Weather Fair and warmer today; tomor- row cw'Ider, possibly showers. L 5k igau Iaittj Lwu'''~A ^qA Savior Or Traitor? . . . Cheap Silver For Cheap Cotton -1 VOL. XLIX. No. 29 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 28, 1938 PRICE, FIVE CENTS N I Ruthven Tells1 Press Meet ing Of Criterions For University Professor Crane Discusses Newspaper Psychology At Session In Afternoon U.S. May Apply Sanctions In Protest Against Japan State Department Insists On Maintenance By Tokyo Of Open Door Policy; Economic Retaliation Likely If Discrimination Continues WASHINGTON, Oct. 27-YP)-The United States Government may retaliate economically, informed persons said tonight, if Japan fails to heed a stern State Department protest against "unwarranted interference" with American rights in China. The State Department's note, demanding that the traditional "open Final Re istration door" of economic opportunity be m ritory, was made public here today. Of 225 Expected It charged Japan with attempting to squeeze United States business out A great university is "always in ad- of China as she has been doing in vance of the times"'in fulfilling its Manchuria, and demanded early as- function of preparing young men and surances "in the interest of relations women to lead thoughtful'lives ofbetween the United States and Jap- service to their fellowmen, President an." Ruthven told an audience of 125 at The implication was that relations the 20th annual University Press Club between the United States and Japan banquet last night in the Union ball- would be impaired if Tokyo did not room. More than 160 persons Have make an early and satisfactory reply. registered for the meeting and a Although the American statement' total registration of 225 is expected. was delivered to the Japanese Govern- Rejecting as standards by which to ment Oct. 6, the Japanese Foreign judge a university the prowess of its Office said today that no definite date athletic teams, the number of stu- for answering it had been set. The dents, the worldly success of alumni,inote will not be published in Japan, the scholarship of the faculty and the it was disclosed. size of the physical plant, Presidentl The statement hinted at a possible Ruthven emphasized as a true cri- course of action by this Government, terion the training of students to live if Japan failed to comply, by pointing decent, self-respecting lives, out the "great and growing dispar- S sSeek-Goalsity" between the treatment Japan Students, heksGia gives Americans in China and the The right kingl of studet he sad treatmenththe United States gives wants to ascertain the proper goals tetette ntdSae ie to seek and wants to appreciate good- Japanese here. ness and to know God. Unofficial foreign affairs experts suggested three steps this Govern- Motion pictures of/ the Michigan- ment might take: Minnesota game at Minneapolis Oct. 1etititokrd fJ 15 were shown after the banquet. 1. Restrictions on the trade of Jap- Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost anese merchants with the American made running comments on the, game. market.- The newspaper is the family text- 2. Denunciation of the commercial book of America, Prof. George W.treaty of 1911, which provides for W.equality of business opportunity for Crane of Northwestern University told Americans in Japan and Japanese in the group at the afternoon session in this country the Graduate School amphitheatre. Professor Crane declared that from 3. Placing Japan on the United ProfesorCra e eclarevthfrym-States' economic blacklist, a position the age of 8 to 58 years, every Ameri- now ocuid byGeraybaus f can reads the newspaper, which he occupe y erman ecus 0 termed the biggest education fare her alleged discrimination against afterdrammarggst dulineU..oe, American goods. This would prevent e Japan from obtaining the benefit of Cites Surveys tariff concessions being made in trade He mentioned sample surveys, sim- agreements with other countries. ilar 'to those used by the American Since the United States is working Institute of Public Opinion, to ascer- on a trade-agreement with the United tain the popularity of various articles Kingdom and a new one with Canada which are advertised, and said that embracing tariff reductions on liter- this method of survey could be used ally hundreds of articles-some of to determine the popularity of vari- them of special interest th Japan- ous features of the newspaper. Pro- l (Continued on Page 6) iaintained in conquered Chinese ter- 18th Com munity Fund Campaign To StartToday Dinner Launches Annual Drive To Aid Needy; Hope To Raise $56,500 Ann Arbor's 18th annual Com- munity Fund campaign swings into action at 9 a.m. today after a "kick- off" dinner held last night t the Michigan League. The goal of the Community