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October 29, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-10-29

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Fair, somewhat cooler today.
Tomorrow fair and cooler.
I ,

Return To Campus.
How To Win Friends
And Influence Electors

Newsmen Are
Unprej udiced
In Their Copy
Speakers Hold
Five Authorities Address
University Press Club
On Foreign Coverage
Mo-ning Session
Has Three Talks
Newspaper and radio correspon-
dents in Europe are overcoming stub-
born handicaps of governmental cen-
sorship and undependable communi-
cation facilities to bring ' American
readers the most complete and unbi-
ased reports of world news in the his-
tory of journalism; five speakers told
delegates to the 20th annual Univer-,
sity Press Club at yesterday after-
noon's session in the Union.
Representatives from the Associat-
ed Press, United Press, and from the
National and Columbia broadcasting
systems blasted at the "violent par-
tisanship" of the European press and
declared that the United States col'
rPaV~aYn A 0 e n t, atin ate D -ff*4 .1 '

Ripping Pants Sound Funeral
Dirge Of Outnumbered Sophs

New Dealers
M' ew P
Make Peace
With Utilities
Sudden Ch.nge In Policy
SThought Defense Move ;
Washington Is Surprised
Great Expansion
In Activity Cited'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28-UP--Amid
a display of friendliness which left the
capital guessing, the Roosevelt admin-
istration and 14 large utilities an-
nounced today a far-reaching pro-
gram to strengthen national defense
and stimulate industry by expand-
ing private power facilities.
Utilities executives pledged them-
selves to place immediate orders for
equipment to add some 1,330,000
horsepower to existing generating
capacity. They estimated that the
"first stage" alone of the expansion
program would mean an outlay of
$2,000,000,000 in the next two years.
This, they said, would double the
recent annual rate of capital expendi-
tures by the industry.
The government's share in the un-
dertaking-the first concrete develop-
ment frnm PrPCi A d1 t D anr.nynl t'

Alumni Throng To Towi
For Homecoming Game
Michigan Slight Favorit

Day's Crowded Program
Includes Dinner, Class
Games And Conferences
Suppers Planned
By Fraternities
Approximately 10,000 homecoming
alumni will come back to Ann Arbor
today to watch Michigan and Illinois
elevens battle in the Michigan stadium
and take part in homecoming fetes in
campus fraternities, it was estimated
by T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of
the Alumni Association.
Weekend rooming accommodations
in the Union and League were report-
ed booked to capacity, and downtown
hotels were said to be jammed as re-
vived interest in Michigan's football
fortunes led officials to predict a
record homecoming crowd.


Frosh Raid League, Union;
Seven Of Class Of '41
Get Chilly Plunge In Pool
Fifteen hundred freshmen and
sophomores (but mostly freshmen)
fought their traditional Black Friday:

Memorial Hall for more fighting, fire-
crackers and over-ripe tomatoes.
Freshman fought freshman in the
darkness, and class calls were both
challenges and calls for aid.
Spurred on by the mockings of a
junior who shouted to the crowd that
the freshmen had never yet failed toj
(Continued on Page 2)

to write unprejudiced accounts in
their dispatches home.,
Edward R. Murrow, director of the
European staff of the Columbia
Broadcasting System during the re-
cent war-tension, stated that in none
of the broadcasts from the various
contineptal capitals was any effort
made to color or distort public opin-
ion in the United States. "What we
tried to do," he said, "was to bring
the sound of history as it was being!
Prefer Interpretationf
To a Daily reporter at the confer-
ence Murrow said that lettei-s to the
Columbia Broadcasting System of-
fices in New York have indicated
that, in times of stress, listeners pre-
fer conclusions and interpretations
to straight factual reporting.
Persons who claim that the stan-
dards of "old-time" journalism were
higher than present-day standards
;~e rsred, by J...3.f'uray, .vice-i
president of the United Press. "The
real days of lusty and violent jour-
nalism are right now," he maintained.
Furay explained that the work of!
the news bureaus in obtaining cover-
age of the war crisis b7egan many
months ago, when Hitler first
marched into Austria. "It was quite
obvious then," he said, "that there
would be excitement soon in Czecho-
slovakia. News bureaus were streng-
thened immediately in all key cities
on the continent, and when the an-
nexation was begun our correspon-
dents were ready."
Affirms Statements
William J. McCambridge, assistant'
general-manager of the Associated
Press, affirmned Furay's statements
and declared that "the reason our
news coverage has improved in Eu-
rope is because today we have ten
times as many newsmen stationed
across the Atlantic as we did several

d lpnar,+inlxtT ~tle last night with lun-.

