Cloudy and cooler today. Fair
and warmer tomorrow.
VOL. XLIX. No. 28
Goes To Vote
Proposal To Reorganize
Student Government Will
Be Submitted To Students
Votes To Be Cast In
Engineers Building
Popular voting on the proposed
amendment to the Engineering Coun-
cil constitution, which will reorganize
the engineers' student government,
will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. today in
Room 348 West Engineering Building.
The plan has been ratified by the
Engineering Council and unanimously
approved by the 14 engineering socie-
ties. The referendum today will de-
termine whether or not it is to be!
adopted, Wesley Warren, '39E, presi-
dent of the. Council, explained. Ac-
cording to the amendment, two or
more students will be elected every
year from each class to be known as '
Engineering Council representatives, '
who will be delegates from various
classes at Council meetings.
Dance Committees Elective
Elections will be held for class dance'
committees, Warren said, and peti-
tioning to these posts will replace the
present party machines and caucuses
hich have led to such unfavorable'
criticism. The only qualifications for
office are the submission of a petition
and a declaration of one's platform.o
"The present class officers will be
replaced by an equal number of repre-
sentatives on the Engineering Council
and on the dance committees," War-
ren said.
The president of the Engineering.
Council said that he anticipates op-
position to the proposal in the voting
from "class politicians who fear that
the number of positions at stake will
limit the size and effectiveness of
party machines.
"The ciroulars these men have sent
out during the past week, signed by
the various classes, are without any
official authorization since no class
meetings have been held this semes-
ter. They represent the views of a
small group and should be regarded
as such."
Societies Open To AU
He also explained that membership
n societies, which maintain seats in
the Engineering Council, is open to
members of all classes. Delegates
from these sources, therefore, are
representative of all the classes,.
In reply to a charge of overcentral-
ization of power, Warren said, that
the amendment makes ample provi-
sion for the establihment of addi-
tional committees to carry on any
other necessary functions.
"Under this new plan," Warren ex-
plained, "every man, fraternity or in-
dependent, will have the opportunity
to apply for office and six or more
from each class will have their names
on the ballot. It will no longer be;
necessary for a man to be a part of an 1
organized party machine to get his
name on the ballot, and class commit-
tees will no longer be composed of
men who have been awarded consola-
tion prizes for political logrolling."
House *Razing
Strike Is Over
Work On Dornitory Land
Resumes Today
Work on razing of houses on the
site of the proposed Union dormitory
addition, held up since Monday be-
cause of strike difficulties, will be re-'
sumed at 8 a.m. today, it was an-
nounced last night, following a two-
hour conference of union and com-
pany officials.
Representatives of the Capitol City
Wrecking Co., the Washtenaw County
Building land Construction Tradesl
Union, the PWA. the WPA and the
University reached a tentative agree-
ment last night which provides for
the return to work of 38 men em-
ployed on the job. A complete text of
the agreement will be drawn up to-
day, it was said.
Final acceptance of the agreement,
Thomas Keaton, representative of the
union, said last night, hinges upon its
approval by PWA officials who willE
come here in the near future from
Current Layoffs May Be Plan
To Thwart Wage-Hours Law
Haber Doubts Social Value
of Industries Unable To
Pay A Living Wage
Wholesale lay-offs of Southern
workers affected by the federal mini-
mum wage law may indicate concert-
ed efforts to thwart the law rather
than the inability of industry to pay
the rock-bottom wage, Prof. Willim
Haber of the economics department
declared yesterday.-
It is also an indication of the diffi-
culty of administering such a compre-
hensive act to an economy as large;
and varied as the United States. he
"In view of the bitter battle which!
accompanied the legislature's dis-
cussion of the measure," he pointed
out, "observers have said that the
present action on the part of several
industries which have closed up are
intended to sabotage the administra-
tion of the act." y
"In general, wages set by govern-
ment are economically sound if they
are not higher than the productivity
of labor in the particular industry to
which they apply," Professor Haber
explained, "As yet there is no reliable.
evidence as to whether the present
rate of 25 cents an hour is more than
workers 'are worth' in tobacco and
other industries which have closed up
pending clarification of the law."
If the wage imposed were higher
than the productivity of labor, Pro-
fessor Haber admitted, such a wage
would result in either unemployment
or higher prices. But experience with'
minimum wage laws applied to wom-
en and children in 22 states has dis-
counted present objections, he said.
What Did. Coeds
Think Of Elis?
Benjamin Obliges'
An open letter to the Michigan co-1
eds who made the Yale trip:1
At 9 p.m. yesterday, the Yale Daily
News called me long distance and
asked for the sports editor. They
posed two questions:f
(1) What did the Michigan co-edsi
think of the Yale football team? .