Fund has been set at $56,500, which is slightly higher than last year's goal. The University division, under the leadership of Prof. Arthur W. Brom- age of the political science department and Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law School, is expected to raise $8,000. The University Hospital division, leadi by Robert G. Greves, assistant direc- tor of the University Hospital, is ex- pected to raise $1,600. Contributions to the Community Fund will be distributed throughout the year to its 11 affiliated social agencies. More than 300 campaign heads, workers, and supporters attended the dinner at the Michigan League. How- ard'A. Coffin, Detroit industrialist and active worker in the Detroit Commun- ity Fund drives, was the main speaker. of the evening. Mr. Coffin, by com- paring the repairing ofmaterial things to the repairing of human lives, ex- plained the function of the commun-~ ity funds. Baer To Spearkj On Marriage Gives First Of Lectures In New Series A course of six lectures on Marriage Relations to be sponsored here during the coming eight weeks by a commit- tee of students and faculty members, will be opened on Wednesday night by Dr. Joseph Baer of the Rush Medi- cal School of the University of Chi- cago. The lectures will be offered for about 250 senior men, 250 senior wom- en, and for a limited number of junior and senior medical students. A course fee of one dollar will be charged those registering for the series, and identifi- cation cards must be presented in or- der to obtain tickets. Registration will be held for men at the Union and for women at the League from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday. Other persons who will talk in the series are Dr. Raymond Squier of the Cornell Medical Center, Dr. Beatrice Berle, lecturer at Sarah Lawrence College, and Dr. Robert Foster of the Merrill Palmer School, Detroit. Homecoming To Bring City Gala Exhibits Gay-.colored bunting, clapboard signs, and mammoth cardboard stat- xes are sprouting up at fraternities, fi'aternities, sororities and business places throughout town as prepara- tions for the Homecoming exhibit to- morrow near completion. The best decorations in each of the three divisions will be awarded a cup on the basis of originality and attrac- tiveness. The exhibits must be ready by 9 a.m. Saturday, Ted Grace, '39, director of arrangements, said. The judges are: Mayor Walter C. Sadler, of the engineering school; Prof. Walter W. J. Gores of the archi- tecture school, Jean Holland, '39, president of the League and Fred Luebke, '39, president of Men's Coun- cil. This is the first year that sorori-. ties will compete in the contest. Last year Alpha Tau Omega, won the cup for their exhibit of a large pair of dice with an "M" on each side revolv- ing in a bucket. Beal, Hutchins To Be Honored By Timbermen Shirley Smith Will Address' 2-Day Land Utilization Conference At Union 11niversity Ra t'ofies Plan Regent Junius E. Beal and the late Harry Burns Hutchins, president of the University from 1910 to 1920, will be honored by timber land owners of the State at their annual two-day' Land Utilization Conference opening at 9:30 a.m. today at the Union. Shirley Smith, vice-president and, secretary of the University, will speak in appreciation of Regent Beal's serv- iLes to conservation at a luncheon at the Union today. Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political science de- partment will speak on the impres- sions of Russia he gathered on his trip last year. President Hutchins will be honored) at a tree-planting ceremony at 11:40 a.m. today on the south side of South University Ave. In accordance with a custom of recent years, a sugar maple tree will be presented by State Wn. George P. McCallum of Ann Ar- bor on behalf of the timber land own- ers, to President Ruthven represent- ing the University. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School will preside at the tree-plant- ing which is being carried out near the Law school in recognition of Dr. Hutchins' long term as dean of that school from 1895 to 1910. Speakers at the opening meeting will be E. W. Tinker, of theUnited States Forest Service, and G. S. Mc- Intire, of the Michigan Department of Conservation. Prof. D. M. Matthews of the forestry school and Dr. E. E. Harris of the Forest Labora- tory, Madison,tWis., will address the conference in the afternoon. On Saturday morning, Senator Mc- Callum will discuss "The Tax Situa- tion in Michigan." Others on the program are Prof. Horace J. Andrews, of the forestry school, and L. F. Watts, regional United States forester from Milwaukee. 