A. Cinema League Clinic Prepares Giraduates
Stov hwJanosik'
Co} ow CJanosi' For Speech Correction Work
.Filem Of Czech Life _______
A picture of 18th century Czecho- e c1ir's Note: This is the fifth in a
C r r~ c t articles onnthe Tnsttute for
ovakia suffering under the tyranny Human Adjustment, a graduate re-
f overlords is presented in the film .'nrch ruup endowed by the Horace
Janosik" which will be shown Fri- t RAz' am Fund.
ay and Saturday at the Lydia Men- By MORTON JAMPEL
elssohn Theatre by the Art Cinema The dual purpose of the Speech
Janosik, the Czechoslovakian Rob- Clinic of the Institute for H-uman Ad-
l Hood, in his effort to free his peo- justment is to afford graduate stu-j
e, became an outlaw and "robbed dents the opportunity to study the
e rich to pay the poor." By out- methods and work of speech correc-
itting the law to perform services tion, and at the same time to supply
ir the peasants, he became a hero in the country with scientifically traincd
te eyes of his people. men, thereby benefitting and enlarg-
The film, directed by MacFric, won ing the entire field.I
e praise of critics both here and This phase of the Clinic's work
broad. The World-Telegram de- is probably of more consequential im-
ribes it as a "rousing entertainment portance than the immediate work of
crew is at present working at Wayne
ander the direction of two graduate
tudents, and their work. while yet on
a Fmaller scale than that of the Clinic,
iw along similar lines. This group is
training teachers with a group of 500
children in Harlan Park. Similar
Sgroups are carrying on re:,earch and
training projects in Plymouth and
here in Ann Arbor.
There is a definite need for well-
trained scholarly men to go into bothI
research and the training of more
teat hers. Groups of educators and
teachers are frequent visitors at the
Clinici and make careful observation-
al studies of the methods and new
inventions at the Clinic. There is an
even greater demand for lecturers on
the topic of speech and hearing cor-
Several wealthy people have called
the Clinic, interested in endowing
similar institutes in other parts of
the state. At present Miss Thelma
Gasser. Grad., has been put in charge
of a clinic in Fort Wayne, and has
succeeded in putting it on a self-suffi-
cient basis. As soon as this bureau is
firmly established it is expected that
contributions will be forthcoming to
enable expansion of its work.
The men at the Clinic are firmly
determined, however, to prevent their
work from becoming a pedantic play-
thing. The rehabilitation of speech
and hearing cripples is their main
mission. Curing congenital and ac-
quired defects, working with delin-
quent children, teaching speech read-
ing, correct speaking, re-shaping and
creating new personalities through the
medium of speech and reading les-
sons is the work that the Clinic ex-
perts say they are here for. It is for
the furtherance of that end that they
are constantly conducting research
projects, evolving new methods and
instruments, and training teachers
and experts.
Theordorsen To Speak
Rule Of Thumb applies to Edward J. "Doe" Bowen, who's started a
hitch-hiking campaign which he hopes will carry him into Congress. He's
an Independent candidate running from the '26th New York state dis-
trict. "Going my way," he asks a motorist near Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
_ ,
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