THE MICHIGAN DAILY GAN DAILY +'--zr; - -f U-NJ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the, University year and Summer Session.- Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mrail, $4.50. AEPRESENTED FOR NATIONALADVERTISING BY. National Advertising Service, inc. College Publishers Represenlative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON 'LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors anaging Editor- litorial Director ty Editor ssociate Editor ssociate Editor ~sciate Editor ssociate Editor ss oiate Editor okaEitor. . Robert D. Mitchell. . . Albert P. May10 . Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry . . S. R. Kleiman . Robert Perlman * . Earl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin orts Business Department Bss Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen Manager , . . . Leonard P. Siegelman bising Manager . . . . William L. Newnan n's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean n's Service Manager Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR : CARL PETERSEN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Savior Or 1JITH GENERALISSIMO Chiang Kai- VVShek reportedly in Hong-Kong dis- Eussig possible British mediation in the Sio- JapM ese War with Ambassador A. Clarke Kerr, 01ifpered reports spread throughout China and Lmon Chinese living outside the home-land hat Canton and Hankow were betrayed. There are no details circ lated to substantiate he rumor regarding Hankow, but the case of Canton is different. Vu Han-Mou, Governor of the Priovince, was paid $2,00,000 Mex, the story runs, in return for "a bloodless victory. Cfedence is lent the report by the fact that a motorized division of only 3,000 Japanese seized he city. The defensive force, supposed to number 1,0 *6,00, tur'ned out to be nion-existent. Ace Cantionese trboops had been drained from the lrointce aidsent -uselessly as it later proved- o lHankow. The main Jap force of 35,000 did not even, arrive in canton until Friday nigt. Thiat the disaster is 'a major one cannot be doubted. long-ong is now isolated. Heretofore Cliiiese haveikeen able to buy arms there. Now jiat is impoassibl. Criticism of Chiang Kai-Shek is wif&-spbad with damaged Chinese morale the ineitabi sut. The transportation system is disrupted. Rumoir is rife that the Kuomintang, datl onalist party, "does not care how the war c om's out if it can retain its dominant position in Cinrese political life. Bit in the long-run were tnc- surrenders of Caton and H3ankow unwise? Are not the Chinese nfluenced by emoitional factors when they whis- per "'sell-odt"? Consder the evidence. German W4v ers who gave hina such excellent advice until Hitler ordered them home consistently deci,red: "Your chance for victory is to avoid pitched battles. Lt Johan destroy herself. Give Fer possessioni of thousands upon thousands of quare miles of Chinese land. Put millions of hos ,xle Chinese under her sway. Watch her im- peri listic dreams destroyed by an inability to diget what she has seized. Like a snake, she will die digorging her kill. Heor'economny permits only f epansion." Lok at the facts. Japan now holds 700,000 aeig miles of China. She has seized almost all of the westernized area. But she holds only the line of communications in this area. She won shnghai and Nanking only to find a wilderness of rumins.Slowly,inexorably, the laws of economics wor her ruin. Would Kai-Shek have been wise ,o rik his remaining airplanes, tanks and other morn equipment at Canton or Hankow? Is it not more intelligent to continue to draw the Jap ynese inland? To continue the guerilla tactics f the old Red Army, to work behind the lines? If Kai-Shek survives the repercussions which re akllowing the surrender of Hankow and, more especiarlyre. of Canton, future generations of Chinese will see in his actions not treason but wisdom. His task will remain a great one. Victory seetis far-distant. But, grail-like, it will be seen clealy by the Chinese people, a reward that will eomiday be theirs after untiring effort and self- saciice. s-Stan M. Swinton Cheap Silver he presented it, the plan seemed highly beneficial to the American farmer; when analyzed, serious disadvantages to the monetary system and to foreign trade appear. Under this proposal, the United States govern- ment would offer to exchange cotton on the foreign markets at the rate of ten pounds of cot- ton for one ounce of silver. Against each ounce of silver thus acquired, it would then issue $1.29 in legal tender certificates, as authorized under the 1934 Silver Purchase Act. No profit would ac- crue to the Government in the transaction, but farmers would receive 12.9 cents in silver certifi- cates a pound for cotton which has been recently selling for 9 cents a pound on the world markets. Since silver has been selling on the world market at 43 cents an ounce, the exchange of ten pounds of cotton for an ounce of silver means that the government would in effect receive only 4.3 cents per pound for cotton. The farmer selling his cotton under the Pittman proposal could be paid 12.9 cents per pound simply because present monetary legislation permits the government to issue $1.29 in silver certificates for each ounce of silver acquired, regardless of the current Market price (43 cents). When thus reduced to its essentials, the proposal reveals itself as a neat piece of monetary juggling which promises to result in further difficulties. The present cotton surplus would, no doubt, be snatched up by foreign mills at this ridiculous- ly low price and stored for future consumption. But the cotton