we left everything there, even our savings.
Both my wife and I would have preferred staying
in Prague, but we left because of the intense
anxiety felt by her family for her safety. What
the future holds for us is' problematical. Of
course, ywe do not know whether we can ever
recover any of our money in Prague or whether
Czechoslovakia itself can ever recover its pros-
perity and become a successful nation again. The
future is very uncertain and gloomy just now.
From A Student In Germany
A very, very great time is behind me, the
glorious march to the German territory of
Czechoslovakia. I came back two days ago and
still my thoughts and my heart are filled with
what I have seen. Yes, the situation at the end
of September was very dangerous, all Europe
was prepared for war. It was horrible to think
that at least twenty millions might lose their
lives in the European struggle. You may be sure
that we know what war is. My childhood was
darkened by war, afterwards the inflation, the
misery and distress during my boyhood. And
then there came the seventh of January, 1933,
and now six years later Hitler has achieved a
strong, powerful and successful country, united
the Germans and reconquered a place aing
the most important nations of the world. We are
enormously thankful to him! Perhaps the meet-
ing in Munich of the "big four" will be a begin-
ning of a universal understanding and peace in
the world. My greatest desire would be a very
close union between German and English-speak-
ing peoples, because they are the same race and
have the same blood, This union can give peace
to all the world.
In the spring I entered Austria with my troops.
I thought this was the greatest time in my life,
because the reception was very hearty. But last
week, imagine-thousands and thousands along
very small, lovely roads, unable to cheer. They
could only raise their hands, tears rolled over
their cheeks. With bright eyes they touched our
uniforms and our hair, and they said, "We bless
-we pray for you." After twenty years, they are
finally allowed to speak German, to teach their
children German at school. They are not afraid
any longer that the Czechs will steal and destroy
all they have. I have seen many proofs-destroyed
bridges and factories, offices and houses, churches
and lines, but the inhabitants carry on. They hope
for Germany and German solidarity. And we
shall do the best we can for this poor, plundered
and massacred population. Dear -- -, my letter
is long because my mind is so filled with all I
saw, all I heard and felt.
Bolshevism is banished from Central Europe,
and we expect now a long era of peace and suc-
cessful construction.
You of M
By Sec Terry
story teller and excellent speaker, but he
has apparently decided to rest upon his laurels.
For when the portly critic, author and antholo-
gist approached the lectern in Hill Auditorium
Tuesday night, he was, it seems, as prepared to
deliver an hour's discourse as the average Michi-
gan student is to write answers to a surprise quiz.
Albeit interesting, his tales, viewed collectively,
contained about as much point as sleeve buttons
on a suit coat. He repeated such chimerical

chestnuts as the story of the Sultan's servant,
who begged his master to let him hie to Damas-
cus, because Death had encountered him in the
garden. Later, after the servant had fled, the
sultan went into the garden and demanded of
Death the reason for scaring his hapless minion.
"I was so surprised to see him here," explained
Death, "you see I had an appointment with him
tonight in Damascus."
Woollcott told one story which we think will
interest you, because, as' Woollcott himself puts
it, "There is nothing as fascinating as a fact or
as interesting as a name." While conducting a
column in the New Yorker magazine some years
ago, he was attracted by the smart contributions
of an Atlanta newspaper woman named Peggy
Mitchell Marsh. Woollcott answered her requests
for story origins and continued for some time
to exchange letters with her. Some years after he
hadceased to work for that magazine, he ran
across a story which appeared faintly familiar.
In a flash he recalled the young lady with whom
hie had corresponded, and upon investigation of
his files, found" that Miss Marsh's letters and
the work of this new author bore a remarkable
So he immediately dispatched a letter to the'
author, asking if she was the same lady who
wrote him many years earlier. The reply was yes,
and a while later, when royalties started flowing
in, Woollcott received a check from the lady,
for showing her the light. The lady was Margaret
Mitchell, the story, "Gone With the Wind." Miss

