THE. MICHIG. t A ? rV Remodeled Campus, Social Life Greet Homecoming A h New Buildings Alter Contour Of University Welcomes Alumni Rackham Graduate School, Baird Memorial Tower Are Recent Additions By LEONARD SCHLEIDER A trip around the campus of the "buildingest school in the country" should convince returning alumni of the tremendous changes that have occurred since they attended the University. Center of activities for men stu- dents is the Michigan Union, situat- ed at the junction of State St. and South University Ave. The Union has a swimming pool, bowling alleys, barber shop, billiard room, the Pen- dleton Library, banquet halls and cafeterias. The Union Annex com- pleted last year contains additional hotel facilities, the new quarters of the University Club and the Inter- national Center. Behind the Union are Allen and Rumsey Houses, dormitories for men, and the site of wrecking operations for the future Union Quadrangle. Morris Hall, headquarters of the Varsity Band and radio broadcast- ing, is directly north of the Union. Opposite Angell Hall is Newerry Hall in which are found the museum collections of classical archaeology. Also on State St. are Helen Newberry and Betsy Barbour Houses, dormi- tories for undergraduate women. On Maynard St., behind Helen Newberry Residence ,is the Student Publica- tions Building. Here are the offices of all student publications: the Daily, the Gargoyle and the Ensian. The Daily editorial room is on the second floor in addition to a composing room and printing press on the ground floor.I One block north of the Daily on Maynard St. is the School of Music which is to be moved soon to new quarters on the North Mall. Familiar to all alumni is Nickels Arcade which connects Maynard St. with North Univerity Ave. and State St. Hill Auditorium on North Univer- sity Ave. is the home of the May Festival, Choral Union concerts and Oratorical Asssociation lectures. In back of Hill Auditorium is the Bur- ton Memorial Tower, location of the Baird Carillorit The North Mall (formerly Ingalls St.) leads to the new Horace Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Praised by archi- tects as one of the finest buildings in the country, it contains conference rooms, studies and auditoriums. South of the new graduate school and, to the east of the Mall is the' Michigan League, center of women's activities on campus. Included in the League is the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in which are presented Play Production, Junior Girls Play and Art Cinema League performances. The School of Dentistry is directly east of the League. A new addition to the school will be built this year, while the new Health Service Cen- ter will be constructed behind it at Twelfth and Washington Streets. Go- ing north one reaches the University Museums Building which houses the Museum of Anthropology, the Her- barium and the Collections of Zool- ogy and Paleontology. In the rear of the museum is the campus' "missing link," the comparatively unknown Michigan Zoo. Palmer Field, scene of women's athletic activities, the Women's Athletic Building and Mo- sher-Jordan Dormitories are east of the Museum. South. of the Museum on East University Ave. are the East Medical Building the older unit West Medi- cine, the East Physics and the two Engineering structures. Federal funds have been appropriated for the con- struction of medical dormitories at Catherine and Glen Sts. and en- gineering dormitories near Willard St. At East University and South University Aves. is the University High School which contains, in addi- tion to the high school classes, of- fices of the School of Education. West of the high school is the School of Architecture with its sunkengar- den, followed by the Martha Cook An Alumnus Greets All Homecomers and invites their Patronage, Take home some of these unique GIFTS of wood, brass and ivory. f rom the Ten Thousand Alumni Return [omecoming Activities Tax Campus Facilities (Continued from Page 1) director 'of the First District Alumni Association; Don Purdy of Appleton, Wisconsin, president of the Fifth Dis- trict Alumni Association; Paul L. Keller, president of the University of Michigan Club of Toronto, Canada; and Lieut. Col. William Smith, famed center of Michigan's 1910 eleven and father of Bill Smith. varsity tackle. Lieut. Col. Smith is flying here from California. Unable to squeeze all their meetings into today's program, alumni held sev- eral functions last night. Among them were the annual fall meeting and din- ner of the Alumni Directors, and a session of the Alumni Council Board. A Glimpse Into Michigan's Future T. HAWLEY TAPPING HOMECOMING LAUDED Welcoming homecoming alumni, T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the Michigan Alumni