'Janosik' Opens Today In Lydia Mendessohn "Janosik," which is to be shown here today and tomorrow by the Art Cinema League, is the story of a national hero who protests the Czechoslovakian people against+ the tyrranies of feudal overlords. With the Carpathian Mountainst as his Sherwood forest, Janosik and his band of followers rob the rich to pay the poor in real Robin Hood style. The admiration and love of the peasantry is stirred by their daring deeds and defiance of authority. Janosik is not a fictional char- acter but is the son of an 18th century peasant, who rose to de- fend his people. Showings of the film will be given at 3:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Friday and at 8:15 p.m. Saturday. All presentations will be in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tick- ets are all reserved and can be se- cured at the box office. Regent Lynch, - George BrandC To Hold Debate Amendment On Supreme' Court Will Be Subject Of Discussion In Union An open debate between Regentl John D. Lynch and Geowe S. Brand, president of the Michign State Bar, Association, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the-North Lounge of the Union. They will discuss the proposed amendment to the State constitution providing for the ap-. pointment of justices to the State Supreme Court. Mr. Brand will defend the proposal which is being sponsored by the State Bar Association. He has spent the past few weeks campaigning for the measure throughout the state. The negative case will be presented by Mr. Lynch who, although not a member, is speaking in behalf of the Detroit Chapter of the National Law- yers Guild. The Guild is a new liberal oganization, including in its member- ship such men as Ferdinand Pecora, Governor Benson of Minnesota, Gov. Phillip Lafollette of Wisconsin and Rep. Maury Maverick of Texas. Dies Refuses Postponement Committee To Continue MurphyInvestigation WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-(P)-The House Committee investigating un- American activities overruled today a two-member demand that hearings be postponed until after the coming elections and again presented testi- mony on the activities of Gov. Frank Murphy of Michigan. The demand was made by Repre- sentatives Heaeyk.(Dem., Mass.) and Dempsey (Dem., N.M.), who expressed concern that the committee had in- curred criticism ds the result of itsI proceedings.- Chairman Dies (Dem., Tex.) re- Only Dance Committee Representatives Men's Council Abolishes All Except Senior Offices; As Student Class Government On Campus Undergoes Complete Revision In a complete overhauling of student government on campus, the Men's Council announced yesterday that, with the approval of the University Committee on Student Affairs, it had abolished all existing freshman, sophomore and junior class offices, other than those of representatives on the three class dance committees. This ruling does not apply to colleges not represented on the Men's Council, Fred Luebke, '39E, president, explained. The referendum vote on a similar reorganization plan of class positions which was being held yesterday in the engineering college was aban- -- onod when word came of the Men's Leftist .ineseCouncil ruling, which applies to the LeftstChiCollege of Engineering, Wes Warren, '39E, president of the Engineering Deman StrCoun"cil,'said. Three class committees, whose sole function it will be to administer the R ussian bin k Frosh Frolic, Soph Prom and J-Hop, respectively, will be retained on an -__elective basis. The chairmanship of Ask Kai-Shek To Continue these committees will alternate be- tween the literary and engineering Resistance Against Japs colleges and will be awarded to the Despite Rout Of Hankow person receiving the highest plurality of votes HO$t(GKONG, Oct. 27.-- (P) -A In the senior classes of all colleges represented on the Men's Council, group of prominent, leftist-inclined offices of president, vice-president Chinese, disturbed at the possibility secretary and treasurer will be elected of a peace with Japan, today de- to serve as Alumni Class President, manded continued Chinese resistance commencement committee chairman, and close Chinese cooperation with Alumni Secretary and finance com- Soviet Russia. mittee chairman, respectively. A The demand was telegraphed to Senior Ball committee will also be Generalissimo Chiang Kai - Shek, elected on a proportional basis from military and civil chieftain of the the various schools. Nationalist Government, Lin Sen, In completing the membership of. president of the Government, and senior committees, students will be Dr. Sun Fo, president of the Legis- chosen from among the defeated can- lative Council. didates, insofar as it is possible. It, was signed by Madame Sun Yat- Men Must Petition Set, widow of the founder of the Chi- To establish candidacies for all nese Republic and stepmother of Sun positions provided for under the new Fo; Eugene Chen, former foreign