(2) What did the Michigan co-eds
think of the Yale football players? I
Not having consulted any of your1
sex. I had to act fast. So I improvised
the following quotes as emanatingc
from you.
"The Michigan co-eds think that1
the Yale team outdid themselves. We
were expecting a breeze, speaking very
candidly, and instead ran into the
most courageous team we had played1
all year. An<; that includes Minnesota.i
"The Michigan co-ed thinks that
the Yale football players are very un-E
usual chaps, but don't quote the
Michigan co-eds. They are rather shy
about that sort of thing."1
I haven't the faintest idea what
the Yale journalists want with this,
but I trust it will prove satisfactory.
Bud Benjamin
The minimum has not tended to be-!
come the maximum, industries have
not tended to go out of business, nor
have production costs increased sub-
stantially as a result.
Challenging the social value of an
industry which cannot afford to pay
a living wage, Professor Haber ques-
tioned whether "an industry which;
boldly admits that it is now paying
'10 cents an hour like the pecan shell-
ing industry should be encouraged to
exist in view of the fact that its em-
ployes must in part be supported by
other industries or by public welfare
"While generalizations are diffi-I
cult for an area with so many ec-
onomic variations," he declared, "the1
wage floor of 25 cents now in law does
not seem to be unreasonable. Failure
of industry to pay at least that merits
public consideration of the place of
these parasitic industries in our econ-
Government enforced minimum
wages, if reasonable, are a revitaliz-
ing factor, Professor Haber believes,
in that industries must become more
resourceful to meet a wage of 25 cents
an hour. Added efficiency, reduction
ClassesHeld Responsible2M
For Damages They Incur g
A warning that responsibility for
damage done topiae or Univer- O tt rs
sity property in the observance of
"Black Friday" tomorrow night will'
rest directly on the freshman andpUeed a T oday
night by University officials.
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs- Journalism Will Submit
ley said: "It is not necessary that
students deface private or University) To A Psychoanalysis By
property in the observance of their' Widely Known Writer
games. The use of paint on campus
walks and buildings will not be tol-
erated." Ruthven To Greet
Another University official said
that the expense of any damage to I Guests At Banquet
property incurred by participants in
the traditional clash will be taken I Opening the 20th annual conven-
directly from the class treasuries' Lion of the University Press Club, Dr.
George W. Crane of Northwestern
AUniversity will speak on "The Psycho-
' . O U*Ssanalysis of Journalism," at 2 p.m. to-
day in the amphitheatre of the Rack
StateCp g ham Building.
.I Dr. Crane is author of "Case Ree-
Prof Do Hoords of a Psychologist" a daily col-
,umn on applied psychology which
reaches an estimated audience of 10
million readers. According to Prof.
Tells Progressive Club It John L. Brumm, secretary, of the
May Hint Lineup In '40; Press Club, it draws the heaviest
reader mail of any newspaper fea-
Sper Elected President ture and is rated by a current Gallup
nn1 ~ ~rio l ta n mci
of waste, and more careful
policies are the logical resul
Britain Read
To Adopt P
With MUss4
Treaty Will Be En
Although Italian
Still Remain In
LONDON, Oct. 26-UP).-T
Cabinet in, a further stel
Europeanappeasement was
tonight to have agreed to.
operation soon the long-dor
glo-Italian pact arranged la
The Cabinet was reported
made this decision despite a
by war-time Prime Minist
Lloyd George, who said tha
as a result of the Munich
heading for "a war without
Reliable sources said the
stood the Cabinet had de(
agreement sealing Prime
Chamberlain's friendship vs
mier Mussolini would come:
between Nov. 15 and Nov. 30
new session of Parliament, c
Nov. 1, has had time to debt
was orginally to have become
on withdrawal of Italian
Lloyd George termed th
peace a "transient peace," ax
plied that re-forged defen
vitally necessary. It was "a bo
he said, "and a bad peace is
at all."
personel The impending gubernatorial elec-
t. f ton is pot merely a contest between
'Governor Murphy and Frank D. Fitz-
gerald, but is one that has important
national ramifications, Prof. Harold
M., Dorr of the political science de-
act partment said in a talk last night at
an open meeting of the Progressive
" * Club.
ofini T The choice of candidates for both
national parties, as well as an indi-
cation of how the State is liable to
LforceI vote in 1940, Professor Dorr said, will
Forces be determined in a large measure by
Spainthe election outcome in 'Michigan.