Association, urged old grads to recapture the spirit of their college days, and praised homecoming as a vitaliz- ing factor in alumni relations. "A spontaneous growth rather than an official University func- tion, homecoming has come to be a Michigan tradition." he said. "As such it is a real indication of alumni interest in the University." Homecoming began in 1933, he said, as the result of concerted action by Michigan's fraternities. Homecoming enables alumni to renew relations with the Univers- ity each year and therefore helps to place the relationship between the individual and his school on a life-long rather than a transitory basis, he Isaid. Bringing together alumni scattered throughout the nation, it is a coordinating force in alumni affairs. Building, honor house for junior and senior women. Across South Univer- sity Ave. is the William Clements Li- brary of American History. The complete block across from the Clements Library is occupied by the Law Quadrangle, residence of law students, the Law Library and Hutchins Hall. Again coming to the Union, one finds opposite it Alumni Memorial Hall, home of the Alumni Association and art galleries. On the main cam- pus is Angell Hall, headquarters ofS University officers and the College of Literature, Science and the Arts; as well as old University Hall, now used for administrative offices. Oldest building on campus is Mason Hall, which adjoins University Hall. On the diagonal in the center of the campus are Haven Hall, history and journalism quarters; and the Na- tural Science and Chemistry build- ings. , Engineering Professors Atend Lansing Meetingl Prof. John S. Worley and Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the engineering college attended% a meeting of the State Chamber of Commerce in Lan- sing yesterday to discuss the need for and methods of better training of traffic engineers. F abo' Bur Stu Fifty-Four Dances Set Record For Party Spree At MNichig Alumni Launci Finance Sch mm Homecoming and today's big game 4 '' are together responsible for the most gala weekend the Michigan campus has yet seen. A total of 66 dances and parties has set a new record for weekend social activities on campus.l Many alumni will be entertained at1 the 54 formal and informal dances,7 I teas and open-houses which have been planned for tonight's festivities. W W\N'One of the many informal home-i coming dances will be given by Aca-' cia fraternity from 9 p.m. to mid- night today at the chapter house. The alumni, members and other' guests will dance to the music of Cromwell's band. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Price and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert uture Homecoming crowds will visit the proposed new Mall, pictured gnraredchaperoning. Aradio ve, which is already partially completed by the construction of the dance will be held from 9 p.m. to ton Memorial Tower and the new Rackham School of Graduate midnight at the Alpha Chi Sigma dies. Construction of new musical units will complete the picture. fraternity house today. Chaperons will be Prof. and Mrs. Alfred L. Ferguson and Prof. and Mrs. Clifford Ten-Year Projects, C. Meloche. 2 Alpha Kappa Kappa fraternity is giving an informal aance from 9 p.m. to midnight today, Dr. and Mrs. 1olars hips in Past Year Fleming Barber and Dr. and Mrs. pDavid Van der Slice are chaperon- -i----ing. Jerry Beissel and his orches- , was given to William Kauf- The Literary and' Engineering tra will play for the dancers. An 38M, of St. Louis. Classes of 1900 announced last fall ing he anappa b- stry alumni celebrated the the establishment of a student loan da fraternity from 9 p.m. to midnight anniversary of the inaugura- Ifund for the benefit of juniors and today. Music will be furnished by of professional instruction in seniors in the College of Literature, -- y at the University Oct. 7 and Science and the Arts and the School special convocation, a luncheon of Engineering. The fund is the cul-j ALONG W ITH OU R business meeting took place mination of the first Ten-Year pro- st day. On the second, discus- gram project of the class. The fund, SPEC I and field trips were held. Visit- in its final amount, is expected to e Eber White Woods and the total approximately $2,500. Tenderloin Steakl aw Forest, older alumni were The Medical Alumni at a meeting Sandwich, French C ssed at the growth of the trees Nov. 19 launched a Ten-Year pro- Potatoes, and Toast . ad planted as students. Atten- at the Michigan-Chicago foot- gram project to be known as the ame brought the reunion to a Frederick G. Novy Fellowship Fund s Sa n for Research in Bacteriology. Ap-T s y S n Cproximately 30 of over 50 Medical t year of the second Ten-Year School classes were represented at 121 SOUT .m brought many responses. the