THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hears Ruthven And CTrane Tal 125 Hear President Tell Criterions Of University At Banquet In The Union (Continued from Page 1): pressed the hope that the Club would make use of the opportunity to take stock of itself and of the American newspaper. Arthur W. Stace of the Ann Arbor News concluded the meeting with a talk illustrated by slides on conserva- tion work in Michigan by the CCC. He. said that the tourist industry of Michigan had become more mpor- tant than the agricultural industry. This he attributed to the measures of conservation which have been, under- taken by the state in buying up lands which had unpaid taxes and turning them into state parks and game pre- serves. Sen. Prentiss M. Brown of Michi- gan will address the meeting of the farm market round table, today. The program will include John C. Ketch- um, agricultural director of the Mich- igan Chain Store Bureau, and John B. Strange, commissioner of agricul- ture. Ben East of the Booth publica- tions will speak on Conservation at the luncheon following. James Fural and Edward R4. Mur- row are among the foreign news cor- respondents 'of the leading press as-i sociations and broadcasting com- panies who will participate in the Eur' -n News Forum this afternoon. Four Faculty Men Attend Conferences Four faculty members will attend conferences in their respective fields in the near future. Prof. R. S. Ford and Ione E. Dority of the Bureau of Government are at- tending the annual conference of the National Tax Associatioi in Detroit. Professor Ford recently was at the Municipal Financial Officers Associ- ation meeting which also took place in Detroit. Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineer- ing mechanics department is attend- ing a meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers from 09t. 25 to 30 at Vicksburg, Miss. Dr. Richard H. Freyberg of the in- ternal medicine department will at- tend a convention of "the Central Society for Clinical Research between Nov, 2 and 5. EVENING BEER for that refreshing relaxation at - The GERMANINN. 117 W. Huron "Just below Main" Text Of Plan Revising Class Election Women Voters r-i -- - - -- To Hold Forum 1l IIuc une--iuom~i1u4JR anaII I Function of Class Positions Sec. 1: The class offices of Presi- dent, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Freshman, eopho- more, and Junior Classes respectively, in all the colleges represented on the Men's Council shall be abolished-as well as all other offices other than representatives of the respective class dances. This ruling shall not apply to Senior class offices. Sec. 2: Membership of Class Com- mittees. (a) Freshman Class Committee: The Freshman Class Committee shall be composed of eight members: five from the College of L. S. and A. of' which two shall be women, and three from the College .of Engineering. The sole function of this committee shall be to administer and supervise the annual Frosh Frolic. For election of said committee see ART. IV, Sec. 2. (b) Sophomore Class Committee: The sophomore class committee shall be composed of eight members: five from the College of L. S. and A. of which two shall be women, and three from the College of Engineering. The sole function of this committee shall be to administer and supervie the annual Soph Prom. For election of said committee see Art. IV, Sec. 2. (c) Junior Class Committee: The junior class committee shall be com- posed of thirteen members: five from the College of L. S. and A. of which two shall be women, three from the College of Engineering, one from the College of Architecture, one from the School of Music, one from the School of Nursing, one from the School of Education, and one fi om the com- bined junior classes of the Schools of Pharmacy and Forestry. The sole function of this committee shall be to administer and supervise the an- nual J-Hop. For election of said com- mittee see Art. IV, Sec. 2. Sec. 3: Senior Class Positions- Their Function. . The offices of the senior classes of all colleges represented on the Men's Council shall consist of: a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treas- urer. (a) The President shall represent the senior class of his respective col- lege and shall serve as the Alumni President of his class for the specified term. (b) The Vice-President shall be ex officio chairman of the commence- ment committee which shall include five members in addition to its chair- man. This committee shall administer the functions previously exercised by the Cap and Gown, Invitation, and Publicity committees. The office of Vice-President shall be filled by a woman. For the selection of commit- tee members see Art. IV, Sec. 4. (c) The Secretary shall serve in the capacity of secretarial assistant to the class President and shall be Alumni Secretary of his class for the specified time. (d) The Treasurer shall be Chair- man ex officio of the Finance com- mittee which shall include five mem- bers in addition to its chairman. This committee shall supervise and direct the collection and disbursement 'of senior class dues. Full responsibility for such collections and disburse- ments shall rest solely with the class treasurer. For the selection of com- mittee members see Art. IV, Sec. 4. (e) The Senior Ball Committee shall be composed of thirteen mem- bers: five from the College of L. S. and A. of which two shall be women, three from the College of Engineering, one from the College of Architecture, one from the School of Music, one from the School of Nursing, one from the School of Education, and one from the combined senior classes of the Schools of Pharmacy and Forestry. The sole function of this committee shall be to administer and supervise the annual Senior Ball. Article Two-Petitioning for Class Positions Sec. 1. All men in Rhe various classes of the colleges represented on the Men's Council who desire candi- dacy for positions as herein provided for, shall petition the Judiciary Com- mittee of the Men's Council for nomi- nation. Sec. 2. All women in the various classes of the colleges represented on the Men's Council who desire candi- dacy for positions as herein provided for, shall petition-the Judiciary Coun- cil of the Women's League for nomi- nation. Sec. 3. Those seeking candidacy for Senior Class offices shall in their petitions designate the particular office desired. Article Three--Functic:a of the Judi- ciary Committee and The Men's Council in Selecting Nominees, Sec. 1. The Judiciary Committee of the Men's Council shall receive all petitions of the men seeking candi-f dacy for class positions as herein pro-4 vided. It shall be the function of this committee to carefully examine and verify these petit.ions and on the basis of this study to make recommenda- tions to the entire Men's Council on the day preceding the election. In1 making recommendations the com- niittee shall be guided by the follow-t ing criteria: 1. The scholastic standing of the petitioner. 2. The character of the petitioner as indicated by records in the Dean's office. 3. A statement of reasons for de-j siring the position. 4. A personal interview wherever practicable. Sec. 2. The Judiciary Council of the Women's League shall receive all petitions of women seeking candidacy for class positions as herein provided. The Judiciary Council of the Women's League shall guide themselves as they find it possible by the same criteria as is established for the Judiciary Committee of the Men's Council. The Judiciary Council of the Women's League shall make known its selec- tions to the Men's Council on the day preceding the election. Sec. 3. There shall be nomin.ated for each class position a minimum of three and a maximum of five persons. Article Four-Elections Sec. 1. The final list of nominees for class positions shall be published in the Michigan Daily on the morning preceding the afternoon of that par- I ticular class election. Sec. 2. The chairmanship of the various class dances shall alternate between the College of L.S.&A. and the College of Engineering. The chair- man shall be that person who re- ceives the highest plurality of votes- recognizing the alternate arrange- ment. The other members of those committees shall be declared elected according to the highest plurality of votes-recognizing that there shall be two women representatives from the College of L.S.&A. on each dance committee. Sec. 3. In the Senior Class elections the nominee receiving the highest plurality of votes for that particular office shall be declared elected. Sec. 4. The selection of members of the Commencement and Finance Committees shall rest with the Vice- President and Treasurer respectively in joint conference with the Judiciary Committee of the Men's Council and the Judiciary Council of the Women's League. These committee members. shall-insofar as is possible-be selec- ted from among the defeated candi- dates for Senior Class offices. Article Five--Eligibility Sec. 1. No member of the Men's To Discuss Aimendinents On November BallotI Industrial Relations Meet Opens In 'Graduate School Representatives of 15 industries will attend a conference beginning at 9:30 a.m. today in the Graduate School on "Evaluation of Salaried Services," sponsored by the University Bureau of Industrial Relations. Prof. John W. Riegel will act as chair- man. The conference will continue through Saturday. D. W. Weed of the General Electric' Company, the featured s)eaker, will talk this morning on the method used to adjust salaries, duties, and respon- sibilities of the clerical, technical, Proposed amendments to the StateJ constitution will be discussed at ther first Community Forum of the 1938-1 39 season at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Ann Arbor High School Auditorium. Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of thet political science department will an- t alyze the first proposed amendmentI on the Nov. 8 ballot, which would provide four-year terms of office for county officials including clerk, prose- cuting attorney, sheriff, treasurer and register of deeds. Mrs. Fred Johnson of Grand Rap- ids, state president of the League of Women Voters, will present the sec- ond proposal establishing the ap- pointment of Supreme Court justices for eight years. Discussion of the proposed amend- ment to guarantee that gasoline and motor vehicle license tax receipts be used for road building and street re- pair will be led by Mrs. Edward Bry- ant, president of the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters. Ward Takes Office As A.D.A. Head Prof. Marcus L. Ward of the School of Dentistry takes office today as president of the American Dental As- sociation now convening in St. Louis. A former Dean of the School of Dentistry, Professor Ward has been connected with the school since his graduation in 1902 and is known for his research in physics, chemistry and metallurgy as they relate to the prob- lems of dental materials. v {- You will find a Complete Line of Arrow Products at The Foremost Clothiers in Washtenaw County DOWNTOWN - Next to the Wuerth Theatre "Have you seen the New ARROW SHORTS with the double wing back?" Council shall be eligible for any class position. Members of the '39.