-by David Lawrence-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28-Inadver-
tently perhaps, but nevertheless not
without considerable significance,
President Roosevelt has opened up
the whole subject of the conduct of
commission as well as Congressional
committees with respect to rules of
The President objects to the fact
that the Dies Committee of the House
of Representatives investigating un-
American activities has not been gov-
erned by rules of evidence. He said, for
instance, in his public statement this
"Mere opinion evidence has been
barred in court since the American
system of legislative and judicial pro-
cedure was started."
But has it? Take, for instance, the
National Labor Relations Act, usually
called the Wagner Act. It was signed
by President Roosevelt himself, and
contains a provision with respect to
proceedings growing out of complaints
of "unfair labor practice" as follows:
"In any such proceeding, the rules
of evidence prevailing in courts of
law or equity shall not be controlling."
This has been one of the chief
sources of friction between the Labor
Board and its critics. Hearsay and
opinion are not only included, but a
trial examiner is permitted in his
report to give his "impressions" of
the credibility of witnesses. The pro-
cedure of the Labor Board is naturally
in conformity with the language of
the statute, so no blame attaches to
the Board for carrying out the law
as written by Congress and approved
by the President.
Mr. Roosevelt's solicitude for per-
sons who are mentioned in Congres-
sional hearings is very mnuch in line
with the complaints that have been
heard for years about the way investi-
gating committees injure the reputa-
tion of persons and yet are not amen-
able to any libel laws.
If the President's interest has been
awakened to the point of considering
what is or what is not a fair hearing
for the citizen or fair treatment by a
governmental body, especially with re-
spect to "mere opinion" or hearsay
evidence, he will find in the proposals
to amend the Wagner Act some in-
teresting suggestions. Thus, John Lord
O'Brian, noted attorney who happens
just now to be running on the Re-
publican ticket in New York State
against Senator Wagner, but who
previous to this campaign has been
liberal enough and able enough to
be one of the chief attorneys for the
goveriiment in the TVA cases, had this
to say a few nights ago in a public
address bearing on this very point:
"There is no fair hearing provided
in this statute (the Wagner Act).
What is the method prescribed? The
National Labor Board files a com-
plaint with itself. To hear and try
out the complaint, the Board ap-
points a trial examiner whose salary
is paid by it. It designates one of its
own lawyers to prosecute the case.
The trial examiner holds a hearing
or trial ani later reports his recom-
mendations to the Board. The Board
itself then reviews the record and
makes the final decision upon the
complaint originally filed by it, prose-
cuted by it, and heard by its trial
"If there is any substantial evidence
which will support its decisions on
the facts, the findings of the Board
as to these facts are binding upon
the courts. In some fields of depart-
mental government involving purely
administrative questions, arguments
might be made for justifying this
type of procedure, but not in cases of

the character arising under the labor
act, where fundamental questions of
human right and ,even of human lib-
erty are constantly involved. These
issues are very different in character
from those dealt with by the so-called1
quasi-judicial bodies like the Inter-
state Commerce Commission. They
concern human relations. As ' the
spokesmen of the American Federa-
tion of Labor; have pointed out, they
are judicial questions of grave char-
acter and import."
The A. F. of L. in its recent con-
vention announced advocacy of cer-
tain procedural changes, but not a
word has come from the President
about them, even though they relate
to fair hearings.l