production of the next few years would thus be deprived of its market and forced into warehouses again to create a surplus. The currency would be inflated by the issuance of silver certificates far in excess of the specie backing. The silver purchasing policy adopted in 1934 has already resulted in the accumulation of 2,371,000,000 ounces of silver bullion, which have been stored in vaults at West Point. Any addition to the volume of silver holdings would swell an already abundant supply of both silver bullion and paper money. Lastly, and ofw greatest importance to the consuming public, this inflation would tend to raise all commodity prices. In this general rise, the price of American cotton would climb and further impair its own market. American manu- factured goods, also, would have a harder time competing abroad. A natural result would be a decrease of exports and an increase of imports. The Pittman proposal would immediately pro- vide a stimulating influence on prices and thus help temporarily the agricultural progam of the nation, but it strikes out with damaging force at monetary and foreign trade interests. -Roy Buehler SMUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER A Good Time Was Had By All With All-American Larry Tibbett calling sig- nals from the baritone position, and Stewart Wille running interference at the piano, the starting whistle blew on the Sixtieth Annual Choral Union Series last night. In his program Mr. Tibbett was almost as well traveled as Anthony Adverse. From the classic groves of two Handel arias he pro- gressed through the nineteenth century Germany of Schubert, Brahms, Richard Strauss, and Erich Wolff, and while poised on the summit of the latter's "Ewig" the singer waited for pianist Mr. Wille to catch up with him by way of pieces by Liszt, Strauss, and Dohnanyi. After mollifying encores thrown to the voraci- ous audience came the operatic interlude, in the shape of "Cortigiani, vil razza dannata" from Rigoletto and "Vision fugitive" from Massenet's Herodiade. After the half came a modern Russian group representing Tchaikowsky, Rachmaninoff, and Moussorgsky, and putting the home team in easy scoring position, from which the Negro spirituals of Edward Harris, Jacques Wolfe did the rest. From this it was a push-over for encore visits to David Guion's Texas plains, Victor Hutcheson's Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, Mous- sorgsky's flea-circus, and-finally and naturally, the well-traveled Road to Mandalay. For any possible further excursions, see the afternoon paper. With the "What", our first source of concern, thus out of the way, the "How" is far easier and less onerous to relate. To discuss in detail the musical accouterments of one so familiar through stage, screen, and radio as Lawrence Tibbett, would be superfluous. His resonant baritone is "tops" when at its best, and all in all we have never heard it better than it was at times last night. Too, it was applied, as usual, with consum- ate skill technical ease. The great difference be- tween Mr. Tibbett and certain other "popular" singers lies in his not only greater capacity and ability as a vocalist, but also in his greater maturity and substance as an artist. Consequent- ly, when Mr. Tibbett does something, be it only a cowboy song, he does it extremely well. With the result, in the case of the cowboy song and its companion drawing room ballads, that the audience is amused, awakened from the lethargy induced by the foregoing "classics" (so much spinach that must be eaten before the kiddies can have their ice cream), and all go away happy. All, that is, except a few "long-hairs" who applaud genuinely the ability of the artist, smile wanly at his vocal antics, but go away forlornly dreaming of the day when people will go to hear a singer in Hill Auditorium for an exhilarat- ing and inimitably enriching musical experience -not for musical parlor tricks. The parlor tricks are fine, yes; but they can be acceptably done by any amateur. Lawrence Tibbett is a professional whose artistry in such things as the Handel arias and Schubert song, as well as in the drama of Verdi, deserves a better chance. "Men and women tempered by four years of exposure to disinterested scholarship are less h'feemr fo Me Heywood Broun It must be that the British have some secret drug which they slip into the tea of visiting cel- ebrities. And in the case of our Ambassadors they give them double dosage. Indeed, the most suc- cessful weapons of British diplomacy are not their white papers but these same white pow- ders. And apparently the re- cpient of one of these Hon. Michael Marmaduke Finneys never knows that anybody . has tampered with his metabolism. The craving to serve his country and defend democ- racy leaves him almost overnight. Nor are there any unpleasant after-effects. The man from home finds no fur upon his tongue and is all unconscious of the fact that an Oxonian accent has been slipped within his larynx. Indeed, he has the feeling that it is a dialect which he picked up while playing with the neighbors' chil- dren in South Boston. Even the Eton tie around his nek escapes his attention, for the British officials who adjust it are careful to see that it is not tight enough to shut off the wind of the plenipotentiary. More's the pity. And the strange compound is particular- ly effective in the case of those who are brash enough to think themselves immune to blandish- ments. Proof Against Palace Fever It might be an excellent idea for Washington to send no representative to the Court of St. James unless he can offer proof that he