system, men mitpetition the judici- minister; Madame Liao Chung-Kai,a member of the Kumintang (Govern- ary committee of Men's Council, and ment Party) Central Executive Com. wmen, the Judiciary council of the mittee;. and George Hsu Chien, League. These two groups will recoi- former Minister of Justice. mend three to five candidates for each The message was regarded as be- post to Men's Council on the day pre- ing expressive in its way of fears that ceding the election. Choice will be the peace -faction in the Goyern- made on. the basis of scholastic stand- ment, now that Hankow had been ings, charater, reason for desiring abandoned and occupied by the Ja- position and a personal interview panese, might become more domin- wherever possible. ant. The official list of nominees for ___ ___ __class positions will be published in SThe Daily of the day of Ithat particu- Debate Sad ar class election in an at pt to eminimize party alignments, Luebke M eets Ontario The plan takes immediate effect and a call for petitions for sophomore Contest At'7:30 P.M. ; jobs will be issued within the next To Broadcast At 3 P.M. week, he said. Elections in the junior, _ senior and freshman classes will fol- The negative side of the question low in that order. "Resolved: That the United States Council Members Ineligible should establish an alliapce with The proposal also provides that no Great Britain" will be upheld by member of the Men's Council shall be members of the Men's Varsity Debate eligible for any class position. Mem- Squad in two debates today. bers of this year's Council, who de- The debaters of the University of sire to petition for class positions, Western Ontario, London, Ont., will must submit their resignations from oppose the squad at 7:30 p.m .today the Men's Council at the same time. in 1025 Angell Hall. Robert Taylor Freshman and sophomore class and W. Aubrey Shapter will uphold committees shall be composed of eight the affirmative, with Robert Rosa, members as follows: five from the '39 and Jack Shuler, '40E, defending literary college, two of whom shall the negative for Michigan. There will be women, and three from the engi- be no decision. :neering college. Junior and senior S No admission charge is made for class dance committees will be com- tdnight's contest and the public is terary collegmembers five from th cinvited to attend. women; three from the engineering In a broadcast debate over radio college; one each from the architec- station WJR at 3 p.m., Oliver Crager, ture, music, nursing and education '39, Robert Rosa, John Huston, '41, schools, and one from the combined 'iJ Ernest Muehl, '41, and Jack Shuler, junior classes of the pharmacy and will brief their case, give the major forestry schools. contentions, supporting arguments Campus leaders who couldbe 5 and types of negative cases. This is reached last night were unanimous the third in the High School Forensic in hearty endorsement of Men's Coun- Series under the direction of Arthur cil action: Ret fessor Crane, who writes a syndicat- ed column, uses illustrations of his article. He advised newspaper edi- tors: to illustrate editorials for great.- er human interest. Professor Crane deplored the ten-. dency on the part of many editors to worship the time element in the story rather than the human interest ele- ment. He said that the day of the scoop is passing because most readers in small towns rarely read another paper and in most cases read only one edition of the paper. Professor Crane berated editors who refused to run a feature which had already been run' in another newspaper. In his own experience, readers were more in- terested in the story than the fact that it had been published earlier. He also scored editors who were un- willing to pay high prices for good material, saying that it was poor psy- chology as well as poor business to publish inferior articles, Psychology In Writing He asserted that writing is 99 per cent psychology and one per cent grammar. He suggested that news- paper editors remember the impor- tance of the use of specific terms rather than the tendency to use long- syllabled words so that readers lose interest. The secretary-treasurer of the Press Club introduced J. S. Gray of the Monroe Evening News who at the be- ginning of the meeting remarked on the similarity and the common basis of understanding that the university and the newspaper share. He ex- (Continued on Page 2) First Perspectives To Appear Sunday A pen and ink sketch and linoleum block cuts will provide a new feature in the first issue of Perspectives, lit- erary magazine, which v ill be dis- tributed free of charge to Daily sub- scribers Sunday, according to F. Ran- dall Jones, '39, editor. The magazine, which made its debut on campus last spring, will appear for the