-'39 Men's Council if they desire to be candidates for class positions, shall place their resignation from the Council with the President simultaneously with the filing of their petition with the Judi- ciary Committee. Shows Today at 2, 4, 7, 9 p.m. Starting Today! !Suez" with Tyronne Power Loretta Young Anna Bella - Extra Michigan-Yale , Football Shots ifn WORLD NEWS CARTOON HIT NOVELTIES Coming MARX BROS. "ROOM SERVICE" I 4- Go into a huddle with your near- est Arrow dealer and ask him to show you why Arrow Shorts are different. He'll tell you that the center seam which makes ordinary shorts creep and twist is absent from Arrow Shorts, that the full seat with extta yardage allows £for ample room, .that Arrows are Sanforized-Shrunk, and will never shrink. For real comfort wear Arrow Shorts... many fabrics and models to choose from, with either but- tons or Gripper snaps. EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS ..:*:: : 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 WJR Stevenson News The Inside of Sports Vocal varieties Jack Haley First Nighter Burns and Alien Hollywood Hotel Grand Central Station Mr. Weber-Murphy for Governor News Leighton Noble's Orchestra Joe Venuti's Orchestra Dick Barrie's orchestra WWJ Tyson's Sports Bradcast Amos 'n' Andy The Black Ace Cities Service Hour Waltz Time Death Valley Days Lady Esther Serenade Story Behind the Headlines Newca'it Hotel Statler Orchestra Webster Hall Orchestra Plantation Club Orchestra 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 CKLW Stop and Go Duncan C. McCrea Answer From A Rose Garden Chansonette Symphonic Strings The Crimson Wizard Dick Jurgens'- orchestra European News Jazz Nocturne Canadian Club Reporter. Nation's Playhouse Sammy Kaye's orchestra Bob Crosby's Orchestra Day in Review Benny Kyte orchestra Dick Todd The Lone Ranger Warden Lawes If I Had A Chance Musical Moments March of Time Design for Dancing Donald Novis Sings Chas. G. Givens Maurie Baker orchestra To be announced Frank Novak orchestra SHORTS TOPS 65c up 50c up IL ARROW UNDERYEAR m LOVELY HANDS f !1 ART CINEMA LEAGUE Presents The Story of a Czechoslo- vokion "Robin Hood" ~ Also Czcchoslovakia n Parade 1 II I Classified Directory Walt Disney Short I FOR RENT wk. each, one at $2.50 per wk. 311 Thompson, call 2-1767. each. 163 I LANOLI N CREAM LOTION Prevent dryness and you pre- vent chap. Contains pure lano- lin. Non-sticky. 8oz. . ..35c Fischer's,.own formula. Cosmetics made pure at a great Saving for You. FOR RENT-Suite of two rooms for men students, comfortably furn-' ished, warm; continuous hot water; garage available. 309 N. Division. Phone 8876. 92 FOR RENT-Rooms for boys; 2 suites for 2 men each, one at $3.00 per VDANCIN AA 1 -Armory- iO Auspices of Company K TONIGHT and Saturday0 HERB "RED" RITZ and his band., Every Friday and Saturday. :, ...,V , r ?^TY r OCT. 28-29 LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 FOR SALE; FOR SALE-A few used phonograph records. Serious music, and I don't mean Chaikovsky. Phone 5538. 164 LOST and FOUND LOST - Deitzgen drawing instru- ments wore; black case. Wed., Oct. 19th in 419 W. Eng. More personal value than intrinsic. Reward. No questions. Call Bernie at 7472. 161 LOST-Set of engineering drawing instruments. Name "Fred Seyfried, Jr." on case. Phone 2-1085. Reward. 166 LOST-Folder containing zoology 141 notes. Lost on campus. Call 2-1867. 165 MISCELLANEOTS WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins at 8:15 Friday Mat. 3:15 ALL SEATS RESERVED endelssohn Theatre Ir I Introducing... A New Shipment of ARROW PRODUCTS Now on Display at SCREEN MICH IGAN ENDS TODAY HIT ON STAGE - IN PERSON The Streamlined Mistress of Modern Melody B ut s he s ai d "No when he placed his heart and his millions at her feet! y .:...and her ALL -GIRL N.B.C. ORCHESTRA and , - - including YORK & TRACY "Can She Takc It?" MARVEL DUO ;RpDirect from Chez Paree BETTY LEE Musical Novelties by BILLY FURROW p11 tc d + ?r o Original Look, Look Dancer _ v[- r The SILVER SCREEN FOOTBALL PLAYERS!! IDENTIFICATION CARDS ! ! MICHIGAN LEAGUE! You Guess. Gravel Company, Phone '1112. 17 Thc niof akimg elds I-11(ccL HAND CREAM A luxurious cream for rough, dry, chapped face and hands. Not greasy. 3oz....29,C THE LEAGUE has uncovered revealing, never-before-printed material that will have its initial public showing at the League dance Friday night. The music for the evening will be sup- plied by Charlie Zwick and his orchestra, with ping-pong, bridge, and BINGO to enlighten the intermissions. 1 It may bc "all Greek" to .sonic people, but to the instructors at the U. of M. it ought to be simplc enough. Loans of any amount up to $300 can be obtained here-without co-signers or endorsers-without any publicity-without the kind of security usually 8oz. * 0 * * 59c p I ,I I 11