has been previously in residence. Such folk are not wholly proof against Buckingham buck fever, but, at least, they have built up a partial resistance. I have observed this to be true in he case of a few Rhodes scholars twenty years after. One friend of mine who did a stretch at Oxford has not only lost his Gothic pallor but can sometimes be induced to put ice in his scotch and reach for a cigaret instead of an underslung pipe. When the name of Joseph J. Kennedy was submitted to service across the Atlantic the State Department felt that for once it had outsmarted the British Foreign Office. He was Irish and proud of it, and he came from a ward where the kids are taught to twist the lion's tail even before they learn to roll their hoops.Moreover, in addi- tion to sound childhood training, Mr. Kennedy was known to be a man who had been in touch with the good things of life. The rough diamond of South Boston had later been exposed to the polishing process at Harvard, Palm Beach and some of the better homes on Long Island. He would not be one to faint when served with pheasant or likely to sell his birthright for even the highest grouse. Indeed, it was assumed that this time the American Ambassador would be a post-prandial peppermint of perfection instead of an all-day sucker, as is the usual custom. It seemed the happiest sort of compromise. For The Right Fork Here was the man who could be counted upon to eschew the traditional knee britches of the menial and yet run up a batting average of .333 or better in reaching for the right fork at state banquets. And in the matter of knee britches Ambassador Kennedy did come through and de-' clined to get himself up after the fashion of a flunky. Even though all the regal might and majesty of the British Empire were present, Honest~Joe insisted on keeping his pants on. It's too bad he didn't display the same fortitude in regard to his shirt. Since his recent pro-Mun- ich speech of the British naval dinner it seems to me that Mr. Kennedy's occupation is gone as far as his courftry's interests are concerned. Cer- tainly one Chamberlain should be enough for Eingland, and there is no good reason why Ameri- ca should send a representative to hold the gentleman's umbrella. Joe has drunk the draught which makes the eagle cease to flap and induces it to lie down with the lion. Even his extensive and charming family has proved insufficient bodyguard. It may be that coronets are more than kind hearts, after all. Let Joseph of England return. And when the Hon. J. J. Kennedy goes back to Boston a very proper ceremony should be held in his honor. A group of distinguished Americans should board the boat and drop him in the harbor to rest a while amid the alien tea. He needs the hair of the dog. The FLYING TRAPEZE By Roy Heath MUTINY ON THE QUAD It is depressing indeed for a per- son of my dilatory attitude towards study, in any form it may take, to walk across the Law Quadrangle. At any hour of the day or night, a stroll- ing loafer can hear the industrious peck of typewriters and see the bud- ding ambulance trailers pouring over their tomes as intently as the Lit school "Settle For C" boys watch a marble in the nickel machines. Any- one that can walk through that aura of ant-like application to duty with- out feeling some inner stirring, some qualm of regret over his own ineffi- ciency, must have either a heart of stone or straight A's. Occasionally, however, a rebel few sneak into the Great Dismal Swamp which is law school; happily I think for the profession which, by and large, takes things too seriously. The Late Justice Holmes was one of these rebels and another man, a freshman law student, has been reported to The Trapeze. Even his colorful invective euggests Justice Holmes. The fresh- man in question was beating his weary way home one evening from a hard session at Metzger's Upon reaching the very center of the Quad, his resentful ears full of the riveting hunt and peck machines, he faced windows, which seemed to stare out at him in accusation, and bawled, "Quit studyin' you.* * * * you're bringing up the class average!" STOP THIEFE While cooling my heels in a Haven Street flop house I ran across a note which makes me wonder what is go- ing on hereabouts. It rans as follows: "Would you girls make an ef- fort to locate the glass rose bowl TAKEN from the hall last night. Thank you." Mrs. W ........ (iandlady). Now, what I want to know is, which one of° you birds filched that rose! bowl , . . . and what are you going to do with it? 1 The Editor Gets Told... The Editor Gets Told ... And How To the Editor: Some of the recent developments in the editorial policy of the Daily are of wider interest than to the student body alone. The Daily has been ex- tremely radical in its editorial expres- sion, yet it is supported in the main by a conservative body of readers. That student bodies are conservative was stated in a recent poll in Life magazine and that Michigan students are no exception to this statement was shown in a recent series of an- swers in the Daily to the question, "Do you favor 'a third term?" Four of the answers were conservative or Republican in trend, two were Demo- cratic but not New Deal, and one was radical. Then, too, the sections of Ann Arbor in which a large part lof the faculty live usually go Re- publican, if past elections are any criterion. Thus the Daily should re- serve some space for matters of in- terest to this large body of readers who form its main clientele. This it has surprisingly enough just decided to do. In David Lawrence's colum, conservatives may have one little1 