J Hungry alumni were urged to eat an
precedented fervor and determination Tr restudy of national defense needs- early lunch if they wished to see the
with victory going to the class of '42. TokyO W arns will be to extend aid where needed in opening kick-off as local restaurant
The sophomores held reign for the *efinrcin suitne throghthowners recalled the crowds who taxed
first five minutes of the fracas that A E !I h1 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, their service beyond capacity in for-
raneet Whether this display of coopera- mer years. Last year many were forced
lasted from 8 to 12 p.m., but were i
-Ur tion might lead to a truce in the to choose between going hungry or
swamped by a howling horde of fresh- Exports fierce struggle which the Administra-
an sm missing the game.
men who came running across the tion and some utilities have waged in All homecoming alumni were urged
campus from Washtenaw where they the courts, in Congresst and elsewhere to register before the game. A desk
had been trying to rout sophomores Paris Denies Accusations was not stated. Questions whether the will be maintained for that purpose
out of fraternity houses. They clashed , i development indicated better feeling in the South lounge of the Union
behind the Alumni Memorial Hall By Japanese Militarists were waved aside by Floyd L. Carlisle, from 10 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. today.
and after completely'_outnumberingCes Shi nt* a utilities leader who participated in f. ..
the pantless sophomores, the fresh- t noday's announcement. First of today's many alumn activi-
man made their first attempt to TOKYO, Oct. 28.--(P)-Japan pro- An Administration power survey teprese tatives conference beween
"crash" the Union. group stressed that the primary ob-
They were rebuffed at the Union tested to France against alleged ship- jective was to increase power facilities gan Alumni clubs and University
door by Fred Luebke, '39, who, with ment of arms to China and warned of manufacturing centers which in Rence, scheduled for 9 Smith. Thisconfer-
I ene shedued or a~m toayis
club in hand, warned them not to of possible consequences unless the war time would be called on for a
try anything. Cries of "sophomores!" traffic was prohibited immediately, heavy output of munitions. designed to facilitate coordination in
turned the mob at the crucial moment In Paris, the Foreign Office ,denied At the close of the World War, the
and they surged back to the Alumni there was any such traffic and ex- study disclosed, munitions manufac- and preparatory schools in their co-
building, for another short affray with pressed surprise Japan should pro- turing at some of these was near a Imunities y
breakdown because of a thetee Immediately following this at 10
the class of '41. test again after representations early rsorathreatened a.m. Alumni Council representatives
After several abortive starts for in the year in which she "was unable power age. from clubs throughout the country
the river, the League and the Union to substantiate her charges." will convene.
again another battle took place with A Japanese Foreign Office spokes- Varsity Team The annual meeting and luncheon
reinforcements for both sides pouring man at the same time said the Gov- of the Michigan Athletic Managers
onto campus. The class of '42 wearing ernment would reply soon to the T * Club is also scheduled for 11:45 today
identification tapes across their fore- United States note of Oct. 26 insist- IDebates U mon in the Union.
heads fought a pitched scrap with the ing upon maintaining the open door Alumni who wish to recapture the
outnumbered sophomores. Seizing one in China. spirit of their undergraduate days
5iapless, pantless, breathless soph they The newspaper Asahi predicted W ith Eng la I may view the annual class games
started for the river in earnest, tried that the government would attempt1 which the freshman and sophomore
instead to storm the Michigan "to induce the United States govern- International Meet Is Held classes will wage at 11 a.m. today on
Theatre, the Majestic, and the Parrot, ment correctly to recognize the new , Ferry Field.
in turn' but warnings from cautious Far Eastern situation" which, it said, With Western Ontario At 1:30 p.m. the band will begin its
freshmen, bearing President Ruth- had modified the Nine-Power Pact Squad On Affirmnativf customary parade down State Street
yen's ultimatum about damaging pri- system. to the stadium where the kick-off is
vate property in mind, turned the Meanwhile from somewhere in the " Contending that the United States slated for 2:00 p.m.
crowd for the League. vast interior of China, beyond the should establish an alliance with After the game most of Michigan's
Here the gang found little Jiffi- lines of Japanese encroachment, Great Britain, the University of Wes- fraternities have planned buffet sup-
culty in forcing their way in, but Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek to- tern Ontario debate squad met the pers. Evening radio dances have been
Charlie Zwick, taking the situation day proclaimed continued Chinese University debaters in a no-decision arranged for homecoming brothers in
quickly in hand, struck up the "Vic- resistance and expressed hope of international meet last night in Angell ' fifty-four campus houses.
tors." He made a short speech urging "luring" the enemy into Western Hall. Among the many distinguished
the half nude boys to "go out and China. In his constructive speech, Robert alumni expected to return to the
get those Sophs," and as he replayed The Generalissimo's message, em- Taylor of London, Ontario, contended campus today were Vernon F. Hillary
the Victors for them, the mob anating from unidentified headquar- that the United States and Great |of Fort Worth, Texas, former presi-
streamed out. ters, was addressed to the National Britain have much in common. Both dent of the Men's Council in his un-
After more fighting on the way People's Political Assembly in session desire to maitain themselves as integ- dergraduate days and now president
they returned to the Union and were at Chungkung, provisional Chinese C ral states, both believe in democracy of the Seventh District Alumni Asso-
again rebuffed by Luebke and Frank capital now that Hankow is occu- and civil rights for their people, and ciation; Richard M. Woodward of
Oaks, of the Union. Back to Alumni pied by the Japanese. 1 both are confirmed that peace is Rivertown, New Jersey, president of
desirable and war is possible. I the Second District Alumni Associa-
Meeting the issue presented by Mr. ;-ion: Charles Baird, first University
Batte On e R ed n ca usTaylor, Robert Rosa, '39, on Michi-|Director of Intercollegiate Athletics;
BattleiOtaesRagedeOn Cam pus lresent foreign policy of the United ,first Michigan football team which
As Faculty Barred Fraternities States as developed recently by Sedre- attended the Chicago game Oct. 8;
tary Cordell Hull would be much Donald A. Thomas of New York,