same to tze Key Clerk at the office
of the Department of Buildings
and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The five-week1
freshman reports are due today in
the Academic Counselors' Office, 108
Mason Hall.
Rackham Building: Open every dayI
except Sunday from 8 a.m. until 10
p.m. for the use of graduate students
and graduate organizations.
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation at 10 a.m., Monday,
Oct. 31, in the Natural Science Bldg.
Auditorium, at which Mr. Raphael
Zon, Director of the Lake States For-
est Experiment Station will speak on
"Russia Through the Eyes of a For-
ester." All forestry students are ex-
pected to attend, and classes in the
School will be dismissed from 10 to
11 a.m. for that purpose. Others in-
terested are cordially invited to be
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German.
Value $40.00. Open to all undergrad-
uate students in German of distinctly
American training. Will be awarded
on the results of a three-hour essay
competition to be held under depart-
mental supervision in the latter half
of March, 1939 (exact date to be an-
nounced two weeks in advance).(
Contestants must satisfy the Depart-
ment that they have done their read-
ing in German. The essay may be
written in English or German. Each
contestant will be free to choose his
own subject from a list of at least 30
'offered. The list will cover five chap-
. ters in the development of German
literature from 1750 to 1900, each of
which will be represented by at least
six subjects. Students who wish to
compete must be taking a course in
German (32 or above) at the time of
the competition. They should register
and obtain directions as soon as pos-
sible at the office of the German de-
partment, 204 University Hall
Senior and Graduate Aeronautical
Engineers: Attention is called to the
notice posted on the Aeronautical En-
gineering Bulletin Board, announc-
ing the U.S. Civil Service Examina-
tion for Junior Aeronautical En-
gineer. Applications must be filed
with the Civil Service Commission by
.ov. 14, 1938 .
University Divisionr of the Com-
munityeFund Campaign: The Politi-
cal Science office, 2037 Angell Hall,
will serve as headquarters for the
University Division of the Community
Fund Campaign. Solicitors may
leave their reports inthis office at
any time between 8:30 a.m. and 12
noon and 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
However, it will expedite the cam-
paign if reports are filed during the
following hours, when a representa-
tive of the Fund will be on duty in
2037 Angell Hall:.
Saturday, Oct. 29, 11-12 a.m.
Monday, Oct. 31, 3-4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 3-4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 2, 3-4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 3, 3-4:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 4, 3-4:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
English 197: There will be a sup-
plementary meeting for all members
who wish to attend on Saturday, Oct.
29, from 10 to 12 o'clock in Room
206 South Wing.
Geography I, Sections 7, 8 and 9
meeting at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., Wed-
nesday and Saturday will not meet
on Saturday morning, Oct. 29.

(Continued from Page 2) the College of Architecture.
(excepting Sundays) 9 to 5.
contrary to the provisions recited ( ptg da __ .
above, should promptly surrender the


Publication in theBulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
Uni ersity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

University Lectures: Dr. Albert
Charles Chibnall, Professor of Bio-
chemistry at Imperial College of Sci-
ence and Technology, University of
London, will give the following lec-
tures under the auspices of the De-
*partment of Biochemistry:
Nov. 4, 4:15 p.m., Amphitheatre,
Horace H. Rackham School of Grad-
uate Studies, ,The Preparation and
Chemistry of the Proteins of Leaves."
Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m., Room 303 Chem-
istry Building, "The Application of
X-rays to the Study of the Long
Chain Components of Waxes."
Nov. 5, 11 a.m., Room 303, Chem-
istry Building, "Criticism of Methods
(of Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins.
This lecture is especially designed for
those interested in the analytical
chemistry of proteins.
University Lecture: Dr. Millar
Burrows, president, American Schools
of Oriental Research and Professor
of Biblical Theology, at Yale Univer-
sity, will give an illustrated lecture
on "Results of a Century's Digging
in Palestine" on Friday, Nov. 4, at
4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
torium under the auspices of the De-
partment of Oriental Languages. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Marvin R.
Thompson, Director of Warner In-
stitute for Therapeutic Research
(formerly Professor of Pharmacology
at the University of Mryland) will
lecture on "The Chemistry and Phar-
macology of Ergot' on Thursday,
Nov. 10, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 165
Chemistry Building, under the auspi-
ces of the College of Pharmacy. The
puhlio is cordially invited.
Events Today
. The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to the public from 8:0 to 10:00
p.m. this evening. The t h r e e
planets, the Moon, Jupiter and Sat-
urn, will be shown through the tele-
scopes. Children must be accom-
panied by adults.
Assembly Banquet Ccuittees: All
eligibility slips must be in by the end
of the week or you will automatically
be removed from the committee.
The Graduate Outidg Club will have
a Hallowe'en party a 8:30 p.m.
this evening in the Graduate Out-
ing Club Room in the Rackham Bldg.
There will be games and refresh-
ments. The girls will wear sweaters
and skirts.
Coming Events
Freshman Round Table President
Ruthven will speak at the Freshman
Round Table 'on "A Balanced Edu-
cation," four o'clock, Sunday after-
noon, Lane Hall. All members of
the Freshman Class are welcome to
the Round Table Discussions.
Junior Research Club: The Novem-
ber meeting will be held on Tuesday,
Nov. 1, at 7:30 p.m., in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Robley C. Williams will speak on
"Measurement of Stellar Tempera-
tures"; Dr. Jerome Conn will speak
on'"The Restoration of Normal Car-
bohydrate Metabolism in Middle-
Aged Obese Diabetics"; and candi-
dates will be elected to membership.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Monday, Oct. 31, 7-9 p.m., Room 319
West Medical Bldg.
"Dietary Factors Associated with
Hemorrhage and Capillary' Perme-
ability-Vitamins K and P" will be
discussed. All interested are invited.
Physics Colloquium: Dr. R. C. Wil-
liams of the Observatory will speak
on "The Determination of Stellar
Temperatures" at the Physics Collo-
quium on Monday, Oct. 31 at 4:15 in
Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg.

