T IGAN fDAIL.Y - Unprejudiced, SaySpeakCers ve Authorities Address University Press Club On Foreign Coverage (Continued fromPage 1) Battle Once Raged On Campus As Faculty Barred Fraternities DA ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, OCT. 29. 1938 Ripping Pants S DirgeOf Out (Continued from Page 1) manent sources of mutual intrigues and jealousies." Four Alpha Delts and three Chi Psis who had been expelled in December for belonging to a fraternity answered the charges via the state legislature. They charged the breach of faith was Booth Newspaper chain, delivered on the University's side and asked for main address at the luncheon abolition of the University rule that d at the Union. He recalled the memberships automatically brought s when lumbermen thought that expulsion.. vast tracts of timberland in Previous to this flare-up the war higan were inexhaustable. Sheer had been continuing openly for two 'te and neglect, he said, have cut years. In 1849 both Alpha Delt and n these rich resourcesruntil now Chi Psi had been expelled from the re are only two small areas uncut, campus-much to the delight of the{ near Grayling, and the other near Betas, who for some reason were not erlochen, both of them only 80 troubled. Newspapers of the state took es in extent. up the fight. and fraternity men from .egardless of the cash reserves of other colleges began to attack the tate, East continued, the funda- Regents. Members of the Masonic or-! ntal thing in developing both na- ganization even regarded the faculty's al resources and men is conser- actions as a revival of the anti-secret ion. "The young men of tomor- agitation of 1827 and indignantly pro- 7will be better, citizens as a result tested, contacts with nature made pos- I On Dec. 20, 1849, a notice was cir-f le by wise conservation planning," - - concluded.< Department of Agriculture declared . ,t At the morning session yes erday, oyd A. Brown, curator of maps at .e Clements Library, spoke of niversity services to the newspa- !s of Michigan. Limiting his field the subject of maps and how thej niversity helps the press in that re- rd, Brown traced the history of the ap as a newspaper illustration from 5first use in America to the present ne: The first map used in an American wspaper was published in the New rk Weekly Journal in 1733. It was t until the World War, Brown said, at newspaper maps really came to their own. It was through maps the newspapers that "everyone me to know where France and the estern Front were," he said. Beginning the farm market ,ympo- im, A. G. Rasch of the Michiganl that in order to improve marketing facilities in the state a system of grades and standards insuring fair- ness to both producer and consumer was necessary. An appeal to consumers in the state to buy Michigan products, and an admonition to Michigan growers to produce better crops than out- state farmers, was made by John C. Ketchum, Agricultural Director of the Michigan Chain Store Bureau. More than 100 members of thej Press Club and their guests, at a ban- quet held last night in the Union, 'heard Grove Patterson, editor of the Toledo Blade, stress the need for a campaign to make the American peo- ple r'ealize that freedom of the press is not "a meal ticket for editors" but life itself for them and the nation. The average American citizen, ac- culated throughout Ann Arbor which' read: "ATTENTION! Indignation Meeting'. The citizens of Ann Arbor are re- quested to meet at the Court House this evening at six o'clock to take into 1 consideration the conduct of the FACULTY of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN in expelling all the stu- dents belonging to secret societies!" signed: Many Citizens The meeting drew a large attend- ance. It was soon after this that the at- tacks on faculty members reached such a degree that the State Consti- tutional Convention barely defeated a motion that both faculty members and Regents be elected by voters of the state: Later,- insofar as the Board of Regents was concerned, the meas- ure passed. The legislature continued to come (Continued on Page 7) D.O.B. To Be Open Only To Sanctioned Groups A warning that all campus or- ganizations must be approved by the Dean of Student's Office before they will be permitted use of the Daily Of- ficial Bulletin was issued yesterday by Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant to the President. A list of the organizations on the approved list at present was :rinted in Sunday's DOB. While in past' weeks the rule regarding publication of notices has not been observed' strictly, it will be rigidly adhered to in the future, he said. cording to Patterson, fails to under- stand the significance of a free press in a representative government, and thus treats the press with indiffer- ence and criticism. Part of the blame for this condition, he said, lies with the newspaper editors who have given the impression, by their poli- cies, that they are turning liberty into license. - Patterson emphatically stated that "the only thing that will keep one man or one group of men from steal- ing a government and administering it in the interest of a privileged few, is a free press." As proof, he pointed to conditions in Germany and Russia where propaganda ministries control the press. In conclusion, Patterson urged re- sponsible newspaper editors to "feel a certain responsibility of freedom, in such degree that he will not alien- ate his followers, his fellows, or his leaders, by resort to an over-liberty which is license." Coach Fritz Crisler and Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics, com- mented upon Michigan's chances against Illinois today. V OL. .X LIX . N o. 30 i I r s aI t eItic, c JRZRu ,ZZ, ..Seven Of Class Of '411 Notices Get ChillyPlunge In Pool! \ Notice to all Members of the University: The follovpng is an ex- (Continued from Page 2) tract of a by-law, of the Regents get into the Union, the mob raced (Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) around to the side entrance where which has been in effect since Sep- Luebke awaited them again. He tried tember, 1926: to hold them off single-handed and "It will hereafter be regarded as was swept into the crowd that was contrary to University policy for. angered by his club. They grabbed his anyone to have in his or her posses hat and club and only the cries of sion any key to University buildings outsiders saved him from the de- or parts of buildings if such key is panting process. Streaming out onto not stamped as provided (i.e. by the State Street the mob, capturing sev- Buildings an Grounds Department). eral sophomores in front of the Union, rushed inside, down to the pool. Dick If such unauthorized keys are found Fletcher, '41. and Joe Daniels, '41, the case shall be referred to the Dean were the first victims and five more or other proper head of the Univer- sophomores (see cut) were quick to sity division involved for his action follow. The sophomores in the pool in accordance with this principle. grabbed at the legs of the first-year Any watchman or other proper repre-gae atthellesofin. sentative of the Buildings and~ men and. pulled two in. Grounds Department, or any Dean, Satisfied with the baptism of the department head or other proper sophs the crowd van out, and after' University official shall have the right vainly trying to crash the dance, to inspect keys believed to open seemed to be breaking up. A luckless University buildings, at any reason- sophomore ran into a passerby was The Story of a Czechoslo- vokion "Robin Hood" Also Czechosloyakian Parade Walt Disney Short OCT. 28-29 at 8:15 Friday Mat. 3:15 ALL SEATS RESERVED Mendelssohn Theatre I able time or place. " ..For any individual to order, have made, or permit to be ordered or made, any duplicate of his or her University key, through unauthorized channels, must be regarded as a spe- cial and willful disregard of the safety of University property." The-:a regulations are callfd to the attention of all concerned, for their iniormation and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Univer- sity buildings, doors, or other locks, (Continued on Page 4) caught by the freshmen and made to sing and dance wie apologizing to the man. The crowd, greatly diminished now, again raided the League, and returned again to the Union, dog fights with lone sophs marking their path. Here they stormed into the taproom and and had coffee and doughnuts "on the house," while another crowd staged a sit-down strike at State and North University, tying up traffic. Crashing into Superior Dairy one small section of the crowd demanded r1 ound Funeral Graduate Donates Blood t t To Town Welfare Grouap num bered So"phs MUSKEGON, Mich., Oct. 28- -- _ - - --- Unable to make a financial donation water, and leaving called,"Charge it jto the Muskegon Community Chest, to the Class of '42." University of Michigan graduate Thee wre nl tw miorinjrie tMenno G. Martin, 28-year old factory There were only two minor iuies employe, offered officials 400 centi- reported to the Health Service. meters of his blood. ART CINEMA LEAGUE Presents momme" ma N TODAYN! ONE DAY ONLY r M~I[4 IGfcJ ] Classified Directory N FOR RENT FOR RENT-Suite of two rooms for .men students, comfortably furn- ished, warm; continuous hot water; garage available. 369 N. Division. Phone 8876. 92 FOR RENT-Rooms for boys; 2 suites for 2 men each, one at $3.00 per wk. each, one at $2.50 per wk. each. 311 Thompson, call 2-1767. 163 LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 SILVER LAUNDRY 607 Hoover Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Price List All articles washed and ironed. instruments. Name "Fred Seyfried,I Jr." on case. Phone 2-1085. Reward. 1661 LOST-Folder containing zoology 141! notes. Lost on campus. Call 2-1867. 165' LOST-Reward for Parker Lifetime 'en lost Thursday. Call 6640. 166 MISCELLANEOVS WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins1 Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17 I FRED T. McOMBER GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE 116 North Fourth Avenue Huron Valley Building and Savings Association Building Phone 8813 Ann Arbor, Mich. Offers the facilities of an organized agency of over sixty years standing. Fire, windstorm, burglary and residence theft, personal 'accident and over thirty additiondl lines of coverage. Glass insurance covering every light in residence and garage for a nominal premium of $5.00 for three years. Prompt attention given to all inquiries Coming Sunday ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA de HAVILLAND in "FOUR'S A CROWD" MOTION PICTURES ARE YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT! PERFORMANCES DAILY at 2:00 - 4:00 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Matinees 25c - Evenings 35c . l .rshirts.............. .14 04 NOW! Heroic Romance! Bold Adventure! Shlorts ..... ...........04 Pajama Suits..............10 Socks, pair .................. .03 Handkerchiefs .... ...........02 Bath Towels...............03 All Work Guaranteed 4lso special'prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles done separately. No markings. Silks, wools our specialty. FOR SALE FOR SALE-A few used phonograph records. Serious music, and I don't mean Chaikovsky. Phone 5538. 164 WANTED - TYPING TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935. 79 TYPING-Experienced. Reasonable rates. Phone 5689. L. M. Heywood. 167 LOST and FOUND ST-Set of engineering drawing i , , . z _ *. __, ' , I DANCE? I MEET YOUR FRIENDS . . .,Old friends, new friends; they'll oil be ar Starbuck's enjoying ex- cellent food, beer, wine, and a good time. Make your Homecoming complete by dancing to the smooth strains of Bob Steinle and His Melody Men tonight in the Union Ballroom. Tonight 9 till 12 $1.00 per Couple 11 II Ill .~' ' X'~~ r~rurn %fU VV ~IFU~d f/ III l :> l Kerurn yr E I Worm , ----...