first time in tabloid form this fall. Included in it will be short gzfvisebyT m-Ac a ~ ,ro 'n &- Students Urged To Aid, Murphy Issue Call For Aid In Local ElectionCampaign A call for students to join the Murphy-for-Governor Committee and to prepare campaign plans at a meet- ing at 4 p.m. today in the Union was issued last night by Benjamin C. Stanczyk,' '39L, appointed campaign manager for the University of Michi- gan by the Democratic State Central Committee. A drive to reach students, faculty members, University employees and patients in the University Hospital who are eligible to cast absentee bal- lots *ill be mapped at the meeting today, according to Stanczyk. Applications for absent voters' bal- lots, Stanczyk explained, must be mailed to election boards early enough to return the ballot i t t , Freshmen, Sophomores Rally To Do Battle On Black Friday' Ruthven To Address1 Freshmen Sunday1 President Ruthven will speak on the requirements of a good education' at the freshman roundtable to be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in Lane Hall. He will discuss the problem of ob- taining a purely technical education and ignoring the more cultural as- pects of the University curriculum.- His talk will include methods of striking a balance between the prac- By NORMAN A. SCHORR "Oh, to be a freshman again," will definitely not be the popular campus sentiment tonight, when de-panting activities get under way in the annual clash between freshmen and sopho- mores in the oldest of Michigan's traditions-Black Friday. With customary warnings and ulti- matums, first- and second-year men warned each, other of the horrible ends that lie before them, and it will be every man for himself as the stal- warts of '41 and '42 converge. Both classes have been warned by University officials that they will be held responsible for any damage done to University or private property, and payment for the damage will be made from the class treasuries. Last year freshman had the upper hand generally and proudly paraded L1 .5. , A. A«., .,_4-..- 4 break up a pre-Black Friday tussle last year between freshman ands sophomores at the Allen-Rumseyt dormitories. The fledglings warded off' the Men of '40 for an hour withr streams of water from three hoses and* when President Ruthven came upon1 the scene, freshman were beingt dragged through the mud and de- r panted by the sophomores. A special appeal to all participants to be especially careful of University and private property has come from Fred Luebke, '39E, president of Men's Council. Organized class games will be held i at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow at South) Ferry Field. The program includesC two flag rushes, a cane spree, hog- . tying, and a pillow fight on saw horses.- -ehnmen mwhn mwill met a 11- 15 Non] and the milttiral .""" '"'' ''"tC CUIU"L'al. plied tonight that "a majority of the Secord, men's debate coach. ___________Leaders Approve Plan This meeting is one of a series of committee" had authorized him "to Robert Hartwell, '39, president roundtables sponsored by the Student continue the hearings regardless of Congress: "This is definitely a st Religious Association giving freshman the approaching election." LaGuardia To Urgetowasbetter student governme the opportunity to meet and talk with "To my way of thinking," Dies said, t doing away with old caucuses whi( members of the faculty. "it would be a cowardly thing to pro- Murphy s Reelection produced nothing but trouble." pose hearings . . . for to do so would Stefanie Parfet, '39, president Hillel Starts Orthodox imply that the Democratic Party is NEW YORK, Oct. 27.--(P)-Fiorel- Pan-Hellenic Association: "I th unwilling for the people to have the to LaGuardia, New York's fusionist this is a fine idea. Under the old sy Jewish Services Tonight facts when they go to the polls, which mayor, will urge the reelection of tem, I do not believe capable person sI do not think is true so far as the Democratic Gov. Frank Murphy of were chosen for the various offices The Hillel Foundation is inaugurat- majority of Democrats are con- Michigan in a speech at the naval Wes Warren: "This move can't ft ing today a new program for its regu- cerned." armory in Detroit Sunday afternoon, if the students just get behind lar Friday evening services. Because the Mayor said tonight as he left on The only reason we didn't go throug of the great demand for Orthodox 'Oh Where,Ohwhere' a three-day speaking tour. with our referendum in the enginee Jewish services, these will be held be- iaHe plans to speak in Indianapolis ing school is that this resolutic ginning at 7:30 p.m., every Friday and ! tomorrow night and in Cleveland supercedes anything we could ha ISaturday night. done." will last half an hour. ' n uti..Ta. l n h. ,