years ago."
McCambridge pictured the difficul-
ties which correspondents face when
they attempt to send news out of
many European countries, observing
that while transmission between Lon-
don and New York only requires one
or two minutes, it often takes days
for the story to go from Berlin to
London. ,
Radio's chief problem is'that of
transmission, A. A, Schechter, direc-
tor of special events of the National
Broadcasting Company, told the
delegates. Static storms over the
Atlantic ocean, over-crowded tele-
phone wires, and the inevitable "cen-
sorship," were cited by Schechter as
factors hampering the usefulness of
broadcasts from abroad.
Stress Foreign News
The close co-operation between
newspapers and radio chains in
bringing foreign news to the Ameri-
can public was the theme of the con-
cluding address of the afternoon, de-
Iujl White. d retor of

Hidden in the musty annals which
record the University's history is a
dramatic story of a "war" between;
students and faculty which resulted
in the expulsion of more than half
the undergraduate body and finally
necessitated intervention by the State
It was in January. 1850, almost a
century ago, that the battle reached!
its peak. Should the University toler-
ate fraternities? The faculty and Re-
gents answered with an emphatic
"NO!." The students violently dis-

ough to over-awe nearly all the col-
lege governments of our country; how
soon they will have attained among
us the despotic power of disorder and
savagism rife among their German
prototypes, or rather sense and firm-
ness of our authority and of the par-
ents of Michigan'must decide."
Eight specific charges were levied
against the Greek letter organizations.
First "when detected at their after-
midnight depredations, they attempt-
ed to overawe the faculty, and have
since stood by violating pledges and

more practical than an alliance. This
policy envelopes the ideas that there
must be an independence of decision
and active neutrality. If we made an
alliance with Great Britain we could
no longer consider the best interests
of the United States.

Visiting Editors Are Arrayed
Almost Solidly Against Murphy


pub a with the veict-and the fight breaking laws econd, "these affilia-
lBroadcasting System. "We of the ra- was on! tions are a great irresponsible autpor-I
dio do not hope to compete with Before it ended, over 50 of the 10% ity, a monster power requiring sub-
newspapers in the richness of detail students at Ann Arbor had been ex- mission where there is no obligation."
which they can afford. We can only pelled for membership in the secret Third, "they are exclusive and oli-
bring history as it happens-and the societies of Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Delta garchic . . . oppressive <towards all
experience of hearing an English Phi and Chi Psi. Other non-members jwho are not in their organism ...
Prime Minister make history is a dropped out in sympathy. Free Masons odespotic and intolerant."
thrill that it can never bring." of the state rose tohthe fraternities' FourediT te faculty embers de
Michael Gorman, editor of the defense. At one time the University- dared "These societiesmentrap into
Flint Journal, delivered a speech on was even driven to taking an adver- an immature committment sons of
Italian newspapers under the Fas- tisement in every newspaper in the parents who wholly disapprove them
citgoenmn. eenyfiepe-state to explain its position. . How can we answer our responsi-
cist government. seventy-five per- st xlmisps o.bilities to (the) parent?"
suns attended the program, at which Today, with more than 50 fraternib-ilit the)mearen th-
A. L. Miller of the Battle, Creek En- ties existing on the campus, the pro- Fifth, The meetings of these socie-
I tis ar lible o bcomeandoften
quirer and News was chairman. phecy that continuance of Greek- tielawlessandconvivial. They are
Ben East, conservation editor of letter organizations would be a arelawes and consva. bey are
.,..L ......7r .- -- -held in private houses, beer shops

Governor Murphy is bucking an
e lSalmost solid phalanx of Republican
et Cut Shorti newspapers in his fight for re-election.
No doubt can exist on that point after
listening to ten representative Michi-
Raging Fire Ini Marseille gan editors whose political preferences
Immerups oneitiii expressed in news acid editorial
InterruptsCo__ ve__011_columns, come into the homes of ,
(my Associated Press) 45,000 daily and 21,000 weekly read- 1
Premier Edouard Daladier was in- ers.
terrupted yesterday during the Radi- T h e s e further generalizations
,al-Socialist Convention at Marseille emerge from interviews with news-
by a great fire raging through the papermen who were picked at ran-
heart of the business section. dom from among those attending the
During the day Daladier warned University Press Club meetings:
Parliament he would appeal to the 1. Even staunch Republican sup-
nation in new elections should it re- porters cannot be too enthusiastic
fuse to back his reforms. Later, he over their standard-bearer, former-
suspended the convention to take Governor Frank Fitzgerald, who they
charge of firefighters. said is steadily losing ground.
The fire started shortly after noon 2. The eiec~ion will be very close;
and continued to spread in the eve- 50,000 votes may bring victory or de-
ning, fanned by high south winds. It j feat to either candidate.

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