space for their opinions. That even such a concession to its readers' preferences in anathema to' some of the editors is well demon- strated by the editorial in the Oct. 201 Daily, attacking Mr. Lawrence's con-' clusions in a previous column. Al- though Mr. Lawrence has managed, by some trickery no doubt, to reach a position of importance as a commen- tator, on national politics, read by thousands each day, and although his critic in the Daily is as yet unsung by more than a few of his student readers, the latter does not hesitate to put forth the thesis that Mr. Law- rence knows not whereof he writes. The editor, according to the Student Directory, comes from a small com- munity called Platt on the Packard Road, he has never had the oppor- tunity to prove his worth in a position 'of any importance, and he writes with a fine disregard of editorial polish in his use of personal invective and sophomoric epithets; but he feels perfectly capable of reproving a man whose background and accomplish- ments are infinitely superior. What long ears you have, dear editor! I hope that we of the conservative group may have more and more opinions in the Daily. When I ask my conservative friends what they think of the editorials, they always laugh and remark that only a few long-haired radicals read what they themselves have writtbn. If we can really have, however, something bet- ter than the fare that has heretofore e,- f 'U FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 1938 VOL. XLIX. No. 29 Notices Notice: Attention of all concerned, and particularly of those having of- (ices in Haven Hall, or the Western portion of the Natural Science Build- Ing, to the fact that parking of cars! n the driveway between these two auildings is at all times inconvenient to other users of the drive and some times results in positive danger to other drivers and to pedestrians on the diagonal and other' walks. You are respectfully asked not to park there, and if members of your family call for you, especially at noon when traffic both on wheels and on foot is heavy, it is especially urged that the car wait for you in the parking space adjacent to the north door of Uni- versity Hall. Waiting in the drive- way blocks traffic and involves con- fusion, inconvenience and dange. ;just as much when a person is sitting in a car as when the car is parked empty. University Senate Comittee on Parking ' First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment' Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Fall Games: With the, consent of the Deans or Directors of the Colleges of L.S.&A., Engineering, Architec- ture, and Pharmacy, and the School of Education, freshmen and sopho- mores in these units areexcused from classes at 11 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 29, to participate in the annual fall games. Note that classes are not dis- missed at 10:00 as stated in a notice' yesterday. Faculty of the College of Literature, I Science and the Arts: The five-week freshman reports will be due Oct.' 29 in the Academic Counselors' Office 108 Mason Hall. Rackham Building: Open every day except Sunday from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. for the use of gaduate students and graduate organizations. To all Faculty Members: 1. Life Annuities or life insur- ance either or both may be purchased by members of the faculties from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America and premiums for either life Annuity or life In- surance, or both, may be deducted at the written request of the policy- holder from the monthly payroll of the University,hand in such cases will be remitted directly by the policy- holder, on the monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. The secretary's office has on file blank applications for annuity policies, or life insurance policies, rate books, annual reports, and specimen pol- icies, all for the convenience of mem- bers of the University staff desiring to make use of them. 2. The Regents at their meeting of January, 1919 agreed that any member of the Faculties entering the service of the University since Nov. 17, 1915, may purchase an Annuity from the above-named Association, toward the cost of which the Regents would make an equal contribution up to five per cent of his annual salary not in excess of $5,000, thus, within the limit of five per cent of the sal- ary, doubling the amount of the An nuity- purchased. 3. The purchase of an Annuity under the conditions mentioned in (2) above is made a condition of employment in the case of all mem- bers of the Faculties, except instruc- tors, whose term of Faculty service does not antedate the University year 1919-1920. With instructors of less than three years' standing the pur- chase of an Annuity is optional. 4. Persons who have become mem- bers of the faculties since Nov. .17, 1915 and previous to the year 1919- 1926 have the option of purchasing' annuities under the University's con- tributory plan. 5. Any person in the employ of the University may at his own cost purchase annuities from the as- sociation or any of the class of fac- ulty members mentioned above may purchase annuities at his own cost in addition to those mentioned above. The University itself, -however, will contribute to the expense of such purchase of annuities only as indicat- ed in sections 2, 3 and 5 above. 