session. The goal was set at be- - lumnae Council began its new tween $35,000 and $50,000, and a ear programwith a three- three year time limit was set in which project: financing of a cooper- to accomplish this objective. Bill Steytler's orchestra. Chapero will be Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Deni and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Fink. Dinner-Dance To Be Given A dinner-dance given by the A pha Kappa Psi fraternity will held from 9 p.m. to midnight at t: Huron Hills Country Club. Bo; Pierce and his orchestra will pls Prof. and Mrs. Robert Briggs, N apd Mrs. Larry C. Baiden and Mi Augusta Beaver have been asked (Continued on Page 5) K HAIR STYLES Hdve our experienced beauti- cians arrange your hair for you in one of the newest ways. Try the new hair up style. Our operators will give you one of the most becoming of the new styles. SHAMPOO and WAVE Mon., Wed., Fri. '-- 50c flues., Thurs., Sat.... 75e PERMANENTS $3.50 to $15 RUDOLF'S Beauty Shop 611 East Liberty Phone 3083 By HARRY M. KELSEY What have the alumni been doing since last Homecoming Day? Plenty! Reviewing the year, three major re- unions are seen: the Dental Home- coming, the Medical School Reunion, and the Forestry School Anniversary.l Work on various Ten-Year program; projects went on all over the country.i Scholarships and loan funds were financed. New-directors were elect- ed to the Board and Emeritus Club3 members received new distinction. Add to that the doings of individual alumni and alumnae near and far and the tale would be much too long to tell. Here it is only possible to briefly review the activities of the organized alumni groups. More than 600 alumni attended" the fourth annual Dental Home- coming Feb. 9. A one day event, the homecoming was marked by three lectures in the morning given by1 William A. Cook, '07D, of Detroit; Dr. Edward Ball, of Cincinnati; and Dr. GeraldTimmons, of Indianapolis, acting Dean of the Dental School of Indiana University. Dean Russell W. Bunting, '02D, presided as toast- master at the noon luncheon, at which President Ruthven accepted on' behalf of the Regents a portrait of Dr. Louis P. Hall, presented to the University by the Dental Class of ] 1916. The afternoon was devoted to social gatherings. Sept. 29 to Oct. 1 the first annual' Alumni Reunion of the Medfcal School was attended by nearly a thousand graduates. The reunion, was the first large scientific conven- tion to be held in the new Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Stu- dies. On schedule were professional lectures, roundtable discussions, a banquet, a country club celebration called Aesculapian Buffoonery, the 89th Convocation and the Michigan- M.S.C. football game. Peyton Rous of the Rockefeller Institute for Medi- cal Research delivered the annual Convocation address. Dr. Rous was presented with the honorary degree of Doctor of Science. The Sternberg - 'Medal, being awarded for the ninth time in the history of the Medical, School man, Fore 35th tion forestr 8. A and, a the fir sions ing th Sagina impre& they h dance; ball ga close. Firs progra The A Ten-Y pointr A USUAL AL ON QUALITY. Hot Chicken Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Salad 3Qc Iwich Shop H MAIN ative dormitory for women, construc- tion of a swimming pool for women students, and financing of fellowships arid scholarships. The proposed co- operative dormitory will be a mem- orial to the late Mrs. W. D. Hender- son and will be known as Henderson House. The project was announced at a special session of the Council on Oct. 16. At the annual session of the Alumnae Council, June 17, Mrs. Roberta Woodworth Skinner re- ported on the projects. The Coopera- tive House Fund had $7,000 deposit- ed and $15,000 pledged. The Ann Arbor Association of Michigan Wom- en had given $2,000 for the women's swimming pool. Gifts of $4,050 had been received by the Fellowship Committee. I.Different . *.try a WEGENER'S Original ROCK & RYE alted ilk i., .0 s I t's as Smooth as Silk . i %/ i f +x i 1 CAMPUS OXFORDS Let's Show that Michigan Spirit!y f 0 . s The, Cleveland Orchestra Michigan Pennants. .5c, 25c, 50c, $1.00 up Michigan Stickers. . . . .2 for 5c, 10c & 15c (Assortments) YOU MUST HAVE THEM FOR SCHOOLI Michigan Pillows ...... Michigan Blankets Michigan Mascot Animals 1 .99 . +V TAKE A MICHIGAN ANIMAL MASCOT TO THE GAME! I. Prof., ,O'wl Joe College Scottie College Devil andy Daschund College Horse College Donkey Penguin 1W r4d4rr oxfords! "The Tug' in Tu-Tone Raw- hide... The Chub- bie' in Black, Brown or Blue Suede! ARTUR RwODZINSKI CONDUCTOR MONDAY, Nov.7,8:30 HILL AUDITORIUM A limited number of both season and individual concert tickets nrp #i#1 c- vnilrhlo rnttfko "riz Priced from 97c to $3.95 I I mpwpw9Lj I