Spain 'Of local interest, besides the gov-
ernership, are three constitutional
he British 'amendments and a referendum upon
repoward which the voters of the state will be
rportedtoasked to vote, Professor Dorr said. It
nat An- is important voters realize the sig-
m Easter. nificance of studying and voting in-
to ae. telligently for these added portions
of the election ballot he added.
warning Robert Rosa, '39, discussed the
er David students' stake in the forthcoming
it Britain election, declaring that Governor
pact was Murphy's diligence in pushing
;friends." shi
y under- through reforms in hospitalization,
cided the the penal system, unemployment
Minister compensation, governmental organ-
vith Pre- ization and labor relations, as well as
into force his interest in University affairs, war-
after the rant the support of students who are
conveningeligible to vote.
aonein(I Miriam Sper, '40, was elected presi-
effective dent of the club in the election that
forces in preceded the addresses by Professor
Dorr and Rosa. Robert Emerine, '39.
e Munich was elected vice-president, Helen
nd he im- B r e e d, '39, secretary, Adrienne
ises were Rauchwerger, '41, treasurer, and Ruth
ad peace," Horland, '39, membership secretary.
no peace
Yb .s1 T
"Instead of 58 nations, you wouldn't'nritsn Expert
get two to follow us today . . E
"I tell you what we shall find. We I T '
shall have forfeited honor; we shall' i To 1alk e
have lost the respect of the world and,
what is still worse, we shall have lost
our own 'self-respect. Prof. Chibnall Of Low
"And in the end there will be no Here November 4,
peace; there will be war, and war
without friends."
Murphy's Handling Of Strikes
Meets With Student Approval
The auto strikes in Michigan in the
past year and their ultimate settle-
ment have been classed as one of the
most important and significant of all
the nation's problems. In effecting a
peaceful adjustment, Governor Mur-
phy has been criticized by some fac-
tions and acclaimed by others. With
the gubernatorial elections but two
weeks away, Governor Murphy's
handling of the strike situation will
in all likelihood be the main issue. ;
Recognizing its importance to thea
state of Michigan, the Daily question
feature today presents campus opin-
ion on this subject.
THE QUESTION: What is your
opinion of Governor Murphy's hand-
ling of the strike situation?
THE PLACE: Angell Hall steps.
THE ANSWERS: Howard Walls,
Grad.: "The most unimpressive of all
the condemnations
directed a g a inst
Mr. Murphy was
,that he should
have carried out
I the mandatory in-
junction against
the strikers. Mr.
Murphy probably
felt there was a1
Owen Baker, '40: "It seems to me
that Gov. Murphy'
rode quietly along;
on h i s political
band wagon during
most of the arbi-
tration, le a v in g
most of the real
thought in the'
hands of Mr. Mar-
tin and Mr. Knud-
sen, who w e r e
quite capable of handling the situa-
tion. A rather smooth way of evading
any adverse criticism that may arise
later in his political campaigning."
Robert Kleiner, '41L: "Fine - no
bloodshed! Any I .,
man that can get-
two opposing fac-
tions together in
such a short space
of time deserves
credit for a mighty
fine job of arbi-
trating. Upon all
occasions, many of
which were vitally
important, Gov. Murphy has clearly
shown himself to be an honest, tol-
erant, and democracy-loving leader."j
Robert Emerine, '39: "Gov. Mur-
phy's handling of
the strikes is only
, a the mot rhamatiei
Prof. Albert C. Chibnail of the Uni-
versity of London, who will lecture
here Nov. 4 and 5 under the auspices;
of the biochemistry department, will
come to the University from Har-
vard, where he finished delivering the
annual Silliman Memorial Lectures
Professor Chibnall, one of England's
leading authorities on plant chem-
istry, also will visit the Universities of
Wisconsin and Illinois before return-
ing to England the middle of Novem-
ber. He has done much work, accord-
ing to Prof. Howard B. Lewis, head of
the department of biochemistry, in
the protein metabolism of plants. Hd
is especially interested,. Professor
Lewis said, in the action of plant
He will lecture at 4:15 p.m. Nov. 4 in
the Graduate School Auditorium on
"The Preparation and Chemistry of
the Protein of Leaves." At 8:15 p.m.
the same day he will speak in Room
303 of the Chemistry Building on
"The Application of X-rays to the
Study of the Long Chain Components,
of Waxes." His final lecture here will
be given at 11 a.m. Nov. 5 in Room
303 of the Chemistry Building when
he will discuss "Criticism of Methods
of Amino Acid Analysis in Proteins."
Shepard To Reply
To Dies' Witness
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department; one of the faculty
members accused of being a Commun-
ist in the recent Detroit hearing of
the Dies Committee, will sneak on
Roads Amendment Better Left
And Chrysler Agree