6. Any person in the employ of she refers is hardly what might be -alled cloaked in secrecy. For this e ason I feel called upon to reply in ebrief, pointed language. I say nothing of the slurs cast up- on me personally. We Gieses are made of stern stuff and can stand the slings and arrows as well as most. But when Platt is attacked, my ardent southern blood (southern Michigan) causes me to spring to the defense. It is true that Platt is only the University, either as a faculty member or otherwise, unless debarred py his medical examination may, at Cris own expense, purchase life in- ;urance from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association at its rate. All life insurance premiums are borne by the individual himself, The University makes no cntribu- ion toward life insurance and has nothing to do with the life insurance feature except that it will if desired by the insured, deduct premiums monthly and remit the same to the association. 7. The University accounting of- (ices will as a matter of accommo- dation to members of the faculties or employes of the University, who de- sire to pay either annuity premiums or insurance premiums monthly, de- duct such premiums from the pay- roll in monthly installments. In the case of the so-called "academic roll" the premium payments for the months of July, August, September,, and October will be deducted from the double payroll of June 30. While the accounting offices do not solicit this work, still it will be cheerfully (ssumed where desired. 8. The Unive'rsity has no arrange- ments with any insurance organiza- Lion excpt the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America and contributions will not be made by the Univehsity nor can premium pay- ments be deducted except in the case of annuity or insurance policies of this association. 9. The general administration of the annuity and insurance business has been placed in the hands of the Sertyof the University by the Regents. Please communicate with the un- dersigned if. you have not complied with the specific requirements as Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't Secy. Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 10 a.m., Monday, Oct. 31, in the Natural Science Bldg. Auditorium, at which Mr. Raphael Zon, Director of the Lake States For- est Experiment Station will speak on "Russia Through the Eyes of a For- ester." All forestry students are ex- pected to attend, and classes in the school will be dismissed from 10 to 11 a.m. for that purpose. Others in- terested are cordially invited to be prdsent. Tree Planting. The Land Utiliza- tion Conference held in Ann Arbor each fall under the auspices of the School of Forestry and Conservation will plant a tree in honor of President Henry B. Hutchins at 10:40 a.m., Fri- day, Oct. 28, on the south side of South University Avenue near the center entrance to the law quad- rangle. Dean Henry M. Bates will preside. The tree will be presented in behalf of the group by Senator George P. McCallum and accepted for the University by President Alex- ander G. Ruthven. All members of the faculty and others interested are cordially invited to attend. Senior and Graduate Aeronautical (Engineers: Attention is called to the notice posted on the Aeronautical En- gineering Bulletin Board, announc- ing the U.S. Civil Service Ekamina- tion for uJuniorAeronauticalEn- gineer. Applications must be filed with the Civil Service Commission by Nov. 14, 1938. University Division of the Com- munity Fiud Campaign: The Politi- cal Science office, 2037 Angell Hall, will serve as headquarters for the University Division of the Community Fund Campaign. Solicitors may leave their reports in this office at any time between 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. However, it will expedite the cam- paign if reports are filed during the following hours, when a representa- tive of the Fund will be on duty in 2037 Angell Hall: Saturday, Oct. 29, 11-12 a.m. Monday, Oct. 31, 3-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, 3-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 2, 3-4:30 p.m. 4 Thursday, Nov. 3, 3-4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4, 3-4:30 p.m. Interfraternity Ball Tickets are available at the Union Travel desk from 3 to 6 each evening. Academic Notices English 197: There will be a sup- plementary meeting for all members who wish to attend on Saturday, Oct. 29, from 10 to 12 o'clock in Room 206 South Wing Geography I, Sections 7, 8 and 9 meeting at 9. 10 and 11 a.m., Wed- nesday and Saturday will not meet on Saturday morning, "Oct. 29. Exhibitions An Exhibition of Early Chinese 'Pottery: Originally held in conjunc- tion with the Summer Institute of Far Eastern Studies, now re-opened by special request with alterations DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office pf the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I1 I Sing A Song Of * *0 *0 Rep. Martin Dies and his committee investi- gating un-American activities are now under fire from many sides. It is highly unusual for the President of the United States to criticize openly the conduct of a Congressional committee. The charge can and will be made that President Roosevelt made his statement because a Demo- cratic Governor was under attack; therefore the President was "playing politics." But the Presi- dential accusation can be reduced, in principle, to a single paragraph: "At this hearing the Dies committee ;wade no effort to get at the truth, either by calling for facts to support mere personal opinion or by allowing facts and personal opinion on the other side." The opening phrase weakens the statement. At this hearing? At every hearing so far reported the committee has listened to one-sided evidence, reminiscent of Kipling's Tomlinson: "0 this I have read in a book," he said, "and that was told to me,