Sigma Xi: The first chapter meet-
ing of the year will be held Monday,
Oct. 31 at 8 p.m. in the third floor
amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg.
Dr. Isaacs will give an illustrated lec-
ture on "The Talmud as a Source of
Material for the History of Science."

Course on Marriage Relations: A
course of six lectures on Marriage
Relations, has been arranged by a
committee of faculty members and
students. Speakers will be Dr. Baer
of Chicago, Dr. Squier and Dr. Berle
of New York, and Dr. Foster of De-
troit. A fee of one dollar will be
charged for the course. Enrollment
is to begin Monday at the Union, the
League, and the Hospital, and will be
limited to 225 Senior men, 225 Senior
women, and 150 Medical students.
The first lecture will be given by Dr.
Baer on Wednesday evening, Nov. 2,
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
7:30 p.m.

is an employer of ours. It seems that
the Lewises were driving through
southern Illinois when they came upon
a battalion of National Guardsmen in
drill. Nancy wanted to know what
they were doing. "Preparing for war,"
her father replied. "What's war?" the
child asked with typical naivete. It's,
hard to define, Woollcott pointed out,4
but Lewis attempted it in a manner
which the young mind could grasp.
"You see, those men dress up in one
kind of uniform, and then some others
dress up in another kind, and they
come together and fight. That's war."
Then followed a moment of silence.;
Finally, Nancy said, "You know what,,
Daddy. Some day they'll have a war,.
and nobody will show up for it . .."
* * *
IF YOU were asked to choose the
+fn m,.r n nc+t r n.ra 'in, f -i a

I Orchestra Concert. The University
Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson,
conductor, assisted, by Wassily Be-
sekirsky, violinist, and Andrew Pon-
der, violist, will give a program of
works by Beethoven, Mozart and
Schumann, Monday evening, Oct. 31,
at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to
which the general public will be ad-
Imitted without charge. It is respect-
fully requested however, that the au-
dience come sufficiently early as to
be seated on time, as the doors will
be closed during numbers.

International Relations Club' will
meet at 4 p.m. Sunday in Room 319
at the Union. The topic under dis-
cussion- will be. "Aftermaths of the,
Munich Pact." Professor Calder
wood will suggest readings to those
who contact him.
The Christian Student Prayer
Group will hold its regular meeting
at 5 o'clock, Sunday, Oct. 30, in the
Michigan League. Please consult the
bulletin board for the room. Visitors
are always welcome.
Tau Beta Pi: All actives are re-
quested to be at the Michigan Union
promptly at 4:15 this Sunday, Oct.
30. Please bring your copies of the
constitution and essay titles with

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